Forums > General Industry > Your own web site


Thom Bourgois

Posts: 105

Tucson, Arizona, US

Personally I think model- photographer exchange sites are not the best for profiles and portfolios.  IMO models and photographers ought to have their own sites, linked to the M-P sites.  So much more can be done with one’s own site.  If one doesn’t have the knowledge to build a site, or the funds to have one built, there are hosts such as 

imodel has all the structure in place for people to be able to just upload text and photos in several categories…and costs under $10.00 per month.  You also get a business email address, included.  It’s as easy to use as this site.  The main page lists Portfolio, Info, Booking, Contact, Guest Book, Links, and Store (where you can sell your photo products).  Under “Information” there are sub categories; Bio, Resume, Fan Club, and Schedule.  If you don’t like something written in your guest book simply go to your administration section and remove it.  Also, you have the option of a publicly displayed guest book, or not publicly displayed.  The portfolio section has 23 sub categories from which to choose; one or all.

Imodel isn’t a M-P exchange site; it’s a host site for models’ and photographers’ web sites.  I’m happy with it.  I’m a computer illiterate who wasted a lot of time waiting for computer literate friends that said they would help me built a web site.  They didn’t.  The owner, Mark Harper, was very helpful when I had questions.

I’m not pitching for imodel; I’m pitching for models and photographers to have their own web sites.  I’m computer illiterate; hosts like imodel  make life for people like me much more enjoyable.  MM makes model-photographer interaction enjoyable.


May 18 05 09:00 am Link



Posts: 168

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I made my own imodel, website just to see and try it out, if i like it than i will upgrade, I was really hesitant (hince the thread pro and cons) I really still do not know how it works since I have not paid and many of the pages on my site are disabled, could you please explain it to me.

May 18 05 09:07 am Link



Posts: 9122

imodel owns the name, I understand.

If you register with them, they own the url.

This may have changed....

May 18 05 09:10 am Link


Posts: 5264

New York, New York, US

Web sites are fine and I am working on several to be unleashed unto Gotham city(originally not from Batman).

But it is all about Traffic --plus I come here mostly for the fun of it.  Same with OMP.  When it is not fun,  I go away.  All work and no fun makes me a dull boy.

But it is all about traffic and random web sites out there in Hyperspace are just that out in space unless you send someone to your planet.

May 18 05 09:13 am Link


Thom Bourgois

Posts: 105

Tucson, Arizona, US

Posted by marksora: 
Web sites are fine and I am working on several to be unleashed unto Gotham city(originally not from Batman).

But it is all about Traffic --plus I come here mostly for the fun of it.  Same with OMP.  When it is not fun,  I go away.  All work and no fun makes me a dull boy.

But it is all about traffic and random web sites out there in Hyperspace are just that out in space unless you send someone to your planet.

You’re right, Mark, about sites being out in the wild yonder of cyberspace.  The must be a mechanism for driving people to any site.  I certainly wouldn’t, and don’t, count on my website as an income producer. 

Were I in New York, LA, Miami, or a few other places I might not have a need for MM or other such Internet sites.  Life in Backwaters is quite different than Megapolis.  We don’t have the agencies or other contacts models and photographers have in the Shinning Light towns.  MM and OMP fill a vacuum.  For us they’re a needed tool rather than just an entertainment.  What passes for agencies here are modeling “schools”.  For the most part fashion photography here amounts to getting an occasional gig from a half dozen or so retailers   The big local fashion rag is the “Living” section of the Sunday edition, and that’s heavy with stuff produced in the Shinning Light towns.  We have our own little “City Magazine”; but the amount of editorial and advertising photography that gets in it isn’t going to make any photographer rich…or, probably, even pay the taxes.  This, we’re told, is the cyber space age.  Many of us have web pages as places for potential clients to view and learn more about whatever it is we do.  And, yes, we do have to direct them to those sites.  There was more life happening in Times Square the last time I was there at three o’clock in the morning than there is in greater down town Lake Dry Bed at its’ busiest moments.


May 18 05 11:56 am Link


Fred Brown Photo

Posts: 1302

Chicago, Illinois, US

Posted by marksora: 
Web sites are fine and I am working on several to be unleashed unto Gotham city(originally not from Batman).

