Forums > General Industry > Referring to oneself in the third person...


Fantasia Images

Posts: 33

Dallas, Texas, US

Why do some individuals in this, and similar businesses speak of themselves in the third person?.
Wonder if they speak like that in person. Have some opinions on the matter, but would like to hear yours.

Oct 13 05 09:44 pm Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

What makes you think they are always speaking of themself?

Actually, sometimes they do but I often find that it is either a biography written for them by someone else or, quite frequently it is someone else posting as them.

That happens not only here, but on other sites.  You respond to a profile written in the third person and a third person answers.

So to answer your question, I don't know why people refer to themself in the third person, perhaps they think it is more formal.  However, I do knw why others refer to someone in the third person, because it is gramatically correct.  They just don't tell you it is someone else speaking.


Oct 13 05 09:50 pm Link


joe duerr

Posts: 4227

Santa Ana, California, US

Maybe it's just me but when "about me" is written in the third person I don't even look at the images.

Oct 13 05 09:51 pm Link

Oct 13 05 09:52 pm Link



Posts: 885

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Fantasia Images wrote:
Why do some individuals in this, and similar businesses speak of themselves in the third person?.
Wonder if they speak like that in person. Have some opinions on the matter, but would like to hear yours.

WE have no idea what you are talking about... wink

Oct 13 05 09:58 pm Link


Fantasia Images

Posts: 33

Dallas, Texas, US

mollie_lane wrote:

WE have no idea what you are talking about... wink

Funny!! yikes)

Oct 13 05 10:00 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Chris does it to sound important.

Oct 13 05 10:02 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

stylist man

Posts: 34382

New York, New York, US

Oct 13 05 10:02 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

stylist man

Posts: 34382

New York, New York, US

mollie_lane wrote:

WE have no idea what you are talking about... wink

My dog writes all my posts.   Do your horses write all of yours?

Oct 13 05 10:03 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

MHana wrote:

Brian is too fast for Mark.

The search feature is working again, and it is very useful.

Oct 13 05 10:07 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

stylist man

Posts: 34382

New York, New York, US

Brian Diaz wrote:

The search feature is working again, and it is very useful.

If Only Mark was so lucky.

Oct 13 05 10:10 pm Link



Posts: 885

Atlanta, Georgia, US

MHana wrote:

My dog writes all my posts.   Do your horses write all of yours?

OF course...therefore the "WE" is is a collaborative effort! smile

Oct 13 05 10:10 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

MHana wrote:

If Only Mark was so lucky.

Brian knows what you mean.

Oct 13 05 10:13 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

MHana wrote:
My dog writes all my posts.   Do your horses write all of yours?

Don't you mean:

I am Mhana's Dog and I write all of his posts.

Oct 13 05 11:30 pm Link


Thom Bourgois

Posts: 105

Tucson, Arizona, US

Thom doesn’t have a dog or a horse.  His cat is a bitchy creature.  He doesn’t know how to write.  I am his autobiographer and ghost writer.  I write everything for him.  So it probably all, or most all, comes out as third person, as it properly should under the circumstances.

Oct 19 05 01:39 pm Link



Posts: 53

Clearwater, Florida, US

dev too finds it strange when 3rd person is used in portfolios too.

Oct 19 05 01:41 pm Link


R. Olson (RO)

Posts: 971

Seattle, Washington, US

Fantasia Images wrote:
Why do some individuals in this, and similar businesses speak of themselves in the third person?.
Wonder if they speak like that in person. Have some opinions on the matter, but would like to hear yours.

RO believes that you are crazy for saying that RO would talk in the third person. tongue Sorry I had to do it once. Honestly, I cant stand those people either. Rather annoying.

Oct 19 05 01:45 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Chris is a really nice guy though.

Oct 19 05 01:47 pm Link



Posts: 3907

Madison, Mississippi, US

Dawn thinks that there are psychological reasons for referring to oneself in the third person that stem from one's childhood. Okay, not really.

She has noticed that those wish to create a bigger presence than reality allows, often resort to this method of referring to oneself so it would seem that someone else other than themselves thought this way of them and their work.

Oct 19 05 01:51 pm Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

It seems odd to me on sites like this, because these sites seem almost by definition to be somewhat informal.  However, I actually prefer it when looking at a photographer's website.  It's just more professional.  One doesn't generally write a resume that begins, "So, like, then I got this job at Wal-Mart and..."  wink

Oct 19 05 01:56 pm Link



Posts: 91

Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden

I never really thought about it until I read this thread.... and just a couple of minutes
ago I stumbled upon one of those profiles.
Man....! It sounds so lame.

Oct 19 05 05:23 pm Link



Posts: 374

Linthicum, Maryland, US

ModelPrincess isn't sure what she things about this topic, she will have to think about it and respond when she is capable of interjecting a meaningful well thought out response.

Oct 19 05 05:59 pm Link


PJQ Photography

Posts: 1728

Los Angeles, California, US


I can't speak for myself, but Paul likes to write in the third person because he finds it easier to speak of himself in that manner.

