Forums > General Industry > Whats a Good Program for building a web site?


*Mike D*

Posts: 141

Los Angeles, California, US

My new rep is trying to build me a website, and its not really what I thought it would look like... I want something thats slick and creative... Go figure. Anyway she's taking forever to build this thing and getting pissed off every time I make a comment on it...At this point I would like to build it my self...Whats a good easy program I could use?

May 12 05 08:29 pm Link


Marcus J. Ranum

Posts: 3247

MORRISDALE, Pennsylvania, US

Posted by *Mike D*: 
My new rep is trying to build me a website, and its not really what I thought it would look like... I want something thats slick and creative... Go figure.

There are no tools that will do "slick and creative" easily. You'll probably wind up learning macromedia flash at a minimum, if you want fancy controls or vector graphics that are efficient.

I'd take a look at Macromedia Flash and Dreamweaver. DW is good at site management and HTML editing. Flash is good for the fancy interaction stuff and the 2 tie together well. Macromedia Director is good if you want to do more serious multimedia. Start with Dreamweaver and move to Flash. You'll also need to spend a bit of time learning how to drive Photoshop/Imageready for web graphics quality if you're used to print quality imaging.

These things have a learning curve that's pretty steep. I've been farting with Dreamweaver for 4 years now and have yet to accomplish "slick and creative" on a website. But that's more a limitation of *my* mind than the tools.

My experience with other web editors is limited but I've played with FrontPage from Microsoft and it's a toy, in my opinion (It's tied to Microsofty extensions, go figure). There are other tools for making flash graphics but Macromedia pretty much owns the market there.


May 12 05 08:37 pm Link


Alli B

Posts: 906

Syracuse, New York, US

Well you got Dreamweaver, which is the (what you see is what you get *whizywig*) its pretty easy to lets see, i use it and also i use Homesite (for CSS programming), there is also Microsoft Frontpage, those are the few I know, but im sure there are tons and tons out there, Dreamweaver and Homesite are both Macromedia Products....seeing that Im taking a Web Design course, my design skills have been getting better, and im currently working on a webage of my personal portfolio of my work and such....good luck with the website design smile

May 12 05 08:41 pm Link



Posts: 319

San Diego, California, US

I use Dreamweaver and Flash.  Dreamweaver I have down, a piece of cake.  Flash, I can do some but am still on the learning curve.  Like Marcus, I'd stay away from FrontPage. 

May 12 05 08:41 pm Link



Posts: 904

Berwick, Maine, US

Flash MX  check them out sir.

Thats hands down one of the best looking web sites around.

May 12 05 08:43 pm Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

There are lots of free programs out there for web creation. Just Google for some freeware web authoring software.

Personally, I code everything by hand and have done so for about 6 or 7 years. So, I don't know anything about fancy programs that do everything for you. I use Dreamweaver, but only for its FTP integration and color-coding of text. I've built dynamic 3-tier database driven sites using VBScript, CSS, HTML, Flash, JavaScript, .ASP, SQLServer and Access. I've designed sites for multimillion dollar e-commerce and internationally know companies. So I have learned a few things.

One freeware program that I used years ago was AOLPress, put out by AOL. It is no longer available from AOL, but if you can, try to track down a copy of AOLPress. It was what I started to learn on 8 years ago.

If you want a crazy Flash site, just hire and let them do all the work. (chuckle)

May 12 05 08:46 pm Link


Marcus J. Ranum

Posts: 3247

MORRISDALE, Pennsylvania, US

Oh, I also forgot to mention - there are ZILLIONS of sites that have great flash scripts and ideas. Some are available for free use, some aren't. There are a few places that have super slick looking stuff that's $19, $20 whatever  - which is pretty good.

My suggestion is you spend a while browsing around and looking at what kind of flash scripts are out there while you're learning Dreamweaver. It'll influence your design.

Expect to waste a lot of time on web site design. It's a bottomless pit of effort.


May 12 05 08:48 pm Link


Marcus J. Ranum

Posts: 3247

MORRISDALE, Pennsylvania, US

EricMuss-Barnes sez: 
Personally, I code everything by hand and have done so for about 6 or 7 years.

That's an option. smile  I used to do that until the site I was maintaining got big and I decided to re-organize it. Tools like Dreamweaver fix up the links when you move files around, which is incredibly valuable unless you're amazingly detail-oriented and patient. I figure my copy of Dreamweaver paid for itself the first day I moved 2,302 pages and images around a file tree without dropping a link.


