Forums > General Industry > As a Model or Photographer

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

In regards to one's work as a model or photographer (MUAs or  Stylist as well), what is the nicest or most "touching" compliment that one has ever recieved from another person in regards to one's achievements?

May 12 05 11:41 am Link



Posts: 145

London, England, United Kingdom

"just had a good look through your gallery and scraps and i was amazed at how much you have in there and you still consider yourself to be amateur???
your so much better than a lot of famous photographers and im not just saying that,i don even know you to lie and ill never meet you, thus proving my comment is for real! seriously you have a huge career ahead, get ready for it"
I nearly wept!

May 12 05 11:45 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

Wow... that is nice...  And wow, you do have a nice portfolio...

May 12 05 11:46 am Link


Jayson Harrington

Posts: 233

Ormond Beach, Florida, US

Some one told me I took a pritty picture of a flower once........ and then thay bought two 8x10s.....

May 12 05 11:48 am Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US


In various forms, the sentiment that what I have done and am doing gives women of size the opportunity to see themselves as real human beings for the first time; that, in seeing me, they no longer need to hate themselves.  That's pretty profound stuff.  (And is echoed by a surprising number of regular and slender sized women.)

Sarah Louise, that's wonderful!  I also agree - your work is absolutely beautiful.


May 12 05 11:49 am Link


Naomi Jay

Posts: 1436

New York, New York, US

"you look tall!"

May 12 05 11:50 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

Umm...  tall is a great compliment to a model..

May 12 05 11:52 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

Posted by Shyly: 

In various forms, the sentiment that what I have done and am doing gives women of size the opportunity to see themselves as real human beings for the first time; that, in seeing me, they no longer need to hate themselves.  That's pretty profound stuff.  (And is echoed by a surprising number of regular and slender sized women.)

Sarah Louise, that's wonderful!  I also agree - your work is absolutely beautiful.


Hmm...  Pretty headshot "Shyly."

May 12 05 11:53 am Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

Thank you!

So what's your answer to your question?  What's the most touching comment you've gotten to date?

(I was just looking at your work, incidentally, and you're tremendously talented.  Quite lovely.)

May 12 05 11:55 am Link



Posts: 137

Springfield, Virginia, US

My most memorable was whne the model cried (in joy) after seeing what she looked like after the stylist, makeup and I finished 3 looks. She couldn't believe it was her.

May 12 05 11:58 am Link


Naomi Jay

Posts: 1436

New York, New York, US

Posted by Reese, VA . MUA: 
Umm...  tall is a great compliment to a model..

yes when you are 5'2"!

May 12 05 11:59 am Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

one girl told me she never thought of herself as a "pretty girl"..but then she said, while looking the images on the computer..(in the sweetest voice).."i am a pretty girl"

and this blurb i saw on a models profile:

"Doug is a wonderful person who I respect greatly. He is a friend and a confidant. He's a trustworthy, honest and talented photographer. I owe you so much, Doug. Thank you."

its why i love the art....

May 12 05 12:02 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

Posted by Shyly: 
Thank you!

So what's your answer to your question?  What's the most touching comment you've gotten to date?

(I was just looking at your work, incidentally, and you're tremendously talented.  Quite lovely.)

Hmm...  regarding my work?  Well, I am a person ruled by opportunity and common sense - a modern American citizen... 

The answer (drum roll):

"Thank you so much Reese!  You did a fantastic job!  I have to pay you more... you deserve it," while the individual(s) scratched out my check.

The " you more" really got to me...  I was all choked up inside...  tear jerking really...

Crude as this is, (please excuse this vulgarity) "Money talks and bulls*it walks."

I am not a sentimental individual by nature. Remember, people compare me to Howard Stern... That can't be good.

May 12 05 12:03 pm Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

That does indeed sound like a warm fuzzy moment.

Though, really, I can't imagine there's a much higher compliment than finding something valuable enough to want to spend (extra, even!) hard-earned cash on it.

Or her, as the case may be.

May 12 05 12:27 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

Well, what can I say...  I have a kitten to feed at home... 

May 12 05 12:33 pm Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

The best compliment is when someone, whose work you look up to, compliments your work and tells you that you have came a long way since you have started and your work is outstanding!

