Forums > General Industry > Booking system


MS Photo Chicago

Posts: 387

Chicago, Illinois, US

There is a lot of talk about a ratings system or something that to weed out flakes but it always seems like a reactive idea like, "we set up the shoot and model never showed" or "the photographer didn't get me my pictures." I think we need a booking system (kinda like hotel reservations). Here is my thought from another post...

I like this idea but we would need away to system track for accuracy. What if we when you booked a model could post what day you were working with that person and they would confirm and it would appear on your pages. Unless each person confirmed the shoot it would never appear. Afterwards you write a comment about the shoot for all to read. I guess if there were some kind of online booking system where part were private (like terms of the deal) and part public it might be away to indentify people.

The challenege would be to make it so that this system didn't get abused. For example, I booked a model. We spoke the morning of the shoot to confirm and she never showed. Since most people don't book with the intention of canceling, if we had both confirmed the shoot online, she couldn't deny that it was booked or hide from the no show. This works both ways.

Any thoughts?


Nov 26 05 12:52 am Link

Makeup Artist

MP Make-up Artistry

Posts: 5105

Prince George, British Columbia, Canada

I think that we need to take care of our selfs if a models doent show you hound that model and get a reason or them to the shoot, ASAP and if you dont get your photo's from the photographer that's your own damm fault. I think the only thing that will acctually work to get ppl to show up is to be honest and communicate, If you think there is even the slightest chance you might be late or miss the shoot you better be on your cell phone, a pay phone,  e-mail ,text message, send a homeing pigeon or fax the ppl you are working with. Nothing is more frusterating than working with individualls who cant communicate. if you cant be on time your in the wrong buisness.

Nov 26 05 01:00 am Link


Thom Bourgois

Posts: 105

Tucson, Arizona, US

This kind of “score boardâ€? concept has been proposed multiple times elsewheres, years ago.  Just about every professional photographer and model rejected it.  The flakes, and there are many of them, are not professionals.  They come to these sites for a variety of reasons other than serious work.  Sometimes stuff happens, but serious newbies don’t present serious problems. 

Most professionals know that coming to these Internet model/photographer sites we can, and probably will, encounter flakes.  Sometimes the best sounding profiles will fail to accurately represent the person; it’s a chance we take.  Otherwise, if we don’t want to encounter flakes, we shouldn’t contact people on these sites.  We all do have a responsibility to ourselves to make our businesses flow smoothly. 

Whenever I contact an Internet model I’m pleasantly please that s/he responds and actually shows for the photo session.  I don’t think a rating system would change the number of positive responses.  On the contrary, IMHO, institutionalizing such a system could easily cause libel situations.  Anyone around for long at all has seen such situations arise on forums.  The owners of other sites firmly rejected the proposals for liability reasons.

Models have to understand they are in a business situation.  As such they have responsibilities to themselves to make sure agreements are full filled.  Verbal agreements are seldom worth the air that voiced them.  Too often I’ve heard models state they haven’t signed a model release.  A proper model release is an enforceable legal document stating the benefits and liabilities of all signatories. (Sometimes those benefits and liabilities are stated in a separate document referenced in the model release.)  I have known models to get their due, documents in hand, simply by threatening court action.

Nov 26 05 03:54 am Link



Posts: 7316

San Antonio, Florida, US

forve me, as i have NEVER had an show...but the system (s) which have been suggested are nothing more than a scarlett letter or star of David the Jews were forced to wear.

Nov 26 05 06:32 am Link


Doug Lester

Posts: 10591

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Sorry, but that means I have to do to that board twice for each shoot I do, both before and after a shoot to 'report', and that just ain't gonna happen. Second, there is a great deal of civil liability involved in that sort of forum. With the net being what it is,  it's that abuse thing you mentioned. Frankly, I would want no part of it and would not participate.

Nov 26 05 09:51 am Link



Posts: 7316

San Antonio, Florida, US

color me confused, but a gal no shows, you call her agency...end of story

Nov 26 05 09:57 am Link


MS Photo Chicago

Posts: 387

Chicago, Illinois, US

BCG wrote:
color me confused, but a gal no shows, you call her agency...end of story

this assumes you got the girl from an agency.


Nov 26 05 01:20 pm Link


MS Photo Chicago

Posts: 387

Chicago, Illinois, US

If everyone is happier whining on the forums than keep doing it.

Nov 26 05 01:21 pm Link