Forums > General Industry > avril lavigne signed with ford models.......


pamela mars

Posts: 1719

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

i guess being in the public eye REALLY does help you out!
what is everyone's thoughts on this?

Nov 27 05 05:34 pm Link


Dean Johnson

Posts: 263

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

I hadn't heard....thanks for the info. I'm still wondering why Ford would sign her.
I guess celebrity means more then height.
I could be wrong but i thought she was just a tad over 5'??

Nov 27 05 05:37 pm Link


pamela mars

Posts: 1719

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

EyeOnYouModels wrote:
I hadn't heard....thanks for the info. I'm still wondering why Ford would sign her.
I guess celebrity means more then height.
I could be wrong but i thought she was just a tad over 5'??

she's tiny.
i am confused with why they'd sign her too.
she is pretty-but i don't see her as a model.

Nov 27 05 05:39 pm Link


Dean Johnson

Posts: 263

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

I agree.  I don't understand. What is your source for this info?

There are millions of girls that are just as cute as her..they just don't have the advantage of already being famous. I don't get it....

Nov 27 05 06:06 pm Link


MS Photo Chicago

Posts: 387

Chicago, Illinois, US

Good for her. If they signed her it's probably because celebrities are the new models. Look at the cover of almost any fashion magazine in the US and their is a good chance it is a celeb and not a model.


Nov 27 05 06:25 pm Link



Posts: 12221

Los Angeles, California, US

On Ford, she's listed under "special arrangement-Women", along with various other celebrity super-models, older models, etc...


Nov 27 05 06:35 pm Link


Dean Johnson

Posts: 263

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

John Allan wrote:
On Ford, she's listed under "special arrangement-Women", along with various other celebrity super-models, older models, etc...


That makes sense...thanks for the onfo......

Nov 27 05 07:10 pm Link



Posts: 455

Concord, California, US

right on for the petites.....Thatis

Nov 27 05 07:12 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

She's not there for her potential as a model; she's there as a celebrity. - click New York, then Special Arrangement - Women

Nov 27 05 07:26 pm Link


La Seine by the Hudson

Posts: 8587

New York, New York, US

Um, if you're a celebrity, female, and not ugly, you're wanted for editorials and advertising. All the usual height restrictions no longer apply.

(Honestly I don't like it one bit, I think most celebs make horrible models, especially the way they're often photographed like mannequins when they're so obviously not mannequins, but that's what so much of our esteemed public seems to pick off the newstand...)

Nov 27 05 07:38 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

I image some shorter models will take it out of context and develop a false sense of hope in getting signed with major agencies which stick (generally) to their height requirements.

Nov 27 05 07:47 pm Link



Posts: 3907

Madison, Mississippi, US

What does it matter? She already has celebrity status and probaby did this as a way of getting endorsement deals and a way to keep in the public eye. In case you hadn't noticed, you don't hear much about her or from her lately. At least I haven't.

Nov 27 05 07:48 pm Link


Dean Johnson

Posts: 263

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

DawnElizabeth Moderator wrote:
What does it matter? She already has celebrity status and probaby did this as a way of getting endorsement deals and a way to keep in the public eye. In case you hadn't noticed, you don't hear much about her or from her lately. At least I haven't.

This is a good point Dawn, and one that I didn't fully consider. And I didn't know that Ford was known for doing that with "fading" celebs.
Whatever agency that Anna K. (tennis player....I don't know how to spell her last name) was with took advantage of her while she was hot and in the limelight. Avril, as you point out, has been dropping from sight.

Nov 27 05 08:01 pm Link


Dreams To Keep

Posts: 585

Novi, Michigan, US

There are a goodly number of ads in Vogue in the last issue where celebs are the model - often without mention of the name, its up to you to recognize the face. 

And that is likely a big part of the reason to use them- average turn of a page is less than a second and you won't likely turn back to that page, especially in a doctor's office or such setting.  Magazines do still get handed around, not as much as the golden "six pairs of additional eyes to every one subscription", but it happens.  At anywhere from $10K to $60K or more to run the full page, you want the viewer to pause, linger, look harder....

So, instead of flashing past the ad, you hestitate..... "hey, she looks familar.." and mission accomplished.  As an example, Tia Leone is only one of  many "model/ actresses" in ads in the latest edition of Vogue.

