Forums > General Industry > How Many Photographers/models Read ..... ?


Amber Dawn - Indiana

Posts: 6255

Salem, Indiana, US

I was just wondering how many photographers will read what a model has on her/his portfolio/site before contacting him/her? Cause I've had a few who have contacted me before reading my portfolio/site completely.

Models can answer this question too just switch it to do you read what a photographer(s) has on their portfolio/site before contacting?

May 15 05 12:23 am Link



Posts: 126

Los Angeles, California, US

I read -everything- and always do. I just hope photographers do the same for me. smile

May 15 05 12:25 am Link


Fred Brown Photo

Posts: 1302

Chicago, Illinois, US

I'm a very busy photographer and do not have the time to read all that girls have on their port. I look at what's needed to get the job done. First their look. If the look isn't right then I move on and I generally judge it from the first photo I see. Next their stats. If the stats aren't right, I move on.

May 15 05 12:31 am Link



Posts: 223

Phoenix, Arizona, US

I'm too busy to waste my time writing e-mails or making phone calls for no reason, I read much faster than I talk or write so I read everything they have to say in their Portfolio and then If I have the time I will most likely review their website if it's listed... Gives me a lot more insight on whom I'm thinking about working with.

May 15 05 12:37 am Link


Meet Maria

Posts: 13

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

I usually read the profile first.

May 15 05 01:23 am Link



Posts: 1190

Winnetka, California, US

I skip, but mostly because there is so much nonesense on them I guarantee there is not a photographer out there that cares whether the model was: voted Most Likely to ________ in high school, appeared in x number of beauty contests, is always punctual (it's a given hun), loves animals, love sports, loves music, "aaaabsolutely will not do nudes, don't ask, grrr" (hey just a simple, "I don't do nudes" will sufice) Way too much useless info ladies, keep it simple

May 15 05 01:23 am Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

I read it all. But I'm all Henry Bemis like that.

(now there is a reference NO ONE will get...)

May 15 05 01:39 am Link


Amber Dawn - Indiana

Posts: 6255

Salem, Indiana, US


Even if a model mentions she wont do nudes photographer(s) still ask. Happened to me all the time when I said I didn't do nudes. But, now that I say I do nudes, no ones interested :laughing:

May 15 05 01:41 am Link



Posts: 223

Phoenix, Arizona, US

dah dah da da.. The twilight zone!

May 15 05 01:42 am Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Posted by RFAphoto: 
dah dah da da.. The twilight zone!

Psssh! You Googled it. Didn't you?

May 15 05 01:43 am Link



Posts: 223

Phoenix, Arizona, US

nope, Yahoo search!

But I did recognize the episode onec I saw twilight zone

May 15 05 01:44 am Link


Posts: 5264

New York, New York, US

Posted by RFAphoto: 
I'm too busy to waste my time writing e-mails or making phone calls for no reason, I read much faster than I talk or write so I read everything they have to say in their Portfolio and then If I have the time I will most likely review their website if it's listed... Gives me a lot more insight on whom I'm thinking about working with.

Logical reasoning on why to read but I do not do so.  Not at first contact anyway,  after we both like each others images then I will check the rules and regulations.

May 15 05 01:55 am Link


Karlton Photo

Posts: 76

Saint Charles, Illinois, US

Yep...I always read everything as well as check profiles before i add anyone...also the reason I keep my profile short and to the point...

May 15 05 02:03 am Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

This thread has been made already.  What did I say in the last thread?  Some models and photographers don't read.  Some of them actually thought I was the model on my main.  Go figure.

May 15 05 03:39 am Link


Amber Dawn - Indiana

Posts: 6255

Salem, Indiana, US

Oh I'm sorry, I didnt see this post made. My mistake! Maybe I should have read all 7,244 post before making this one. Sorry!

May 15 05 03:54 am Link


Doug Harvey

Posts: 1055

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

I read every word before looking at stats or pix. I want to know the person that I'm thinking about working with. If there seems to be attitude, then I question it, even if the pix are good.

May 15 05 03:59 am Link


Posts: 5264

New York, New York, US

Posted by * Visual Mindscapes *: 
This thread has been made already.  What did I say in the last thread?  Some models and photographers don't read.  Some of them actually thought I was the model on my main.  Go figure.

All of my images are self-portraits.

May 15 05 04:02 am Link



Posts: 276

Tampa, Florida, US

I read ALL of them and if I see there is something I might not agree with. But the model looks like she would be good for the job. Then I try to work around what the problem Might be. I do find some models strongly word what they say to get rid of the flakes who just want free nudes. And I don't blame the model for that at all.   Rule #1 Never remove your clothes for free. Unless you Want to.

