Forums > General Industry > Why doesn't ANYONE pay attention!



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

{Edit} The stylist was AMAZING, he made a skirt out of some taffetta I had and a bunch of safety pins. He put everything on the dressing dummy first and than put it on people. An amazing couture (so I can't spell) designer. I am so sorry I ever doubted him.{edit}

Ok, so I don't get this. Why do you contact people for work you have no intention of doing at the advertised price.

Really, MUA's stop responding to postings with your day rates or asking for kit fees when the posting says I WILL NOT BE PAYING a kit fee at this time. That means gas. That mean NO kit fee is available. So, if I am not paying a kit fee, why would I pay for gas?

Models, if you can't work on the date don't respond to the ad, just to say oh is that on Weds, I am only available on weekends. Well, the ad did say weds, so yes that is when it is.

Why am I angry?

Because when I send out three no's and two yes's to people who want to work with me, and then the yes's come back and ask what the kit fee is they just screwed me, and the MUA's or models who wanted to work with me and have now been told no.

Than I can either contact people and say, Hey want to be sloppy seconds or just go without cause I am never paying someone if I say I can't.

Than people ask for kits fees, when the ad said no KIT FEE.

Why am I angry?

why doesn't everybody guess? I'm broke, frustrated, and afraid that I won't get what I need out of the shoot even after spending a great amount of money. I am having stress dreams about this shoot, and I kinda want to cry right now.

Last question, why will I never offer pay again? Because as soon as I do people think there is more money. Because this is out of my own pocket and I only make 12,000 a year.

Because I am crying when I should be excited about a project that came from my heart and is going to kick ass and be on the level of Vanity Fair.

Because the question I always seem to get asked is, "Wow, these are incredible. Why aren't you making a living at this?"

Nov 13 05 07:36 pm Link



Posts: 198

Denver, Colorado, US

Star wrote:
Ok, so I don't get this. Why do you contact people for work you have no intention of doing at the advertised price.

Really, MUA's stop responding to postings with your day rates or asking for kit fees when the posting says I WILL NOT BE PAYING a kit fee at this time. That means gas. That mean NO kit fee is available. So, if I am not paying a kit fee, why would I pay for gas?

Models, if you can't work on the date don't respond to the ad, just to say oh is that on Weds, I am only available on weekends. Well, the ad did say weds, so yes that is when it is.

Why am I angry?

Because when I send out three no's and two yes's to people who want to work with me, and then the yes's come back and ask what the kit fee is they just screwed me, and the MUA's or models who wanted to work with me and have now been told no.

Than I can either contact people and say, Hey want to be sloppy seconds or just go without cause I am never paying someone if I say I can't.

Already I am feeling quite sore because I am paying someone to do styling who said he was looking for TFP, and he only want to outfit four people, and I have to pick him up at his house. He had mentioned he was also an MUA but when I mentioned that he would be helping with make-up he was like, not for the money you are paying me.

Am I crazy or is $150 a lot of money when I am also giving images, and driving 30 miles out of my way to pick you up and drive you to the location. For $150 I could have bought two of the outfits and gotten to keep them since downtown LA has some beautiful Edwardian inspired fashions this year.

Than people ask for kits fees, when the ad said no KIT FEE.

Oh, and several people, after I hired this person, offered to do the job for free.

Why am I angry?

why doesn't everybody guess? I'm broke, frustrated, and afraid that I won't get what I need out of the shoot even after spending a great amount of money. I am having stress dreams about this shoot, and I kinda want to cry right now.

Last question, why will I never offer pay again? Because as soon as I do people think there is more money. Because this is out of my own pocket and I only make 12,000 a year.

Because I am crying when I should be excited about a project that came from my heart and is going to kick ass and be on the level of Vanity Fair.

Because the question I always seem to get asked is, "Wow, these are incredible. Why aren't you making a living at this?"

I totally understand your pain. People have no respect for one's efforts and they take everything for granted. I have been in the exact same position as you and I know how it feels. It is like, I am trying to help YOU and YOU think at first is cool and then just feel the need to screw me around and mess with my time. Some people are completly oblivious to what is going on around them and I get the feeling sometimes that they enjoy and think is funny to make you spend time and effort so they can what? Tell you 2 mins before the shoot that neah, I dont think so.
I agree with you and am really sorry for what's happening to you.

Nov 13 05 07:47 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

The thing is this:  everything is negotiable, and if you don't ask, you will never receive.

