Forums > General Industry > Pose for Free Speach


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

I'll admit this article has me seeing red: … 960105.htm
Just the one paragraph speaks volumes about what kind of country this is quickly becoming:
"The Administration has launched a broad assault on sexual content that targets the entertainment industry from Hollywood producers to hotels. The offensive includes creation of a Justice Dept. Obscenity Prosecution Task Force and an anti-porn squad at the FBI, a crackdown on indecent programming by the new Federal Communications Commission chairman, and a wave of indecency legislation."
I'm frustrated.  I'm perplexed.  Luckily, I live in one of the freest countries in the world!  I want to start a project...photographers, painters, writers, sculptors, artists of all ilk... SUPPORT FREE SPEECH!
I want to photograph artists doing their art in the nude.  I also want to photograph models in political statements.  Support free speech and pose!
- James Jackson

Nov 11 05 10:46 pm Link



Posts: 7024

Kansas City, Missouri, US

You know, I have a huge yearing to do emotive portraits, and I've wanted to do some censorship images for quite a while now. I abhore thef act that my country has all of the sudden become the Moral Police, and my sexual practices, freedom to say what I want, when I want, and ability to run my life exactly the way I want it has been threatened. If I wanted to be repressed and monitered, I'd live in a communist country.

You can absolutely count on me to support this, and any other artist, photographer, model, writer, musician, who opposes cencorship.

Nov 12 05 12:17 am Link


Marcus Childs

Posts: 18

Washington, District of Columbia, US

i will love to work on this

Nov 12 05 12:24 am Link


Nyx Valentine

Posts: 168

Aliso Viejo, California, US

I wanna play!  To bad I'm on the wrong side of the country sad  I might gank the idea though...

Nov 12 05 01:12 am Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

hey, it's a free country.  Gank the idea all you want.  big_smile

Nov 12 05 07:02 am Link



Posts: 14670

Fort Smith, Arkansas, US

meghan you wanna gank together?

I have always been a big free speech kindas guy.

Nov 12 05 07:08 am Link


Wicked Reflections

Posts: 306

I'm frustrated.  I'm perplexed.  Luckily, I live in one of the freest countries in the world!  I want to start a project...photographers, painters, writers, sculptors, artists of all ilk... SUPPORT FREE SPEECH!
I want to photograph artists doing their art in the nude.  I also want to photograph models in political statements.  Support free speech and pose!
- James Jackson

I think a much more powerful statement would be showing the violence and atrocities that seem to be acceptable to this administration such as the electric chair, gas chamber, torture, inner city crime, poverty and homelessness  and mixing those in with such "evil awful things" as bare breasts, fetishists, alternate lifestyle images, etc....

Nov 12 05 09:08 am Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Wicked Reflections wrote:
I think a much more powerful statement would be showing the violence and atrocities that seem to be acceptable to this administration such as the electric chair, gas chamber, torture, inner city crime, poverty and homelessness  and mixing those in with such "evil awful things" as bare breasts, fetishists, alternate lifestyle images, etc....

Great idea.  Love it... I support that one 100%...  My idea for the project is specific, but I'd love to see others take this idea and run.  Keep me in the loop because I want to get a group show together when we've all produced some work big_smile

Nov 12 05 11:04 am Link



Posts: 2151

Boston, Massachusetts, US

As someone who lived, first in the Soviet Union and then in the "NEW" Russia, I have never seen nor have I feared the censorship that I am seeing in the United States in the year 2005, I am not talking about pornography or nude images.  I am talking about the media that we once relied on.  The media that ended a bad war, controlled large corporations and the one that forced a US President to resign.

I am a US citizen; I am also a retired international photojournalist one whose work has appeared over the last 25 years in almost all the worlds’ major magazines.  To date I have worked as a journalist in the US, France, Israel and China.  I have also worked with or directed other photojournalists working in most of the large countries of the world.  Currently I am retired from doing what I call "Real Photojournalism" mostly because you cannot make money doing it...

I started BCADULTART as a way of BETA testing a way to create a new media, via the Internet, a media that does not rely on large corporations to advertise or governments to approve content.  Look at the media in the US in 2005.  I remember when CNN was called the "Communist News Nework".  I would also suggest that you all go out and rent a great movie called ‘NETWORK’ In my opinion this movie says more about what we have become than anything thing else that I am aware of.  FYI:  It was made in the 1970’s.

The bottom line is that we only get the rights that we deserve, the ones that we demand.  Now what can we do to protect the rights that we think that we want?

I would also ask; why did the current government respond so badly to the disaster in New Orleans, when they had people and equipment working 24/7 in another country, half way around the world?

Being an “Angry Young (woman) with their fist in the air and their head in the sandâ€? is not going to change anything.