; - )

Oct 19 05 06:02 pm Link



Posts: 374

Linthicum, Maryland, US

oooh, I got it, they want us to think that someone else is managing their very difficult MM page for them because they don't have the time to do it themselves, and this site is sooo  hard to navigate! I mean obviously people, they are way too busy with not modeling to learn how to work a computer.

Oh, and for those who do this and are offended, Kara isn't home right now, please leave a message at the beep.

Oct 19 05 06:04 pm Link


PJQ Photography

Posts: 1728

Los Angeles, California, US

Oh, Great

LOL, I just changed my Bio this afternoon to the Third Person and now I found this thread.....I thought this Third Person thing was wild idea, but now that I see what people think, maybe I'll change it back....

Like some find the Third Person pretentious, I find it pretentious to use I I I I I I I all the time, but oh, well


Oct 19 05 06:11 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Often it is also someone who is acting as the models manager.Knowing that managers are not allowed on here the manager writes the profile as though it is the model making the account and that the about me section is written like a book,without the manager who actually made the account having to actually confess he is a manager.

Nov 12 05 04:02 pm Link


The Art of CIP

Posts: 1074

Long Beach, California, US

Fantasia Images wrote:
Why do some individuals in this, and similar businesses speak of themselves in the third person?.
Wonder if they speak like that in person. Have some opinions on the matter, but would like to hear yours.

Generally in the art world the gallery or reperesentative of the artist prepares the statement...  That's why everytime you walk into an art gallery to buy some work pretty much all of the Artist's statements are in the 3rd person...  It is also common practice to have a statement in quotes from the artist as well...  Trust me - when your work starts selling - you'll find that the parties selling your work will have the final say in er..  um.. what you say... tongue  I have never actually written an artist statement for myself - but at all of the shows I've done there's always an artist statement from me about me..  Go figure..  Now for the folks that refer to themselves in the 3rd person in MM, that's a different story - I'll leave you with a quote that was given to me by my pastor when I was a kid..

"It's okay to talk to yourself - it's when you start talking back is when the problems start!!"

Nov 12 05 04:14 pm Link



Posts: 1780

Miami Beach, Florida, US

CandidView wrote:
Oh, Great

LOL, I just changed my Bio this afternoon to the Third Person and now I found this thread.....I thought this Third Person thing was wild idea, but now that I see what people think, maybe I'll change it back....

Like some find the Third Person pretentious, I find it pretentious to use I I I I I I I all the time, but oh, well


Paul, that is exactly how "I" feel. How do you write about yourself without seeming pretentious? You're already tooting your own horn.

Nov 13 05 10:57 am Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

JenniferMaria wrote:
Paul, that is exactly how "I" feel. How do you write about yourself without seeming pretentious? You're already tooting your own horn.

I solved the problem by having someone who is a much better writer than me write my artist's statement.  Hence the third person. big_smile

Nov 13 05 11:06 am Link



Posts: 1107

Belleville, Michigan, US

Joel is too anal rententive to keep another person's viewpoint in mind while writing.
Plus he thinks it sounds silly.

Nov 13 05 11:51 am Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

This is crazy.  Nobody does that kind of thing.  No, wait, that's way too general of a statement.  I'll simply say that Jay Bowman never does this sort of thing.

Now, perhaps some of his other personalities speak in the third person, but not Jay Bowman.  He never does that...

Nov 13 05 12:02 pm Link


Benjamen McGuire

Posts: 3991

Portland, Oregon, US

Cspine says "No soup for you!"

Better than "It rubs the lotion on its skin. It does this whenever it is told."

I'll shut up now.

Nov 13 05 08:03 pm Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

I think some people do this for professional reasons when they write a bio for publication. I'm not sure why, but I have done it. It sounds differant when the words seem to be comming from someone else; I think for me it was try to not sound arrogant (not that it really did anyway). So, if this is making any sense, its an image thing. Think of a writers bio in the back of a book; typically they're written in the third person. I think that's the feel people who rite bios like that are going for. Now I can only hope the people I wrote that bio for rewrite it and make it better... I'm really not much of a writer and I really detest writing about myself.

  And of course the other reason I'd write in the third person is if its one of my other personalities writing it. I only hope Bob doesn't write anything about me... we really don't get along.


  Pat has been a photographer for ten years and he really sucks. I mean, really, after ten years you'd think he'd know the lens goes *towards* the subject. After watching the Flintstones he became very confused when after opening the camera to change film he couldn't find the bird and the stone tablet. He confuses color with black and white, he's funny looking and usually smells like a dieing walrus. And if that isn't bad enough, he thinks Ed Wood made great movies.


Nov 14 05 02:45 pm Link


Jack D Trute

Posts: 4558

New York, New York, US

Barbray wrote:

WE have no idea what you are talking about... wink

Sure people respond to a two headed horse and call me weird.

Dec 23 06 09:06 pm Link