Forums > General Industry > why are people so threatened by forum threads?



Posts: 2217

Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

I ended up caught in a complicated thread that I probably would've been better off just ignoring but the Mayhem bug bit and there I was, just posting opinions and then being called senseless and having no respect for the truth
: P

My question is, why, just why to some people seem sooo threatened by what's said in forums? I understand if they are concerned about some topic but where does arguing about it in forums or being totally mean to another poster lead to?  Fortunately or unfortunately (your take) everyone here has the right to post on any thread at any point in time as long as it's not aimed to hurt someone specific, and they all have the right to ask questions and have opinions, right? On top of that, In this case I had NO opinion really. I had questions, but I position remained neutral.  :::sigh:::

Sorry, had to vent and unwind before I head to bed: ) now grill this thread or fry it or hijack it all you want, as I learned my lesson for, like the 10th time that it's  just a pain to post opinions on any serious topic here lol.

Jan 19 07 06:34 am Link



Posts: 30064

Ocala, Florida, US

Sascha wrote:
I ended up caught in a complicated thread that I probably would've been better off just ignoring but the Mayhem bug bit and there I was, just posting opinions and then being called senseless and having no respect for the truth
: P

My question is, why, just why to some people seem sooo threatened by what's said in forums? I understand if they are concerned about some topic but where does arguing about it in forums or being totally mean to another poster lead to?  Fortunately or unfortunately (your take) everyone here has the right to post on any thread at any point in time as long as it's not aimed to hurt someone specific, and they all have the right to ask questions and have opinions, right? On top of that, In this case I had NO opinion really. I had questions, but I position remained neutral.  :::sigh:::

Sorry, had to vent and unwind before I head to bed: ) now grill this thread or fry it or hijack it all you want, as I learned my lesson for, like the 10th time that it's  just a pain to post opinions on any serious topic here lol.

I don't think they feel threatened. I believe it's more of not knowing how to respond in an acceptable fashion. It's much easier to repeat tired old phrases rather than to think and express yourself originally. A lot of the political thread seem to fall into this catageory.

Jan 19 07 07:09 am Link



Posts: 2217

Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

FKVPhotoGraphics wrote:
I don't think they feel threatened. I believe it's more of not knowing how to respond in an acceptable fashion. It's much easier to repeat tired old phrases rather than to think and express yourself originally. A lot of the political thread seem to fall into this catageory.

Ah. That could be it... I guess some people need to take communications classes lol.

Jan 19 07 07:22 am Link


Vector 38

Posts: 8296

Austin, Texas, US

Sascha wrote:
why to some people seem sooo threatened by what's said in forums?

FKVPhotoGraphics wrote:
I don't think they feel threatened. I believe it's more of not knowing how to respond in an acceptable fashion.

then too you've got those who come across as empowered by what appears to be total anonymity; cloaked behind not having a live audience directly in front of them, they will throw tact & courtesy to the wind and allow themselves to say just about anything ...

... but i'll step off my "Psycho-Social Dynamics of Digital Networking" soapbox now.

~ F*

* (sitting on DSM to reach keyboard)

Jan 19 07 07:26 am Link


Oxford Artistic Photo

Posts: 1081

New Oxford, Pennsylvania, US

Sascha wrote:
My question is, why, just why to some people seem sooo threatened by what's said in forums? I understand if they are concerned about some topic but where does arguing about it in forums or being totally mean to another poster lead to?  Fortunately or unfortunately (your take) everyone here has the right to post on any thread at any point in time as long as it's not aimed to hurt someone specific, and they all have the right to ask questions and have opinions, right? On top of that, In this case I had NO opinion really. I had questions, but I position remained neutral.  :::sigh:::

Most of that comes from "Perfect People"...."People who NEVER make a mistake"!
In their little minds!!

Personally, I do not see how people especially photographers have the time to sit here and read these strings and make hundreds or thousands of posts.  What little time I have spent here in the last year and a 1/2 I have learned that a a few of them are cockey spoiled rotten brats, who think they are perfect, however most have made some very good points.

