Forums > General Industry > Photographers Vs. Photographers??



Posts: 1

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

When since is everyone so against everyone. Models like to talk shit on models, while photographers do the same thing. When since does everyone find it nessacary to be so mean in a none constructive way.

I think, people need to stop being so dumb about things and except your not going to like everyone in personal ways, but don't let it get in the way of how you feel about their work.

It's called Constructive critisism. Stop acting like kids, with the behind the back talking. If you have some stuff to say. Be more up front about it.

Nov 27 05 08:21 pm Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

Bryt wrote:
When since is everyone so against everyone. Models like to talk shit on models, while photographers do the same thing. When since does everyone find it nessacary to be so mean in a none constructive way.

I think, people need to stop being so dumb about things and except your not going to like everyone in personal ways, but don't let it get in the way of how you feel about their work.

It's called Constructive critisism. Stop acting like kids, with the behind the back talking. If you have some stuff to say. Be more up front about it.

Thank you Bryt. I host a networking event once a month in an effort to bring photographers, models, MAU, Stylist together to meet and talk about the industry. The only requirement is to leave their ego at the door.

Nov 27 05 08:27 pm Link



Posts: 1476

Lake Oswego, Oregon, US

Craig Thomson wrote:

Thank you Bryt. I host a networking event once a month in an effort to bring photographers, models, MAU, Stylist together to meet and talk about the industry. The only requirement is to leave their ego at the door.

at the door??? 

Sheesh Craig, that leaves me out...  LOL

so when's the next one?

Nov 27 05 08:29 pm Link



Posts: 14670

Fort Smith, Arkansas, US

I think she ment  since when insted of "when since".

It is true that people in general do get a tad catty... even more so when there is a feeling of competition that is involved. When a person has a low self esteem, the easiest way to make themselves feel just the slightest better is to be little another person.This is a personal character flaw of people in general and is not specifically an illness of models and photographers.

One way to remedy it is to refuse to work with a model or photographer who downs someone else unjustifiedily, at some point those people who do that will get the point that their harshness towards another isn't winning them any friends or any work.

Nov 28 05 09:07 am Link



Posts: 61

Cathedral City, California, US

Part of the problem, is that it is just so hard to stand out from the crowd these days.  People feel a need to step-on others to be seen.  Sadly, this only makes them look stupid and weakens their cause. 

When you look at the classical painting schools in France, it was the same thing.  Each group had to stand out by pointing out how the previous or competing groups had no idea of what they were doing. 

Basically, it all boils down to applying objective comparisons to subjective realities.

Nov 28 05 09:18 am Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Craig Thomson wrote:
Thank you Bryt. I host a networking event once a month in an effort to bring photographers, models, MAU, Stylist together to meet and talk about the industry. The only requirement is to leave their ego at the door.

But I'm better than everyone.


Nov 28 05 10:59 am Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

So are we here for a purpose?

Nov 28 05 12:09 pm Link


Henry Tjernlund

Posts: 587

Koppel, Pennsylvania, US

artphotodude wrote:
Part of the problem, is that it is just so hard to stand out from the crowd these days.  People feel a need to step-on others to be seen.  Sadly, this only makes them look stupid and weakens their cause. 


Actually I think it (stepping on other people) DOES work, or people would not do it. I have seen it happen in workplaces and experienced it (being stepped on myself.) I agree it is a bad thing. But it happens so much because it does work. Dismissing it wont make it go away. Not sure what the solution is, if any. Just is one of those "life is unfair" things.

No disrespect to artphotodude.

I have come to conclude that I need to use the fact that I enjoy it to keep me going. I will likely never make a living at it. My photography is okay, but not good enough to stand out in the crowd.

Just keep going. You might get good enough or lucky and cross the right person's path at the right time.


Nov 28 05 01:16 pm Link



Posts: 2211

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Just relax Bryt, take a deep breath. Everything will be OK.

Nov 28 05 01:19 pm Link


Jeffrey Ross

Posts: 169

Naperville, Illinois, US

Hey- there's gonna be some insecure jerks out there that talk trash.  I think karma and common sense usually catches up with those people.

But I usually find that the photographic community is a pretty good bunch.  I know a number of other photographers in the Chicagoland area, and we talk all the time about pricing and other issues.  I've lent equipment to people, and they've done the same for me.  There is even a local studio that sends me work when someone wants a portrait outdoors because they only do in-studio work.

Last year I was out of action for 3 months because of back surgery.   I tried to schedule it during a slow time, but I still had some jobs come up.  I sent those on to some of the other people I know that do good work, and that just builds trust & good business relationships. 

Surround yourself with successful people and you will be successful.  Even if its people in the same field as you.  Learn from them, and do some networking.  Trust me, it makes you better both professionally and personally.  If you're gonna talk shit about other people, it eventually makes you look like a petty, insecure fool.  Yes, there are some photographers I've seen that make me ask, "Why did this person EVER pick up a camera?"  But I keep that to myself.  I don't associate with them, but I also don't try to bring other people's attention to their lack of ability.  I think it'll become plainly obvious to everyone after awhile.