May 12 05 08:51 pm Link


Alli B

Posts: 906

Syracuse, New York, US

Yea I do a lot of my own coding, xhtml and css...dreamweaver is only there if i wanna be lazy, i like to have my brain challenged and usually i get my best stuff that way smile

May 12 05 08:51 pm Link


Logan Seh

Posts: 93

Lansing, Michigan, US

I cheated, I found a template i liked bought it, and customized it in Dreamweaver.

I'm a netowrk engineer by trade, for a school district. I deal with so much computer crap I don't have time to learn how to do nice webby stuff.  My brain has too much other stuff filling the important spaces, like wife, friends, oh and that work stuff...

If I had the money I'd have one of the Kickass designers I know build me a site... But If you want to learn and have the time more power too ya...

May 12 05 09:29 pm Link


Naomi Jay

Posts: 1436

New York, New York, US


Hey, I had same problem. I argued with my web designer so much and would get frustrated when he didn't get what I was saying. It takes time. Remember, they are computer geeks; we are artists. And my site is so simple.

If you are going to use Flash, etc...keep in mind..whose gonna update that poop? It costs to update as well. Luckily, I figured out how to do mine and html codes etc...

I use Dreamweaver.

May 12 05 09:51 pm Link


*Mike D*

Posts: 141

Los Angeles, California, US

Thanks guys and gals...You rule! one more question. What do you think of Yahoo Site Builder?

May 12 05 09:52 pm Link



Posts: 1130

Danville, California, US

Mike - any of the typical 5 minute fixes are just that fixes - Yahoo - all the ones for other business stuff..

I woudl really think about who your target customer base is.... before doing flash... many people will not wait for flash to load due to dial up or slow internet....

I use Dreamweaver and have for years - it is very good for what I do... but I also do not do alot of hand coding like many....

Feel free to email or IM or call me - I can tell you all the horrors and positives... of different things...

Plus I do not argue... even if you are all artists - smile - I am a mear photographer and web designer..

May 12 05 09:58 pm Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Posted by Naomi Jay: 
Remember, they are computer geeks; we are artists.

I'm both.

May 12 05 10:46 pm Link



Posts: 904

Berwick, Maine, US

Posted by *Mike D*: 
Thanks guys and gals...You rule! one more question. What do you think of Yahoo Site Builder?

go to the bottom and there is a link to get yoru own. Its simple cheap and to the point.

May 12 05 10:48 pm Link


Chelle Fire

Posts: 29

Miramichi, New Brunswick, Canada

Posted by *Mike D*: 
...At this point I would like to build it my self...Whats a good easy program I could use? 

Homesite is a great program and easy to use.

May 12 05 10:59 pm Link



Posts: 31

Lynn, Alabama, US

Check out  They have a lot of different packages out of which you can deffinatly find one to suit you. They are easy to work with, have a lot of templates to begin with as well, including simple HTML and now flash. Hosting wise, they wont let you down. Complete custumer care. And for the prices they have, it is deffinetly worth it. Take a look at their demos with which you can actually use their software online, try it out, browse through the templates, add your stuff on to see if you like the look and if its easy to work with, then you can decide whether or not to go any further with them.

May 12 05 11:11 pm Link



Posts: 1130

Danville, California, US

Oh and if you want help building it - feel free to call me... I can give you pointers... plus I like your work so maybe you can teach me something... like trade skill labor.

May 13 05 12:36 am Link


Scott Aitken

Posts: 3587

Seattle, Washington, US

I think Flash is grossly overused, and mostly just bogs down a site. It's buggy, and you'll get lots of complaints from visitors that it doesn't work or crashes their browser. Most of the time it is just used to make fancy looking graphics that nobody but you cares about. Viewers won't care about your fancy graphics if it just causes their browser to crash. They'll avoid your site, which pretty much defeats the whole purpose. I'd avoid Flash.

If you know what you are doing, you can make reasonably nice looking sites with basic HTML, it'll run much faster, and you won't have any problems with user compatibility.

Add my name to the list of people who dislike Frontpage. It uses lots of code specific to Internet Explorer, and the pages won't load right for people using the variety of other Browser software out there. Explorer is currently declining in popularity, and Firefox seems to be making a significant dent in the browser wars, so it isn't a good idea to create a site that only works with Explorer.

