Forums > General Industry > Why are coomments always positive?


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

MHana wrote:

When people go into the look at me box,  I mean the announcement box and ask for comments.

Are you just looking to get your ego stroked or do you really want constructive comments?

If I'm posting about the new images I have up, I want constructive comments.

If I'm asking for local members to rsvp for the next meet and greet, I want rsvp's or emails.

I'd much rather have constructive comments then strokes any day.

Nov 02 05 06:20 pm Link


Images By Amber

Posts: 145

San Diego, California, US

I've only been here for 2 days, but because I have slipped right into the message boards and adding people as friends I feel I have promoted my work for people to see. Therefore I have recieved a few comments...

I think if I didn't do any of that I would still just have 1 friend 0 tags and 0 views. lmao

Promote yourself for others to see! Go to the critique section.

But about the positive comments, I noticed there are a lot of nice people on here. Which is weird to me, coming from omp, people over there will tell you how it is good or bad.

Nov 02 05 06:37 pm Link



Posts: 374

Linthicum, Maryland, US

Greg wrote:
My recent images must not be to anyones liking because there are no comments. I noticed that all comments here on MM are mostly positive NO MATTER HOW BAD A PICTURE IS.  Don't get me wrong, I love my work but it would be stupid to comment on my own stuff here, lol.  Whether you like my stuff or not, feel free to leave your opinion.  Have a good day all.

Ok, I went and critiqued every one of your pictures. You have great work, but I have no problem telling someone what isn't right if that's what they want. So I hope you take a look. There were only a few things that I didn't like, most of your work is wonderful. I'd shoot with you!

Nov 02 05 06:59 pm Link



Posts: 374

Linthicum, Maryland, US

Greg wrote:
Haitherilulu, though I totally disagree with your opinion, I am giving you my Speak-Your-Mind Award for your comment:

"this is offensive and disgusting"


I though her opinion of that photo was not exactly a critique, but an ignorant look at pregnancy.

Nov 02 05 07:00 pm Link



Posts: 374

Linthicum, Maryland, US

xrhapsodiex wrote:
I think this goes back to the age old golden rule:

If you don't have something nice to say, then don't say anything at all.


The golden rule is:

Do unto others as you would have done unto you.

Nov 02 05 07:02 pm Link



Posts: 2151

Boston, Massachusetts, US

I only comment on photos that I feel are really exceptional, other I say nothing.

Guess I grew up with "If you can't say something good, Say nothing at all".  It also takes a lot more time to give some one a detailed explanation of what is wrong with an image, I don't have the time to do that.

Nov 02 05 07:09 pm Link


Jeff Bowlin

Posts: 162

Tucson, Arizona, US

It's simply good form and good manners to hand out positive reinforcement, especially if you see something you like.

If someone wanted my critique, they would post something in a critique forum or ask me for one.

Nov 02 05 07:50 pm Link



Posts: 188

Orlando, Florida, US

DawnElizabeth Moderator wrote:
I like 'em all.

Especially Jamiaca Bob right??? LMAO

Hi D

Nov 04 05 09:41 am Link

Wardrobe Stylist

stylist man

Posts: 34382

New York, New York, US

Jeff Bowlin wrote:
It's simply good form and good manners to hand out positive reinforcement, especially if you see something you like.

If someone wanted my critique, they would post something in a critique forum or ask me for one.

What about those who seek comments in the announcement box and shout box?   Are they only asking for positive belly rubs?

Nov 04 05 11:35 am Link


Glen Berry

Posts: 2797

Huntington, West Virginia, US

Greg wrote:
My recent images must not be to anyones liking because there are no comments. I noticed that all comments here on MM are mostly positive NO MATTER HOW BAD A PICTURE IS.  Don't get me wrong, I love my work but it would be stupid to comment on my own stuff here, lol.  Whether you like my stuff or not, feel free to leave your opinion.  Have a good day all.

Hi Greg,

I just finished reviewing all your images. I posted some comments which are my honest opinion of your work. It seemed to me that you were wanting an honest critique instead of only glowing praise, so I pointed out areas that I thought could be improved. I hope this is what you wanted. I also hope I didn't come across as being too harsh, because I do think you have talent and many of your images are very likeable.

