Forums > General Industry > Model Status/potential/rates/egos/etc.


Tony Culture Photoz

Posts: 1555

Bloomfield, New Jersey, US

I just changed my profile info to reflect my feelings on some of the issues in the subject line of this thread. Please take a moment to read and see if I am wrong. I would appreciate some feedback from both models and photographers.

In my opinion, ONLY a few (if that much) models will make it to super model level or near that, from being on these internet model/photographer sites. Therefore, THIS is THE marketplace ! There is no need to hype your rates up on photographers like me and others (who care to recognise themselves in this category). You will be ignored like the business that chooses to sell items too high, in their efforts to maximize profits, versus the wise business that sells items at a lesser price and move more quantities, thus making more profits.

$25 X 100 = $2500


$150 X 3 = $450

and this could very well be within a 3-4 month period.

Oct 08 05 10:35 am Link


Columbus Photo

Posts: 2318

Columbus, Georgia, US

I don't think projecting negativity in your profile will get you any work.  Keep sending out emails and if you get responses with rates that you consider out of bounds, just ignore them and go on to the next one.


Oct 08 05 11:50 am Link


~*Isabel Aurora*~

Posts: 5778

Boca del Mar, Florida, US

I must comment on this....

There ARE a lot of models on there  who need to be knocked off their high horses, this I agree and they are usually called on it when they make a public thing about it.  But there are also photographers that are the same way!  It erks me when both models and photographers display the egos that you are talking about. 


these people by no means represent the majority and it is unfair that all these (notice I didn't say "all) photographers are attacking models as a whole....

And "YOU are internet models, NOT supermodels !" offends me.... I know I am on the internet and I get work (paid or not) off of here, but this I do not consider myself an "internet model" the way you present it is very insulting and degrading to those of us who really put a lot of time and effort into modelling.

**Getting off work and getting the hell home will finish later smile**

Oct 08 05 05:56 pm Link



Posts: 3642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

IsabelAurora wrote:
I must comment on this....

There ARE a lot of models on there  who need to be knocked off their high horses, this I agree and they are usually called on it when they make a public thing about it.  But there are also photographers that are the same way!  It erks me when both models and photographers display the egos that you are talking about. 


these people by no means represent the majority and it is unfair that all these (notice I didn't say "all) photographers are attacking models as a whole....

And "YOU are internet models, NOT supermodels !" offends me.... I know I am on the internet and I get work (paid or not) off of here, but this I do not consider myself an "internet model" the way you present it is very insulting and degrading to those of us who really put a lot of time and effort into modelling.

Right on target with this one, Isabel. It amazes me to see the major generalization placed on labels. Internet, model and photographer are three very prominent terms individually. But, thanks to some sarcastic sid the combination of internet and either two is solely used to impose a negative impression on a certain group of experienced or hopeful models or photographers. Resumé-wise... I've never gotten work through the internet. But, I'm on here. And,it would STILL qualify me as the same. Especially because you see me on the net.

OP wrote:
"Internet Models"

So, I relate to it being very offensive. It's like walking up to the cops and saying "One of those Black guys did it."

Yes, it's that deep. Get mad. But, trust me, publicy discussing your gripes in an uncontrolled setting, (i.e. your profile) is only going to: 1) Cause your name to be run through the mud. No work.
2) Allow your attitude to fester and build more disgust and you become a hateful/ resentful person
after the guaranteed backlash you'll receive for your opinions.'re entitled to your feelings, but a public display such as that will only open old wounds and cause more drama than needed.

IsabelAurora wrote:
**Getting off work and getting the hell home will finish later smile**

Finally! Now hurry up. I cooked you a full dinner and ran a bubble bath with your fav. scented oils.
The food and the bath are both getting cold.

Sorry, I just had to go there. lmao.

Oct 08 05 06:21 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

Why do you feel it's worth more money for nudes than fashion?

It is arguably just as easy to pose in clothes as without - indeed, I would argue it's harder in clothes than without.

So why are you willing to pay more?

Sorry, you're just the kind of market-ignorant photographer you seem to be railing against. Good luck with that.

Oct 08 05 06:32 pm Link


Model Sarah

Posts: 40994

Columbus, Ohio, US

Chris Ambler wrote:
Why do you feel it's worth more money for nudes than fashion?

It is arguably just as easy to pose in clothes as without - indeed, I would argue it's harder in clothes than without.

So why are you willing to pay more?

Sorry, you're just the kind of market-ignorant photographer you seem to be railing against. Good luck with that.

I cant believe this...

Oct 08 05 07:39 pm Link



Posts: 3907

Madison, Mississippi, US

I think this is heading toward the subject of nudity....just watch....LOL

Oct 08 05 07:44 pm Link



Posts: 5146

Brooklyn, New York, US

i think he mis-spelled photos

Oct 08 05 08:51 pm Link



Posts: 40

Halifax, Massachusetts, US

Although you're entitled to your opinion, I think you'll be hardpressed to find any model on here who agrees with what you said since you essentially insulted all models who use the internet. I think the old saying "if you can't say anything nice - don't say anything at all" applies here because you'll likely have a hard time finding "internet models" interested in working with you based on your generalizations.

Oct 08 05 09:05 pm Link


Tony Culture Photoz

Posts: 1555

Bloomfield, New Jersey, US

Thanks to each and every one of you for posting your thoughts. I sincerely appreciate it all, and I will definitely use a lot (if not all) the suggestions posted.

Oct 08 05 10:01 pm Link


Blackmirror Photogenics

Posts: 198

New York, New York, US

Why stereotype internet models? I have worked with agency models and independent "internet" models. They are all different in professionalism. independents tend to be younger and don't have the experience compared to some agency models. It depends on the photographers' needs.

