Forums > General Industry > Studio Business Plan?



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

Never mind.

May 10 05 04:44 pm Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

I want to own a studio some day.  Most photographers who have studios make more money renting it out to other photographers, than shooting for themselves.

May 11 05 01:16 am Link



Posts: 594

Wilmington, North Carolina, US

First off.....banks do not like "self employed" people.

Unless you have been a photograper for the last 10 years making over 100k(USD) a year AND you can hold the studio on your own without dependence on other sources of income.

You are better off just renting then doing a co-op.  Basically everyone pitches in X amount for the year and they get X amount of days/hours for the year.  BUT do make sure they all have commercial insurance with at least  a 1 million liability and naming your studio in the insurance certificate.  Make sure you have proof and copies. (check it every 6 months - make sure its active)

Unless you win the lottery...dream on.  smile

May 11 05 11:51 am Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

Never mind.

May 11 05 12:06 pm Link



Posts: 1984

London, England, United Kingdom

I am sure your question is screaming  right in my face, but fear of  not knowing is puzzling right at this second....lack of waking hours. Maybe I am not hearing your question....Business Plan for what I am seeing here  from others to take to a bank. It's hard to deal with a bank if you are going solo with a photo studio...becasue they all fall by the wayside within two -five years of opening. If you are looking for structure for stating why you want to get this business off the ground, then go for it. Being married to an accountant it was easy to doa  business plan, but I also had lots of poperty as holding to go to a bank for a loan some 20yrs ago. So what is it you are asking is my question.

May 11 05 12:23 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

Never mind.

May 11 05 12:25 pm Link



Posts: 1984

London, England, United Kingdom

Posted by Chris Ambler: 
I'm not going to a bank - this is all self-funded.

I want a business plan because putting money on the line without a plan is, to me at least, somewhat silly, even for a self-funded venture with intentions not for profit but self-sustainment.

I'm interested in seeing a business plan for a successful studio to determine if there's anything I've missed or not completely considered.

Nothing more, nothing less.

So! This business plan is more for your own mind I guess. If you have been in business in some other area before, then you know most of what's needed.  Knowing what your monthly expenses are going to be to overhead expenses, to promotional materials needed to get's endless but not something that is outside of your knowledge of being able to do. I am just frustrated in knowing what you are saying. It's not a form you have to fill out to say this is a business plan, just keeping good book keeping records..knowledge of taxes for monthly business..if you are going to have employees. So forgive me if I sound frustrated but I would love to help you understand what you are seeking, but take small steps and I hope you have deep pockets becasue it's going to be a cost to you in the first 1yr.....P.S. doesn't hurt if you have clients  that give you work on a montly bases.

May 11 05 12:36 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

Never mind.

May 11 05 12:40 pm Link


Sandy Ramirez

Posts: 6089

Brooklyn, New York, US

It isn't very different than any business plan for any service oriented based endeavour.

The goals of a professional studio aren't that different than any service industry company. Aproach like that and you should be fine.

May 11 05 12:43 pm Link



Posts: 1984

London, England, United Kingdom

Posted by Chris Ambler: 
I can't help but wonder what part of, "I'd like to see the business plan of anyone who's opened a studio" is so confusing?

Am I not speaking English?

THat is askiing something I think is personal even for a business owner. It has information I think is of a personal if not a business nature for anyone. Sharing knowledge is simple to ask for....but I am still frustrated in wanting to know why you need to see someone lese's paperwork. Don't you find that odd in a way.

May 11 05 12:44 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

Never mind.

May 11 05 12:48 pm Link



Posts: 1984

London, England, United Kingdom

Posted by Chris Ambler: 

Posted by Alex Alexander: 
THat is askiing something I think is personal even for a business owner. It has information I think is of a personal if not a business nature for anyone. Sharing knowledge is simple to ask for....but I am still frustrated in wanting to know why you need to see someone lese's paperwork. Don't you find that odd in a way.

I agree with you....that last part made me you see why artist have business partners to do all that real work called paper work

No, I don't. I don't want to see their personal financials, I want to see their projected P&L and risk assessment and market analysis, for example.

I've shared my business plan for the Internet services company I started back in the late 80's far and wide. Unless someone feels that I'd be their competition, I fail to see anything odd.

