Forums > General Industry > trashy and tasteless???


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

I suppose this may be to vague a question, but what makes a picture with some amount of nudity trashy and tasteless vs classy and beautiful. I don't want trashy pics in my portfolio...WHAAAAA

We all know the artistic nudes which display the human body's beautiful form are not trash. I'm talking about maybe a fashion picture with some nudity. Or glamour pictures. Are glamour pictures trashy?

Going to put myself out on a limb, but is the gold picture on my portfolio trashy? I get alot of complements on it but I was very hesitant to post it after we shot it.

May 15 05 12:54 pm Link



Posts: 34

Orlando, Florida, US

I don't believe that any of your portfolio photos are trashy at all.

I think the trashy nude photos are the ones that are blatantly obvious a GWC shot with an unsuspecting model... bad lighting, horrible angles, model doesn't look comfortable, etc.

May 15 05 01:02 pm Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

anytime something is shoved into our faces, that doesn't contribute to the image..i thinks its tastless..

the female form is beautiful without having to pose in un-natural ways, with un-natural views..

so your gold image is very beautiful and tasteful as far as i am concerned..i prefer to see natural skin tones, but the image is lovely none the less...

May 15 05 01:03 pm Link


Aperture Photographics

Posts: 310

Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada

I love your gold photo and I don't see anything tastless or trashy in your portfolio at all.

May 15 05 01:03 pm Link



Posts: 904

Berwick, Maine, US

Posted by Angel Tara: 
I suppose this may be to vague a question, but what makes a picture with some amount of nudity trashy and tasteless vs classy and beautiful. I don't want trashy pics in my portfolio...WHAAAAA

We all know the artistic nudes which display the human body's beautiful form are not trash. I'm talking about maybe a fashion picture with some nudity. Or glamour pictures. Are glamour pictures trashy?

Going to put myself out on a limb, but is the gold picture on my portfolio trashy? I get alot of complements on it but I was very hesitant to post it after we shot it. 

NO... not that my opinion should matter at all to you. Do you like it? I think its Maxuim, is that trashy? lots of talent would love to be in Maxium so? No worries. You look great in all your photos.

May 15 05 01:07 pm Link



Posts: 2033

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

I think tasteless and trashy can be attributed to the quality of the work regardless of it is shoved in our faces. I have seen a lot of stuff shoved in my face that I've loved and didn't consider tasteless or trashy. The difference is if you look at the same exact picture shot by two different photographers, one of the pictures makes you say, damn that's hot! The other picture makes you say, damn, what the f*ck were they thinking. I see it all the time.

- My $0.27

May 15 05 01:10 pm Link



Posts: 904

Berwick, Maine, US

May 15 05 01:14 pm Link


Aurora Bellare

Posts: 61

Newport News, Virginia, US

There are absolutely NO trashy photos in your profile.  You're a gorgeous model and all the photos are lovely smile

May 15 05 01:18 pm Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

Posted by LaMarco Photo:

its all how its presented...and the vision of the photographer..

May 15 05 01:18 pm Link



Posts: 137

Springfield, Virginia, US

i saw nothing trashy...

May 15 05 01:53 pm Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

The answer is obvious:

"Everything is subjective and open to opinion."

Do I think your work is trashy? Not at all.

Would my grandmother think it is trashy? Totally.

As a model, you should value the opinion of a cute, young, male photographer over the opinion of an old dead lady. ;-)

But the ultimate opinion is YOURS. If you like it, use it. If you feel self-conscious about it, don't use it. Simple.

May 15 05 01:58 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Trashy is as trashy does...

I mean, I know it when I see it.

May 15 05 02:01 pm Link



Posts: 319

San Diego, California, US

Posted by EricMuss-Barnes: 
As a model, you should value the opinion of a cute, young, male photographer over the opinion of an old dead lady.

So true.  Your grandmother is a part of your family, so her opinion is meaningless.  The cute young male photographer, however, apparently may be dating you soon...  LOL!