You are also welcome to visit a web site I created during 2003 to feature real photojournalism from around the world.
The URL: 

When I was doing the monthly feature on The ZINE it was written about by magazines in the US and EU.  All of the photographers contributed to the site without asking for a dime and the thousands of people, worldwide, who viewed it did not pay a dime.  That is why I stopped doing it.

Nov 12 05 11:42 am Link



Posts: 2719

Windsor, Ontario, Canada

Wicked Reflections wrote:

I think a much more powerful statement would be showing the violence and atrocities that seem to be acceptable to this administration such as the electric chair, gas chamber, torture, inner city crime, poverty and homelessness  and mixing those in with such "evil awful things" as bare breasts, fetishists, alternate lifestyle images, etc....

Funny you should mention that.  A while back I saw a commercial promoting  US Army recruitment and the premise was this:  solider comes back, sitting on his front porch with his buddies, and they ask so 'how was it'.  Of course the US Army had to glorify everything.  But while the commercial was happening, I was thinking, god wouldn't it be so much more powerful if it showed the the horrors of war, how vicious it can be, and then to have the soldier at the end in a quiet voice, not looking his friends in the eyes: "It was alright" or "I lived through it", well something that was dignified for the soldier since it wasn't his fault he was sent and yet profound.

As for a free speech statement I immediately thought of a naked homeless person (I don't know why), in a classic-like nude pose, with a simple question: "which would you rather see? A naked American? or a homeless American?"  Something imflamatory, but also somehthing classy.

Nov 12 05 11:56 am Link


Nyx Valentine

Posts: 168

Aliso Viejo, California, US

ravens laughter wrote:
meghan you wanna gank together?

I have always been a big free speech kindas guy.

Could be fun!  I will have to deliberate on some possible approaches, feel free to message me and kick my brain into gear.  smile

Nov 12 05 01:29 pm Link



Posts: 176

You know, I'm not one who normally goes out for such things . . . butttttttt . . . .

Nov 12 05 02:22 pm Link


dms graphix

Posts: 1079

West Chester, Pennsylvania, US

You know, I didn't even bother to read this one because you could not even spell the word "speech" correctly.  Pose for bad grammar and spelling?

Nov 12 05 02:33 pm Link



Posts: 14670

Fort Smith, Arkansas, US

Daiv cum awn manne ets awrt nawt eanglesh claz.

So people are more interested in making a statement then knowing how to or taking the time to spell it correctly.

As Mark Twain said once, "You have people who write and you have people who spell."

Nov 12 05 02:50 pm Link


dms graphix

Posts: 1079

West Chester, Pennsylvania, US

Love your reply.  Still, I cannot help but find the situation a tad ironic.  Besides, maybe it's all just a ploy to get everybody nekkid.

Nov 12 05 02:58 pm Link


Logan Seh

Posts: 93

Lansing, Michigan, US

I don't know about the rest of you...

But I have always fully admitted that I can't speel for shit!!!

and being such I never judge anyones elses bad speeling...

Though some misspellings just demand a good razzing or two tongue

Nov 12 05 10:38 pm Link


ADG Photography

Posts: 544

Calhoun, Georgia, US

Welcome to the New America. Haven't we fought this war before? And more importantly, in a (supposedly) free country, should we even have to?  Fifty years and McCarthyism is back with a vengeance...only worse in many respects.  (Go see "Good Night, and Good Luck" about Edward R. Murrow and the McCarthy era--in theaters now.  It has some powerful messages that translate well to today's political climate.  Plus it is a very well made film! Kudo's to director and star George Clooney.) 

I don't think it would be in a voice of hysteria to stand up and say that we had all better wake up take a look at what is going on around us.

Just my two cents.


Nov 12 05 11:34 pm Link


Kevin Connery

Posts: 17825

El Segundo, California, US

ADG Photography wrote:
Welcome to the New America. Haven't we fought this war before? And more importantly, in a (supposedly) free country, should we even have to?

Robert Heinlein's 1940 (expanded in 1954) novella "If This Goes On—" discusses one possible conclusion to a path similar to what we-as-a-country are taking.

Nov 13 05 01:18 am Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Dave S wrote:
You know, I didn't even bother to read this one because you could not even spell the word "speech" correctly.  Pose for bad grammar and spelling?

I'm sorry...I'm a really atrocious speller.  I have spell check turned on everywhere I type, but for some reason it doesn't pick up some text entry boxes for things like titles.

Bad grammar?  I take offense!  big_smile  Well not really...I just haven't seen anyone with exact proper grammar in over a decade.

So, with that mistake in the hardest to use language in the world behind me (a simple example being that speak and speech though they have the same long E sound, are spelled differently), what do you think of the idea?

Nov 13 05 02:26 am Link


ADG Photography

Posts: 544

Calhoun, Georgia, US

Kevin Connery wrote:

Robert Heinlein's 1940 (expanded in 1954) novella "If This Goes On—" discusses one possible conclusion to a path similar to what we-as-a-country are taking.

