Forums > General Industry > Models expecting free pictures


Gary Davis

Posts: 1829

San Diego, California, US

Wow.  I guess all the people in the world who actually work for a living are just wasting there time.  Maybe construction workers should start demanding that they be allowed to say in every house they've worked on whenever they feel like it.  Or a chef should insist he join you for dinner and share that meal your meal with you....

If you want photos to show off your work, you hire a photographer.  And yes, many photographers will shoot you and not use the photos themselves if they are paid.  That's business.  Tear sheets from a commercial shoot or a few copies as a courtesy is one thing, but to refuse a paying job because they won't allow you to use the photos for your own promotion is just over the top IMO.

May 13 05 10:34 pm Link


Amber Dawn - Indiana

Posts: 6255

Salem, Indiana, US

I don't think it's over the top, I think it's very professional to do. I already have PAID+CD shoots booked, so, I guess it's not a big problem. :SHRUGS:

May 13 05 10:40 pm Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Posted by CO Model Amber: 
You know there's a lot of models on the internet who are also signed with agencies. So, not sure why you do Internet model vs agency models for. I'm 5'5 so I wouldn't have any chance signing with anyone. 

Not true. height only matters for runway work. Thinking 5'5" is too short for ALL modeling is a myth. It is only too short for certain types of modeling.

All the agency models and photographers can vouch for that.

Posted by John Lavery: 
I want to thank everyone who's left a comment.  Your posts have given me a pretty good perspective on the situation, and allowed me to come up with a policy regarding images from paid shoots so this hopefully won't be a problem again going forward.   

So, John, what IS the policy you have come up with? I'm curious as to how you have decided to approach the situation in the future.

May 13 05 10:41 pm Link


John Lavery

Posts: 304

Manchester, Connecticut, US

Posted by CO Model Amber: 
Sure I'm looking to get paid and get a CD but I am not asking for hundreds of pictures, even 5 or 10 pictures from the shoot will work for me. I've even lowered my rates to get a CD as well. 

See, this I would have had no problem with.  Give me a break on your fee, and I'll be happy to give you a good number of photos for the shoot, stipulating that they can only be used for portfolio.  And, again, since you have it on your profile, it's understood that you expect photos to use, and I can set my expectations accordingly. 

There were other factors and reason's I'll never work with this model again (like springing ridiculously inflated travel expenses on me the night before the shoot), but I don't want to turn this into a rant.  Suffice to say, I was unhappy with almost every aspect of working with this model, but I did manage to get a (very) few good shots out of it.

Amber, if you were in New England, I'd work with you in a second.  Your profile spells things out very clearly and professionally, so I'd have a pretty good idea what to expect from a shoot with you.  I don't think expecting images from a shoot is unreasonable, but the way this model went about it after being so difficult during the shoot was something else.

May 13 05 10:42 pm Link


Amber Dawn - Indiana

Posts: 6255

Salem, Indiana, US

John Lavery,

Awwwww! Thank you very much! I do try to be professional in this business and try to get everything out there in the open. I'd LOVE to work with you if I am ever out that way. Thank you again for the compliments about my work and how I do things, you just put a big smile on my face.

May 13 05 10:46 pm Link


Gary Davis

Posts: 1829

San Diego, California, US

Posted by CO Model Amber: 
I don't think it's over the top, I think it's very professional to do. I already have PAID+CD shoots booked, so, I guess it's not a big problem. :SHRUGS:

Well, I'm not saying that nobody should agree to it, but it just blows my mind that you would turn down a potentially lurcative offer just because they won't give you a CD.  Even if you don't have pictures to show off yourself, you could still gain exposure from where ever the photos are used by the client.

In fact, if a model simply stated they would work for some fee or for a CD + reduced fee, I would have no problem with that and possibly even take them up on it.  But for some reason refusing anything that doesn't include a CD just smacks of arrogance to me and completely turns me off.

May 13 05 10:52 pm Link


Amber Dawn - Indiana

Posts: 6255

Salem, Indiana, US

Gary Davis,

I respect your opinion(s) a lot. I guess I'm so use to the whole CD thing, that's all I've known since I started modeling back in 2003. Maybe I would change my mind if a good offer came my way, but, who knows until then. Even ONE picture would be great :laughing: But anyways, I do thank you for your opinion(s) about this.

May 13 05 10:58 pm Link


Gary Davis

Posts: 1829

San Diego, California, US

Posted by CO Model Amber: 
Gary Davis,

I respect your opinion(s) a lot. I guess I'm so use to the whole CD thing, that's all I've known since I started modeling back in 2003. Maybe I would change my mind if a good offer came my way, but, who knows until then. Even ONE picture would be great :laughing: But anyways, I do thank you for your opinion(s) about this.

But some good offers may not be presented after reading your terms, so you may never know about them.

Anyway, you've got to do what you feel is best for you.  CD issue aside, it is good that you are up front and you seem to conduct yourself in a very respectful and professional manner.  I truly appreciate that and wish you the best.

May 13 05 11:21 pm Link


Amber Dawn - Indiana

Posts: 6255

Salem, Indiana, US

"it is good that you are up front and you seem to conduct yourself in a very respectful and professional manner. I truly appreciate that and wish you the best."

I appreciate what you've said! :Smile: that was very nice of you to say. I really do try. Thank you! The best of luck to you too as well.

May 13 05 11:24 pm Link


*Mike D*

Posts: 141

Los Angeles, California, US

I like Money! If you ask me not to use your photos No Problem! You can have all the CD's and Prints you want...Just show me the money!