May 15 05 02:01 pm Link



Posts: 4144

Spartanburg, South Carolina, US

Posted by EricMuss-Barnes: 
The answer is obvious:

"Everything is subjective and open to opinion."

Do I think your work is trashy? Not at all.

Would my grandmother think it is trashy? Totally.

As a model, you should value the opinion of a cute, young, male photographer over the opinion of an old dead lady. ;-)

But the ultimate opinion is YOURS. If you like it, use it. If you feel self-conscious about it, don't use it. Simple.

Yep, ya gotta remember it's a big weird world!!
There's people that want to put a jock on Michelangelo's "David". LOLOL!!

May 15 05 02:02 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Thank you for your replies and complements. I am not ashamed of it, I was hesitant because it was the first picture that showed "that much." And I'm still relatively new to this.

I have seen remarks about how much "trash" is here on model mayhem. So it made me wonder what defines trash.

May 15 05 02:17 pm Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Posted by Austin Models & Talent Agency: 
So true.  Your grandmother is a part of your family, so her opinion is meaningless.  The cute young male photographer, however, apparently may be dating you soon...  LOL!

Excuse me, Jeff. But you should know that it is VERY unprofessional for models and photographers to date. My dead grandmother would not approve.

May 15 05 02:22 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Posted by EricMuss-Barnes: 
The answer is obvious:

As a model, you should value the opinion of a cute, young, male photographer over the opinion of an old dead lady. ;-)

I can go along with that! smile

May 15 05 02:24 pm Link



Posts: 2033

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US


no I'm not stalking you.. lol but you have to take everything you hear here on online modeling sites, [damn, that was difficult to type much less re-read] with a grain of salt. I love seeing just sexy sexy images, it's what "I" prefer. It is probably the pervert in me, but hey, we've all got a little perv somewhere in our being. 9 times out of 10 it's that sexiness that sells, take a look around some of the major metro areas in the country, almost every billboard advert. is sex selling something.

Mainstream america may or may not embrace it, but just like Hip Hop music, you can only hold it down for so long before it comes smacking you in the face. Even Colonel Sanders is hip hop - Go figure!

May 15 05 02:25 pm Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

Posted by Angel Tara: 
I suppose this may be to vague a question, but what makes a picture with some amount of nudity trashy and tasteless vs classy and beautiful. 

It all depends on the person viewing the photo.

May 15 05 06:54 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

It's all a matter of personal taste.  I will say this: if you question the appropriateness of an image, you probably shouldn't present your gut.

May 15 05 10:13 pm Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

If you ever looked trashy, I would have to blame the photographer in your case. You have a beauty that is classic, and one would have to work pretty hard to tarnish it.

May 16 05 12:43 am Link


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US

Since we are on the subject!!
I know its not trashey but is it porn? … f8f5a9e585

May 16 05 12:57 am Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

Posted by Hugh  Jorgen: 
Since we are on the subject!!
I know its not trashey but is it porn? … f8f5a9e585

not porn, but it really doesn't make much sense..why is the center girl looking into the lens?

May 16 05 01:04 am Link


Wendi April

Posts: 240

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Posted by EricMuss-Barnes: 

But the ultimate opinion is YOURS. If you like it, use it. If you feel self-conscious about it, don't use it. Simple.

I couldn't have worded it better myself!  If you like it, use it!!!  Your images are beautiful and classy, so personally I feel that you have nothing to worry about!

May 16 05 01:15 am Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Posted by Angel Tara: 
Going to put myself out on a limb, but is the gold picture on my portfolio trashy? I get alot of complements on it but I was very hesitant to post it after we shot it.

I know where you're coming from. You're feeling vulnerable and baring what you consider to be a very personal image of you to the entire world. I have to pat all of you models on the back for being courageous in that sense. All of your stuff is very good looking Angel. No worries.

