Forums > General Industry > Do you ever wonder how many of us are perfect?


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Posts: 4576

Posted by marksora: 

Posted by Reese: 
"Do you ever wonder how many of us are perfect?"

What is this "us?"

Yes,  Queen Reese,  Queen Theda, and I, court jester 2nd level could care less about you none perfectos.  Now get back to work...

As the King of Sarcasm on MM, ruling alongside the lovely Queen theda, I do not recall ever giving marksora the authority to be the Court Jester.

However, since he has dubbed Reese a "Queen" - hence giving me the beginnings of a harem - I do hereby bless his ranking as the Court Jester 2nd level. Make it so.

I would like to add, that I am perfect.

For those who think that no one is perfect, I should remind you that I am also never wrong. I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.

And I have never made a mistake in my life ... Although on occassion I have been known to have "unexpected learning experiences" ... but those are not mistakes.

May 23 05 10:09 am Link


Posts: 5264

New York, New York, US

Reese news from the front lines,  the People who think they are Perfect are invading for that want to outlaw fun.

King Guilianni is coming for the Queen Theda and will make her dress in Mauve and fusha and yellow.

I see the banners now. 

Stop it,  Stop it right now,  FUN IS NOT ALLOWED,  ..

run they are doing a maturity test on us.....

run.....or least get rid of your spy bots...(I have a mac so who cares)

May 23 05 10:12 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Posted by Eric Muss-Barnes: 
As the King of Sarcasm on MM, ruling alongside the lovely Queen theda, I do not recall ever giving marksora the authority to be the Court Jester.

I already approved marksora's status as court jester. If you weren't 80 posts behin me, you'd know that.

I have also outlawed the use of Maturity Tests, as I would fail and have to ban myself from the kingdom.

May 23 05 10:20 am Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Posted by Reese: 
"Do you ever wonder how many of us are perfect?"

What is this "us?"

us, as in we human beings. obviously was theoretical because I don't believe anyone is perfect.

May 23 05 10:24 am Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Posted by theda: 

Posted by Eric Muss-Barnes: 
As the King of Sarcasm on MM, ruling alongside the lovely Queen theda, I do not recall ever giving marksora the authority to be the Court Jester.

I already approved marksora's status as court jester. If you weren't 80 posts behin me, you'd know that.


Forgive me, my Queen. I will pay better attention in the future.

Posted by Angel Tara: 
us, as in we human beings. obviously was theoretical because I don't believe anyone is perfect. 

Excuse me?


Me. Perfect. This was already established ...

May 23 05 10:28 am Link



Posts: 2959

Chicago, Illinois, US

Late to the party, I know, but this is what I tell every model I shoot with:

"I will have to retouch your pictures at least a little. With a high-res camera from three feet away, *nobody* has good skin. Nobody."

That's a little strong - I've shot models with "good" skin. But it wasn't perfect. In fact, I've got to the point where I pretty much know where a model is likely to have blemishes (under the fold of the lower lip, bridge of nose/center of forehead, just under corners of nose are the usual suspects) that the camera can see even if the eye doesn't, and I just routinely check them when I'm touching up the pic. Sometimes they're so subtle that it depends on which way the light was hitting them as to whether you can see them or not, but they're *always* there someplace, in some of the pictures. At least, in my experience, which although quite limited (about 20 model shoots) has included some *very* beautiful models.


May 23 05 10:29 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US


:::Reese looks over title:::

No... I much prefer Czar..  I'm taking Czar.  Not Czarina... Czar.

May 23 05 10:31 am Link


Posts: 5264

New York, New York, US

Sorry Eric.  I showed my imperfection by assuming that everyone knew that you were included.  I serve humbly.

That reminds me that I am rumbly in my tumbly.

---I will say it here.  Marksora, I,  me, ah me, sad hours bore the poop out of me.  So I like to make my points with humor and not by yelling and argueing.  I am sorry if you cannot get it but I use sorry in the Japanese way like summimasen.  This means that I do not really mean sorry more like excusssee me.

But I reserve the right to argue and raise my voice when needed.

Thankyou and I am off to do work for I do not have Theda's job.

Smile and people will think you are up to something.

May 23 05 10:32 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

Emperor is a nice second choice...  But Czar is my first pick..

May 23 05 10:34 am Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Posted by Reese: 

:::Reese looks over title:::

No... I much prefer Czar..  I'm taking Czar.  Not Czarina... Czar.

Fine. But you're still in my harem, damnit.

May 23 05 10:34 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Posted by Reese: 
No... I much prefer Czar..  I'm taking Czar.  Not Czarina... Czar.

Well, can I be Czarina then?

I am a consummate multi-tasker.

May 23 05 10:36 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

Eric, Okay - but "I ain't no holla back girl..."

May 23 05 10:36 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

Posted by theda: 

Posted by Reese: 
No... I much prefer Czar..  I'm taking Czar.  Not Czarina... Czar.

Well, can I be Czarina then?

I am a consummate multi-tasker.

Okay,Theda, but if you get two titles, I want two... I'm taking Czar and Emperor...

May 23 05 10:37 am Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Posted by Eric Muss-Barnes: 

Posted by theda: 

Posted by Eric Muss-Barnes: 
As the King of Sarcasm on MM, ruling alongside the lovely Queen theda, I do not recall ever giving marksora the authority to be the Court Jester.

I already approved marksora's status as court jester. If you weren't 80 posts behin me, you'd know that.


Forgive me, my Queen. I will pay better attention in the future.

Posted by Angel Tara: 
us, as in we human beings. obviously was theoretical because I don't believe anyone is perfect. 

Excuse me?


Me. Perfect. This was already established ...

Oops, sorry! Should have know that in the world of ModelMayhem forums, anything goes!