Jan 22 07 12:11 am Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

In my opinion, ONLY a few (if that much) models will make it to super model level or near that, from being on these internet model/photographer sites. Therefore, THIS is THE marketplace ! There is no need to hype your rates ....

My response

I think  you are right on the money w this ...Most Supermodels are well on their way by age 16-17 ie signed weith agencies , getting campaign and runway work . Mention MM or OMP to them and they would probably just scratch their heads ....

And as you say ( to a large extent ) MM is its own market , which is not to say thats a bad thing ,,,it is what it is . I view it as an opportunity to network , meet interesting people ( models ) develop my photographic skills and have fun . Money is not a significent factor in the equation for me...I have however found a few exceptional  models through these sites that I have helped get signed w agencies , adn get runway and commercial print experience ....

Yeah there are models that maybe think they are worth more than the market will bear , but there are also photographers with the same mentality ....BUt it is a free market system  and there is no harm in asking if you think worth it ......

Jan 22 07 12:32 am Link



Posts: 4532

Breckenridge, Colorado, US

Crazy-Evil Angelus wrote:

IsabelAurora wrote:
I must comment on this....

There ARE a lot of models on there  who need to be knocked off their high horses, this I agree and they are usually called on it when they make a public thing about it.  But there are also photographers that are the same way!  It erks me when both models and photographers display the egos that you are talking about. 


these people by no means represent the majority and it is unfair that all these (notice I didn't say "all) photographers are attacking models as a whole....

And "YOU are internet models, NOT supermodels !" offends me.... I know I am on the internet and I get work (paid or not) off of here, but this I do not consider myself an "internet model" the way you present it is very insulting and degrading to those of us who really put a lot of time and effort into modelling.

Right on target with this one, Isabel. It amazes me to see the major generalization placed on labels. Internet, model and photographer are three very prominent terms individually. But, thanks to some sarcastic sid the combination of internet and either two is solely used to impose a negative impression on a certain group of experienced or hopeful models or photographers. Resum�-wise... I've never gotten work through the internet. But, I'm on here. And,it would STILL qualify me as the same. Especially because you see me on the net.

OP wrote:
"Internet Models"

So, I relate to it being very offensive. It's like walking up to the cops and saying "One of those Black guys did it."

Yes, it's that deep. Get mad. But, trust me, publicy discussing your gripes in an uncontrolled setting, (i.e. your profile) is only going to: 1) Cause your name to be run through the mud. No work.
2) Allow your attitude to fester and build more disgust and you become a hateful/ resentful person
after the guaranteed backlash you'll receive for your opinions.'re entitled to your feelings, but a public display such as that will only open old wounds and cause more drama than needed.

Finally! Now hurry up. I cooked you a full dinner and ran a bubble bath with your fav. scented oils.
The food and the bath are both getting cold.

Sorry, I just had to go there. lmao.

Angelus! Where have you been? I've missed you! And I whole-heartedly agree with your post. xx

Jan 22 07 12:45 am Link


Looknsee Photography

Posts: 26342

Portland, Oregon, US

Tony Culture Photoz wrote:
I just changed my profile info to reflect my feelings on some of the issues in the subject line of this thread. Please take a moment to read and see if I am wrong. I would appreciate some feedback from both models and photographers.

No offense, Tony, but I hated your portfolio's front page.  You've embedded tons of images, including cutesy animated GIFs that contribute little good to the overall impression.  Also, I found myself scrolling through the images & going right past the verbage.  In fact, I didn't bother reading it all.

In general, I would make the following recommendations:

>>>  Limit the images on your front page to one, and make it modest in size.  If folks want to see more of your images, well 20 images are simply a click away.

>>>  Keep your front page short & succinct.  It should not require any scrolling at all.

>>>  Your front page is your opportunity to make a good first impression.  Speak positively & constructively.

>>>  It is better to decline an offer than to not get any offers at all.  Don't start your negotiations with a model on your front page.  First establish interest, then negotiate.

>>>  It ain't your job to "educate" others on your point of view -- conduct your business & let others learn from experience.

Jan 22 07 09:58 am Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Tony Culture Photoz wrote:
I just changed my profile info to reflect my feelings on some of the issues in the subject line of this thread.

Negative profile = no one wants to work with you.

Those are my feelings on the subject.

Jan 22 07 10:11 am Link



Posts: 294

Columbus, Ohio, US

I'm sorry, what's the purpose of this post?

Jan 22 07 10:13 am Link

Wardrobe Stylist

Antony Green

Posts: 4

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

LP And Daniela hit the spot.

I don't know what you are trying to get from expressing yourself like that.

Jan 22 07 10:29 am Link


TRPn Pics

Posts: 10435

Silver Springs Shores, Florida, US

Tony Culture Photoz wrote:
I just changed my profile info to reflect my feelings on some of the issues in the subject line of this thread. Please take a moment to read and see if I am wrong. I would appreciate some feedback from both models and photographers.

In my opinion, ONLY a few (if that much) models will make it to super model level or near that, from being on these internet model/photographer sites. Therefore, THIS is THE marketplace ! There is no need to hype your rates up on photographers like me and others (who care to recognise themselves in this category). You will be ignored like the business that chooses to sell items too high, in their efforts to maximize profits, versus the wise business that sells items at a lesser price and move more quantities, thus making more profits.

$25 X 100 = $2500


$150 X 3 = $450

and this could very well be within a 3-4 month period.

LMAO, the pot calls the kettle

A little less on your profile front page to simplify it to the basics would likely do wonders instead of right out of the box presuming you have all the say on who is deserving of being paid and who doesn't as well as having to scroll down to get to the punch line. 

As far as "supermodel" status, who are you to make such a determination in the first place when you clearly state your still in the learning stages.

Oh yeah, You attract more bees with honey too.

Jan 22 07 10:39 am Link