Forums > General Industry > Ever dance with the devil in the pale moon light?

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

What are the top ten things that beautiful women models do that annoy or really make photographers mad? or visa versa?

And has anyone noticed that there are almost no male models posting regularly?  What is that all about?

May 20 05 01:21 pm Link



Posts: 2959

Chicago, Illinois, US

Yes. Yes, I have.

And to answer your other question, 'They don't come and pose for me often enough.' That's all ten, right there.

And to answer your other other question, I suspect it's simply a question of demographics.


May 20 05 01:36 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45351

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Posted by Reese: 
What are the top ten things that beautiful women models do that annoy or really make photographers mad?

And has anyone noticed that there are almost no male models posting regularly?  What is that all about?

Umm ... not possible for me to come up with a top ten list because not much makes me mad or annoys me.

1. "They don't come and pose for me often enough" (thanks StMarc!)

2. Models who have more posts here than me. (Theda, that means you! J/K! )

Nothing else because I can't even remember ever being "mad" at a model ... seriously! See ... I sweet talk em ... look at the latest picture! When I say "Jump!" They say "How high?"  Natalie was a pro soccer player from Germany, so she could jump really high!

As far as your question regarding male models ... guess it's a supply and demand thing? The ratio of female models is so much higher than male models here ... and  most everywhere.

With 312 posts, I decided to stay out of the way when the mud starts slinging! LOL So even though I was trying to slow down on the times I post here, looks like someone needs to spread some LOVE!

Best wishes to everyone! Have a GREAT DAY! big_smile big_smile big_smile

May 20 05 01:46 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

What a naughty thread, Reese. For shame!

May 20 05 01:49 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

Come on now... When I have ever proven to be less than diabolical?

My top peeve is

1. The mean self absorbed model that isn't all that she thinks she is...

2. The photographer with the shitty light set-up and bad eye...

I also hate traffic officers... they nab me at least once every year for speeding...

May 20 05 01:53 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

I like traffic officers...they look good in uniform! wink

May 20 05 02:31 pm Link


Brian Kim

Posts: 508

Honolulu, Hawaii, US

10 - show up late
9 - don't show up
8 - get lost on the way to a shoot
7 - show up hung over
6 - talk on the phone during a shoot
5 - bring the wrong underwear, make-up, whatever to a shoot
4 - lie about their age, dress size, blah, blah, blah, nothing fits right...
3 - makes comments like "well, so-and-so shoots like this... i shot with so-and-so and it was like this..."
2 - can't wait to smoke and mess up their makeup
1 - ask me why a client chose a certain shot for use in an ad, poster, magazine, etc... I HAVE N-O-T-H-I-N-G TO DO WITH WHAT THE CLIENT CHOOSES TO USE.

May 20 05 03:58 pm Link



Posts: 279

Richmond, Virginia, US

Posted by Brian Kim: 
10 - show up late
9 - don't show up
8 - get lost on the way to a shoot
7 - show up hung over
6 - talk on the phone during a shoot
5 - bring the wrong underwear, make-up, whatever to a shoot
4 - lie about their age, dress size, blah, blah, blah, nothing fits right...
3 - makes comments like "well, so-and-so shoots like this... i shot with so-and-so and it was like this..."
2 - can't wait to smoke and mess up their makeup
1 - ask me why a client chose a certain shot for use in an ad, poster, magazine, etc... I HAVE N-O-T-H-I-N-G TO DO WITH WHAT THE CLIENT CHOOSES TO USE.

Tell us how you really feel wink

May 20 05 04:24 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45351

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Posted by Brian Kim: 
10 - show up late
9 - don't show up
8 - get lost on the way to a shoot
7 - show up hung over
6 - talk on the phone during a shoot
5 - bring the wrong underwear, make-up, whatever to a shoot
4 - lie about their age, dress size, blah, blah, blah, nothing fits right...
3 - makes comments like "well, so-and-so shoots like this... i shot with so-and-so and it was like this..."
2 - can't wait to smoke and mess up their makeup
1 - ask me why a client chose a certain shot for use in an ad, poster, magazine, etc... I HAVE N-O-T-H-I-N-G TO DO WITH WHAT THE CLIENT CHOOSES TO USE.

Geezzz ... how come none of those things seem to happen to me? Well, except if they call to cancel (not show up!) then I don't normally give a second chance. Showing up late doesn't bother me as long as they call me to let me know. I feel so lucky!

Good list! Mostly common sense stuff, but some people lack it!