Yes, I know some of the idiots will cut and dice me for that remark, but I seldom return to a string the 2nd time, so I do not see it.

Jan 19 07 07:27 am Link


Rick Edwards

Posts: 6185

Wilmington, Delaware, US

damn you people...quit threatening me!
thin skin and lack of knowledge make lots of the population feel threatened
and to others, ignorance is bliss...

Jan 19 07 07:52 am Link



Posts: 6118

Park City, Utah, US

Rick Edwards wrote:
damn you people...quit threatening me!
thin skin and lack of knowledge make lots of the population feel threatened
and to others, ignorance is bliss...


Jan 19 07 08:10 am Link



Posts: 30064

Ocala, Florida, US

Frank M. Lopez wrote:
then too you've got those who come across as empowered by what appears to be total anonymity; cloaked behind not having a live audience directly in front of them, they will throw tact & courtesy to the wind and allow themselves to say just about anything ...

Ah yes!....the internet the great protector of those who would be fearful of opening their mouth to anyone in person.

Interesting note....being a "bad ass" is in direct proportion to the distance from his subject or how many walls there are in between.

Jan 19 07 08:12 am Link



Posts: 12100

Atlanta, Georgia, US

well apparently there are a lot of people on mm who ask questions and then don't want answers and then there are some peole that just want to argue and have no problems calling people names.

Jan 19 07 09:19 am Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

FKVPhotoGraphics wrote:

I don't think they feel threatened. I believe it's more of not knowing how to respond in an acceptable fashion. It's much easier to repeat tired old phrases rather than to think and express yourself originally. A lot of the political thread seem to fall into this catageory.

Shouldn't you have said 'WE' instead of 'THEY'?  I've seen you in the political threads. wink

Jan 19 07 09:24 am Link


Jerry Nemeth

Posts: 33355

Dearborn, Michigan, US

FKVPhotoGraphics wrote:

I don't think they feel threatened. I believe it's more of not knowing how to respond in an acceptable fashion. It's much easier to repeat tired old phrases rather than to think and express yourself originally. A lot of the political thread seem to fall into this catageory.

I agree!!

Jan 19 07 09:26 am Link



Posts: 33697

Avon, Minnesota, US

I'm not threatened at all. big_smile

Jan 19 07 09:30 am Link



Posts: 21433

Denver, Colorado, US

StudioMona wrote:
I'm not threatened at all. big_smile

I'm threatening you, right now!! To shoot with me!

lol. no I wouldn't do that tongue

Jan 19 07 09:36 am Link



Posts: 33697

Avon, Minnesota, US

Jessalyn wrote:

I'm threatening you, right now!! To shoot with me!

lol. no I wouldn't do that tongue

oh nooooooooo....You wouldn't shoot with me????? sad waaaaaaaaaaaahhhh

Jan 19 07 09:38 am Link



Posts: 21433

Denver, Colorado, US

StudioMona wrote:

oh nooooooooo....You wouldn't shoot with me????? sad waaaaaaaaaaaahhhh

no, I wouldn't threaten you tongue

Jan 19 07 09:41 am Link



Posts: 33697

Avon, Minnesota, US

Jessalyn wrote:

no, I wouldn't threaten you tongue

That's better smile lol..
No threatening necessary to shoot with me, wink

Jan 19 07 09:42 am Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Since this thread has gone off topic, see my response to your question in the thread you were referring to.

Jan 19 07 09:42 am Link



Posts: 33697

Avon, Minnesota, US

TXPhotog wrote:
Since this thread has gone off topic, see my response to your question in the thread you were referring to.

Which thread is that? Please give us a link so I can read all about it. smile

Jan 19 07 09:45 am Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

The only time I've felt threatened by the forums here was when some pro-escort whacko lost it on me & some of the other folks arguing with him and looked up our personal info & started calling us.  He happened to only live about an hour from me & started making death threats, so I had to call the cops.
Other than that, I've never been bothered.