Feel free to critique the images in my portfolio if you like. Feel free to say whatever you like about my images, as long as you are being honest.

take care,

Nov 04 05 02:32 pm Link



Posts: 594

Wilmington, North Carolina, US

I would provide constructive criticism....but there are too many to do that to.  However....if I feel strongly about an image.....I will comment on it.

Nov 04 05 04:58 pm Link



Posts: 608

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Several years ago, I gave negative feedback to a photographer who, to me, was in the early stages of his photography career. The image was given positive feedback by others - which I felt was not warrented. So, i spoke my onions. I was publicly admonished by moderators and others to the point that I felt like crawling in to a hole. Today, this photographer is doing some really admirable work. Did he get there by being stroked? Or, did a kick in the butt get him moving towards a more positive direction?

There are all levels of photographers, not only here, but in the marketplace. Some are boring, some are outstanding. Some have a niche, others are fumbling around - and everything in between. I comment when I have the time, to those whose work either emulates mine, or whose work I would aspire to. Because ones work may not impress me, doesn't mean its' not acceptable, it's just not where I'm at. So, I keep quiet. But every once in a while...

Nov 06 05 08:03 am Link

Wardrobe Stylist

stylist man

Posts: 34382

New York, New York, US

Always positive can be problematic for we all seek the truth.  But I do not need nor want my truth taught to me by beating me over the head with it.

A balance in this site, in critique, and in life is needed.

Dec 12 05 12:01 am Link



Posts: 7840


all agreed...
MM is fun, freindly ... not slam / flame
also say only the good - unless asked, and be positive even then
i have to say i am amazed by the nice remarks on some terrible terrible pictures (technique let alone poses) and the people who ask for critique and then wont take any
i usually have only admiration for the 98% i see BUT funnily enough i was strong willed NOT to leave a negative today!!
...the model looked as much like a cow as a human being possibly could and  i imagined that was the idea....
the pose was leaning forward with long loose breasts hanging looking just like udders (that made me feel ill)
she was shot in a metal cage outdoors - like an animal, but posing glamour not art with a dumb expression
in addition her eyes were so far apart, big and brown, emphasised looking vacant that i was sure it was a'' tongue in cheek'' joke shot
until i read the other comments
like  ''great model''
''nice pic''
and so then i just ran away!!

who knows whats going on anymore

he he

Dec 12 05 12:22 am Link

Wardrobe Stylist

stylist man

Posts: 34382

New York, New York, US

I agree.  Only positive is not productive.   But the 90 -10 rule I stated I think fits.   Tell people the honest truth but in a way they can handle it.  And no need to stone people as if this was the "life of Brian""

Dec 12 05 12:28 am Link


J Sigerson

Posts: 587

Los Angeles, California, US

well, there's Thumper's dad, and diplomacy, and what would you be out to accomplish with a negative comment?

If you're hoping to help someone along, further their pursuit of (your idea of) excellence, better dust off the flowery euphemisms.

A critique that doesn't take great pains to be fair and diplomatic will be deleted. You may even get a nasty retialatory comment (which you'll then have to delete).

Personally, I'm more likely to take "great pains" to express my appreciation for something that really wows me. (it is great pains, too, usually I just want to slam my hand on the desk and type "KICKASS!" - that's just the reaction I get to great images)

If I don't like something, well I just don't take the time. If it's somebody I know, I'll bring up my observations when the time presents itself. If it's somebody who's hopeless, then why bother? To be mean? If it's somebody who needs a little help, wait til they ask or ???

Personal experience: I do retouching, and when I was newer here, I actually contacted some people privately, not to solicit business, just trying to offer helpful hints (and skirting around the real issue, that their bad photoshop was making the world an uglier place). I bet I don't have to tell you how it went over. I should know better by now; I've been on this damned internet since you had to wind it up.

Dec 12 05 12:56 am Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

MHana wrote:
I agree.  Only positive is not productive.   But the 90 -10 rule I stated I think fits.   Tell people the honest truth but in a way they can handle it.  And no need to stone people as if this was the "life of Brian""

I like my life, even though I don't get stoned.

