Forums > General Industry > I'm just a GWC... But pose for me anyway.


Wayne Chow Photography

Posts: 586

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

To break out your GWC stigma, you have to show people that you are serious about your craft.  You can do this by having some serious work in your portfolio.  I have seen some pros with GWC type of work and amatuers with outstanding work showing skill and craft.  "The internet is the great equalizer", Rolando Gomez.

Oct 26 05 12:09 am Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

simplyred wrote:

lol Right!

I get your point, but it has to be taken in context. 

A pro shoots in a hotel room because that is the location he chooses to use because it is right for the ambiance of the project. 

A GWC shoots in a hotel room because he has no place else to go.

Oct 26 05 07:32 am Link


Jose Luis

Posts: 2890

Dallas, Texas, US

Brian Diaz wrote:
If the goal is to make photographs, you are a photographer.  If your goal is to get girls to stand in front of you in various degrees of undress while you take pictures of them, you are a GWC.

Umm, what about those of us who want both of those as goals. 

God- if I wanted to shoot boring stuff I would be at your kid's soccer game or your niece's wedding, hehe.


Oct 26 05 10:28 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Nicholson Photography wrote:
if your shooting at the models house and dont have strobes... you might be a gwc.

One of my best natural light shoots ever was at a models home which had 3 levels to it and every space in it was perfect for natural light work. She turned a warehouse into her home and her ceiling was nothing but white plexiglass which made an awesome difuser.
Guess that makes me a GWC now? Damn.

Oct 26 05 01:31 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

JvR wrote:

I'm with Brian on this one.

So even the playboy photographers, or anyone who does any type of nude work, artistic or not, is a GWC?

Oct 26 05 01:33 pm Link


Nicholson Photography

Posts: 586

Columbus, Georgia, US


Oct 26 05 01:36 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Champion wrote:

I like that definition. I think I'd change it to "If the goal is to make [i]quality[/b] photographs, you are a photographer." Obviously levels of quality would vary. No need to get into opinions and what not.

Every photographer doesn't need to use elaborate lighting setups. So many seem to have a problem with those who shoot a bit of reality. I find it interesting that the general thought on photography comes across like everyone who is "professional" is shooting fashion or needs to manipulate every aspect of what they shoot. All due credit to being able to do that but credit should never be denied to those who can capture things just as they are seen.

Not sure if this fits the thread but to me professional means knowing how to achieve the results(i.e. the exposure,etc etc) you want in your photographs consistantly.Nothing to do with money and quality really, imo. I have seen tons of hobby photographers who are more consistant and achieving their goal in their photographs than some who make tons of money at it.

Oct 26 05 01:37 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Cameron Watson wrote:

An Olympus E10, its old and beat up.... the built in fill flash and well thats it! my profile lists the published credits from this year. I have sold some art pieces, architectural images mostly, a couple of art nudes. At the end of the day, in my mind I am still a GWC. I am proud of the fact I dont lug tons of equipment around and that 90% of what I shoot is available light. And I hate that I dont know more, cant always shoot the things I see, due to inexperience.

But more importantly, (and God knows that enough about me)I repsect the guys who can, who with little to no equipment, crank out great work or at least try and are brave enought to put it out there for all to see.

Can we call a guy who has 20k worth of stuff, proclaims '30 years experience as a professional' and still takes crappy, cheesy, exploitive nude pics a GWC? Simply because he doesnt have a creative bone in is body yet tries to justify his 'art'?

Finally, where is the real GWC to make this fun again damnit, Angelina can wait...

Nice to see someone still doing good work with an E10. It was also my first digital camera and I still use it now and then for some stuff. Especially marco work since I have the macro lens attachment.

Oct 26 05 01:39 pm Link


Nicholson Photography

Posts: 586

Columbus, Georgia, US

its not what you have.
its how you use it.

Oct 26 05 01:39 pm Link


Jason Haven

Posts: 38381

Washington, District of Columbia, US

Ok since my thread was locked, I'll respond to another.

The FAQ says one thing, but others say other things. I'm personally serious about photography (as one should see by looking at my site), yet some describe it as guys that dont make money, or dont have a studio, or dont have the most expensive equipment.

So Who is correct?

What am I? haha

Nov 16 05 07:26 am Link


Michael Gundelach

Posts: 763

Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany

I'm consider myself a GWC too.... so what? It's not what others think of you - it's what you make out of it....