Nov 27 05 08:30 pm Link


pamela mars

Posts: 1719

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Dreams To Keep wrote:
There are a goodly number of ads in Vogue in the last issue where celebs are the model - often without mention of the name, its up to you to recognize the face. 

And that is likely a big part of the reason to use them- average turn of a page is less than a second and you won't likely turn back to that page, especially in a doctor's office or such setting.  Magazines do still get handed around, not as much as the golden "six pairs of additional eyes to every one subscription", but it happens.  At anywhere from $10K to $60K or more to run the full page, you want the viewer to pause, linger, look harder....

So, instead of flashing past the ad, you hestitate..... "hey, she looks familar.." and mission accomplished.  As an example, Tia Leone is only one of  many "model/ actresses" in ads in the latest edition of Vogue.

the models always get my attention.
a lot of actors and singers have boring pictures that don't interest me.

Nov 27 05 08:33 pm Link


Brandy Engle

Posts: 257

Raleigh, North Carolina, US

Yeah. I looked at Ford's site and got discouraged because all the models are 5'9. I think I found one that was 5'7 MAYBE. But it's just makes me not even want to bother if I'm going to be the short fry. hah I'm 5'5 and I've never been over a size 3/SM ever in my life, yet I probably won't be accepted because I'm not atleast 5'9.

Nov 28 05 03:16 am Link


Enrico Carranza

Posts: 8

San Diego, California, US

I don't know about you guys but there's just something about her that is SO HOT, maybe they can use her for print, I guess.  Even DiCaprio got that gig with Polo

Nov 28 05 12:49 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Tracey Masterson

Posts: 553

Shelton, Connecticut, US

A C T U A L L Y...
She had one of the hottest editorials I have seen in a while in Vogue within the last year.
And she is all I hear all over the mainstream xm radio stations.
And she is not too shabby in the looks dept.

Nov 28 05 01:00 pm Link



Posts: 3907

Madison, Mississippi, US

Never said she wasn't pretty. I think she's a hot little chick.

Just pointing out there are other reasons that agencies pick up talent and other reasons why celebs decide to explore other routes of publicity.

Nov 28 05 01:05 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Tracey Masterson

Posts: 553

Shelton, Connecticut, US

Most celebs are AWs (attention whores) and need to feel the love 24/7.
To be on the cover of a magazine is not a job that brings home the bacon.  It pays extremely little.  About 200-300 dollars, if that.  Celebs have no problem doing covers because it is free publicity for them.  And they might score some cool clothes.
Often when a movie is coming out starring so-and-so, so-and-so is usually seen on alot of covers.
Why Paris is on so many, so often is one of the great mysteries.
Dawn, I didnt' think you were hating on Avril.

Nov 28 05 01:21 pm Link


Ashes Nicole

Posts: 3

Santa Monica, California, US

I wanted to be a Ford model, but you either have to be 5'8 or 5'9 (can't remember), and I'm 1/4 of an inch under Dean Johnson.  Damn it!

Nov 28 05 01:23 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

I think she's pretty...with potential anyhow...she needs to get ride of that horrible black eye-liner that makes her look so depressing.

Nov 28 05 05:03 pm Link



Posts: 225

I just saw on tv a couple of minutes ago that Avril had a hissy fit on a Cosmo photo shoot set.

Sad to see celebs taking the place of models on fashion magazines and make-up campaigns.

Nov 28 05 09:09 pm Link


pamela mars

Posts: 1719

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Ashes Geren wrote:
I wanted to be a Ford model, but you either have to be 5'8 or 5'9 (can't remember), and I'm 1/4 of an inch under Kate Moss.  Damn it!

kate moss is actually only 5'5

Nov 28 05 09:13 pm Link


William Herbert

Posts: 408

Bryan, Ohio, US

pamela mars wrote:
i guess being in the public eye REALLY does help you out!
what is everyone's thoughts on this?

I think she has an interesting beautiful face. I like her music too.... truly talented and beautiful.

Nov 28 05 09:16 pm Link


Audra Isadora

Posts: 362

New York, New York, US

i cant stand her music and i think her looks are little above ordinary...but hey, shes done something right: she has a record label and is signed with ford. props to her

Nov 28 05 09:18 pm Link



Posts: 314

Austin, Texas, US

i can't stand her music either...but she's freakin' hot! i'd love the op to shoot her...

and there's nothing wrong with celebrity models-if they can sell a product, should it matter if they were an accomplished(or not so accomplished, in anna k's case...but she's hot, too) or high profile athlete, actor, or musician beforehand?