Nov 13 05 07:59 pm Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

Brian Diaz wrote:
The thing is this:  everything is negotiable, and if you don't ask, you will never receive.

So, if you contact amodel and she says she is interested in TFP, and than asks for an hourly rate that is ok by you?

Nov 13 05 09:13 pm Link



Posts: 784

Atlanta, Georgia, US

If I pay a model (and I haven't in AGES!)  then they BUY their prints.  SIMPLE.  Or they can wait for the magazine to come out and have a tear sheet.  Or buy a print at the gallery like everybody else.  But if I paid you--you've been paid, just like the release says.  If you want prints, better bring your checkbook.  It's only a business if you treat it like one.

Nov 13 05 09:20 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

Star wrote:

So, if you contact amodel and she says she is interested in TFP, and than asks for an hourly rate that is ok by you?

Yeah, it's okay for her to say that.  Then it's okay for me to say no and shoot someone else.

Nov 13 05 09:31 pm Link



Posts: 1780

Miami Beach, Florida, US

Star wrote:
Why am I angry?

why doesn't everybody guess? I'm broke, frustrated, and afraid that I won't get what I need out of the shoot even after spending a great amount of money. I am having stress dreams about this shoot, and I kinda want to cry right now.

Last question, why will I never offer pay again? Because as soon as I do people think there is more money. Because this is out of my own pocket and I only make 12,000 a year.

Because I am crying when I should be excited about a project that came from my heart and is going to kick ass and be on the level of Vanity Fair.

Because the question I always seem to get asked is, "Wow, these are incredible. Why aren't you making a living at this?"

Star, I know exactly how you feel.

Nov 13 05 09:42 pm Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

Brian Diaz wrote:

Yeah, it's okay for her to say that.  Then it's okay for me to say no and shoot someone else.

and if you had already turned down the other 15 people, no joke it was about 15 submissions for this MUA project, than what do you do?

Nov 13 05 10:43 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Star wrote:
and if you had already turned down the other 15 people, no joke it was about 15 submissions for this MUA project, than what do you do?

I go back to one of the people I turned down, I explain that the model/mua I booked before flaked out and I ask if they'd still be interested.

It's not 'sloppy seconds' often happens that I've booked someone and they cancel and I need someone else.

Nov 13 05 10:53 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist


Posts: 279

Los Angeles, California, US

Hmm? Does anybody have the Cliff's notes to this post... I must not have been paying attention.

tongue j/k

We all would love to create works that are of the level of Vanity Fair. But I swear if a photographer told me that, and I didn't see Vanity Fair or an equivalent in his/her portfolio... I'd pass. Couldn't even pay me. Too dramatic for my taste. I like mellow people who take things one stride at a time and don't think they are going to have the world by the tail off of just one idea. There is a lot to be said about consistency.

I'm sorry Star, I don't mean to hurt your feelings... I'm sure you appreciate my honesty.

Check that stylist by the way. NO PROFESSIONAL WOULD TALK TO A CLIENT LIKE THAT! That tone of which you described is so out of line!

And Star, I can do both as well, but chose to focus on styling only. I was actually trained to be a makeup artist when I was in my teens. BUT you need to know that its almost impossible (atleast for me) to style and do makeup. Its way too much work and the artist will never be able to give you their best work... because they are so overwhelmed. Never a good idea to have a stylist do the makeup. Not saying it can't be done.

Nov 14 05 12:55 am Link


Diane ly

Posts: 1068

Manhattan, Illinois, US

Because they don't know how to READ smile  You should mail them hooked on phonics.

Nov 14 05 12:30 pm Link


Images By Amber

Posts: 145

San Diego, California, US

Star wrote:

So, if you contact amodel and she says she is interested in TFP, and than asks for an hourly rate that is ok by you?

No thats when YOU say "I'm sorry, we either shoot tfp as you originally claimed you would shoot, or your services will no longer be needed." than find another model.

I have found that models will throw in a few extra rates just to see what they can get. 

That whole thing about the artist. WTF?!?! Did you plan this shoot spare of the moment? It almost sounded like you didn't have time to fix things. Or did things unwind during the process of planning with these people?

Nov 14 05 12:54 pm Link


Adrenalin Concepts

Posts: 740

Oshawa, Ontario, Canada

'Let me explain, no that will take too long. Let me sum up...'

It is coming up on two years since I ventured into this world.