May 12 05 12:36 pm Link


Jayson Harrington

Posts: 233

Ormond Beach, Florida, US

Posted by Reese, VA . MUA: 
Well, what can I say...  I have a kitten to feed at home...   

Tell me about it....!   If I give mine anything less the GradeA Swordfish she gets all upset.

May 12 05 02:29 pm Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

Posted by Jayson Harrington: 

Posted by Reese, VA . MUA: 
Well, what can I say...  I have a kitten to feed at home...   

Tell me about it....!   If I give mine anything less the GradeA Swordfish she gets all upset.

upset huh...put out some dry food and in a couple of days that cat will be happy for anything..

cat people..geeze!!!

May 12 05 02:38 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

Posted by Doug Swinskey: 

Posted by Jayson Harrington: 

Posted by Reese, VA . MUA: 
Well, what can I say...  I have a kitten to feed at home...   

Tell me about it....!   If I give mine anything less the GradeA Swordfish she gets all upset.

upset huh...put out some dry food and in a couple of days that cat will be happy for anything..

cat people..geeze!!!

Not just cats for me... I have two dogs (one corgi - one pit bull) two cats (both adopted strays), one mouse (had two , one died in an unfortunate house fire), two fish and four dwarf frogs (I have murdered many a fish - I am bad with fish - but I had well over twenty at one time.)

May 12 05 02:45 pm Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

Posted by Reese, VA . MUA: 

Posted by Doug Swinskey: 

Posted by Jayson Harrington: 

Posted by Reese, VA . MUA: 
Well, what can I say...  I have a kitten to feed at home...   

Tell me about it....!   If I give mine anything less the GradeA Swordfish she gets all upset.

upset huh...put out some dry food and in a couple of days that cat will be happy for anything..

cat people..geeze!!!

Not just cats for me... I have two dogs (one corgi - one pit bull) two cats (both adopted strays), one mouse (had two , one died in an unfortunate house fire), two fish and four dwarf frogs (I have murdered many a fish - I am bad with fish - but I had well over twenty at one time.)

ok..dogs balance out the negativity...
an ugly thought about the dead fish and cats popped into my head, but i'll keep that to myself...

May 12 05 02:49 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

My cats run my life. And they know it.

May 12 05 03:03 pm Link


Jon Scott Visual

Posts: 1529

"Jon Howard flew to Dallas this weekend to work with me.  Three days, over 30 hours, and 16 disks later, the following photo is just one example of the work this man produces.  In due time, I will have thousands of images to display his talents.

I am so thankful for the photographers who have worked with me and taken the time to present images that I never knew could be possible.  I've spent my life struggling with my esteem and confidence, which is why my eyes filled with tears when I saw this one.  Thank you, Jon.  If anyone ever doubts you again, send them to me.

For other women, if you ever doubt yourself, think twice.  We are all born with qualities and flaws.  Accept everything.  I have had judges knock me down, knock me down, knock me down.  With that in the back of my mind and what I grew up with, it's been an emotional struggle to look in the mirror on many days, and on the day of this shoot, I worried about my appearance like you wouldn't believe.  Jon can attest to this.  But then I see an image like this, and I realize for a brief moment that I must accept myself for what I have created and what I have been given.  And that's what competing is really about...not beating someone else, not walking off with the trophy, not anything but believing in yourself.  Little by little, I am learning."

May 12 05 03:07 pm Link


Logan Seh

Posts: 93

Lansing, Michigan, US

Best compliment I got. Was seeing my wedding shoot photo on a friends mantle, versus either of the $2000 photogs they hired.

I shot as a favor/ their parents each hired a photog without telling them....

They loved the candid shots I took before and after that the "PROs" wouldn't even think of taking...

May 12 05 03:19 pm Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

i thought we were talking about cats?

May 12 05 03:24 pm Link


Logan Seh

Posts: 93

Lansing, Michigan, US

OK... my cats are spoiled little furry brats... all 3

May 12 05 03:26 pm Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

Posted by Logan Seh: 
OK... my cats are spoiled little furry brats... all 3

you just described my neighbors kids...

May 12 05 03:28 pm Link


Brian Kim

Posts: 508

Honolulu, Hawaii, US

My first national publication covershot - Windsport Magazine. I got a post it note attached to my check. It said, "Nice pic." I wept. It was a good check.