Nov 16 05 07:31 am Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

Shot by one of the best photogs in Michigan....

In his garage.

I like this shot, but love the model more. lol

Personally, you'll know a GWC by his product quality.

Nov 16 05 09:11 am Link



Posts: 1187

Nelsonville, New York, US

sometimes a model makes me feel like I'm a GW(out)C smile

Nov 26 05 06:19 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Nicholson Photography wrote:
if your shooting at the models house and dont have strobes... you might be a gwc.

Some models have some awesome houses. I have used a models home as a location before. Doesn`t make me a GWC.

Nov 26 05 06:21 pm Link



Posts: 455

Concord, California, US

I'm not a guy...and I shoot 99% with natural light.  I absolutely HATE indoor you call me? 


Nov 26 05 06:22 pm Link



Posts: 455

Concord, California, US

TORIA wrote:
I'm not a guy...and I shoot 99% with natural light.  I absolutely HATE indoor you call me? 


Nov 26 05 06:22 pm Link



Posts: 7316

San Antonio, Florida, US

Nicholson Photography wrote:
if your shooting at the models house and dont have strobes... you might be a gwc.

the only difference between strobes and natural light is recycle time.

Nov 26 05 06:23 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

I often think that 'pros' put down the GWC because of their
own insecurities.  You've shown your willingness to improve
by taking workshops and no doubt reading.  I know Stan M.
by the way he' great!  I think you'll find that everyone should
have their own artistic vision and style.  I so often see fantastic
work here that I wish I could do.  However wouldn't that be me
copying someone else?  No matter how good I got it wouldn't the
as good as theirs.  I think the only real difference after you add
Photoshop and high res digital cameras in is that a GWC often has
vision, artists do.  Forget pro or amateur are you an artist?

Nov 26 05 06:33 pm Link



Posts: 226

BRONX, New York, US

There can be many ways of defining a GWC.  Don't worry about what others say, worry about your own opinion of yourself. 

Try this test:

Question:When your beautiful model is standing there with nary a stitch, what do you think?

Answer 1:"Wow!  What a rack and ass she has, I'd love to toss the camera and party." = GWC

Answer 2:"Wow! What a beautiful body.  What pose should I use next? = Photographer

Nov 26 05 06:43 pm Link


Archer Photography

Posts: 37

Elizabethton, Tennessee, US

Self inflated, self labeled pro's gotta love 'em, think they know all there is about photography.  Ever heard the joke about how many photogs it takes to take a picture?  The answer is twenty, one to snap the shot and nineteen to tell him how it could have been done better.  Whatever happened to somebody just doin it for the love of photography.  So lets see, if you're not published, not paid, and not very well known, etc. youre a GWC.  Guess everyone is until any of the above happens.  I suggest a new title, PWC, perv with camera, cuz if youre gettin yer rocks off and not intending to go anywhere with your work...

Nov 27 05 01:13 am Link



Posts: 12

Houston, Texas, US

GWC = Guy Without Cash...?  If so, then I fit well...

Nov 27 05 09:14 am Link


Envy - Art

Posts: 3319

Kansas City, Missouri, US


Nov 27 05 09:45 am Link


Envy - Art

Posts: 3319

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Kharizma wrote:
I'm not a guy...and I shoot 99% with natural light.  I absolutely HATE indoor you call me? 


LOL...I always find it comical that a lot of "guys" think that you gotta have "strobes" and a BIG ASSED lens to be more than a GWC.  I don't own a strobe...don't wanna own a strobe and find studio work extremely boring.  I did a shoot last Friday with Josie Nutter and since it's a bit cold outside in KC this time of year, we shot in a 40 room, 100 year old mansion.  We had the entire place to ourselves for as long as we wanted it.  If a person reaches outside of themselves for a bit of creativity they can achieve whatever they want.  I don't think I'm a GWC...heck I'm not even a

P.S.  Love your new stuff Kharizma!

Nov 27 05 09:47 am Link



Posts: 7316

San Antonio, Florida, US

"I don't think I'm a GWC...heck I'm not even a GUY"

you are a Gal With Class.

Nov 27 05 09:49 am Link


Landon James

Posts: 6

Dallas, Texas, US

I'm rollin on the floor laughin!   This string reminds of of that Jeff Foxworthy skit "U might be a redneck!"  Someone needs to refine this and re-publish it!   LOL, LOL, LOL!!!

