Forums > General Industry > ? is it so hard to find photogs who shoot MEN well


Aries J

Posts: 30

New York, New York, US

Still working on my folio and cant find the right photographers! I dont know if its me but it seems that most photogs on here only shoot women well and in most cases they look like they could be playboy shots...

So again my question would be - why is it so hard to find photog's that shoot men well? and if you know of any please direct me to them LOL!

Jan 17 07 09:14 pm Link


aduro visum

Posts: 220

Sacramento, California, US

It’s a sad fact that there aren’t as many photographers out there her take the same interest in shooting men as they do women.  I’ve always found that to be a useful tool in weeding out the real photographers from the GWCs though.  The photographers who really care about their craft tend to be much more diverse with their subjects.

Jan 17 07 09:23 pm Link



Posts: 970

Columbus, Ohio, US

There are many photogs that I know that shoot only men. I love to shoot both. For physical body scapes I prefer to shoot males honestly. For a lot of my fashion type stuff woman and men both but regardless, keep looking. What's up with that photo in the first row #2 I think, the one with the dumbbells... get that out of there lol

Jan 17 07 09:40 pm Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US

Aries, I feel your pain, but please refrain from duplicate threads.  smile

Jan 17 07 09:42 pm Link


Maya A Lelani

Posts: 893

New York, New York, US

I've heard it's a proven fact that women are more appealing than men... that all around images of women sell things better to both sexes.

Jan 17 07 09:48 pm Link


Brandon Zackery Imagery

Posts: 355

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

search harder young jedi...

Jan 17 07 09:49 pm Link


GianCarlo Images

Posts: 2427

Brooklyn, New York, US

It may depend on if your talking TFP. That may make it a lot harder; finding a male photographer who will want to spend his time shooting a guy. But if your talking paying for your portfolio photos, then I would think most working photographers that work in that field would gladly take the job. A paying job is a paying job.

Jan 17 07 09:51 pm Link



Posts: 3674

Portland, Oregon, US

Maya Lei wrote:
I've heard it's a proven fact that women are more appealing than men... that all around images of women sell things better to both sexes.

In our homophobic times of men who can't bear the idea of looking at another guy and finding him appealing, perhaps. Pre-Christian art seems to portray plenty of men, clothed and not - you think the Greeks and the Romans never sold anything?

Jan 17 07 09:58 pm Link


GianCarlo Images

Posts: 2427

Brooklyn, New York, US

Catriona wrote:

In our homophobic times of men who can't bear the idea of looking at another guy and finding him appealing, perhaps. Pre-Christian art seems to portray plenty of men, clothed and not - you think the Greeks and the Romans never sold anything?

To me homophobic means fear of homos. There is no fear unless you fear you are one. Sometimes it's just not appealing, or inspirational to the hetro male. And it should not be hard to understand a hetro male not finding another man appealing, but that does not mean he cannot appreciate a well formed male, two different things.
And again, a paying assignment is a paying assignment.

Jan 17 07 10:16 pm Link


Lion Heart Studio

Posts: 33

Nine Mile River, Nova Scotia, Canada

Shooting male models should be no different than shooting female models. The appreciation of the model and the art should be the same.

Jan 17 07 10:23 pm Link


Jennifer I

Posts: 20

Austin, Texas, US

I feel your pain. My cousin has a hard time finding photogs as well and he's in a city with less modeling outlets than you. I don't really buy the whole "people should understand why a male photographer shouldn't want to shoot another guy" excuse thing. Makes it seem like the photographer needs to be sexually attracted to the model in order to shoot them. That and I know for a fact people would look at a female photographer that said the same thing about women as unprofessional and chasing business away.

Jan 17 07 10:27 pm Link



Posts: 9594

San Francisco, California, US

It's easy shooting men, but it's hard finding men I'd actually want to shoot.

