Forums > General Industry > To all models - Getting sexy? In front of the camera.



Posts: 1130

Danville, California, US

So I have a very honest question that will probably piss off alot of photographers here but oh well might as well ask anyway...

How do you get sexy - or get into sexy mode in front of a photogrpaher that is not sexy in your eyes.....

I have had the comment a few times that models feel more comfortable with me becasue I am youger and half decent looking - but I am more curious about your mindset - can you block out everything or do your best photos come from shoots that you can let go etc?

NO offence to 3-400lb photographers with butt cracks hanging out - but if it was a reversed role - there would be no way i could get sexy poses in front of that person... maybe its ust me as different strokes for different folks - but all your opinions would be appreciated...

I strove to make models very comfortable to get the best work from them and am always looking for new ideas....


May 14 05 11:35 am Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

Posted by Brent Burzycki: 
I have had the comment a few times that models feel more comfortable with me becasue I am youger and half decent looking

Models find me sexy.  *rips off shirt*

Get naked!

Oh wait a minute, I'm fat.  Nevermind.

May 14 05 02:47 pm Link



Posts: 279

Richmond, Virginia, US

I honestly dont have a problem getting 'sexy' in front of men whether they are tall and thin or 60 years old weighing 500 lbs.  I honestly have more of an issue getting 'sexy' for a female photographer or a young male photographer.   Im sure Im not the only one.  I guess everyone has their preferences.  Having a 60 year old man photograph me, really doesn't make me too uncomfy, but my first photog that I ever worked with was 60 and grey haired and an awesome photog.  Im more comfy shooting with a 60 year old man... then a female photographer or a 'good looking' younger man.... anyday. 

May 14 05 02:53 pm Link



Posts: 138

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

I remember hearing way back that Kathy Ireland would think of Oreo cookies and milk to get her alluring sexy expression.  It worked for her.

May 14 05 04:00 pm Link


Amber Dawn - Indiana

Posts: 6255

Salem, Indiana, US

I have no problem getting sexy because it's in my blood! :giggles: I like to impress people rather they be ugly or hot.

May 14 05 04:21 pm Link


Aperture Photographics

Posts: 310

Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada

Posted by Chanti: 
I honestly dont have a problem getting 'sexy' in front of men whether they are tall and thin or 60 years old weighing 500 lbs.  I honestly have more of an issue getting 'sexy' for a female photographer or a young male photographer.   Im sure Im not the only one.  I guess everyone has their preferences.  Having a 60 year old man photograph me, really doesn't make me too uncomfy, but my first photog that I ever worked with was 60 and grey haired and an awesome photog.  Im more comfy shooting with a 60 year old man... then a female photographer or a 'good looking' younger man.... anyday.   

I've had models tell me the same thing.  The young sexy male photographers (which I am not...young and sexy anyway) are within "dating range" and they've told me about their discomfort.  Same comment from several models on working with female photographers (my assistant for 99% of my shoots is female, for the other 1% I have a great lighting guy and I use him when I know the model prefers to not have another female in the room for whatever reason).

I don't know what it is, but I'd like to hear more from Chanti.  What I try to do is offer the safest most comfortable environment for the client, whether she is fully clothed or naked.  When they feel comfortable and safe, getting sexy doesn't seem to be a problem.

May 14 05 04:44 pm Link


Stuart Photography

Posts: 5938

Tampa, Florida, US

I'm dead sexy. Look at my sexy body!

Ok, whose in the mood now?

May 14 05 04:47 pm Link



Posts: 279

Richmond, Virginia, US

Posted by Aperture Photographics: 

Posted by Chanti: 
I honestly dont have a problem getting 'sexy' in front of men whether they are tall and thin or 60 years old weighing 500 lbs.  I honestly have more of an issue getting 'sexy' for a female photographer or a young male photographer.   Im sure Im not the only one.  I guess everyone has their preferences.  Having a 60 year old man photograph me, really doesn't make me too uncomfy, but my first photog that I ever worked with was 60 and grey haired and an awesome photog.  Im more comfy shooting with a 60 year old man... then a female photographer or a 'good looking' younger man.... anyday.   

I've had models tell me the same thing.  The young sexy male photographers (which I am not...young and sexy anyway) are within "dating range" and they've told me about their discomfort.  Same comment from several models on working with female photographers (my assistant for 99% of my shoots is female, for the other 1% I have a great lighting guy and I use him when I know the model prefers to not have another female in the room for whatever reason).