Nov 29 05 02:37 am Link


Far West Imaging

Posts: 436

Laguna Hills, California, US

artphotodude wrote:
Part of the problem, is that it is just so hard to stand out from the crowd these days.  People feel a need to step-on others to be seen.  Sadly, this only makes them look stupid and weakens their cause.

I don't need to say bad things about others to look stupid.

Nov 29 05 02:48 am Link



Posts: 344

Philadelphia, Mississippi, US

Bryt wrote:
When since is everyone so against everyone. Models like to talk shit on models, while photographers do the same thing. When since does everyone find it nessacary to be so mean in a none constructive way.

I think, people need to stop being so dumb about things and except your not going to like everyone in personal ways, but don't let it get in the way of how you feel about their work.

It's called Constructive critisism. Stop acting like kids, with the behind the back talking. If you have some stuff to say. Be more up front about it.

The world would be a worse place if everyone was honest. On this site you are talking to immature people, professional people, legally dumb people, wanna be people, rapist, murderers, child molestors i could go on. So all i suggest is to ignore those who are being immature or rude. IGNORE IT! (i just started doing this on here and it works!) if someone post something negative, respond to the person after that post. literally show them you are ignoring them! unless it is constructive.

Nov 29 05 10:04 am Link



Posts: 321

Las Colinas, Panamá, Panama

When I went to school the teachers ripped us apart on the photography..  why did you do this this is out of place this basically sucks   type of critique

Nov 29 05 10:09 am Link


Cory Morhart Photo

Posts: 2340

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

artphotodude wrote:
Basically, it all boils down to applying objective comparisons to subjective realities.

Now that should be the line of the day!

Nov 29 05 10:24 am Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

I don't think I have ever talked about a specific photographer's work. I have however railed against certain types of photographers, not limited to the "$50 Headshot" scam artists, the "$499 wedding people," and the others who manage to scam a living as photographers who have no buisness telling people they know how to operate a camera nay create usuable, sellable(saleable?), images

Nov 29 05 10:46 am Link



Posts: 1

BRONX, New York, US

Star wrote:
I don't think I have ever talked about a specific photographer's work. I have however railed against certain types of photographers, not limited to the "$50 Headshot" scam artists, the "$499 wedding people," and the others who manage to scam a living as photographers who have no buisness telling people they know how to operate a camera nay create usuable, sellable(saleable?), images

Thus far....I've had wonderful experiences with all the photographer I've worked with (except one) and for what its worth, I regret working with him now.  He's turned out to be a thorn on my bad side, that just wont go away ( I once thought his work was nice, but once learning the type of individual he was) he's entire way of being became ugly to me.  When doing any kind of work in this field, I keep the open mind that models as well as photographers can be both beautiful and ugly people.

Nov 29 05 11:25 am Link


Bill Gunter

Posts: 547

Daytona Beach, Florida, US

A quote from her portfolio page
"By, the way I am 15 not 18."

Nov 29 05 12:10 pm Link



Posts: 2033

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

People talk shit.. so what!  I hear you can buy a flight to the moon, and there is also a company selling land up there. Move there and you can rest easily because you will not be able to hear or see any shit talking going on.

Nov 30 05 01:21 pm Link


The Don Mon

Posts: 3315

Ocala, Florida, US

People talk shit.. so what!  I hear you can buy a flight to the moon, and there is also a company selling land up there. Move there and you can rest easily because you will not be able to hear or see any shit talking going on.

or even hear anyone fart for that

Nov 30 05 01:27 pm Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

I don't encounter a lot of trash talk when I shoot, but I do encounter very strong opinions.  Photographers are competitive and creative people.  They're also some of the most extraordinarily opinionated people I've ever met.  I don't mean that in a bad way - I don't think you can be a motivated photographer, or artist in general, without strong opinions about what you do and don't like, what you do and don't want to do.

Nov 30 05 01:34 pm Link


Nicholson Photography

Posts: 586

Columbus, Georgia, US

peopel do talk sh*t. but in the end word of mouth is the strongest form of ad. if your not careful of what you say it will come back and bite you in the ass.

Nov 30 05 04:24 pm Link



Posts: 276

Tampa, Florida, US

whats funny and not so funny about this thread TONIGHT @ 5pm on the local News there is going to be an investagtive report on a photographer here in town. who messed over quite a few models.  Well beneath the surface they are investigating More photographers as well and how they opperate as well.   I got a call from the TV station asking all about Scams and what I knew about the Monkey business going on.  And I was very suprised at some of the things I was told.

In my case I could care less what who does why with who.   Unless your trashing ME.  Then well thats another matter.  Like I tell models if you lok at a portfolio and see no links to models hmmmmm might want to question if you need to be shooting with a HIDER who ever it may be.  Every one has an ego.  that problem is most people don't let the work speak for themself. And say to much crap about other people models or Peeps.   No one is perfect.   If your looking for Cartoon Photo Shop pics that you can't USE to get a REAL paying job. Go for it find a gwc who does PS surgery.  If your looking for REAL photos you can use to present to and REAL BONDED agency. then you need to find who can perform for you.   Everyone has their own style..   have fun with what YOU want who cares about the rest of the crap.

Nov 30 05 05:16 pm Link