May 16 05 01:16 am Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

Posted by Hugh  Jorgen: 
Since we are on the subject!!
I know its not trashey but is it porn? … f8f5a9e585

Not porn that any people I know would buy! No explicitness anywhere. Today, porn is super explicit. because I do not want to be banned, I will just suppose that most of you have perused the newspaper stands where they have books covered in brown paper. Notice how in these magazines body parts spread out, stick out, and emit liquid? that is porn.

May 16 05 01:22 am Link



Posts: 8108

Ashland, Alabama, US

Tasteless and trashy...that's really bad. I haven't seen a lot of tasteless and trashy work on this site. Bad work yes. Bloody work uh huh. Over-photoshopped work indeed lol. Trashy? That's just mean. Trashy is sometimes considered art, in the John Waters genre or grungy as in Nirvana...

I definitely take some pics down or am afraid to put em up lest my family say they're gross. But truth is as long as they're getting lots of hits/comments I don't wanna take 'em down! So should I put up those pics of me and Yvette now? LOL...hmmm maybe later...

May 16 05 02:31 am Link


Kevin Connery

Posts: 17825

El Segundo, California, US

Posted by Angel Tara: 
We all know the artistic nudes which display the human body's beautiful form are not trash. I'm talking about maybe a fashion picture with some nudity. Or glamour pictures. Are glamour pictures trashy?

Alas, your first statement ("We all know") isn't entirely true, though I suspect it is for members of this site. But there are large groups of people for whom even a fashion picture with some nudity is considered porn, and an even larger set who automatically consider it trashy.

As with most critiques, consider the context. What assumptions is the speaker making, and how many of them apply in this situation for you? Not necessarily how talented the person making the comments is--often "clueless newbies" can make very insightful observations--but what their background, and their context is. Family portraiture? Commercial/catalog? Landscape specialist? Ultra-liberal? Ultra-conservative? (For whatever definitions of 'liberal' and/or 'conservative' you want to use.)

If someone said something was tasteless and trashy, I'd give a lot of consideration to their context, whether I agreed or not. (The more objective observations are easily to confirm, but taste is very subjective.)

May 16 05 03:11 am Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Posted by Hugh  Jorgen: 
Since we are on the subject!!
I know its not trashey but is it porn? … f8f5a9e585

It's not interesting enough to be porn.  Actually, it just looks like bikini shot without the bikinis.

May 16 05 03:30 am Link



Posts: 602

Seattle, Washington, US

Posted by EricMuss-Barnes: 
The answer is obvious:

"Everything is subjective and open to opinion."

Do I think your work is trashy? Not at all.

Would my grandmother think it is trashy? Totally.

As a model, you should value the opinion of a cute, young, male photographer over the opinion of an old dead lady. ;-)

But the ultimate opinion is YOURS. If you like it, use it. If you feel self-conscious about it, don't use it. Simple.

Indeed it is subjective.... And um in case none of you people bashing porn yet again got the memo, even porn is art. Maybe not YOUR kind of art but doesn't change the fact that the SUPREME court decided that even content of an explicit sexual nature is ART.

People didn't really understand Miles Davis' work and fushion was considered alternative. Now people refer to Miles as a genius. Personally I don't like speed metal. It doesn't constitute as music to me. But it does to someone or else it wouldn't sell.

Now I just wonder where she is going to find the cute young male photographer. LOL

May 16 05 04:13 am Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

Trashy is in the eye of the beholder.

I can open a Hustler magazine and find beauty in it. Be it the models eyes, or how she's in perfect symetry with things, etc... Of course it doesn't mean it's going on my coffee table. lol

May 16 05 04:32 am Link


Lady Atropos

Posts: 693

Toledo, Ohio, US

Trash verses class is all about style AND technique

Its no crime to be an amature nude photographer...with studies of various parts of the human body featured.

It is trash to be an amature with just a bunch of boob shots.

Lit well or not, it shows if a photographer wants to create art, or a personal porn collection.