May 15 05 04:06 am Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

Posted by marksora: 
All of my images are self-portraits.

Damn!  You're hot!

May 15 05 04:10 am Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

I read the profile. If she sounds stand-offish or demanding, I move on. That's because i'm a relaxed guy and I like for my shoots to have a relaxed atmosphere. So if I read you to be uptight or a carrier of baggage like those model profiles that's being ragged on in that other thread, I K.I.M. (keep it moving).

May 15 05 05:33 am Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45351

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Posted by CO Model Amber: 

Even if a model mentions she wont do nudes photographer(s) still ask. Happened to me all the time when I said I didn't do nudes. But, now that I say I do nudes, no ones interested :laughing:

Amber, I DO READ! I LOVE TO READ! LOL! And I enjoy looking at pictures too! You may remember me from OMP, and I have been admiring your work for a long time. There is something you mentioned a while back that I will send you a PM about. Best wishes to you!

May 15 05 05:37 am Link


Brian Kim

Posts: 508

Honolulu, Hawaii, US

I actually do read - I also tend to not sleep - a coincidence? I think not.

May 15 05 05:42 am Link


Herb Way

Posts: 1506

Black Mountain, North Carolina, US

I've taken great pains to be very clear in my profile about where I'm coming from artistically and what I'm trying to do.  My standard line, when I reach out to a model, is "Take a look at my work and carefully read my profile."  Still, many of the responses I receive indicate that they haven't done this.

I carefully read the profiles of models who catch my eye.  I'm looking for indications of how they think and what their boundaries are.  If I smell runaway ego and ugly attitude, I'm outta there.  Sometimes, their poor grammar and spelling are enough to cause me to move on.

May 15 05 06:00 am Link


Steven Stone Photo

Posts: 315

Salt Lake City, Utah, US

You know what I hate?
The people who write a fucking novel.  This is a shallow industry... looks are what matter, for the most part.
If a photographer is making a statement about what he/she is striving for in their art, that's one thing.
But when a model feels it nessecary to tell every goddamned thing that has nothing to do with wether or not they can model worth shit... that's just ridiculous.  We don't care.  Models are nothing but an element.  To make a decent image you collect the proper elements, compose them in a frame, and BAM!  That's it.  If the models favorite potato chips are barbeque, that's fine.  It won't affect the image.  Not at all.  Nope.
Just state what's important. 
And photographers, too.  Nobody cares if lived in Chile when you were six.  Odds are that won't have much bearing on your work, unless your work is specific to that experience.

May 15 05 06:11 am Link


John Lavery

Posts: 304

Manchester, Connecticut, US

If I'm interested in working with a model, I make sure to read everything on her page so I don't make an ass of myself when contacting her.  Reading a model's info will sometimes talk me out of working with her, though.  I like a model who lists the type of work she's interested in doing rather than the ones who rant about what they won't do. 

I also don't like long drawn out profiles that list every photographer they've worked with and every job they've ever done.  Most likely we won't recognize most of the names, so what's the point of this other than jack the model's ego because she's gotten X amount of work?

May 15 05 07:42 am Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

You know what I hate?
The people who write a fucking novel. 
Then you gotta love my site here! I save my novel for the outta money people site.

May 15 05 07:58 am Link


Tito Trelles-MADE IN NY

Posts: 960

Miami, Florida, US

I check the portfolio, then check the stats, I also check if she has any nude on hers, not just because I want to shoot nudes, but because it tells me if the model is unhibited. I dont read Bios or novels... I also don't care if she likes horsebackriding or chocolate cookies. I'm looking for models. Then I contact her so we can discuss the whole thing.  T

May 15 05 08:15 am Link



Posts: 22389

Fort Collins, Colorado, US

Hello, Amber.

I read the profile. Like others have said, it gives some insight to the person I'm pondering whether to work with.

May 15 05 08:23 am Link


Sleepy Weasel

Posts: 4839

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

I think it's imperative to read about the person you want to work with. I have *not* contacted many models because of their profiles -- because of personal tastes, type of shots they'll do, main interests, if my style would fit her, etc.

May 15 05 09:16 am Link



Posts: 48

Columbus, Ohio, US

First I check location. I hate to drive, and a lot of models wont travel either (especilly for TFCD). If that is good I look at thier pictures real quick, then I read thier profile. Then I read it again. I hardly ever look at stats, unless I am compareing the model to me to see if I am any taller or shorter etc...... Then I read the profile again. Then I write them. I useually only glance at the credits section. I just hate it when people put "i work at mcdonalds" under their credits. Thats not really model related....