May 23 05 10:44 am Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

ugh nope..i dont wonder..i know whos perfect and not..

May 23 05 10:45 am Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

Posted by Angel Tara: 
Photographers, how often do you deal with someone who is drastically different from her pictures?

About 10%.  I also noticed that when I shoot models, 90% of the time, they end look different in thier pictures anyways.

May 23 05 01:04 pm Link



Posts: 121

Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain

someone wrote under one of my pics... flawless... oh if they only knew.
Ok, my confession. smile (giggles)
I got like three little scars from chicken pox, some uneven skin tone, I got a little mole (thats seems huge to me) right above my lip thats re-touched most of the time, I got some fat on my hips my agency wants off but the fat says na-A its not even one inch - gimme a break!, lets see - well I cant but Im sure I got a pimple on my back, and yes I got occasional break outs... oh yes, my nails arent always really manicured and sometimes I forget to clip my toe nails on regular bases and...... Im tired of waxing but unwilling to shave.

May 24 05 07:00 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45351

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Posted by sibyl: 
I been told I list too many flaws on my OMP  page...I'm sorta accident prone AND tomboyish so I have the battle scars to prove it. I have stress breakouts on my face alot..I'm making my dermatoglist rich! I just had a photogarpher make my ass like three times it's size..and i have a good ass to begin with...but he needed "a ghetto booty" as he called it..guess I was too waif like for his taste..oh well..

what I wnat to know is how you girls show up to the shoot..are you all
dressed up and set? I shwo up in tee shirt and jeans and baseball cap sippin' coffee..looking plain jane-ish and about 10 years younger...that's when i get asked for ID...

Hi Sibyl, welcome to the forum. You? Flaws? Well, the scars and stress just show you are human.  IMHO, You are flawless! When it comes to faces, two parts of the face that photographers focus on the most are the eyes and the mouth. Your lips are just the right size ... almost Angelina Jolie size, but not quite. You have nice big eyes too! I also love that you are multi ethnic which gives you such variety of looks. Nothing against blondes, but I think brunettes like you are much more interesting!

It's not too hard to make a body part look larger ... just stick it out closer to the camera lens and it will look much bigger! LOL  That's why some models stick their "butts in the air like they just don't care!"  ... umm isn't that a song?

You are showing up the right way! The models I work with show up clean scrubbed and ready for make up either at the studio or the make up counter. (Yea, some of the MUA and photographers give me a bad time about using "retail counter" MUA but I save money in working with the same artist. The model and I am happy with the make up. That is all that counts.

May 24 05 07:36 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45351

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Posted by Matthew Grogan: 
Cosmetic imperfection is like the eye of the beholder. What someone finds interesting another may find repulsive.

No one is perfect to all (despite what they may think!), because we all have different ideals as far as perfection.

Agreed!  And as artists, we are almost always tougher on ourselves than anyone else!

May 24 05 07:37 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45351

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Posted by Angel Tara: 
I've heard photographers say to a friend of mine "your much bigger than you looked in your pictures." and then proceed to pull out the measuring tape...

"yup, your hips are 37, not 35"

What a creep! Hmmm ... if it was a guy then maybe she should have asked if she could measure his manhood?  LOL
Most of us guys would like to think we are 2" longer than we are! 

May 24 05 07:39 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45351

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Posted by Lisa Fortier: 
Perfection is an overrated misconception.
I strongly dislike it when my images are photoshopped to death, it makes me somebody that I am not.  Flawless is something I am not and would never profess to be. Although it would certainly be nice.  HaHa   

"Photoshopped to death!"  I'm not even good at photo Shop, so I would rather not use it unless it's to save the picture. So I agree with you ... too much Photo Shop = too fake!

May 24 05 07:44 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45351

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Posted by AshleyDanielle: 

pssst.. this part perked my interest!!! just out of curiosity.. who makes bootys bigger?? haha
I'd love to have a big butt just once to see what i'd look like lmao j/k (well not really I even asked a phototag once, how to pose better so i get a bigger butt lmao)

lol the photographer is on this site now that I asked that tongue

this gave me a great laugh ty big_smile

Simple; Stick your butt closer to the camera. That'll do it!

May 24 05 07:45 pm Link


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US

Posted by Patrick Walberg: 
"Photoshopped to death!"  I'm not even good at photo Shop, so I would rather not use it unless it's to save the picture. So I agree with you ... too much Photo Shop = too fake! 

ok so what is this? too much-too fake too what-to much work?..the original untouched is also on my page

May 25 05 07:04 am Link



Posts: 702

Portsmouth, Virginia, US

Perfection is in the eyes of the beholder, every person is perfect with their flaws thats what makes us different!

But as far as someone being physically and mentally perfect that is something I have never seen!

May 25 05 08:59 am Link



Posts: 115

Richmond, California, US

My mama said:

"No one is perfect, save for God..whoever you deem him or her to be".

I haven't seen a perfect model yet. But there is always photoshop...even playboy 'touches' up models. I wonder if "Perfect 10" does as well? Hmmm.

I wish I was perfect.


May 25 05 12:03 pm Link



Posts: 602

Seattle, Washington, US

When Cindy Crawford started modeling apparently several agents told her she needed to get her mole removed. Now it's like her trademark.

And I happen to meet / see perfection EVERY day. Well at least everytime I pass something with a reflective surface.
*Runs hands through thinning hair ala Morris Day*

Playboy models I've worked with aren't all that to begin with actually.

But I rarely touch my photos. Might have to do some color correction as in lightening or darkening an image or removing too much red etc some scars, some stretch marks...etc.

But Im not like Eric, mister I wanted to be a plastic surgeon but could only afford photoshop to enlarge breasts.... sheesh. CHEATER!!!!! LOL

May 26 05 06:46 am Link