May 16 05 06:23 am Link



Posts: 1984

London, England, United Kingdom

We all have our own views on what at times can be tasteless in the eyes of others, so if you let others always dictate  their views upon you then you lose those abilities which is part of your own spirit.  Never feel there is shame in having images that show parts of your would think I would hide a major amount of my work from my wife or daughters....never have and never will..they have seen the body of my work and have been in my studio while I have shot nudes.....I am sure someone would be shocked to hear that from this midwestern don't let someone else control your ideas of the beauty of the human's not always about art, but it is about feel so positive about yourself.

May 16 05 06:45 am Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Posted by Lady Atropos: 
Trash verses class is all about style AND technique

Its no crime to be an amature nude photographer...with studies of various parts of the human body featured.

It is trash to be an amature with just a bunch of boob shots.

Lit well or not, it shows if a photographer wants to create art, or a personal porn collection.


My work is very personal...and has been called "porn" more than once.  I wonder what that makes me.

May 16 05 10:51 pm Link



Posts: 187

Flint, Michigan, US

I merely parused through your portfolio but I saw nothing trashy.

Trashy, to me, is crappy lighting, tons of image manipulation, as well as a dirty scenario.  "Allow me to show off what's in between my legs and lemme just pretend it was an accident."  Please, we can get enough of that form a smut film.  Although, even adult films can have a plot, but that little example above is among the cheesiest and icky.  THAT is trashy.

Again, your photos look fine.  Nothing trashy in there whatsoever.  ^^

May 16 05 11:09 pm Link



Posts: 1190

Winnetka, California, US

Re: The gold pic, and your port in general
trashy - not particularly
serious - no
interesting/original - no
is it you? - it is only if you superficial and cheesy

if you aren't superficial and cheesy as I suspect you aren't find photographers who'll take a few moments to capture YOU and not try and recreate the latest issue of Maxim

May 17 05 04:11 am Link


Jeff Cohn

Posts: 3850

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

I think Trashy and Tasteless get such a bad rap. I believe you can be trashy/smutty/dirty/filthy/tasteless while still conveying art. In fact its even more of a challenge to walk that line then it is to just play everything safe and PC. I think a face shot can be trashy. Its a feeling, a vibe. The John Waters reference earlier was a great example... or the music of Tom Waits..."Bad bad things" by Chris Issak... Prince's early career... Trashy is controversial, its sexy, its tattered and dirty.. its not perfect hair and lipstick, glossy and refined, its sweat and intensity. It's the raw pure human drama and sexuality of real life without holding back or being afraid to show the side most hide from the world.

I never want my models to feel trashy during a shoot...and they dont, but Im all for the viewer feeling a lil trashy looking at it.


May 27 05 09:53 pm Link


Nexusix Photography

Posts: 84

Sparks, Nevada, US

Interesting Question. 

I have a project that I'm working on that is deliberately "trashy".  I'm making a statement by producing them.  Are they tastless? I hope not, but I leave that for you to decide.  I guess a better question might be to ask "What is Art?"


May 27 05 10:12 pm Link


Mistress Purgatori

Posts: 686

Washington, District of Columbia, US

exactly I 100% agree w/ EVeRYTHING You stated below.

Posted by Jeff Cohn :: ::: 
I think Trashy and Tasteless get such a bad rap. I believe you can be trashy/smutty/dirty/filthy/tasteless while still conveying art. In fact its even more of a challenge to walk that line then it is to just play everything safe and PC. I think a face shot can be trashy. Its a feeling, a vibe. The John Waters reference earlier was a great example... or the music of Tom Waits..."Bad bad things" by Chris Issak... Prince's early career... Trashy is controversial, its sexy, its tattered and dirty.. its not perfect hair and lipstick, glossy and refined, its sweat and intensity. It's the raw pure human drama and sexuality of real life without holding back or being afraid to show the side most hide from the world.

I never want my models to feel trashy during a shoot...and they dont, but Im all for the viewer feeling a lil trashy looking at it.


May 27 05 10:18 pm Link



Posts: 87

Malibu, California, US

I think it depends on 3 factors. The pose, facial expression, and whatever is implied by the first 2.

May 27 05 11:26 pm Link