Nevermind. I should have known better than to ask a serious question around here. F'ing amazing. Let's go back to talking about who's screwing their models.

May 11 05 12:50 pm Link



Posts: 594

Wilmington, North Carolina, US

No offense was intended.  And assumption was not my call...I was simply saying unless you had money to burn (hence the lottery)....who needs a business plan?

What Alex pretty much what I was thinking.

If its self funded....then you are the person to pitch it to.  I understand the need to cover all bases and making sure the money spent is well spent.  The accountant is your best person to talk with regarding this to make sure you are not going to swallow more than you can chew.

I think the P&L is based on what you are spending for studio rental versus how much you can save if you had your own.  It's all numbers that your accountant can tell you.

What I would also throw into the mix of it all is an exclusive photographic ONLY Art Gallery (no paintings - photos only) to get the community involved and expose your name a great deal.

May 11 05 12:55 pm Link



Posts: 1984

London, England, United Kingdom wife is a CPA...... lol....

May 11 05 12:59 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Temper... temper...

don't have a business plan for a studio, but I can assure you that you should have liability insurance.  And since you'll need a commercial space, renting will be an issue unless you happen to own commercial property.

May 11 05 12:59 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

Never mind.

Tyler, how do I just remove the whole fucking post?

May 11 05 01:03 pm Link



Posts: 594

Wilmington, North Carolina, US

Posted by theda: 
Temper... temper...

No kidding....I am not sure the belittling was called for.

Someone needs to take Xanax.  smile

May 11 05 01:05 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

Posted by michaelGIORDANO: 

Posted by theda: 
Temper... temper...

No kidding....I am not sure the belittling was called for.

Someone needs to take Xanax.  smile

Friend, I asked how to make a banana split, and was told, both here and in private messages why apples are better, and that I should just not worry about the fact that bananas are yellow. I was then told that bananas are very expensive.

Temper? No. More like dismayed frustration.

May 11 05 01:10 pm Link



Posts: 594

Wilmington, North Carolina, US

My little friend:

Since most of us responded with like minded responses...perhaps the root of the problem lies in the question that you posed.  Don't blame us for it.  Perhaps the word "business plan" in the sentence was not the right word.

And being a nice guy I am almost inclined to apologize for your frustration but I think your frustration is not our blame.  Just chill.  smile

May 11 05 01:18 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

I'm 100% certain that what I would like to see is the formal business plan of someone who's done this already. I can't imagine how that can be misunderstood.

As for being your "little" friend, you must have been talking to my wife again. I may be small, but at least I'm quick!

May 11 05 01:20 pm Link



Posts: 1984

London, England, United Kingdom

Posted by Chris Ambler: 
I'm 100% certain that what I would like to see is the formal business plan of someone who's done this already. I can't imagine how that can be misunderstood.

As for being your "little" friend, you must have been talking to my wife again. I may be small, but at least I'm quick!

I see the hunor in this now that I have had a sip of coffee...Chris I'll talk with my wife this evening when she gets in and explain to her what you seek...remember I am an artist so it may take a few paint strokes to get her excited,,,but she can talk business off you like sex with a 21yr old sex machine

May 11 05 01:25 pm Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

Posted by Chris Ambler: 
Never mind.

Tyler, how do I just remove the whole fucking post?

Did I miss something?  lol

May 11 05 03:13 pm Link



Posts: 1984

London, England, United Kingdom

Posted by * Visual Mindscapes *: 

Posted by Chris Ambler: 
Never mind.

Tyler, how do I just remove the whole fucking post?

Did I miss something?  lol


You just have to laugh and find the humor in being misunderstood at times

May 11 05 03:18 pm Link


Doug Harvey

Posts: 1055

Las Vegas, Nevada, US


You just have to laugh and find the humor in being misunderstood at times

I'll go with this one...But on another note...I would be really curious to know just how many hoop and hops you have to go through to get a business plan that will function (or perform, if you will) for angel funding or some other private funding organization...I have rolled the idea by a few and all have told me "get us a business plan". So Alex. I would be all ears and very greatful for any advice you can give...

May 11 05 04:13 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

Doug, part of the issue here is that I don't need a plan for funding. That is, no funding is necessary, as I'm my own angel. All I'm trying to do here is see if anyone has gone through the motions of making a business plan and, if so, what they came up with. I'm trying to not reinvent the wheel and also to learn from others, as others have learned from me.