I don't know what it is, but I'd like to hear more from Chanti.  What I try to do is offer the safest most comfortable environment for the client, whether she is fully clothed or naked.  When they feel comfortable and safe, getting sexy doesn't seem to be a problem.

I honestly dont feel comfortable working when a cute guy is around or another female. * I make my boyfriend turn away*   I shot with Leah Marshall last week, and she is one AWESOME photographer.  My main image is in fact from her but the entire shoot, I was somewhat lost.   I still posed and we got a few AWESOME images but as for the comfortability level, It was very weird for me.  There was also the mua there, Reese, which is also a GREAT person to work with, but having another female in the room is somewhat uncomfy for me as well.   Im not sure why or what it is.  When its just me and the photographer, older male, out of dating range...  I have the best images, and more than half the images are usually REALLLY GOOD.    Its all in preference.  And Im also guessing that I dont have anything to prove to an older male thats married with kids.  Theres so much competition and hate between most females so its an immediate comfortability problem for me considering Ive had so many problems in the past with females.. As for younger men, I then feel as if Im trying to be sexy for THEM as opposed to being sexy for the picture.

May 14 05 05:15 pm Link


Aurora Bellare

Posts: 61

Newport News, Virginia, US

I just can't do sexy, I don't know why.  Maybe I'm just too "cute" sad

May 14 05 05:23 pm Link



Posts: 1130

Danville, California, US

Thats interesting - I get the opisite all the time - most of the models I work with cannot get sexy in front of photogrpahers that are old enough to be their dads - yet - the younger photogs are ok..

But what really is younger or older?

There are not to many pro 18-21 y/o photogrpahers are their?

May 14 05 07:00 pm Link


Aperture Photographics

Posts: 310

Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada

Well, like Chanti says, and you can't discount a person's quote:
"As for younger men, I then feel as if Im trying to be sexy for THEM as opposed to being sexy for the picture."

and if you add to that the general feeling on MM that it's OK for photographers to date the girls who model for them....hey, maybe you're just a babe magnet for the girls, eh?  ;->

May 14 05 08:26 pm Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Posted by Capt Stu Beans: 
I'm dead sexy. Look at my sexy body!

Ok, whose in the mood now? 

LMAO! Too funny.

May 14 05 08:34 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

I don't often do sexy, but one those ocassions when I have, it had nothing to with the photographer's appearance.

May 14 05 08:58 pm Link


Katie West

Posts: 5

Toronto, Iowa, US

Like Chanti said, if I'm ever doing sexy, it's for the photo not the photographer. I think it also helps that I do a lot of self portraits, so I know what I kinda look like in front of the camera, I'm more aware of myself and how it will turn out. But if for some reason a photographer is like, be more sexy, I just think about having sex. But hey, we all do what we gotta do.

May 14 05 10:35 pm Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Posted by Chanti: 
I honestly dont feel comfortable working when a cute guy is around or another female.

Damn. That means I'll never get to shoot with Chanti.

"Don't hate me because I'm beautiful."

May 14 05 10:42 pm Link


Myla Chenoa

Posts: 48

Phoenix, Arizona, US

I always have and always will pose for the camera. Who else is in the room is irrelevant, the camera has my complete attention in every way.

May 14 05 10:48 pm Link


Fred Brown Photo

Posts: 1302

Chicago, Illinois, US

I know this question was presented to models but I can't help it, I gotta comment. First off, as a model, now I'm referring to real models not girls posing for a picture. When you have a shoot, you have a job to do. To say that if the photographer was cute you could do it says that you are flirting with the photographer or coming on to him. Otherwise you could do it, period. What if you're told to give laughter and excitment? You can't do it because the photographer doesn't look like a clown? I have a 14 yr. old son who at the age of 12 was shooting swimsuit models and the pictures were very sexy. He didn't need to instruct them to be sexy either. He knows how the shot should look when he saw it and the models knew what they needed as images. You think they were coming on to my kid? - Good grief!

May 14 05 10:48 pm Link


Jon Scott Visual

Posts: 1529

Posted by Myla Chenoa: 
I always have and always will pose for the camera. Who else is in the room is irrelevant, the camera has my complete attention in every way.

There's one of the qualities of a professional.