Heinlein was one of the best! I think I actually missed the one you referred to in your post. I may have to go read it!

In my earlier post, I failed to make comment on the other part of this thread--the images-for-free-speech theme.  I think it is a great idea.  And if there are any models out there who are reading this and want to help me explore my ideas along these lines, let me know. We'll try to shake things up a bit!


Nov 13 05 07:29 am Link



Posts: 1803

Fredericksburg, Virginia, US

The biggest problem with free speech today is that so many people; from right wing religious fanatics screaming about nudity, to college campuses implementing policies against certain speech in the name of diversity, think they should have the right to restrict ideas that they find offensive.     

Free speech means that everyone has the right to present his or her ideas, no matter how offensive you or I may find that idea.  The way to defeat an idea such at Racism or Nazism is by challenging it head-on not by saying you can’t talk about that because I don’t agree with you.

Nov 13 05 07:38 am Link


ADG Photography

Posts: 544

Calhoun, Georgia, US

Mcary wrote:
The biggest problem with free speech today is that so many people; from right wing religious fanatics screaming about nudity, to college campuses implementing policies against certain speech in the name of diversity, think they should have the right to restrict ideas that they find offensive.     

Free speech means that everyone has the right to present his or her ideas, no matter how offensive you or I may find that idea.  The way to defeat an idea such at Racism or Nazism is by challenging it head-on not by saying you can’t talk about that because I don’t agree with you.

Absolutely.  And the thing is, noone really has a right to NOT be offended. These people who take it upon themselves to control what I read, see, or say or what I  do with other consenting adults need to get lives! They need to stop worrying about other people's personal lives and start considering how their actions lessen the rights and freedoms of all Americans. One is entitled to a personal belief about whether a naked breast is a "bad thing".  (LOL--Is it really anything but a BEAUTIFUL thing?)  But don't dare make that decision for me!  Let them cover their eyes, especially if they want to stay "blind".

Pictures of naked people or the erosion of freedom? It is not hard for me to see where the REAL dangers lie.  Actually this whole thing would be kind of laughable if it weren't so dangerous.

Nov 13 05 07:58 am Link



Posts: 14670

Fort Smith, Arkansas, US

Okay so I have to step in here....
As a right wing conservative christian nut job I really must take umbridge at the statement that only right wingers try to restrict the free flow of ideas/speech.  You know those wonderful warning labels that you have on music... video games... tv.... those were brought to you by such lovely liberal buggers as Tipper Gore and Hillary Clinton.

I don't think that our prudishness boils down to any particular persuasion... the editor of play girl is republican... I think it boils down to the individual level and what a person thinks of themself.

Most outside observances people make are based upon inside influences. Simply said a person makes judgements and assumptions about the world around them based upon their personal experience. When someone is being harshly critical over something, it usually means that they are struggling with the issue themselves.

So when a person says that a picture of a naked person is dangerous; what they really mean is that picture is dangerous to them... Hence our personal definitions become the wide brush we desire to paint the world with.

Any ways, having said that; I offer my avitar as my submission for The Free Speech Project. Enjoy.

Nov 17 05 11:58 am Link



Posts: 3560

New City, New York, US

I'd be happy to help develop a concept or two.

Free speech is only free when it's my opinion that's being heard...  (I think that's what the country's stance boils down to, no matter which side of the conservative/liberal fence you're on).

The Federal Pussy Posse is just another smokescreen in the government's effort (ALL administrations, both Republican and Democrats) to obfuscate and confuse the public from the more dire issues that the government would prefer no public input or inspection on.  We raise a hue and cry about freedom of speech while your representatives and senators vote ever more creative ways of double and triple dipping into your pockets to spend your money on all kinds of policies you would never otherwise attach your names to.  But while you're distracted from their key issues, that's all that matters.

Nov 17 05 12:07 pm Link


Inamourada Flux

Posts: 238

Cheshunt, England, United Kingdom

Dave S wrote:
You know, I didn't even bother to read this one because you could not even spell the word "speech" correctly.  Pose for bad grammar and spelling?

And I thought I was the only one!

Nov 17 05 12:12 pm Link


Voice of Reason

Posts: 8741

Anaheim, California, US

Mayanlee wrote:
I'd be happy to help develop a concept or two.

Free speech is only free when it's my opinion that's being heard...  (I think that's what the country's stance boils down to, no matter which side of the conservative/liberal fence you're on).

The Federal Pussy Posse is just another smokescreen in the government's effort (ALL administrations, both Republican and Democrats) to obfuscate and confuse the public from the more dire issues that the government would prefer no public input or inspection on.  We raise a hue and cry about freedom of speech while your representatives and senators vote ever more creative ways of double and triple dipping into your pockets to spend your money on all kinds of policies you would never otherwise attach your names to.  But while you're distracted from their key issues, that's all that matters.