Jan 17 07 10:30 pm Link


Shantul Nigam

Posts: 33

Avon, Connecticut, US

Lion Heart Studio wrote:
Shooting male models should be no different than shooting female models. The appreciation of the model and the art should be the same.

Actually, I think it is very different shooting males vs females. You tend to focus on different things with each person and just because of stereotypes, you approach the shoot differently.

It is no harder working with males vs females but there are not very many male models either which makes getting comfortable working with them harder.

Jan 17 07 10:51 pm Link



Posts: 3674

Portland, Oregon, US

Jennifer I wrote:
I don't really buy the whole "people should understand why a male photographer shouldn't want to shoot another guy" excuse thing. Makes it seem like the photographer needs to be sexually attracted to the model in order to shoot them.

The more I hear from male models complaining that they can't find anyone to shoot them, and male photographers replying that, well, women are just naturally more artistic and attractive and marketable and appealing than men, so what do they expect?, the more I suspect that this is true, at least in a large majority of cases.
I can't think of any straight female photographers who only use male models, or lesbian photographers who only use females. Female photographers tend to overwhelmingly shoot both genders about equally, or to heavily favour women, regardless of their own sexuality.
Yet, the vast majority of portfolios on this site by straight men contain nothing but women. Pretty much the only time you'll see more than maybe one or two men in a male photographer's portfolio, he'll be gay - and in that case, it will almost always be ALL men, no women.
While I know that there are exceptions, are men overall just unable to see beauty and artistry in people or genders they aren't interested in sexually? And if this is not true, why don't more straight men photograph other men? I don't mean this as a put-down, just a query...

Jan 17 07 11:03 pm Link



Posts: 33697

Avon, Minnesota, US

BlindMike wrote:
It's easy shooting men, but it's hard finding men I'd actually want to shoot.

Same here.

Here's a photo I took of the first male model I shot with. I was shooting him with a female model but I took solos of them too. After the shoot, my hubby says no more male models allowed in the house lol smile

Todd is a very professional model. Everyone should work with him.
How did I do? smile
Model: Todd

Jan 17 07 11:10 pm Link



Posts: 1572

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I completely agree. However, if you do look around, you may notice that 75/85% of the models on this website are all females. Women are more sexier than us males, lol, but if you do look. Yes, women are more easily to market if you just look around in our society.

For example, go to your local Barnes & Nobles book store. Your find ten or more magazines that are catered to men, these magazines "always" feature young attractive women, some with plastic bodies, (lol). This is what [some] men like, you won't find a bunch of magazines around with half naked men, with guys standing next to fast cars, etc...  Guys are sold on vision, we buy based on looks, women buy based on touch and feelings. I buy things based on vision, touch and feelings. smile

Jan 17 07 11:14 pm Link



Posts: 1572

Atlanta, Georgia, US

StudioMona wrote:

Same here.

Here's a photo I took of the first male model I shot with. I was shooting him with a female model but I took solos of them too. After the shoot, my hubby says no more male models allowed in the house lol smile

Todd is a very professional model. Everyone should work with him.
How did I do? smile
Model: Todd

Nice foto, though todd my want to move his boxers away from the jeans...

Jan 17 07 11:15 pm Link



Posts: 784

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I work very hard to create an interesting story to shoot...I trained as a theatrical designer, and I consider the look of the clothes and location to be essential to completing the image. I feel if a model is going to show his portfolio expecting to get cast for paying jobs, it should at least look as if they are READY for such work. I do my best to allow them the opportunity to be seriously considered for a job, instead of just recording what they happened to bring with them that day to the shoot.

Jan 17 07 11:24 pm Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Whenever I see these threads I always wonder:  Is the OP looking for a photographer that shoots Males WELL or shoots males WELL for FREE?

Jan 17 07 11:39 pm Link


GianCarlo Images

Posts: 2427

Brooklyn, New York, US

Ransom J wrote:
Whenever I see these threads I always wonder:  Is the OP looking for a photographer that shoots Males WELL or shoots males WELL for FREE?

Thank you.