May 12 05 03:43 pm Link


Jayson Harrington

Posts: 233

Ormond Beach, Florida, US

Posted by Reese, VA . MUA: 

Posted by Doug Swinskey: 

Posted by Jayson Harrington: 

Posted by Reese, VA . MUA: 
Well, what can I say...  I have a kitten to feed at home...   

Tell me about it....!   If I give mine anything less the GradeA Swordfish she gets all upset.

upset huh...put out some dry food and in a couple of days that cat will be happy for anything..

cat people..geeze!!!

Not just cats for me... I have two dogs (one corgi - one pit bull) two cats (both adopted strays), one mouse (had two , one died in an unfortunate house fire), two fish and four dwarf frogs (I have murdered many a fish - I am bad with fish - but I had well over twenty at one time.)

I had to give up my beagle..sad..

May 12 05 03:51 pm Link



Posts: 119

Austin, Texas, US

the frist one i got, was a photo i did for class of a taatoo coverd face friend, when i was frist got into photoshop, i took the tatoos off as a joke, his dad love it, frame it, and hung it in his living room.
the second one is in my profile of dan, his mom ask me for a large one so i gave her a 16x20.

May 12 05 04:09 pm Link



Posts: 57

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

The best compliment is when you get hired.

May 12 05 04:19 pm Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

Posted by eric: 
The best compliment is when you get hired.

here here!

May 12 05 04:21 pm Link



Posts: 9594

San Francisco, California, US

That I've gotten better.

Checks are nice too but that's secondary to knowing that I'm improving.

May 12 05 04:52 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Camera Ready Studios

Posts: 7191

Dallas, Texas, US

Posted by eric: 
The best compliment is when you get hired.

Eric, you took the words right out of my mouth.  Putting your money where your mouth is gives me the warm fuzzies smile

May 12 05 04:53 pm Link



Posts: 1190

Winnetka, California, US

Posted by Logan Seh: 
Best compliment I got. Was seeing my wedding shoot photo on a friends mantle, versus either of the $2000 photogs they hired.

I shot as a favor/ their parents each hired a photog without telling them....

They loved the candid shots I took before and after that the "PROs" wouldn't even think of taking...

I've experienced exactly that same thing, twice!

But my best compliment was from a teacher who upon looking at my portfolio, and knowing I was born/raised in Carmel, CA said to me "You have the Carmel touch" - meaning my work was reminicent for him of the works of Ansel Adams, Edward Weston, Wyn Bullock, and number of other West Coast photographers who lived, frequented, and shot along the central Calif coast. I was high for days

May 12 05 05:19 pm Link



Posts: 22389

Fort Collins, Colorado, US

I once had a photographer whose work I really enjoy e-mail me and ask me for a "ready for framing" version of a photo of mine that he liked. That was nice.

Being offered money for a shot is nice for a hobbyist like me.  That's happened once or two.

The faintest praise:  Once finished a photo shoot with a model who had been to too many shoots, I think, with unprepared guys with tourist cameras, and she said, "Thanks for not being weird."

May 12 05 05:29 pm Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Posted By Reese, VA . MUA:
In regards to one's work as a model or photographer (MUAs or Stylist as well), what is the nicest or most "touching" compliment that one has ever recieved from another person in regards to one's achievements?

Gosh, this is a tough one to answer.

I think some of the most flattering things are when models that I felt I was "not worthy" to shoot contact ME. A few times, there have been models whom I think are "out of my league" and so I don't contact them. Then, out-of-the-blue, they email me and say, "Oh, I love your work and I want to shoot with you." I usually fall out of my chair when that happens. (An example is Morrigan Hel and a woman back in Ohio whom I sadly never got to shoot before I moved.)

The other thing I love is when a model calls me her "favorite photographer." That is always awesome to hear. (Annisse listed Perry Gallagher and I as her favorites on a website somewhere.)

And finally, I love it when models who have never shot nudes ask to shoot nudes with me because they say "I love your work" and "I'm really comfortable around you." That makes me really happy to know that I instill that level of trust and ease within the models I become aquainted with. (At least half a dozen models have done that.)

May 12 05 07:47 pm Link