May 13 05 11:25 pm Link

Makeup Artist

The Beauty Artist

Posts: 918

Troy, Michigan, US

I agree. If a shoot is paid, I dont EXPECT a cd or prints, although most of the photographers I have worked with will send at least a few images my way. I do usually prefer to work with photographers who will let me look through the images though, and if there is an image/s that I feel would be great for my book then at least give me the option to buy a print or a disk of it. I think situations like these all come down to communication, before agreeing to do any shoots I think everybody involved should be completely aware of what the terms are. As far as models are concerned I think that the majority of web models are used to getting mainly tfp work, so there used to always getting a disk. Then suprise suprise when they do a paid shoot, no disk..its lifes hard lesson of you cant always have your cake and eat it too..

Posted by glenn usdin: 
I have been having this same problem with MUA's, fashion stylists, hairdressers and models.

If its a paid shoot for them, thats the compensation. Pictures are not included if you are getting paid. I shot one model and paid her $ 500 and after the shoot she kinda demanded a copy of everything we shot. Since it was a FILM shoot, there wasn't much I could do and I told her so and thats the last I heard from her.

Then I did a hair shoot with a well known hair stylist. I paid for his airfare and expenses, plus $ 600 for the 2 day shoot. The he demanded access to all of the images after I paid his bill. I told him it could be a paid shoot with no images, or a trade shoot with no pay, but not both.

Then, for the same shoot, I paid an excellent MUA $ 600 for 2 days of incredible work, and I got an email a few days later wanting to know where her CD's were. I was pretty shocked and told her I might give her a few images for her portfolio or website, but not everything from the shoot. I again said that the difference was a trade/test shoot vs full pay.

Then last month I paid a fashion stylist for a 2 day shoot. She pulled awesome stuff. I advanced her 3 day rate plus another $ 1,500 to pull clothes. We did the shoot. She owes me the clothing return money. I havent gotten it. She has written me for the CD's from the shoot. I never promised her any CD's I PAID her.... I wonder if my return check is being held up because I never gave her images we didn't sgree on.

I prefer to pay the folks and say goodbye. Sometimes I have time to edit and send images, sometimes (most often) not. Its not about tear sheets on paid jobs, its about providing images when the artist has already received their compensation.

You can have the money or the images, but not BOTH unless there has been a direct agreement to that effect before the shoot. Why do people think they can get both pay and images? I don't think that is fair to the photog unless they all agree in advance.

May 14 05 12:01 am Link


John Lavery

Posts: 304

Manchester, Connecticut, US

Posted by CO Model Amber: 
John Lavery,

Awwwww! Thank you very much! I do try to be professional in this business and try to get everything out there in the open. I'd LOVE to work with you if I am ever out that way. Thank you again for the compliments about my work and how I do things, you just put a big smile on my face.

I guess we'll have to find a way to get you out here, then.  smile

I'm always happy to put a smile on a beautiful woman's face.

May 14 05 02:03 am Link


Victoria Lane

Posts: 37


If I get paid, I don't expect images.  I have done entire shoots I have never even seen.

May 14 05 02:13 am Link


Amber Rose

Posts: 6

Elk Grove, California, US

Posted by Victoria Lane: 
If I get paid, I don't expect images.  I have done entire shoots I have never even seen.

True, I have really done shoots that I have never seen, or seen them in a magazine or ad somewhere. I dont expect the images but I will always ask for my own benefit. And even if I dont get the image, if it is used commercially or printed, I will use it as a tear sheet.

May 14 05 02:19 am Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Posted by Amber Rose: 

Posted by Victoria Lane: 
If I get paid, I don't expect images.  I have done entire shoots I have never even seen.

True, I have really done shoots that I have never seen, or seen them in a magazine or ad somewhere. I dont expect the images but I will always ask for my own benefit. And even if I dont get the image, if it is used commercially or printed, I will use it as a tear sheet.

While I agree that a model should not "expect" photos from a professional shoot where the model is getting paid, I just think it's rude to not at least INFORM a model of the final images.

For example, if the shots end up in an ad in a magazine, the photographer or the client or SOMEONE should contact the model and say, "Hey, your image was used in the ad and is on page 25 of Cosmo in next month's issue."

That's just being courteous.

May 14 05 02:30 am Link


glenn my name today

Posts: 1025

Lancaster, California, US

the problem with that is often the photographer just doesn't know the exact places the images are being used.

I am primarily a stock shooter, and I NEVER know where the pics are going, and as long as the money ends up in my account, I really don't care all that much. And I tell models if that is a problem, don't take my payment or sign my release or pose in any way that might/would embarass you.

Even on assignment work, often you don't know where the final images are being used, and you might be lucky to get a pre-press proof or something like that. Once a job is shot and delivered, the clients really don't have the time to go over a job already shot. Its not fair, but you are a vendor to them and they expect you to take your money and go away.

May 14 05 07:27 am Link


Eric Jackson

Posts: 1290

Dayton, Ohio, US

I go on and give the model I've paid a few scanned me it's not that big a deal. Also it's a way to promote my work having it on her site.

May 14 05 07:53 am Link


Amber Dawn - Indiana

Posts: 6255

Salem, Indiana, US

John Lavery,

"I guess we'll have to find a way to get you out here, then. smile

I'm always happy to put a smile on a beautiful woman's face."

Awwwww! :Blushes: You're too sweet.

May 14 05 04:24 pm Link


Amber Dawn - Indiana

Posts: 6255

Salem, Indiana, US

Eric Jackson,

Yup I agree! I don't care if I don't get a CD even scanning me some images would do. Just ONE image would do. It helps to promote both the model and photographer.

May 14 05 04:26 pm Link