But it is all about Traffic --plus I come here mostly for the fun of it.  Same with OMP.  When it is not fun,  I go away.  All work and no fun makes me a dull boy.

But it is all about traffic and random web sites out there in Hyperspace are just that out in space unless you send someone to your planet.

I agree 100% my actual web site doesn't even link to here or OMP.

May 18 05 12:06 pm Link


Thom Bourgois

Posts: 105

Tucson, Arizona, US

Posted by XtremeArtists ®: 
imodel owns the name, I understand.

If you register with them, they own the url.

This may have changed....

Yes, Mark owns the name.  Names are marketable, but if the name is unique, the market is limited.  You should probably register a name that is distinguishably you, but not your model name, per se.

For the foreseeable future I expect to be happy with my arrangement with imodel.  Should I suddenly become computer literate, or one of my computer literate friends decides to help me build a site, I would probably buy the name.  An alternative, should Mark be unreasonable in my opinion, would be to use another similar but distinguishable name.


May 18 05 12:08 pm Link


Posts: 5264

New York, New York, US

Posted by Thom Bourgois: 

Posted by XtremeArtists ®: 

Yes, Mark owns the name.  Names are marketable, but if the name is unique, the market is limited.

So where is my money,  Regular mail must be slow or maybe that is why my roommate just bought an island and left town.

I love typeos

May 18 05 02:12 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

I would never advise anyone to host anywhere where they do not own the rights to their own domain name.

Simply put, why give that away? There are plenty of other sites that will help make a fully-hosted portfolio solution that don't demand such an unreasonable condition.

May 18 05 02:18 pm Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

my own site is under construction.  the webmaster is fucking lagging and it's pissing me off.  finals are no excuse!!

May 18 05 02:37 pm Link



Posts: 126

Los Angeles, California, US

I host and manage my own website/modeling portfolio on my own domain name. I only get hits from linking it to MM or OMP and such. Having a website means having to advertise it too for anyone to see it. ;o

May 18 05 08:43 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

My photography site gets about 300 unique hits a day just from the photos that I post to LiveJournal.

Of course none of it brings in any money, but then I'm not looking to bring in money.

It has, however, gotten me some incredible models who wanted to work with me.

May 18 05 09:19 pm Link


Jeri Lynn Astra

Posts: 240

Pleasantville, New York, US

I use MSN Groups. I'm happy with it for a variety of reasons: ease of use, no money required, etc. It's obviously not the most "professional" choice, however I lack the time and funds to deal with anything more complicated at this time. Plus, I just plain like MSN Groups. I love that people can join the group too, thus receiving weekly emails with updates if they choose.

Honestly, I use it as much for myself as a vehicle for my career. When I upload pictures, they are automatically compressed and the image type changed to JPEG. Since groups are easily accessed via hotmail, I can go back and forth when I'm trying to deal with photos or copy and paste resumes.

May 18 05 09:35 pm Link



Posts: 41

Marietta, Georgia, US

I rely on my personal website as my full portfolio. The modeling communities I join are a great way to network and learn from others, but only on my website can you see everything I have done and am capable of doing.
I try very hard to keep my website updated and organized, and not just with new images, but also interviews/prints/events/fan gift art etc. That way, for any job considerations, I can send people to my site and they see everything. And now as I was told by some of my photographers who don't own their own site, they like to send models to it as well to review THEIR work!

Definitely consider getting your own site!


May 19 05 04:02 am Link



Posts: 602

Seattle, Washington, US

Ooooh Ooooh I gotta put in my own two cents.

As for me I currently own over 100 sites and am developing another 200 for an August launch. Some of them I make great money from. Others only net me 100 - 200 a month. I do everything from XXX - Non-Nude sites.

I am also in the process of working on a car show that starts in Houston in June. And in the process of booking models for this tour I look to see if they have their own site or not. Here's why.

Muse Cube, OMP, MM and the many others are great perhaps for networking and exchanging ideas. But a model / Photographer that has their own site shows a level of comitment to their "Career". Would YOU hire a contractor to build your house if he needed to borrow YOUR tools to do it?