May 14 05 11:29 pm Link


Glamour Studio /Gary

Posts: 1237

Thanks Fred. The first logical and true answer, models doing real commercial work, not just shooting with photogs and getting paid by photogs for their own work. Same applies to photogs. If you think you're getting sexy looks based on your looks then your in for big shock because if you look at it that way then you're going to have an extremely short career as a photog. You think your going to stay like that forever? You better learn how to communicate with models or in a few years you'll be shooting their pets.

I'm far from being some grungy old man but I don't have to rely on anything but my own communication skills. I "can" get a sexy look from any female even if she thinks she can't do it. If you can't do it with only your communication skills then you might as well retire your camera now, you won't need it in a few years.

If a model is shooting for a catalog then she better know what to do and how to look in front of the camera no matter who's behind it or she's not going to get any work.

May 14 05 11:34 pm Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

Posted by Myla Chenoa: 
Who else is in the room is irrelevant, the camera has my complete attention in every way.

Does it matter how big the camera's lens is?

May 15 05 03:41 am Link



Posts: 121

Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain

Who cares? Being professional isnt about what or how you feel its about:
Getting your job done well!
-if your a professional photographer then you will attract pros to work with you
-if you attract pros, then I am sure the model know what to do
-if the models 'feelings' get in the way of the results, she needs to work on her 'professionalism'
Honestly, I do not care what a photographer looks like, thats not an issue. The issue is doing your job and getting great results worth working over.
Im a model, I communicate with the camera. I leave whats bothering me at the door. After the shoot I can have a one-on-one respectful talk, but if its a paid shoot - HECK, I GOT PAID.
Q's? well if you got any left, land some jobs and it'll solve many of them.

May 15 05 05:13 am Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45354

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Posted by Fred Brown: 
I have a 14 yr. old son who at the age of 12 was shooting swimsuit models and the pictures were very sexy. - Good grief! 

Damn Fred! I wish you were MY DAD! Just think where I'd be today if you had started me by age 12? That is why I encourage children by putting a camera in their hands at a young age!

May 15 05 05:24 am Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45354

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Posted by Myla Chenoa: 
I always have and always will pose for the camera. Who else is in the room is irrelevant, the camera has my complete attention in every way.

YOU GET IT!!! It does not matter what the heck the photographer looks like or if there is a grand stand filled with cheering and adoring fans! YOU PLAY TO THE CAMERA! Don't think about anything else but the camera and the "part" that you are playing.

NOTE TO PHOTOGRAPHERS: You should be concentrating on what you see in your viewfinder ... not looking directly at the model. It will break the models concentration. They are supposed to PLAY to the camera ... and that is the way it's done in Hollywood films too!

By the way, I don't mind an audience when shooting! LOL

May 15 05 05:29 am Link



Posts: 602

Seattle, Washington, US

You know, some of these posts remind me why I stick so much with adult models. So much less bullshit to deal with. Less attitudes, far less hang-ups, which is really funny since the women models in adult are doing sooooo much more. Which is also probably why they get paid and usually work a whole lot more too.

No matter what I am shooting an adult model for I know I am going to get what I need with so few hastles. And far less attitude. And so much of it TFP no less. Amazing.

So Eric when you gonna come to work with me? *EG*

May 15 05 06:37 am Link



Posts: 168

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Well I like the camera so old,young,female it doesn't matter to me as long as it clicks I am sexy

May 15 05 07:01 am Link



Posts: 7840


Posted by theda: 
I don't often do sexy, but one those ocassions when I have, it had nothing to with the photographer's appearance.


May 15 05 07:12 am Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

Like pro photographers who are thinking about composition while they shoot 'sexy' poses, I am thinking about angles. I just get this sexy look on my face naturally. lol.
I don't care if it is a man or a woman, but if I look at someones port and all of the models have a distinctive look and it is different than mine, I feel that the photographer might not find me attractive...that makes me awkward. One reason I like to be contacted by photographers. However, that being said, I feel most sexy when I feel that I am having good photos taken of me...why waste acting skills on incompetence. The appearance of the photographer is completely irrelevent. IF s/he smells bad or breathes exceptionally heavily...that is a bit offputting.