May 20 05 05:22 pm Link


p h o t o f a s h i o n

Posts: 845

London, England, United Kingdom

1. models who keep on checking the MAU's make up's progress by insisting on looking in the mirror every five minutes - it bugs me so heaven only knows for people like Reese.
2. anymodel who feels the need to make lighting / composition suggestions especially life threatening for the model with the client/AD present.
3. "can i see that?" in the case of polaroids or digital.
4. Underage models who turn up WITHOUT a legal guardian and any other model who turns up WITH anyone else.
but if you have a proper casting you can generally avoid bumping into the above.

May 20 05 05:36 pm Link


p h o t o f a s h i o n

Posts: 845

London, England, United Kingdom


And has anyone noticed that there are almost no male models posting regularly?  What is that all about?

bless 'em...have you ever spoken to one??? ;-)

May 20 05 05:38 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Posted by Brian Kim: 
10 - show up late
9 - don't show up
8 - get lost on the way to a shoot
7 - show up hung over
6 - talk on the phone during a shoot
5 - bring the wrong underwear, make-up, whatever to a shoot
4 - lie about their age, dress size, blah, blah, blah, nothing fits right...
3 - makes comments like "well, so-and-so shoots like this... i shot with so-and-so and it was like this..."
2 - can't wait to smoke and mess up their makeup
1 - ask me why a client chose a certain shot for use in an ad, poster, magazine, etc... I HAVE N-O-T-H-I-N-G TO DO WITH WHAT THE CLIENT CHOOSES TO USE.

lie about their age? What if you can't tell? Alot of agencies ask for an age range. it peeves me that OMP asks for an age. So what how old I am if I only look 19, 20, 21, etc.

And I have gotten lost. My sense of direction sucks as well and mapquest is sometimes wrong...

*slaps hand* bad model!

May 20 05 06:37 pm Link


Steve Mills

Posts: 4783

Hermiston, Oregon, US

I'm annoyed by models who:

1) Display only photos that have been edited to remove ALL their facial texture. I hate surprises.

2) Don't mention obvious skin flaws in their profile, such as discoloration, surgery or massive tattoos, and only show photos which hide these things. If I wanted a Photoshop reconstructive project, I'd hire one.

3) Smell bad.

4) Smoke (see #3).

5) Want printable files from what I paid them for.

6) Make appointments and cancel, then repeat the scenario endlessly.

7) Bring a surprise boyfriend who doesn't like my work.

8) Tell potential boyfriends where they can "see me naked!", so that certain anonymous models (and myself) are outed as a result. It's a very small town.

9) Crop my copyright mark out of the images I give them.

10) Have no imagination, and think that just being nude is art enough.

May 20 05 06:42 pm Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

i've had a few models try to tell me how to run the shoot.  i had to stop for a moment and talk some sense into them.  shoots ended up going very well.

May 20 05 11:21 pm Link



Posts: 1130

Danville, California, US

On #1 - totally agree - or its the model I as the photogrpaher scouted - then shot their portfolio - then their head swelled up I could not push it out my front door... then they decide they are better than everyone - bitch about everyhting then never pay you for the prints they asked you to print on an emergency thing they needed asap... sorry "this did not happen to me"

On #2 - the bad eye will always get you ...

#3 - Traffic officers plus - boob flash = no ticket... well at least when it happens to me... smile

Posted by Reese: 

1. The mean self absorbed model that isn't all that she thinks she is...

2. The photographer with the shitty light set-up and bad eye...

I also hate traffic officers... they nab me at least once every year for speeding...

May 21 05 12:06 pm Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

Posted by * Visual Mindscapes *: 
i've had a few models try to tell me how to run the shoot.  i had to stop for a moment and talk some sense into them.  shoots ended up going very well.

Another thing is when they don't look anything like they do in thier pictures.  It's like, that's not you!

May 21 05 01:23 pm Link



Posts: 1130

Danville, California, US

But sometimes those are the best models..

Posted by * Visual Mindscapes *: 

Posted by * Visual Mindscapes *: 
i've had a few models try to tell me how to run the shoot.  i had to stop for a moment and talk some sense into them.  shoots ended up going very well.

Another thing is when they don't look anything like they do in thier pictures.  It's like, that's not you!

May 21 05 01:26 pm Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

Posted by Brent Burzycki: 
But sometimes those are the best models..

And sometimes it could be your worst nightmare.  Especially if you are working with clients.

May 21 05 02:02 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

I haven't had too many models annoy me greatly, but photographers make me mad all the time.  The worst offenses:

1) Holding the camera vertically with the right elbow jutting out--especially in low light.  Can you say camera shake?

2) Talking about 72 dpi images for web viewing, as though dpi had anything to do with how photos look.