A personal site also allows possible photographers, other models, and fans to get a real idea of who YOU are and see a lot more of your work. Plus it gives you a base of operations.

Is it work to maintain? YES! Can it make you money? YES! Are there a lot of rip off artists? HELL YES! Can it get expensive? YES! (Particularly if you don't choose well and do your homework with hosting) And PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Stay away from geocities, and other hosting like that. It's VERY unprofessional and I know I get annoyed with pop-ups don't you?

I actually made an offer to MM members and came down on my hosting rates considerably for MM members. Dropped them to $10.00 monthly from $35.00 monthly for MM members. And for all I offer that is a great rate. And am also willing to help with design. You can contact me directly about that.

But yes get your OWN site, get your OWN domain name. And none of this crap either. We already KNOW you're a model. Use your first and last name when possible, or your company name.

Doing your own site the right way is an investment in yourself and your future career is how I look at it.

May 19 05 12:30 pm Link



Posts: 168

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I actually need help making my imodel website my own, I mean they have a designer on there that you can customize your website but i want my website to be unique, I really don't know anything about html codes, If anyone can help me I would greatly appreciate it.

May 29 05 03:00 am Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Posted by * Visual Mindscapes *: 
my own site is under construction.  the webmaster is fucking lagging and it's pissing me off.  finals are no excuse!! a student for a Webmaster? I swear, you cheap f_cks are always bypassing the Pros for the lamer solution and what happens? "Halo? Dis is Benny's Mam. Progress on your website will be temporarily halted due to College pinals. Sorry Po" heheheh

Hmm. I see a direct correlation between this and Models bypassing Pro photogs for the free GWCs. My, my, my.

May 29 05 04:02 am Link



Posts: 890

Houston, Texas, US

I Agree, having your own unique site and not a template site makes you look a bit more "professional looking" and makes people think more that you are serious about your craft, and yes, waiting for friends to do it it may be a pain, and as the saying goes, you get what you paid for...nothing! I went that rute nd decided to learn and do it myself, and also have done it for other photographers and models, I do charge, but it would not be an arm and a leg.

Hey Kavonna or anyone who needs a unique site just contact me and we can talk business. My site is and my direct contact info is there!

May 29 05 04:08 am Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Posted by XposurePhoto: 
I Agree, having your own unique site and not a template site makes you look a bit more "professional looking" and makes people think more that you are serious about your craft

That's ridiculous marketing hyperbole and you know it. A template site huh? I know of one that, out of the box, has all the features any model and photographer would need. Document and Picture Libraries (with versioning), Discussion Forum, Lists, Browser based Administrator forms, personalization and customization, user presence, tight integration with Microsoft Office applications and databases, the ability to aggregate information from network shares and other websites even, the ability to create surveys and more... It's called SharePoint.  Hehehe

Oh, it even comes with browser based reporting tool to tell you which browsers, users, operating systems visited your site and who is referring to you on a month to month, or daily basis. Cool huh? The coolest part is you can drag-n-drop files from your desktop to your website. Lazy people have to love that one.

With my website, I'm not working for it, it's working for me.

May 29 05 04:19 am Link



Posts: 1130

Danville, California, US

Posted by XtremeArtists ®: 
imodel owns the name, I understand.

If you register with them, they own the url.

This may have changed....

Wow - that is not good at all.... I spent 5 months with a model I know fighting to get her URL (that was getting 60,000 hits a month) back from a company... what a pain - I highly reccomend owning everything your self and to never use the excuse - "Well i do not know how to do it" better learn its part of your job as a model to know about sites etc..

May 29 05 12:01 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45351

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Posted by Brent Burzycki: 

Posted by XtremeArtists ®: 
imodel owns the name, I understand.

If you register with them, they own the url.

This may have changed....

Wow - that is not good at all.... I spent 5 months with a model I know fighting to get her URL (that was getting 60,000 hits a month) back from a company... what a pain - I highly reccomend owning everything your self and to never use the excuse - "Well i do not know how to do it" better learn its part of your job as a model to know about sites etc..

GoDaddy!  excellent prices and service for your domain name needs.  After trying some other domain name register companys, I have bought over 80 domain names from GoDaddy, I know!

May 29 05 01:21 pm Link