I us Adobe GoLive, which nobody has mentioned yet. I haven't tried Dreamweaver, so I don't know which one is better. I've just been using this for several years, and I'm used to it. I've never had a single complaint from anyone that my website doesn't work. Complaints about my photo choices, occasional typos, and cheesy sense of humor, but never complaints about browser compatibility.

GoLive is a WYSIWYG program. It is fairly complex, and will have a significant learning curve if you know nothing about website design.

The other option is to hire a teenager. Seems like any kid over the age of 12 is a web designer these days.  :-)

May 13 05 01:31 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

I agree. Usually flash is just a pain in the ass. I avoid it. Then again, I still use the same basic site I designed in 1999 in notepad. I prefer simple, clean and to the point.

May 13 05 01:33 am Link


Norris Carden

Posts: 128

Tullahoma, Tennessee, US

Learn Dreamweaver and CSS before even attempting Flash.

I started doing HTML in 1994 and used Adobe's editors from 1995 (did demos for them even) until last year when a grad course required me to use Dreamweaver and learn CSS (which I had avoided for years). I'm amazed at how much the technology has changed and how silly I was to avoid the good stuff.

May 13 05 08:50 am Link


John Lavery

Posts: 304

Manchester, Connecticut, US

I find it odd that none of you use the most obvious photographer's tool for your web sites - Photoshop.  I use Photoshop to get the site to look exactly how I want it to look, then add text and CSS with CuteHTML.  Flash is nice, but for most photography sites, I think it's a bit too much.  Customers with slower connections will really appreciate a simple, but creative-looking site.

May 13 05 11:02 am Link



Posts: 1130

Danville, California, US

Oops - I use photoshop so much I forgot about it...

I use it for site pages all the time... then use Dreamweaver to stitch it all together..

May 13 05 11:03 am Link



Posts: 594

Wilmington, North Carolina, US

Posted by *Mike D*: 
Thanks guys and gals...You rule! one more question. What do you think of Yahoo Site Builder?

Avoid it like the Plague.  Sucks.  No creativity.

May 14 05 01:27 am Link


kiana's place

Posts: 572

Citrus Heights, California, US

May 14 05 01:27 am Link


Marcus J. Ranum

Posts: 3247

MORRISDALE, Pennsylvania, US

Posted by Scott Aitken: 
I think Flash is grossly overused

I totally agree. My sites are all flash-free. SO why did I suggest that flash was something he might want to learn? 'Cuz he said he wanted something sexy and snappy. I'm totally into simple sites with text-based menus (talk about fast!) but a lot of people complain that's frumpy-looking.

My favorite "photographer look site" was really simple. A photo of a light table with slides on it. You click slides it takes you to parts of a portfolio. The whole thing was driven with a few image maps (which are easy to do in dreamweaver)

It's just hard to know what Mike D thinks is sizzlin' wink One man's sizzlin' is another man's bacon, etc. wink


May 14 05 10:16 am Link



Posts: 165

Seattle, Washington, US

First, learn how to code html with a regular text editor. It won't take that long and even with the best WYSIWYG editor like Dreamweaver, chances are you'll still have to tweak code in text mode. Then learn CSS and what you can do with that, and then worry about Flash. Photoshop will turn out some good galleries if that's all you want and you can tweak those.

Flash has its advantages and disadvantages. Like html, it gets misused alot to produce ugly looking things. It's slow and requires the Flash plug-in. However, it displays consistantly across platform and brwoser much better than html. It's great for animation, but most anything else you can do in javascript. However, not matter how bad Flash is, it works much better than javascript, especially cross platfrom and browser. Many photographers like it because it is one of the simpler ways to try and protect images since you can embed them in a flash site and prevent it from being edited. This prevents people from easily downloading photos to their local machine. However, the viewer can still alwasy just do a screen capture.

May 14 05 02:39 pm Link



Posts: 594

Wilmington, North Carolina, US

When I see flash ------>  SKIP INTRO

Show me the stuff.....the meat!  Flash should he used transparently.

May 14 05 02:55 pm Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

Posted by michaelGIORDANO: 
When I see flash ------>  SKIP INTRO

Show me the stuff.....the meat!  Flash should he used transparently.

as soon as i see that flash loading up..i exit...
i hate my time wasted on fluff...

May 14 05 03:02 pm Link