
Tiia Secor

Posts: 190

Salt Lake City, Utah, US

Well let me say I already know the general answer to that. It's a yes, but more specifically the fact that I really don't care about getting paid. Working with someone who can create amazing images or the opportunity to be published (i.e. books, galleries, art prints, or to another extent magazines and calendars etc) is far more lucrative to me. Granted I'm not going to turn down paying work, but models do you agree or is all about the Benjamins? Photographers, what's your stand point? MUA and Wardrobe/Hair Stylists, your take?

Jan 18 07 12:49 am Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

No. There are a few models on here that I know of that do this. Envy is one of them.

Jan 18 07 12:51 am Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Tila, I'm feeling you on this one.  I thought myself odd too because I have not cared much about the money. But then when it comes to food, shelter, transportation and the gear to create images with .. no one is giving me these things for free.  So I want to make a living at doing photography, writing and publishing.  This means I must become more concerned with making the money.  It should not hurt my creativity.  It's not like one has to be the greatest to make an income in this business ... just good at treating it AS a business!

Jan 18 07 12:57 am Link



Posts: 970

Columbus, Ohio, US

Something I train new people on at my business seminars is this simple fact, " people will do anything for money, but they'll die for recognition"

-Corey Wellman

Jan 18 07 12:58 am Link



Posts: 14857

Dallas, Texas, US

I'm with you, I guess I'm odd too...
Well, I knew I was odd

Jan 18 07 01:00 am Link


Tiia Secor

Posts: 190

Salt Lake City, Utah, US

Corey Wellman wrote:
Something I train new people on at my business seminars is this simple fact, " people will do anything for money, but they'll die for recognition"

-Corey Wellman

I completely understand this, but I'm not exactly planning on doing this for a living (I say that only because you never know what's around the bend). I have other sources of income (more than one job and a hard working hubby) so the cash issue isn't a big deal. I just hear so many photogs complain about models expecting payment, that I'm wondering how many models have reasons outside monetary ones.

Jan 18 07 01:12 am Link


Isobel Wren

Posts: 1536

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

In the paid respect you're not odd at all.  Both Envy and Josie Nutter ask specifically that they NOT be paid, actually.  Of course, both of them are lucky enough to have other jobs that pay well enough that they can do that.  Brains, looks and time management skills, I'm so jealous!  I think that Shyly is a "please don't pay me" model as well, but I can't remember.  Perhaps I simply assume she is b/c her portfolio is full of awesome arty stuff like Envy's and Josie's.

Jan 18 07 01:22 am Link



Posts: 58134

Gainesville, Florida, US

Tiia Something wrote:
Well let me say I already know the general answer to that. It's a yes, but more specifically the fact that I really don't care about getting paid. Working with someone who can create amazing images or the opportunity to be published (i.e. books, galleries, art prints, or to another extent magazines and calendars etc) is far more lucrative to me. Granted I'm not going to turn down paying work, but models do you agree or is all about the Benjamins? Photographers, what's your stand point? MUA and Wardrobe/Hair Stylists, your take?

I'm the same way.... I'm happy to get paid work, but it's not the reason why I model. I do it for fun, I meet awesome people, and the possibility of making some amazing art is more important to me.

Jan 18 07 01:25 am Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Corey Wellman wrote:
Something I train new people on at my business seminars is this simple fact, " people will do anything for money, but they'll die for recognition"

-Corey Wellman

Tiia Something wrote:
I completely understand this, but I'm not exactly planning on doing this for a living (I say that only because you never know what's around the bend). I have other sources of income (more than one job) so the cash issue isn't a big deal. I just hear so many photogs complain about models expecting payment, that I'm wondering how many models have reasons outside monetary ones.

. Photography is a passion for me.  When I had a "regular" job, I made decent money but was not able to find the time to do what I love because I was always so drained from work.  Now that I'm fully following my passion, I have more energy to work longer than I did before. 

I don't care much about money except that it's nice to not worry about having enough to eat, a roof over the head, and the tools to create with.  I don't have a family or kids, so my debts really are not all that bad. As long as my bills are paid and I have a little left over for coffee, I'm happy!  You are fortunate to be in a position where "the cash issue isn't a big deal."  I would love to work with you ... if only our locations where not so far! 

But something else about the quote from Corey.  Before I die, I do want to achieve recognition for my "works" in photography and writing.  It seems to me that it takes at least some money to reach that goal.  After all, I don't believe I'm going to achieve recognition while living in the streets, stone broke!  There is a lot of hard work involved, and money helps to bring ideas to a reality!  I just hope I don't run out of $$'s before I get there!

Best wishes to you!

Jan 18 07 01:34 am Link


Tiia Secor

Posts: 190

Salt Lake City, Utah, US

Patrick Walberg wrote:

Corey Wellman wrote:
Something I train new people on at my business seminars is this simple fact, " people will do anything for money, but they'll die for recognition"

-Corey Wellman

It seems to me that it takes at least some money to reach that goal.

You got to spend money to make money... true in every job/business there is and it's a bitch ain't it.

Jan 18 07 01:44 am Link


richard boswell

Posts: 1790

New York, New York, US

checks are nice, but a great image is a timeless joy.

i'd rather win power ball and shoot what i want, when i want.

but life is what it is.


Jan 18 07 01:51 am Link