May 15 05 07:14 am Link



Posts: 8108

Ashland, Alabama, US

Posted by Chanti: 
I honestly dont have a problem getting 'sexy' in front of men whether they are tall and thin or 60 years old weighing 500 lbs.  I honestly have more of an issue getting 'sexy' for a female photographer or a young male photographer.   Im sure Im not the only one.  I guess everyone has their preferences.  Having a 60 year old man photograph me, really doesn't make me too uncomfy, but my first photog that I ever worked with was 60 and grey haired and an awesome photog.  Im more comfy shooting with a 60 year old man... then a female photographer or a 'good looking' younger man.... anyday.   

I can kind of relate. I am more comfortable around a confident man, usually older. Sometimes it is harder with a young or inexperienced photographer. But I do like working with women. I would love to work with a female photographer, a professional! So far I have only had models/friends take photos of me. I don't judge men/photogs by their looks anyways, it's more about their work and the way they handle their own body. I can tell immediately whether a man is comfortable with himself. That's why I jumped on Hugh--he just had this in-his-bodiness.

May 15 05 08:24 am Link


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US

I shoot for sexy!!
Even my headshots have sex writtn all over them!!
I dont ever have a problem!!
I use a big camera it hides my face!!
So!! It must be my body!! (:---

May 15 05 08:46 am Link



Posts: 319

San Diego, California, US

Modeling is like acting (one of the reasons I recommend all models study acting too).  You get into the situation and pose so that the image tells the story that the client wants to see.  Has nothing to do with what the people around the model look like - and when is it ever just a photographer?  Assistants, MUA's, stylists, client reps, art director, etc.  I realize we're on the Net so talking mostly Net modeling, which is different, but the same things should apply.  A model is either professional, or they'rea GWC-version of a model.  It's not about exciting the photographer, most pro's really aren't looking for dates despite the posts on here.  Excite the camera, not the person holding it.  Let's also keep in mind that "sexy" is over played online.  Lots of modeling work has nothing to do with looking sexy - it has to do with portraying an image that sells a product.

May 15 05 08:49 am Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Posted by DJ Foothill: 
So Eric when you gonna come to work with me? *EG*

... Huh?

You talking to me?

Where did that come from? Well, if I come to work with you, I might need to bring an escort along because you might try to molest me.

Posted by kavonna: 
Well I like the camera so old,young,female it doesn't matter to me as long as it clicks I am sexy

LOVE your attittude.

Posted by Austin Models & Talent Agency: 
Modeling is like acting (one of the reasons I recommend all models study acting too).  You get into the situation and pose so that the image tells the story that the client wants to see.

I tell them the same thing. I respect your insights and I always love it when you say things that reflect my own opinions. makes me think I might be doing something right.

May 15 05 02:40 pm Link


Madame Cosmos

Posts: 173

Atlanta, Georgia, US

For me its all about making love to the camera, not the person holding it.. You're going for purity of the rawness about the image you know?
I can block the photographer out, hot or not.
& it makes a difference, because the photographer isnt the camera you know?
I dont know thats How it works for me..

May 15 05 02:48 pm Link



Posts: 279

Richmond, Virginia, US

Posted by DreamPretty: 

Posted by Chanti: 
I honestly dont have a problem getting 'sexy' in front of men whether they are tall and thin or 60 years old weighing 500 lbs.  I honestly have more of an issue getting 'sexy' for a female photographer or a young male photographer.   Im sure Im not the only one.  I guess everyone has their preferences.  Having a 60 year old man photograph me, really doesn't make me too uncomfy, but my first photog that I ever worked with was 60 and grey haired and an awesome photog.  Im more comfy shooting with a 60 year old man... then a female photographer or a 'good looking' younger man.... anyday.   

I can kind of relate. I am more comfortable around a confident man, usually older. Sometimes it is harder with a young or inexperienced photographer. But I do like working with women. I would love to work with a female photographer, a professional! So far I have only had models/friends take photos of me. I don't judge men/photogs by their looks anyways, it's more about their work and the way they handle their own body. I can tell immediately whether a man is comfortable with himself. That's why I jumped on Hugh--he just had this in-his-bodiness.