In that time, MUA's have email models I am scheduled to work with and offer TFP ANYTIME to them. When I approach that MUA with an idea for that model, I am expected to pay or the MUA is not available...

Half the models, stylists & MUA's, it seems have no means of transportation.

Star, I hear what you are saying so loud and clear that your whisper is a scream!

I have a very good Corporate job, company car, expense account etc... People see that and expect my newbie photography venture must be successful. TFP anymore means, that I the photographer must be prepared to:

- drive and pick-up the model, the stylist, the mua or whomever (or be prepared
    to travel to them)
- buy lunch, dinner or supply refreshments for everyone.
- pay kit fees, buy accessories and/or clothes (which apparently I shouldn't be
   prepared to keep)
- photograph the shoot (of course)
- edit an unlimited amount of images to some one else's expectation (in 24
   hours or less)
- supply prints for their books
- supply all raw material on CD along with any edits
- give up all rights to the images, for the model, mua, and stylist
- all this on their schedules not mine.

And this is because I benefit so much from this venture...

It has been a frustrating two years. My TFP rules have changed. I shoot less (TFP) as some dont like the rules... not because I wouldnt do it. There is a fine line for fairness and equity in TFP. Still working on where to draw that in the sand...

Nov 14 05 01:42 pm Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

I agree; its not "sloppy seconds." All you need to do is let the other MUA or stylist know that the person who was scheduled had pulled out. It shouldn't be abig deal - its not something I'd worry about. And the worse thing that they could say is "no."

  Your project sounds awesome; I hope you'll post some of them here *when* you do it!


Nov 14 05 02:17 pm Link



Posts: 1780

Miami Beach, Florida, US

Cameron, I wish I could say you're being too pessimistic, but it's been like that 80% for me too. Wasn't sure if it was a So Fl thing or not.

Nov 14 05 08:32 pm Link



Posts: 2297

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

Coming from a "models" perspective, theres no such thing as 'sloppy seconds' here.  You do the job you agreed to do or you loose it to one of the other faces that are just as beautiful/talented as yours.  Everyone, except maybe a minor few exceptions, (maybe!), is replaceable.  And if someone contacts you for a job your interested in because their "first choice" flaked all the better.  next time you'll be the first choice.

Nov 14 05 09:03 pm Link


Julia Gerace

Posts: 1889

Monroe, Connecticut, US

preachin' to the choir......

Nov 14 05 09:08 pm Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

I want to post her series of messages to me, starting with her first contact from the ad,

Hi there:

I saw your ad on CL, and actualy have seen your website before and really like your work.  I am a professional MUA and mainly do paid assigments, however, I really need some fresh, creative images for my book and wouldn't mind doing a TFP with you at all.. actually, the theme sounds fun.  Let me know if you still need a MUA, and I look forward to working with you in the future!  You can see some of my work at:

than I said yes I would love to work with her and I got:


Hey there!  Thank you for your fast reply back.  Yes, I am interested in working with you.. I think your work is gorgeous.  Let me know what day and time.  Will there be a kit fee or gas money involved?

and than it turned into


I definately am interested in working with you, its just that a 7 and a half hour long TFP is alot of time to commit to, taking into consideration I am going to be using alot of makeup.  If it was a bit shorter, like maybe 4 hours, and I was doing one model, it would be alot more doable.  How many girls are going to be there?  I dont mind doing one model.. but if its a group of people, I just am not able to do that at this current time. Sorry.. I really hope we can figure a way to work together, whether it be this time or sometime in the future. You have awesome work.

and now I am down an MUA,
she only needed to do the make-up on two girls

Nov 14 05 10:19 pm Link


Duane Allen Rusty Halo

Posts: 1000

Colorado Springs, Colorado, US

Boy Ms Star replace the two outfits with some car parts
and I \ALSO beleive that TALENT is in short supply with
certain "MODELS" thinking they can get a rate more than a
Comm Model in a Major location WITHOUT full on nails makeup
and hair needing to be all done and demanding prints CD and WHERE the shots
can be seen
It iis just another day at the studio
We do this because we want to
show off our MAD SKILLZ and sometine when we find
all of this means diddly

Nov 14 05 10:29 pm Link



Posts: 2297

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

Duane  Allen wrote:
Boy Ms Star replace the two outfits with some car parts
and I \ALSO beleive that TALENT is in short supply with
certain "MODELS" thinking they can get a rate more than a
Comm Model in a Major location WITHOUT full on nails makeup
and hair needing to be all done and demanding prints CD and WHERE the shots
can be seen
It iis just another day at the studio
We do this because we want to
show off our MAD SKILLZ and sometine when we find
all of this means diddly


Nov 14 05 10:32 pm Link


Adrenalin Concepts

Posts: 740

Oshawa, Ontario, Canada

...Stacy wrote:


I agree with you on this one ...HUH?