May 21 05 03:05 pm Link



Posts: 1130

Danville, California, US

And why I always pre-screen models... no exceptions..

quote]Posted by * Visual Mindscapes *: 

Posted by Brent Burzycki: 
But sometimes those are the best models..

And sometimes it could be your worst nightmare.  Especially if you are working with clients.

May 21 05 04:36 pm Link



Posts: 1130

Danville, California, US

Thats not even the start of photographer woes... I had a local one around me call all the models I have worked with and told them I was evil and sleeping with all of them...that my style sucked and he was the best thing since sliced bread...

Sadly none of what he said was true - and they all called him a lier to his face... but it does suck to be slandered for months on end...and have to explin it to new models..

Posted by Brian Diaz: 
I haven't had too many models annoy me greatly, but photographers make me mad all the time.  The worst offenses:

1) Holding the camera vertically with the right elbow jutting out--especially in low light.  Can you say camera shake?

2) Talking about 72 dpi images for web viewing, as though dpi had anything to do with how photos look.

May 21 05 04:38 pm Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

Posted by Brent Burzycki: 
And why I always pre-screen models... no exceptions..

How do you prescreen a model who is not local?

May 21 05 04:38 pm Link



Posts: 1130

Danville, California, US

Simple - I have an interview we can do on the phone - talk to all her referances - and networksing with local photogrpahers in her area that I have met .. etc to tell me the honest truth...

It really does not effect me that much here in CA as it is only a loss of 75 bucks if I fly up a model from the LA area - I can just send her home and eat 75 bucks for the flight...

Now if th einterview goes well - she sends photos etc - or web cam interview etc... then shows up with pink polka dots tattooed on her butt - well then she is fired..

Posted by * Visual Mindscapes *: 

Posted by Brent Burzycki: 
And why I always pre-screen models... no exceptions..

How do you prescreen a model who is not local?

May 21 05 05:18 pm Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

Posted by Brent Burzycki: 
Simple - I have an interview we can do on the phone - talk to all her referances - and networksing with local photogrpahers in her area that I have met .. etc to tell me the honest truth...

It really does not effect me that much here in CA as it is only a loss of 75 bucks if I fly up a model from the LA area - I can just send her home and eat 75 bucks for the flight...

Now if th einterview goes well - she sends photos etc - or web cam interview etc... then shows up with pink polka dots tattooed on her butt - well then she is fired..

God!  That sounds like a alot of wasting time.

May 21 05 05:21 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Ooh fun.. let's see what I'm guilty of...

Being late. I've been late acouple times. The latest was half an hour. I missed my train. Stuff happens.

Smoking. I'm a light smoker, but I've never taken a smoke break during a shoot unless everyone was taking a smoke break.

Post too damn much (thanks, Patrick).

Check the MUA's work. Usually I;m in front a of a mirror during make-up. How could I not check the work?

Ask to see polaroids. If the photographer is poised staring at the polaroid or LCd for a while, I will sometimes ask to see what he or she is looking at. It can be helpful. More often, the photographer asks me to look.

Show boyfriends and potential boyfriends the shots. The horror.

I'm such a bad model.

May 21 05 10:40 pm Link



Posts: 1130

Danville, California, US

Nope - just proper protocal.... I will not risk runing a client shoot - just becase I cannot spend 2 hours preping beforehand...

Thw waste of time is taking a model that is totally wrong for the shoot - to the shoot... thats a waste of time..

Posted by * Visual Mindscapes *: 

Posted by Brent Burzycki: 
Simple - I have an interview we can do on the phone - talk to all her referances - and networksing with local photogrpahers in her area that I have met .. etc to tell me the honest truth...

It really does not effect me that much here in CA as it is only a loss of 75 bucks if I fly up a model from the LA area - I can just send her home and eat 75 bucks for the flight...

Now if th einterview goes well - she sends photos etc - or web cam interview etc... then shows up with pink polka dots tattooed on her butt - well then she is fired..

God!  That sounds like a alot of wasting time. 

May 21 05 10:46 pm Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

Posted by Brent Burzycki: 
Nope - just proper protocal.... I will not risk runing a client shoot - just becase I cannot spend 2 hours preping beforehand...

Thw waste of time is taking a model that is totally wrong for the shoot - to the shoot... thats a waste of time..

Models can be easily replaced.  Money can't.

May 22 05 04:07 am Link


et foto

Posts: 89

Washington, District of Columbia, US

I choose my models carefully so the models I work with are not a problem.

The biggest issue I see in a potnetial model is lack of communication, people, and interpersonal skills. When I see these are lacking, I offer to refer them to another photographer.

Also there are certain types/genres of models that I stay away from and certain websites that I stay away from as well.


May 22 05 07:10 am Link