Jan 17 07 11:42 pm Link



Posts: 33697

Avon, Minnesota, US

hmm is this a duplicate thread?

Jan 17 07 11:45 pm Link



Posts: 9594

San Francisco, California, US

Catriona wrote:
While I know that there are exceptions, are men overall just unable to see beauty and artistry in people or genders they aren't interested in sexually? And if this is not true, why don't more straight men photograph other men? I don't mean this as a put-down, just a query...

I can appreciate beauty and artistry when I see it, but unfortunately that's not all that often. It's exceedingly rare that you come across a porfolio that's stylized and well put together. Personally I don't see the appeal in a portfolio full of half naked spread eagle crotch shots, which often seems to be the case (on here at least).

Jan 17 07 11:46 pm Link


Aries J

Posts: 30

New York, New York, US

It actually was a duplicate my mistake.... I do want to clarify that i am not trying to work for free... I just want someone who will help me produce a great folio... i am willing to pay!

Jan 17 07 11:48 pm Link



Posts: 33697

Avon, Minnesota, US

There are photographers who shoot for free? What are they thinking? smile

Jan 17 07 11:48 pm Link


Vector 38

Posts: 8296

Austin, Texas, US

AriesJ wrote:
why is it so hard to find photog's that shoot men well? and if you know of any please direct me to them LOL!

not sure what use you've made of, or how successful it's been, the search feature here at MM but yes, many here would wonder if any of the photogs shoot men at all? (...) but we're out here. a few of us at least.

~ F

Jan 17 07 11:51 pm Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Aries Johnson wrote:
It actually was a duplicate my mistake.... I do want to clarify that i am not trying to work for free... I just want someone who will help me produce a great folio... i am willing to pay!

Then you should have NO problem finding a photographer that will develop your port for a fee in New York.

Jan 17 07 11:52 pm Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

Maya Lei wrote:
I've heard it's a proven fact that women are more appealing than men... that all around images of women sell things better to both sexes.

Is it really about appeal or sex?

Jan 17 07 11:54 pm Link



Posts: 58134

Gainesville, Florida, US

Aries Johnson wrote:
It actually was a duplicate my mistake.... I do want to clarify that i am not trying to work for free... I just want someone who will help me produce a great folio... i am willing to pay!

Well,  you should have a mod close one of the dupilcates and then post a casting call. That's the best way to find photographers to work with you.

Jan 17 07 11:54 pm Link


Vector 38

Posts: 8296

Austin, Texas, US

Maya Lei wrote:
I've heard it's a proven fact that women are more appealing than men... that all around images of women sell things better to both sexes.

surely all those male agency models have *SOMEONE* shooting their photos? i mean, they're not all doing the MySpace 'shoot yourself in the mirror' self-portrait for their Books, right?

for some of us, men, women, actors, actresses, it's business. just business.


~ F

Jan 17 07 11:56 pm Link


Aries J

Posts: 30

New York, New York, US

the issue is not finding a photog but finding one that has the same creativity, quality, and style (not completely) as they would for a female model. Sometimes i look at profiles and the females are photographed extremely well and the males look thrown together with a suit and tie...i can say i love Taj Washingtons work though!

Jan 17 07 11:57 pm Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

Catriona wrote:

In our homophobic times of men who can't bear the idea of looking at another guy and finding him appealing, perhaps. Pre-Christian art seems to portray plenty of men, clothed and not - you think the Greeks and the Romans never sold anything?

I doubt that homophobic have anything to do with it. There are too many male models in the modeling industry. Sex plays a big factor in this. Imo, even in the fashion industry, the female model is targeted to the male, directly and indirectly.

I photograph both genders. I haven't photographed men in sometime. Shit, I haven't shot in sometime now and I'm ready to take down the toy stuff except for 4 images and do my real work. Male models will be apart of what I do.

