Forums > General Industry > born with it?



Posts: 413

West Palm Beach, Florida, US

I was wondering if photography is a talent you can be born with? Obviously you have to learn the mechanics but some people are just naturally gifted with drawing ability and it leads from there to other mediums. How does it go from you as a child to you as a photographer? Is photography all learned mechanics and practice or is there something from within that makes a photographer great? I know that great painters are typically born with that "gift" as opposed to a painter with only learned technique. Are photographers the same? or models for that matter?

Jan 18 07 02:01 am Link


Tiia Secor

Posts: 190

Salt Lake City, Utah, US

Wow, Ok IMO... From a modeling stand point, the first order of business is genetics. So yes that you are born with... One can go to modeling 'classes' but to communicate with a camera in hopes that the message comes out to whoever views the finished image I think is something else. It's not just being born with it... it's about your life experiences and how they are conveyed through expression, gesture and movement. We've all heard the cliches... a pictures worth a thousand words, if looks could kill, the eyes have it... and so on. And they're true. Sexy means a lot of thing to a lot of people and how I show it is different than how another model will based on what each individual has experienced thus far.

Hope that gives you some insight.

Jan 18 07 02:15 am Link


richard boswell

Posts: 1790

New York, New York, US

a sense of ... sensibility may be genetic ??

who knows


Jan 18 07 02:31 am Link


Bill Bates

Posts: 3850

Payson, Utah, US

This is an interesting question. It may be part of something similar ... craftsman vs artist. (better toss in great marketers in here)

For most photography is a craft. We use tools, basic rules, formulas to produce perfectly competent photographs. Photographs at this level are everywhere. They work at Walmart shooting photos of rosy cheeked children. They work shooting fashion for prestigious magazines. These people know what it takes to produce usable images and they can do it over and over again. They are great craftsman. The images are good day in and day out by they may never make it as great art. Lots of these craftsman can and do make a living taking pictures.

Many of the artist of the world start as craftsman but their vision, that raw talent deep in them moves beyond the craftsman. There images often have that something extra. A quality we can't put our finger on, we can't totally describe but we know it is there. Often most of us never really get what it is they have to say with their images. Sometimes it takes the next generation, without our preconceived notion of what art is, to recognize truly artistic work. Yes I believe these people are born with something, a way off seeing and mirroring the world most of us don't. Some of these people are very successful and many may never be discovered. Some will be discovered after they are long gone from the scene.

Yes, I think the really great photographic artist, the true geniuses are born with raw talent many us of lack. I think with nurturing and practice those talents, along with skills, are honed and tuned to create great art. They tend to push the envelope most of us are so secure to stay within as we go about taking our photographs.

I also think there is a group of great marketers. The images are ok but nothing fantastic. These people through sheer will and with a great gift of gab make a great living but that is a whole different discussion.

That is my ramble for the day.


Jan 18 07 02:51 pm Link



Posts: 4300

Chattanooga, Tennessee, US

You might be born with genetic traits that are helpful when attempting to develop good photographic skills, but no one is BORN a photographic prodigy.

Jan 18 07 02:54 pm Link



Posts: 235

Murrieta, California, US

Trevor Snyder wrote:
You might be born with genetic traits that are helpful when attempting to develop good photographic skills, but no one is BORN a photographic prodigy.

I don't know how many times I've heard these statements.

"A monkey can probably be taught the technical aspects of taking a picture, but a monkey can't be taught to SEE a picture."

"There's a huge difference in looking at something and seeing something, just like theres a huge difference in listening to something and hearing something."

As such I think there are some who are born with extreme visual ability and some who have to learn it which goes along with the concept of craftsman and artist.

Jan 18 07 03:50 pm Link



Posts: 4300

Chattanooga, Tennessee, US

AprilinCA wrote:

I don't know how many times I've heard these statements.

"A monkey can probably be taught the technical aspects of taking a picture, but a monkey can't be taught to SEE a picture."

"There's a huge difference in looking at something and seeing something, just like theres a huge difference in listening to something and hearing something."

As such I think there are some who are born with extreme visual ability and some who have to learn it which goes along with the concept of craftsman and artist.

You can look at something and see it without comprehending it. You can look at something and comprehend it without interpreting it. Once you see it, comprehend it and interpret it, you make it your own and then pass it on to others.

No one is born with comprehension or we wouldn't be shitting ourselves for the first couple of years.

Jan 18 07 03:55 pm Link


Travis Price

Posts: 1245

New York, New York, US

My Grandfather was a photographer, sometimes I feel as if I'm channeling his talents.

I believe being artist is genetic.

Jan 18 07 04:00 pm Link



Posts: 235

Murrieta, California, US

Trevor Snyder wrote:
You can look at something and see it without comprehending it. You can look at something and comprehend it without interpreting it. Once you see it, comprehend it and interpret it, you make it your own and then pass it on to others.

No one is born with comprehension or we wouldn't be shitting ourselves for the first couple of years.

I think that's more an ability than comprehension. SEEING as it was posted goes deeper than the everyday understanding of the "Did you see that?" type of thing. It's like music, people listen to music daily but are they really HEARING it?

I know a lot of musicians and there are those who can play, write, and create wonderful compositions. And then there are those who can play, write, and create wonderful compositions but at the same time know when one instrument in an orchestra is the slightest bit off key.

So there IS a difference in looking at something and seeing something. The average person might look at a slab of stone and see just that. A slab of stone but to Michaelangelo that slab of stone is the statue of David.

But my question is this if there are musical prodigy's why couldn't there be photographic prodigys?

Jan 18 07 04:04 pm Link