Jan 19 07 09:47 am Link


Brian Douglas Ahern

Posts: 89

Muskegon, Michigan, US

I agree that not everyone may feel "threatened" per se by the post topics.

But I have been caught up in situations where I post a comment or begin a topic that I feel is important, at least to me, and find it steered off-track by those making snide remarks ("stop beating a dead horse", "are we back on THIS again??") forgetting that each person who presents a concern may be experiencing the situation for the first time.  To them, it's not old hat but a legitimate consideration.

I also get a bit stymied when a serious question is replied to first by a joke or two, then sent careening off by a jousting match of one joke or pun for another. I do enjoy fun-spirited repartee, but only when it's sparked by someone who's initial post was fun and humorous.  When a serious post gets followed by nothing but silliness, the original question may never be addressed and the help sought from the many talented and experienced professionals to be found here offtimes never comes.

So some may not be threatened by posts so much as frustrated.  I've read posts in which some folks have said as much, only to be told by a subsequent poster, "God! Get a thicker skin--lighten up!!" 

Still doesn't get their concerns addressed, though.

Jan 19 07 09:47 am Link



Posts: 116

Miami, Florida, US

Not threatened, I don't think. People just like to argue i guess. In the forums, anyone and everyone can have a voice. Some people just use it more forcefully than others.

Jan 19 07 09:48 am Link



Posts: 116

Miami, Florida, US

SLE Photography wrote:
The only time I've felt threatened by the forums here was when some pro-escort whacko lost it on me & some of the other folks arguing with him and looked up our personal info & started calling us.  He happened to only live about an hour from me & started making death threats, so I had to call the cops.
Other than that, I've never been bothered.

Holy crap.

Jan 19 07 09:49 am Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

StudioMona wrote:

Which thread is that? Please give us a link so I can read all about it. smile … 70&page=12

Jan 19 07 09:52 am Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

SLE Photography wrote:
The only time I've felt threatened by the forums here was when some pro-escort whacko lost it on me & some of the other folks arguing with him and looked up our personal info & started calling us.  He happened to only live about an hour from me & started making death threats, so I had to call the cops.
Other than that, I've never been bothered.

Wrath Child wrote:
Holy crap.

You can go look it up if you like, it happened around page 95 or so of the giant escort thread.

Jan 19 07 09:57 am Link



Posts: 33697

Avon, Minnesota, US

TXPhotog wrote: … 70&page=12

lol, oh that one, I should have known! smile

Jan 19 07 10:00 am Link



Posts: 2217

Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

StudioMona wrote:
I'm not threatened at all. big_smile

Hands up!!! :::threatens you::: teehee

Jan 19 07 10:15 am Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

dee740 wrote:
well apparently there are a lot of people on mm who ask questions and then don't want answers and then there are some peole that just want to argue and have no problems calling people names.

yeap. and then there are others who have alot of time on their hands and mind, the devil's workshop. some are victims even when they're not victims. insecurities, people getting kicked off of here, some more than others.

what it really boils down to is not getting caughtup and finding something else to do. the forum is what it is, full of information that sometimes is controversial and sometimes isn't but have controversial people, it's like the flake issues that are here, you either deal with it or just move on because it's not going to leave. That's why I don't initiat certain topics nor do I frequent the forums as much.

Most of the topics that are posted here, I just look at them and smile to myself and move on.

Jan 19 07 10:46 am Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

Frank M. Lopez wrote:

Sascha wrote:
why to some people seem sooo threatened by what's said in forums?

then too you've got those who come across as empowered by what appears to be total anonymity; cloaked behind not having a live audience directly in front of them, they will throw tact & courtesy to the wind and allow themselves to say just about anything ...

Jan 19 07 12:02 pm Link


richard boswell

Posts: 1790

New York, New York, US

$$$$$$$ >< no $

Jan 19 07 12:05 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

Brian Diaz wrote:

Yeah, but a lot of people here forget they're not really anonymous here, especially if they're supposed to be networking LOL

Jan 19 07 12:39 pm Link