Nov 14 05 10:43 pm Link


bobby sargent

Posts: 4159

Deming, New Mexico, US

What was the question again?  I wasn't listening.  bs

Nov 15 05 06:47 am Link



Posts: 801

Newton Falls, Ohio, US

Brian Diaz wrote:
The thing is this:  everything is negotiable, and if you don't ask, you will never receive.

Everything is not negotiable when things are spelled out ie: NO KIT FEE, THAT is not negotiable.

Nov 15 05 06:54 am Link

Makeup Artist

Tracey Masterson

Posts: 553

Shelton, Connecticut, US

7 and a 1/2 hours?????

Nov 15 05 07:01 am Link



Posts: 2607

Germantown, Maryland, US

Cameron Watson wrote:
'Let me explain, no that will take too long. Let me sum up...'

"Give us the Gate Key."

"I have no Gate Key."

"Fezzic, tear his arms off."

"Oh, you mean *this* gate key."

Like a previous poster said, everything is negotiable.  If your posting says no kit fee, and they ask, then reiterate your position.  If they keep asking, then don't work with them...

Nov 15 05 08:02 am Link


Digital Plus Photo

Posts: 685

Washington, Illinois, US

Star wrote:
Ok, so I don't get this. Why do you contact people for work you have no intention of doing at the advertised price.

Really, MUA's stop responding to postings with your day rates or asking for kit fees when the posting says I WILL NOT BE PAYING a kit fee at this time. That means gas. That mean NO kit fee is available. So, if I am not paying a kit fee, why would I pay for gas?

Models, if you can't work on the date don't respond to the ad, just to say oh is that on Weds, I am only available on weekends. Well, the ad did say weds, so yes that is when it is.

Why am I angry?

Because when I send out three no's and two yes's to people who want to work with me, and then the yes's come back and ask what the kit fee is they just screwed me, and the MUA's or models who wanted to work with me and have now been told no.

Than I can either contact people and say, Hey want to be sloppy seconds or just go without cause I am never paying someone if I say I can't.

Already I am feeling quite sore because I am paying someone to do styling who said he was looking for TFP, and he only want to outfit four people, and I have to pick him up at his house. He had mentioned he was also an MUA but when I mentioned that he would be helping with make-up he was like, not for the money you are paying me.

Am I crazy or is $150 a lot of money when I am also giving images, and driving 30 miles out of my way to pick you up and drive you to the location. For $150 I could have bought two of the outfits and gotten to keep them since downtown LA has some beautiful Edwardian inspired fashions this year.

Than people ask for kits fees, when the ad said no KIT FEE.

Oh, and several people, after I hired this person, offered to do the job for free.

Why am I angry?

why doesn't everybody guess? I'm broke, frustrated, and afraid that I won't get what I need out of the shoot even after spending a great amount of money. I am having stress dreams about this shoot, and I kinda want to cry right now.

Last question, why will I never offer pay again? Because as soon as I do people think there is more money. Because this is out of my own pocket and I only make 12,000 a year.

Because I am crying when I should be excited about a project that came from my heart and is going to kick ass and be on the level of Vanity Fair.

Because the question I always seem to get asked is, "Wow, these are incredible. Why aren't you making a living at this?"

These problems are not really new. Just a different generation having the same problems. Years ago I went into the corporate world because feeding my family was more important than my artistic dreams. Everyone thought that photographers were way overpaid for just shooting a few pictures. Never mind costs for equipment and the rest of the expenses that go into the business.
Then because I couldn't give it up all together I became a "GWC". No one expects that kind of payment from a "GWC". We buy a "Brownie" and start shooting. Might take a while for those under fifty to know what a "Brownie" is but what the hey.
I feel the pain and know how hard it is to survive out the as a photographer. But this will not be the last time you feel the anguish of stupidity. Take a deep breath and just move on, knowing it could be worse and probably will be at some point.
As for me, I'll stay a "GWC" and let the rest of the world fight it.

Have a great day.

Nov 15 05 08:42 am Link


Adrenalin Concepts

Posts: 740

Oshawa, Ontario, Canada

Moraxian wrote:

"Give us the Gate Key."