Dec 12 05 01:43 am Link


Posts: 5265

New York, New York, US

Brian Diaz wrote:

I like my life, even though I don't get stoned.

Sure easy for you to say that.

Dec 12 05 01:48 am Link



Posts: 7840


isnt this the life of brain?????   lol

Dec 12 05 02:30 pm Link



Posts: 108

Cincinnati, Ohio, US

I'm just an amateur, so I am not in a position to speak negatively about another member's work. I would not want anyone to rip me a new one for everyone to see. So, if I have something positive to say, then I type it. If not, I just give the laptop the finger while holding my nose as though something stinks with my other hand.... KIDDING!!

Dec 12 05 11:26 pm Link



Posts: 17

Anaheim, California, US

Craig Thomson wrote:
I left comments on a new photographer's portfolio this morning mentioning the lighting I had trouble with and indicated what I would do to correct the issues, The photographer saw my comments and didn't agree with them and deleted all my comments and then sent me a nasty email cursing me.

Dec 12 05 11:36 pm Link


Sarah Schaf

Posts: 243

Wyandotte, Michigan, US

Greg wrote:
My recent images must not be to anyones liking because there are no comments. I noticed that all comments here on MM are mostly positive NO MATTER HOW BAD A PICTURE IS.  Don't get me wrong, I love my work but it would be stupid to comment on my own stuff here, lol.  Whether you like my stuff or not, feel free to leave your opinion.  Have a good day all.

I commented on your new pics. And I think there was only 1 that I didn't like and I made an honest, but nice critique about it. Take my critique down, I just wanted to let you know what's wrong about the pic. Another pic, I thought could use some re-editing, but other than that it's AWESOME. To be completely truthful, your new pics are SO much better than your old ones. They have more expression. Sometimes it takes a while for people to respond. Plus sometimes if you're not on threads for a while, people don't see your name as much, so they will respond less often. If you can't make a thread appearance daily, come on every few days. It will get you more work too! (I didn't check to see how many thread postings you have, so sorry if you're a thread whore like myself, J/K) But in all honestly- your new work is better.

Dec 12 05 11:56 pm Link


Royce Ednalino Photo

Posts: 130

Bellingham, Washington, US

i've had bad comments.... haha, but only from a certain person.... i'm still trying to figure out if my photos are really bad or if its just that one person... haha

Dec 13 05 02:20 am Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Greg wrote:
My recent images must not be to anyones liking because there are no comments. I noticed that all comments here on MM are mostly positive NO MATTER HOW BAD A PICTURE IS.  Don't get me wrong, I love my work but it would be stupid to comment on my own stuff here, lol.  Whether you like my stuff or not, feel free to leave your opinion.  Have a good day all.

Coomments (which is a distant cousin of comments I assume) Are not always positive.
You should look at my portfolio... I left the negative up to show how stupid some people look......

ok, I left them up because I thought it only fair to do so.

Dec 13 05 06:36 am Link


BMontgomery Photography

Posts: 157

Los Angeles, California, US

Great strategy to get feedback on your portfolio or more page looks.  Ooops.  Is that negative?  All kidding aside, I think people realize that when you mix amateur and professional photographers, models, mua's etc together, you will get a wide arrange of looks.   Rarely do we all see the same thing.  So what might be excellent work to someone may be full of flaws to someone else.

Most of the people on here are not published or have major contracts, so I think we could all grow from constructive criticism.  My only complaint is when photographers bad mouth other photographers to models, instead of telling the photographer to his/her face/portal.  I think that is cowardly, manipulative and unfair.  But then so is the essence of being online.  We can all hide behind our ports.  There I go...there I go again...waxing poetically.

Billy (member 2615)

Dec 13 05 06:51 am Link



Posts: 1037

Arlington, Virginia, US

There seem to be two types of threads going right now.  The ones that wonder why everyone is always positive and the one that wonder why everyone is always so negative.  Hmmm.

Dec 13 05 08:31 am Link