Nov 29 05 11:40 am Link



Posts: 844

Murrieta, California, US

what is the industry coming to........ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! sad

Nov 29 05 04:10 pm Link



Posts: 5

Greensboro, North Carolina, US

I thought Avril was all against that beauty-model-fashion-machine she sings about in all of her songs...guess not!

Nov 29 05 05:54 pm Link



Posts: 2525

Calabasas, California, US

Ford doesn't always provide the most beautiful men and women in the world.  They deliver image and impact to clients wishing to make statements.  That is the role of an agency. 

What Avril does is bring an element of immediate recognition to a national brand that Ford can now deliver to a client populace.  Those same clients are the ones that will probably bring countless bookings to the other divisions simply through that association.

Pretty smart business move, I'd say.

Nov 29 05 06:47 pm Link


Model Sarah

Posts: 40994

Columbus, Ohio, US

If I saw her on the street I wouldnt look twice...

Nov 29 05 06:54 pm Link



Posts: 2525

Calabasas, California, US

Model Sarah wrote:
If I saw her on the street I wouldnt look twice...

But you remembered it.

Nov 29 05 07:11 pm Link


utako omori

Posts: 268

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Dreams To Keep wrote:
Magazines do still get handed around, not as much as the golden "six pairs of additional eyes to every one subscription", but it happens.  At anywhere from $10K to $60K or more to run the full page, you want the viewer to pause, linger, look harder....

small nitpick, printed media still have anywhere from 6 to 16 eyeballs to ever single issue. so magazine still get handed about (from other house hold members, to friends, to doctor's offices).  Notice how magazines stress the number of readers and not the number of issues sold. Readership is determined by independent auditing of the random public over the course of a year.

Nov 29 05 07:20 pm Link


Jack Curtis

Posts: 224

Westlake, Louisiana, US

I think that more ironic than a scrawny dinky little girl being signed with Ford just because she's popular with anti-culture would be HER all too public observations on "fakeness" in people and how she hates "phonies" and all that nonsense she spews to slam other people, and now here she is signing with a modeling agency, to "exploit" her own looks. I smell a hipocrite. Of course, I've pretty much figured she was from the outset. Ultimately, Ford might be the ones to regret this down the road. She's got that perpetual chip on her shoulder.

Nov 29 05 07:27 pm Link



Posts: 145

JadeK wrote:
I thought Avril was all against that beauty-model-fashion-machine she sings about in all of her songs...guess not!

LOL ....

Nov 29 05 07:31 pm Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

All major agencies (that I can think of off the top of my head) have at least a 'Celebrity' division where they get celebrities endorsements, editorials, covers, etc.

Nov 30 05 01:30 am Link


Kerosene Deluxe

Posts: 3482

Langley, British Columbia, Canada

im my opinion she got signed because she has a personality, a pretty but special face and is natural, not another 6ft tall plastic model..

Good for her, I say...

Nov 30 05 08:21 am Link


Starstruck Foto

Posts: 73

Chicago, Illinois, US

Most of your larger agencies,Ford,Elite,IMG all have celebrity divisions.They also try to recruit major athletes as well. I was once out with Kirsten Dunst and her mom following a publicity shoot and a Chicago booking agent for Ford kept hovering around our table bothering us,insisting that Kirsten take her business card.Finally Kirsten,stopped in mid conversation looked at the card and replied,WTF Im already with you guys and have been for like 10 years.The clueless embarrassed Ford Rep.quickly slinked away.LOL!

Dec 01 05 09:19 pm Link


Starstruck Foto

Posts: 73

Chicago, Illinois, US

Ford also reps Reese Witherspoon also tiny,and fellow rock star Cortney Love.Avril who is gorgous in my opinion (See her layout in Maxim) should do very well for them.Its all about the money.

Dec 01 05 10:00 pm Link



Posts: 49

Los Angeles, California, US

Someone may have mentioned this already, but it's just like all of these random celebs with clothing lines.

Who said 50 cent was a fashion icon?

Dec 04 05 02:06 pm Link