Forums > General Industry > OMP - Forget it or Stay?



Posts: 885

Chandler, Arizona, US

Apr 11 05 10:49 pm Link


Aperture Photographics

Posts: 310

Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada

Apr 11 05 10:52 pm Link


Rich Mohr

Posts: 1843

Chicago, Illinois, US

Apr 11 05 10:53 pm Link



Posts: 154

Lea Hill, Washington, US

Apr 11 05 10:54 pm Link



Posts: 635

Newark, New Jersey, US

Apr 11 05 10:56 pm Link



Posts: 885

Chandler, Arizona, US

Apr 11 05 11:01 pm Link


James Berglie

Posts: 102

Nottingham, Maryland, US

Apr 11 05 11:07 pm Link



Posts: 885

Chandler, Arizona, US

Apr 11 05 11:09 pm Link



Posts: 154

Lea Hill, Washington, US

Apr 11 05 11:16 pm Link



Posts: 635

Newark, New Jersey, US

Apr 11 05 11:17 pm Link


Living Dead Girl Nicole

Posts: 37

Chicago, Illinois, US

Apr 11 05 11:20 pm Link


Sara Hawes

Posts: 15

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Apr 11 05 11:29 pm Link


Poetic Spectre Imaging

Posts: 26

Gig Harbor, Washington, US

Apr 11 05 11:30 pm Link


dana lloyd kehr

Posts: 10

Tacoma, Washington, US

Apr 11 05 11:39 pm Link



Posts: 635

Newark, New Jersey, US

Apr 11 05 11:42 pm Link


Michael Rothman

Posts: 778

Oak Park, Illinois, US

Apr 11 05 11:45 pm Link



Posts: 885

Chandler, Arizona, US

Apr 11 05 11:52 pm Link



Posts: 34

Claremore, Oklahoma, US

Apr 12 05 12:00 am Link



Posts: 90

Apr 12 05 12:02 am Link



Posts: 885

Chandler, Arizona, US

Apr 12 05 12:04 am Link



Posts: 34

Claremore, Oklahoma, US

Apr 12 05 12:06 am Link


AG Photo

Posts: 298

Easton, Pennsylvania, US

Apr 12 05 12:08 am Link


AG Photo

Posts: 298

Easton, Pennsylvania, US

Apr 12 05 12:13 am Link



Posts: 184

Rawlins, Wyoming, US

Apr 12 05 12:19 am Link



Posts: 885

Chandler, Arizona, US

Apr 12 05 12:44 am Link


Glamour Studio /Gary

Posts: 1237

Hey Jason,

You sound like someone I knew on the forums of omp before I was banned.

I'm probably one of the few people who actually knows the real story of what goes on behind omp since I was on there only a few months after it went live in the mid 90's, my number was 187.

It started out extremely slow and small. It was strictly a one man operation for quite some time (like MM actually). In fact it was so slow I barely bothered to go there and actually forgot about it for awhile because nothing was going on. It really didn't pickup until a few years later and then later Stewart needed some help as it started to grow. Stewart "was" omp until it got too big and he could no longer run it or fund it. That's when a non-photo company that was in the business of taking over possible money making ventures offered to buy him out but they did keep him on to show them the ropes. It was a very sad day and after that chaos just took over since the new people knew nothing about this industry. Even Stewart was an amateur photographer that was never involved in the industry, the only pics he had up were of his wife and I believe his daughter, oh and some landscapes.

After the new people took over there wasn't much concern for the members, they only wanted to figure out the fastest way to turn the site into a money making machine.

I won't go into names but I had many phone calls from certain omp higher ups asking my opinion and telling me what they were planning. In one conversion in particular I was being told about something they were planning. I asked him a question about how they were going to do all the things they promised and his exact answer was "We haven't got a clue, we actually have no idea what we're doing", he was quite serious. I'll never forget that answer.

The more I found out the more irate my conversations became and with words I won't repeat here being in my emails, on the forums I also made myself heard. All this is what led to my being banned.

Some may remember the "Photo Cruise" they planned with very little details about important matters they would not print. The cruise did not happen mainly because of my interference of bringing many facts to light to others that were not mentioned by the staff even when I basically told them it would not work the way they had it setup.

The omp staff could care less about their members and what's good for them and fair. And yes, the showcase pics were very one sided when being chosen. Most of the showcase was garbage and people noticed it immediately and complained right from the start, but has it changed? One of the problems was that they were being chosen by almost anyone on the small staff they had, this is what caused much inconsistancy in the pics chosen. Actually none of the staff had any qualified background to let them choose "showcase" pics.