I asked how to make a banana split, but all I'm hearing is that bananas are yellow and expensive. Yes - I know that - now does anyone actually know how to make the split? :-)

May 11 05 04:25 pm Link


James Berglie

Posts: 102

Nottingham, Maryland, US

Posted by michaelGIORDANO: 
First off.....banks do not like "self employed" people.

Unless you have been a photograper for the last 10 years making over 100k(USD) a year AND you can hold the studio on your own without dependence on other sources of income.

You are better off just renting then doing a co-op.  Basically everyone pitches in X amount for the year and they get X amount of days/hours for the year.  BUT do make sure they all have commercial insurance with at least  a 1 million liability and naming your studio in the insurance certificate.  Make sure you have proof and copies. (check it every 6 months - make sure its active)

Unless you win the lottery...dream on.  smile

Thats not exactly true. -- as with any sale... if your a good salesman, you can get the loan.  -- I was approved for quite a large amount for a studio.  I negated to follow through due to my own insecurities of solely relying on photography as an only income, but none-the-less, I was approved.  --

It is very possible to run your own studio on your own loan! 

But regardless...  business plans are pretty simple -- I had to do one and present it ot the bank to get my loan approved...  just think out everything!  --  Examples of business plans can be found on sites like the small business administration...  important thing to remember... this is a business... dont get into any photography specifics..  - Its all about making money, meeting expenses, keeping expenses low, and profitability

May 11 05 05:24 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

Posted by James Berglie: 
But regardless...  business plans are pretty simple -- I had to do one and present it ot the bank to get my loan approved...  just think out everything!  --  Examples of business plans can be found on sites like the small business administration...  important thing to remember... this is a business... dont get into any photography specifics..  - Its all about making money, meeting expenses, keeping expenses low, and profitability

Meeting what expenses, exactly? Did your business plan include an enumerated list of expected expenses? That's the kind of stuff I'm looking for.

I've written tons of business plans, both for internal as well as external (that is, 'getting the loan') use, but what I'm after are those elements specific to a photo studio. Someone's gone through the exercise of enumerating them, and I'm hoping to benefit from their experience.

May 11 05 05:35 pm Link


Doug Harvey

Posts: 1055

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

ok....All that is fine with me...I have no issue with that, but since the conversation about business plans came up and alex's wife is a CPA...Hey!  If there's knowledge that can be obtained and the person with it is willing to share, then "cool".  I never got into the conversation of the bannana and the apple...That was for all of the rest of you...

Posted by Chris Ambler: 
Doug, part of the issue here is that I don't need a plan for funding. That is, no funding is necessary, as I'm my own angel. All I'm trying to do here is see if anyone has gone through the motions of making a business plan and, if so, what they came up with. I'm trying to not reinvent the wheel and also to learn from others, as others have learned from me.

I asked how to make a banana split, but all I'm hearing is that bananas are yellow and expensive. Yes - I know that - now does anyone actually know how to make the split? :-)

May 11 05 05:52 pm Link



Posts: 594

Wilmington, North Carolina, US

Posted by James Berglie: 
Thats not exactly true. -- as with any sale... if your a good salesman, you can get the loan.

Good for you.....but I never said it was impossible.  I know many self-employed people that tell me they all had a hard time with the banks (even with excellent credit) and all levels of salesmanship or business savvy.  The business plan sold them.  All business plans contained the basics and others served a purpose (non-profit - community work).

May 12 05 01:52 am Link



Posts: 602

Seattle, Washington, US

Posted by Chris Ambler:As for being your "little" friend, you must have been talking to my wife again. I may be small, but at least I'm quick!

Um Chris... which one of either of these is a good thing? LOL

I understand that you may want to see how one is formatted and what things need to be considered. I will see if I can dig mine up for you.

May 12 05 07:46 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

Posted by DJ Foothill: 

Posted by Chris Ambler:As for being your "little" friend, you must have been talking to my wife again. I may be small, but at least I'm quick!

Um Chris... which one of either of these is a good thing? LOL

Um... yeah, I'm just funny that way. Must be why the models love me! :-)

May 12 05 11:20 pm Link