I agree with what you said.. other than the female part.   Its more about their work and the way they handle their own body and how comfortable they are with themselves.   Just because I dont feel comfortable shooting with a female or a younger male, doesn't mean I can't do it.  I can, have and will.  My preference for a photographer, would just be an older, more experienced, photog.  -shrugs-  When you model, you really dont have a choice sometimes on who your photographer is.,... but if I had it my way.. the photographer would always be atleast 50, married, with kids and grey hair. LoL big_smile haha

May 15 05 03:11 pm Link



Posts: 2033

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Posted by Fred Brown: 
I have a 14 yr. old son who at the age of 12 was shooting swimsuit models and the pictures were very sexy. He knows how the shot should look when he saw it and the models knew what they needed as images.

(my post is totally off topic for this thread but)I understand this statement fully I have a 5 year old son who is sometimes in the studio with me when I'm shooting. He understands exactly what I'm doing, but every so often he'll say, "Dad - You like all these girls?" and look at me with this devilish grin. He understands what I do, but he doesn't understand what I do.

He'll be the shit! behind the camera if I have anything to do with it.

May 15 05 03:22 pm Link



Posts: 310

Fort Myers, Florida, US

Posted by Brent Burzycki: 

So I have a very honest question that will probably piss off alot of photographers here but oh well might as well ask anyway...

How do you get sexy - or get into sexy mode in front of a photogrpaher that is not sexy in your eyes.....

I have had the comment a few times that models feel more comfortable with me becasue I am youger and half decent looking - but I am more curious about your mindset - can you block out everything or do your best photos come from shoots that you can let go etc?

NO offence to 3-400lb photographers with butt cracks hanging out - but if it was a reversed role - there would be no way i could get sexy poses in front of that person... maybe its ust me as different strokes for different folks - but all your opinions would be appreciated...

I strove to make models very comfortable to get the best work from them and am always looking for new ideas....


Well, I am glad that you feel like you "turn-on" the models.  I have shot with photographers that I am not attracted to, but if your a matter what you have to make whatever you are wearing sell, or even look sexy...even if you don't like it.  I think that is the same with a photographer behind the actually shouldn't matter what the photographer looks like behind the camera.  A model should be able to look at that camera...the camera itself..and think of things in her mind to create the expressions that she needs to pull off.  The model should have control of her expressions, how to make them, fantasize even of other things to get what is needed in a certain photograph.  Because...I tell you what...not every photographer is going to be some hot stud.  And modeling is work, if a model cannot express herself, what she is in, and get the job done...then maybe she should think of a different career. 


May 16 05 02:06 am Link



Posts: 4982

San Diego, California, US

This is a weak post, no offense to brent but I don't see the point? Im not old, fat, or bad looking so that isn't my reason for saying that. However you sound like you have taken your shoots into a personal level where it shouldnt be.

Anyway Helmut Newton, just to name one guy, wasn't the best looking or youngest but he sure got his models to pose well. Also I think to many people mistake shooting with something else which in the long run hurts all of us.

May 16 05 02:50 am Link


Thom Bourgois

Posts: 105

Tucson, Arizona, US

What is sexy?  Sexy has to be subjective!  I’ve had people say of a photograph, “That’s hot!”  Another person will have a blank expression when viewing the same photo. 

I’m not sixty years old; I’m close to my seventieth birthday.  I hire models to model the way I want.  It doesn’t matter if the model is ten or sixty, male or female; if they can’t do it; they’re toast in my hire book.  Communication, as Gary mentioned, is the other key.  I ask a model for a particular pose and a particular expression; which s/he can or cannot do.  With a newbie I expect much less (but sometimes get much more) than I expect from a model claiming experience. 

Experience!  I learned years ago there are people with experience and people that have merely spent years repeating themselves.

BTW, neither do I mind an audience when shooting as long as that audience is out of the way and isn’t a distraction to my model.  On rare occasions I’ve had to throw someone off the set.


May 16 05 06:46 am Link


Norris Carden

Posts: 128

Tullahoma, Tennessee, US

Posted by Chanti: 
... but if I had it my way.. the photographer would always be atleast 50, married, with kids and grey hair. LoL big_smile haha

Would 40, married, kid in the cooker (21 weeks) & partial grey do it for ya?

May 17 05 08:31 pm Link



Posts: 9

Sioux City, Iowa, US

just think about someone that is sexy...modeling is acting..think of whatever you need too.

May 18 05 11:08 am Link


Michelle C.

Posts: 8

Fort Myers, Florida, US

So long as I am comfortable with the photographer it doesn't matter the age, sex or looks of them.

May 18 05 11:26 am Link