Nov 27 05 09:52 am Link


Jeff Fiore

Posts: 9225

Brooklyn, New York, US

Toria wrote:
I'm not a guy...and I shoot 99% with natural light.  I absolutely HATE indoor you call me?  wink

I'd call you a great natural light/outdoor photographer. The are a lot of professional photographers that specialize in only natural light/outdoor photography. To do outdoor photography REALLY WELL is very difficult. You have to adapt to changing light conditions, the best time of the day to shoot for the most impact, etc...etc... Studio photography on the other hand is much more controlled.


Nov 27 05 09:53 am Link


Henry Tjernlund

Posts: 587

Koppel, Pennsylvania, US

Brian Diaz wrote:
If the goal is to make photographs, you are a photographer.  If your goal is to get girls to stand in front of you in various degrees of undress while you take pictures of them, you are a GWC.

I think that this is a good working defitition. Well said.


Nov 27 05 12:05 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

Michael Thayer wrote:
What's the difference between a professional photographer, an amateur photographer, and a GWC (Guy with Camera)?

Take a look at my portfolio.

Am I a GWC?

I like to think I'm an experienced amateur, but my camera is pretty basic, I shoot mostly in automatic, and I don't own any lights.  Most of my shoots are done outdoors or at the model's home.

What's your definition?

This discussion/debate over GWC... 

To be deemed as such or not  -in the end-  does not make your work better or worse.  Doesn't get you any more or any less clients.  Doesn't affect the amount of money or time you put into photography.  Will never stop you from improving, becoming stagnant, or getting worse at photography.

It's simply a distinction that you might get on the internet. 

But when you step away from the computer and pick up whatever you use to capture images the only thing that really matters is the photo you want to take.  It (the distinction GWC) has no effect on where you shoot, what equipment you use, how much you paid for it, where you got it, how long you've been shooting, where you went to school or who you learned under.  It was a term I never heard until I read a forum on a photography networking site.

Until that term actually has some type of effect on your work... well, why even care what it means or whether you fit someone's definition of it?

Nov 27 05 08:52 pm Link



Posts: 13

Bellevue, Washington, US

So what if you are? I dont get it, some people have hobbies, some do it for a living.
Big enough world for everyone

Nov 27 05 09:00 pm Link


Prince Jewell

Posts: 33

Brian Diaz wrote:
Being professional means knowing when to be unprofessional.

Very well said! Prince Jewell- GWC

Nov 27 05 09:07 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

Miss Anthropy

Posts: 223

Portland, Oregon, US

GWC wrote:

Yeah, I am the most talked-about photographer on MM. Check out my profile. I am the SLAMMIN'est.

Say, do any of you have any suggestions on how to clean a nipple-print off your lens' coated optics without scratching them?


A lens cleaning cloth saturated in rubbing alcohol

Nov 27 05 10:15 pm Link



Posts: 1087

Dallas, Texas, US

GWC is such a stupid term.  Call me what you like, but I do not care.  I do what I do for my creative exploration.  Why must there be a second label that is more confusing than just calling the person a pervert?  Isn't that what you are trying to say anyways? 

Besides, no model should photograh with a photographer without seeing his portfolio.  Who cares what kind of equipment he/she uses or where he/she shoots, if the product is great then be happy.  We could also talk in morse code, and that way the evil GWC wont know we are talking about him/her.

Person with disposable camera wanting to see you nekkid?
See I can make pointless acronyms...

Wow, that feels good to get that off my chest.  I guess since I know what it feels like to be ridiculed when I first started out.  We all had to begin somewhere.

Nov 27 05 10:21 pm Link



Posts: 1407

Baltimore, Maryland, US

DBA1 wrote:
My definition of a "GWC" is a guy or girl who's only photographic interest is taking *Bad* nude images of there models with no artistic value.

So you make the definition of "GWC" hinge on artistic merit? Good luck. Even the supreme court couldn't tackle that one.

By your definition I'd say Nan Goldin's a GWC. Does that fit?

Bah, this is B.S. -- none of you chumps are GWCs. 'Cuz I am THE GWC and I say so.

I gotta go. I'm supposed to be shooting a TFP with Paris Hilton waxing the rims on my Ferrarri with her b(o)(o)bies... BRB.


Nov 27 05 10:30 pm Link