Trust me, omp has members here right now and one I definitely know is watching everything that is being said and done and going back to them with it. I know for a fact they have done this to every single new site they felt was competing with them. The faster MM grows and brings in more people the less threat omp will be in trying to bring it down. Some even tried to work side by side with omp but omp said "F" off.

And to whomever brings this post back to omp tell them I said they can "F" off!

I really like this site more than any other site I've known and I know a few tricks that will help MM get noticed much faster. Lets all do what we can to put MM on the map.

Enough for now. I must say this here to cover my butt: "All this is just my speculated opinion and hearsay". Yeah right.


Apr 12 05 03:22 am Link


David Christopher Lee

Posts: 50

Los Angeles, California, US

i'm keeping it because its free for me! love it

Apr 12 05 03:57 am Link


edrickguerrero photography

Posts: 187

Pasadena, California, US

sheesh. after reading what gary posted, everything makes sense now...but i still like the smut that comes in my, i'm keeping it(omp). as progressive and avante garde and artistic i may want people to percieve me, i still like smut. and besides, mm is exactly like myspace and friendster was 2-3 years ago...the next addiction in cyberspace during my lunch hour. until i get bored of it too...(hopefully not)

Apr 12 05 04:32 am Link


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US

whats a casting call..been there since the start..never got i need one?

Apr 12 05 04:36 am Link


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US

Posted by TinajaLove: 
I am starting to hate OMP. I like it here, its nice. Hey Nicole, I have refused to upgrade at OMP and I am glad I didnt..............I will keep the page at OMP because I get alot of response, but I dont care for the way they do things. I know the showcase images are fixed and by preference, I got proof the other day, if anyone wants to see the message let me know. I sent it to OMP and asked for a explanation, no response!! Bulls*** I say.........

I want to see the message

Apr 12 05 04:39 am Link


Lexi Lithium

Posts: 348

Tampa, Florida, US

I've gotten maybe two paid jobs from omp and actualy not alot of porn offers. I know its mostly because my pictures are lacking a great deal. But I hope to change that.

Apr 12 05 05:00 am Link


Mykill Mayhem

Posts: 1

Largo, Florida, US

I'm ALL about the MAYHEM!!! winkI believe I'll still run with both, but will definitely spend a greater majority of time here, it seems...

Apr 12 05 05:21 am Link


Norwood A Bodie

Posts: 46

Aiken, South Carolina, US

The only time omp is intrested in listening to anyone is when they think they can turn a buck on it. If this site stays true to its users it will become a monster.

Apr 12 05 07:14 am Link


Lady Atropos

Posts: 693

Toledo, Ohio, US

I'm staying on OMP  just for the publicity - but it's a dry well.

Apr 12 05 07:24 am Link



Posts: 2

Tonawanda, New York, US

I love omp - only because there is more photographers and MUA's, Fashion designers , Agencys on there right now. It looks like soon enough Model Mayhem will catch up to that amount.

IT doesnt hurt to be posted in a lot of places, as Lady Atropos said - its for the publicity.

Goodluck everyone! (CHECK OUT MY OMP)

Apr 12 05 07:29 am Link


Aperture Photographics

Posts: 310

Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada

OMP has a lot of accounts that are inactive.  In my small area, with maybe 20 models, there are 10 that are inactive.  I've emailed omp,and they tell me they regularily police and delete inactive accounts.  This is bulls***.  I've pointed out inactive accounts (non-working emails, haven't been updated in 2 years), and nothing has happened.  Inactive accounts is only one complaint.

The lack of consistancy on how they select showcase images is another story.

Apr 12 05 07:44 am Link



Posts: 3083

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I am sticking with omp.  Just this week I got contacted for a decent paying gig through the site.  And I have made some excellent contacts which have helped my career tremendously. I'm model ID 88512.

Apr 12 05 09:03 am Link


Victoria E

Posts: 70

West Hartford, Connecticut, US

I use omp

Apr 12 05 10:04 am Link



Posts: 21

Miami, Arizona, US

I was with them a long time ago when it was free. Then they kicked me off and  asked for money. When I didn't pay to rejoin they harrassed me with emails and I have to be firm with them several times, asking them to stop sending me emails. I did that with several different emails until finally they stopped contacting me about it. It was worse than the telemarketers.
Drop them.
Apollo GT

Apr 12 05 10:22 am Link


Chester Victor

Posts: 24

Yonkers, New York, US

Well i have had pretty good success with omp and probably will renew my membership ?? still in the air.

The only real gripes i have is that their customer support sucks big time
They raise their membership fees like every six months with no real advancements made to the site. I mean fix little things like browser compatibility issues and site structure  forum links that never work correctly etc i mean we are not reinventing the wheel

Chester Victor Photography omp 43426

Apr 12 05 10:26 am Link