"I have no Gate Key."

"Fezzic, tear his arms off."

"Oh, you mean *this* gate key."

Like a previous poster said, everything is negotiable.  If your posting says no kit fee, and they ask, then reiterate your position.  If they keep asking, then don't work with them...

'Oh dear god what is that thing... that is what to-the-pain means'

Nov 15 05 08:46 am Link



Posts: 92

London, England, United Kingdom

GregBrown wrote:
-------------------------------      It's only a business if you treat it like one.

sorry to snip the quote but never a truer word spoken.

Nov 15 05 09:04 am Link



Posts: 1000

Gillette, New Jersey, US

Cameron Watson wrote:
'Let me explain, no that will take too long. Let me sum up...'

It is coming up on two years since I ventured into this world.

In that time, MUA's have email models I am scheduled to work with and offer TFP ANYTIME to them. When I approach that MUA with an idea for that model, I am expected to pay or the MUA is not available...

Half the models, stylists & MUA's, it seems have no means of transportation.

Star, I hear what you are saying so loud and clear that your whisper is a scream!

I have a very good Corporate job, company car, expense account etc... People see that and expect my newbie photography venture must be successful. TFP anymore means, that I the photographer must be prepared to:

- drive and pick-up the model, the stylist, the mua or whomever (or be prepared
    to travel to them)
- buy lunch, dinner or supply refreshments for everyone.
- pay kit fees, buy accessories and/or clothes (which apparently I shouldn't be
   prepared to keep)
- photograph the shoot (of course)
- edit an unlimited amount of images to some one else's expectation (in 24
   hours or less)
- supply prints for their books
- supply all raw material on CD along with any edits
- give up all rights to the images, for the model, mua, and stylist
- all this on their schedules not mine.

And this is because I benefit so much from this venture...

It has been a frustrating two years. My TFP rules have changed. I shoot less (TFP) as some dont like the rules... not because I wouldnt do it. There is a fine line for fairness and equity in TFP. Still working on where to draw that in the sand...

What's in this for you?

- drive and pick-up the model, the stylist, the mua or whomever (or be prepared
to travel to them).
This is acceptable as long as it's not many hours on the road.

- buy lunch, dinner or supply refreshments for everyone.
Also acceptable as a reward for their good work.

- pay kit fees, buy accessories and/or clothes (which apparently I shouldn't be
   prepared to keep)
What are you thinking??? The kit fee maybe... Clothes that you give away! You better be booking models that can nail poses telepathically linked to you so you don't have to give direction, that or agency models that you need more than they need you.

- edit an unlimited amount of images to some one else's expectation (in 24
   hours or less)
Learn to say, "You will have proofs within 3-5 days. Prints, 3-5 days after you've made your selections."

- supply prints for their books
1-2 (maybe 3 if it was an amazing shoot and cooperative model) free prints. Max! Any other prints can be picked up at a discounted rate (cost + 10-25% markup). Unless there is some kind of special arrangement before the shoot.

- supply all raw material on CD along with any edits
Bad practice to do. It's like handing over negatives. If they want full res finals so that they can print it themselves, CHARGE THEM FOR IT!

- give up all rights to the images, for the model, mua, and stylist
ALL RIGHTS?!?! Are you out of your fucking mind?! If you ever give up all rights, those pictures better buy you a new plasma TV at a minimum.

You have some very bad business practices. You also allow people to walk all over you. Learn how to do business and when to say no! If you keep going like this you'll probably lose more money than you'll make, which is no way to do business.

Nov 15 05 09:13 am Link


C R Photography

Posts: 3594

Pleasanton, California, US

Flakey Models, Creepy Photographers, Greedy MuAs.

But for the rest of us it's called success!

Nov 15 05 09:20 am Link


Adrenalin Concepts

Posts: 740

Oshawa, Ontario, Canada

Yuriy wrote:
What's in this for you?

- drive and pick-up the model, the stylist, the mua or whomever (or be prepared
to travel to them).
This is acceptable as long as it's not many hours on the road.

- buy lunch, dinner or supply refreshments for everyone.
Also acceptable as a reward for their good work.

- pay kit fees, buy accessories and/or clothes (which apparently I shouldn't be
   prepared to keep)
What are you thinking??? The kit fee maybe... Clothes that you give away! You better be booking models that can nail poses telepathically linked to you so you don't have to give direction, that or agency models that you need more than they need you.