I like it when they say they can ride horses and have thier own barn or whatever. That is something I can use. I wouldnt mind shooting a model with a horse, and if she knows how to act around them its easier on me.
This applies to other things too: yoga, dance, etc. Especilly when things also apply to how graceful a person is (like horseback riding, yoga and dance all do)....

May 15 05 09:42 am Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

I had models contacting me and asking if I shoot portfolios and how much I charge.

That info is on my MM profile and on my (more extensive of course!) website.

Feels strange sometimes having to type it and in the email, I am reminding that it's on my portfolio, including a description of the package I have for beginning models and actors.

But for me, if I look at a models portfolio that I am interested in, or has contacted me, I read all of it, check the photos she/he has, look at the comments on different photos, the tags on the profile and follow the link to the homepage if available.

May 15 05 10:01 am Link


John Swoger

Posts: 192

Peoria, Arizona, US

I always read what is in the models profile, although more often then not, it has nothing to do with modeling, but non the less I read it. I don't want to look like an idiot asking the model a question she has already answered.

May 15 05 10:01 am Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Posted by CO Model Amber: 
I was just wondering how many photographers will read what a model has on her/his portfolio/site before contacting him/her? Cause I've had a few who have contacted me before reading my portfolio/site completely.

Models can answer this question too just switch it to do you read what a photographer(s) has on their portfolio/site before contacting?

If I like a model's look, I'll definitely read her entire profile, unless there's something early on in it [no nudity, no tfp considered, etc.] that effectively rules out my working with them.  This is why I always urge models to be completely truthful and forthcoming in their profile -- apart from the image, it's all a photographer has to go on.

May 15 05 10:01 am Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Posted by Lapis: 

You know what I hate?
The people who write a fucking novel. 
Then you gotta love my site here! I save my novel for the outta money people site.

LOL..."outta money people" -- that always kills me!

May 15 05 10:02 am Link



Posts: 57

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Well I just read another model's profile and continue to be amazed at the fact that many of you new models in small markets, who won't even shoot sheer, nevermind implied, refuse to test. (tfp).

Let me make this clear. If you only work with paying photographers, and you're lucky enough to get all the images from the shoot (many photographers do not give the models the high-res images from shoots where the model is paid) AND you are fortunate enough that the work is amazing, even then, how many paid shoots a year will you get portfolio-worthy images from ?

My humble suggestion is this; Open yourselves up to more tfp with the BEST possible photographers that will work with you. Then market yourself with the 5 best images from that test shoot. Then find a better photographer with your hot new images, then  do an even better shoot. Do this 5 times to get time in front of the camera AND hot images. THEN get on your high horse and accept paid shoots only.

Like most other photographers, it took me years to get where I am now, and the first 2 years of shooting, I had a full time job cutting lawns to make money to buy used camera equipment.

Just my humble opinion. That and a token will get you a ride on the  subway.

May 15 05 10:55 am Link



Posts: 44

Martinsburg, West Virginia, US

I like when useful information is written. I also like when there is a link to a website, where I can read the novel if I choose. Type of work listed is generally irrelevant as I associate the portfolio images with what the model is looking to accomplish. I am always more opened to working with a model that has some ideas they want to shoot. A collaboration is a good dynamic. I shy away from models that list any "...DONT ASK!", and rates as I work on a budget, and see this as a sign of inflexablity.

May 15 05 11:15 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

I look at the shots first. If I like that, then I read the profile info. I annoys the hell out of me when people don't read my faily succinct info that answers most of their questions and address what kind of work I'll actually consider. It would really save us both some time. So yes, I read theirs too.

I agree that a lot of models go way overboard with pointless crap, but learn to scan for the important bits. Don't they teach that in school anymore?

May 15 05 01:17 pm Link


R. Olson (RO)

Posts: 971

Seattle, Washington, US

Posted by CO Model Amber: 

Even if a model mentions she wont do nudes photographer(s) still ask. Happened to me all the time when I said I didn't do nudes. But, now that I say I do nudes, no ones interested :laughing:

Thats because Amber, some photographers want to get whats forbidden from models. When you say you do something, its not that interesting.

As to the original question, I read the profile's first paragraph, then look at their image and then their info and move on if something doesnt catch my eye.

May 15 05 01:26 pm Link


Amber Dawn - Indiana

Posts: 6255

Salem, Indiana, US


I agree new models should be open to TFP/TFCD shoots and I do mean new models who have no expereince. I sarted out back in 2003 with TFP/TFCD shoots and look at me now I have all kinds of expereince because of those shoots.

May 15 05 07:40 pm Link