At least someone is honest. Anyone remember the late eighties when TIPPER in AL GORE's WIFE...started a campaign against record companies and the entire music industry regarding lyrics in us the rating system most of you grew up with? Anyone?

Ok...I'm gettin old sad

Nov 17 05 12:16 pm Link



Posts: 14670

Fort Smith, Arkansas, US

david, yeah man.... I wrote about that earlier.

Nov 17 05 12:18 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

ravens laughter wrote:
Okay so I have to step in here....
As a right wing conservative christian nut job I really must take umbridge at the statement that only right wingers try to restrict the free flow of ideas/speech.  You know those wonderful warning labels that you have on music... video games... tv.... those were brought to you by such lovely liberal buggers as Tipper Gore and Hillary Clinton.

I don't think that our prudishness boils down to any particular persuasion... the editor of play girl is republican... I think it boils down to the individual level and what a person thinks of themself.

Most outside observances people make are based upon inside influences. Simply said a person makes judgements and assumptions about the world around them based upon their personal experience. When someone is being harshly critical over something, it usually means that they are struggling with the issue themselves.

So when a person says that a picture of a naked person is dangerous; what they really mean is that picture is dangerous to them... Hence our personal definitions become the wide brush we desire to paint the world with.

Any ways, having said that; I offer my avitar as my submission for The Free Speech Project. Enjoy.

As you'll notice I didn't single out the republicans or the right wing, I singled out the Bush Presidential administration, because that is what the article is talking about.

Nov 17 05 11:51 pm Link


Sarah Prankha

Posts: 202

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

you should seriously do this. I'd love to see a group show born out of MM

Nov 20 05 11:49 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Moonlightflame wrote:
you should seriously do this. I'd love to see a group show born out of MM

doesn't seem to have as much interest as all the bickering and back biting articles in the forum.  Perhaps because I misspelled speech in the title...perhaps I'm just not the one to organize this sort of thing.  I've gotten a few responses from photographers in my area, and models as well, but I'd like to see some real interest.

If any photographers are working on this from their perspective, please by all means drop me a line.  I curate for a small gallery space in Philadelphia, so I could get a show together.

Nov 21 05 04:04 pm Link



Posts: 108

Athens, Georgia, US

This is a beautiful idea, I've been toying around with some concepts on my own.  I'm behind this 100%.

Now if only I could find some models in my area to assist.  (hint hint)

Nov 21 05 04:16 pm Link


Ms Isadora VonPainne

Posts: 57

Columbus, Ohio, US

Very much so.  I agree 100% with you.

Anyone can type in "2257" and find out a lot of information.  I find it disturbing with a rape every 12 seconds and a murder ever 3 minutes just in the U.S. alone, that it is now not as high of a priority for the task force as who gets tied up, participates in certain types of modeling or shoots the footage.

Mayanlee wrote:
I'd be happy to help develop a concept or two.

Free speech is only free when it's my opinion that's being heard...  (I think that's what the country's stance boils down to, no matter which side of the conservative/liberal fence you're on).

The Federal Pussy Posse is just another smokescreen in the government's effort (ALL administrations, both Republican and Democrats) to obfuscate and confuse the public from the more dire issues that the government would prefer no public input or inspection on.  We raise a hue and cry about freedom of speech while your representatives and senators vote ever more creative ways of double and triple dipping into your pockets to spend your money on all kinds of policies you would never otherwise attach your names to.  But while you're distracted from their key issues, that's all that matters.

Nov 29 05 07:52 pm Link


Mark Brummitt

Posts: 40527

Clarkston, Michigan, US

Ayan Rand, the philosopher, spoke of all these things in many books years ago.

Nov 29 05 09:58 pm Link


La Seine by the Hudson

Posts: 8587

New York, New York, US

Ditto ditto ditto.

Nov 29 05 10:22 pm Link


Tom Harding Photography

Posts: 43


Well I have a model lined up for Friday and we were kicking around a few ideas...these will definately help (am I 'ganking'?).

Frankly, I think the new 'task-force' is really a secret arm or the IRS. The government is pissed it hasn't figured a new way to tax the revenue of nude images (porn or not) since its one of the few industries that continues to grow. Watch new type of tax will show up.


Nov 29 05 10:43 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Tom Harding Photography wrote:
Well I have a model lined up for Friday and we were kicking around a few ideas...these will definately help (am I 'ganking'?).

LOL gank away!  It would be kind of silly of me to try and protect an idea about free speech!!!

Nov 29 05 10:55 pm Link



Posts: 188

Lombard, Illinois, US

I would like to work on this also

Nov 30 05 12:22 am Link