- edit an unlimited amount of images to some one else's expectation (in 24
   hours or less)
Learn to say, "You will have proofs within 3-5 days. Prints, 3-5 days after you've made your selections."

- supply prints for their books
1-2 (maybe 3 if it was an amazing shoot and cooperative model) free prints. Max! Any other prints can be picked up at a discounted rate (cost + 10-25% markup). Unless there is some kind of special arrangement before the shoot.

- supply all raw material on CD along with any edits
Bad practice to do. It's like handing over negatives. If they want full res finals so that they can print it themselves, CHARGE THEM FOR IT!

- give up all rights to the images, for the model, mua, and stylist
ALL RIGHTS?!?! Are you out of your fucking mind?! If you ever give up all rights, those pictures better buy you a new plasma TV at a minimum.

You have some very bad business practices. You also allow people to walk all over you. Learn how to do business and when to say no! If you keep going like this you'll probably lose more money than you'll make, which is no way to do business.

Yuri it was very tongue-in-cheek. these are typical of the demands made by some internet models, MUA's and stylists....and seems to becoming more previlent.

If I gave all that away I would be broke in a week :0

Nov 15 05 09:26 am Link



Posts: 1780

Miami Beach, Florida, US

C R Photography wrote:
Flakey Models, Creepy Photographers, Greedy MuAs.

But for the rest of us it's called success!

Well-written. Made me smile. big_smile

Nov 15 05 09:29 am Link



Posts: 3907

Madison, Mississippi, US


I will work with you TFP. No kit fee required. You're a little far, but I will be sure that should I travel towards your area, I will make that pit stop. I'll even pay for my own gas and spring for lunch. Provided that lunch is about $20.

But I hear your pain. I deal with it. How NOT to go through it: visit the local agencies and work with their models. They are surprisingly receptive to TFP with photographers who have something to offer their model, as you do.

Nov 15 05 09:38 am Link


Adrenalin Concepts

Posts: 740

Oshawa, Ontario, Canada

DawnElizabeth Moderator wrote:

I will work with you TFP. No kit fee required. You're a little far, but I will be sure that should I travel towards your area, I will make that pit stop. I'll even pay for my own gas and spring for lunch. Provided that lunch is about $20.

Love the way you think, Dawn. You wouldnt happen to be coming to Canada anytime soon ... wink wink

Nov 15 05 09:40 am Link



Posts: 1000

Gillette, New Jersey, US

Cameron Watson wrote:
Yuri it was very tongue-in-cheek. these are typical of the demands made by some internet models, MUA's and stylists....and seems to becoming more prevalent.

If I gave all that away I would be broke in a week :0

I was under the impression that he was serious.
And, you're right those are demands by many internet models, etc.

Some photographers actually do all those things because they have developed no business sense.
"What’s a few sheets of paper?â€?
“Another free 8x10? Sure (thinking at least I got the sale)"
Because of such photographers we all lose business, get undercut by amateurs, etc.

Nov 15 05 10:55 am Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

Tracey Masterson wrote:
7 and a 1/2 hours?????

no, I have 9 girls coming over the course of 7.5 hours, and this was the third mua I was looking for. Over the course of that time you do two models, because two of the models are their own mua. I made it a longer day, with long breaks,
(at least one 2 hour one) because there is a model office that hires MUA's at my school, and lots of places to post your information for paying gigs.

Many of the people in my school pay their make-up artists while they learn how to shoot fashion, I know how to shoot fashion. My images are the pay, and people who need that type of pay contact me.

There also is time for lunch, and pack-up...

Nov 15 05 11:49 am Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

apparantly you can never have 3 mua's, I confirmed a third one and got an email at five this morning, cause I am obviously up at five, stating the MUA is too sick to work.

Sick... or drunk?

Cause I always know when I am getting sick, I never wake up at 5 am and am sick...

So I shoot at 11am, and am Fuuuuuuu******ed

Nov 16 05 10:19 am Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

I'm too poor to pay attention........

Nov 16 05 10:22 am Link


Amber Dawn - Indiana

Posts: 6255

Salem, Indiana, US

Stop complaining! This is the internet you can not expect much from people on here. Yup, I said it.

Nov 16 05 10:23 pm Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

CO Model Amber wrote:
Stop complaining! This is the internet you can not expect much from people on here. Yup, I said it.

well here is one of the group fun shots...

Nov 17 05 03:22 am Link