Jan 18 07 12:00 am Link


Vector 38

Posts: 8296

Austin, Texas, US

Aries Johnson wrote:
issue is not finding a photog but finding one that has the same creativity, quality, and style (not completely) as they would for a female model

expand your search *AWAY* from 'Net groups, check out the mainstream photographers who don't come to [MM], and tell us you haven't found exactly what you're seeking! not sure how much their sessions cost, but i'm certain you'll find the vision & the creativity!

g'luck to you!

~ F

Jan 18 07 12:00 am Link


Blackmirror Photogenics

Posts: 198

New York, New York, US

I find it hard to believe that you can find a photographer in New York City.

Jan 18 07 12:06 am Link


Cynthia T

Posts: 213

Kolia, Alo, Wallis and Futuna

aduro visum wrote:
It’s a sad fact that there aren’t as many photographers out there her take the same interest in shooting men as they do women.  I’ve always found that to be a useful tool in weeding out the real photographers from the GWCs though.  The photographers who really care about their craft tend to be much more diverse with their subjects.

I absolutely agree.  I think you'd have better luck on a forum that isn't so geared toward the aspiring female fashion model.  (The reason I say this is that "types" of modeling here are separated by types of fashion wear and not different types of modeling (trade shows/ promotional modeling/ live art modeling/ catalog versus editorial print work).

Try to work with students or seek to be a "photographic subject" for a portrait photographer.  On the other hand, I've seen some amazing photos of men on this forum!

Jan 18 07 12:12 am Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

Catriona wrote:

The more I hear from male models complaining that they can't find anyone to shoot them, and male photographers replying that, well, women are just naturally more artistic and attractive and marketable and appealing than men, so what do they expect?, the more I suspect that this is true, at least in a large majority of cases.
I can't think of any straight female photographers who only use male models, or lesbian photographers who only use females. Female photographers tend to overwhelmingly shoot both genders about equally, or to heavily favour women, regardless of their own sexuality.
Yet, the vast majority of portfolios on this site by straight men contain nothing but women. Pretty much the only time you'll see more than maybe one or two men in a male photographer's portfolio, he'll be gay - and in that case, it will almost always be ALL men, no women.
While I know that there are exceptions, are men overall just unable to see beauty and artistry in people or genders they aren't interested in sexually? And if this is not true, why don't more straight men photograph other men? I don't mean this as a put-down, just a query...

There is too much generalization from and there seems to be a lack of understanding of men. People are different. You have to take this into consideration too instead of  automatically assuming that it's just a case of homophobia.

We live in a society where sex sells, and most of the sex is catered towards men directly and indirectly. Many photographers on here who shoot women, do it because it's what's mainstream, what appeals to them and many other things. Yeah, there are some homophobic photographers, but that isn't the total answer for the lack of because their isn't a lack of male photographers who are straight shooting men. If this were the case, then we wouldn't see alot of male models who do fashion and commercial modeling. And we know that alot of those photographers are men and I'm sure that many of them aren't gay.

Me, I shoot them both, but I don't just shoot men because they are there or I feel the need to. If and when I photograph men, there has to be a concept there. I've seen some MM male models on here that I have the opportunity to work with, but these guys stand out for my 'Vision'.

As for the model, hell I don't know what his situation is, nor will I asume that there is just a lack of quality from both male and female photographers. If I'm not mistaken, he didn't state what gender suck at photographing men, but I'll go back and re-read to see if he did.

Jan 18 07 12:13 am Link



Posts: 93

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

I'll happily shoot anyone who is willing to pose, and as long as they fit the vision I have.

I've plenty of ideas for both sexes, I just haven't found many male models who fit the bill as to what I'm looking for.

I think I also shoot male models less because it's harder for me to look on them as simply a subject of beauty.  Not an OBJECT, but a subject.  I find women more attractive visually.

I appreciate a mans good looks, but I'm not certain how to capture it.

Jan 18 07 12:14 am Link


Cynthia T

Posts: 213

Kolia, Alo, Wallis and Futuna

"Actually, I think it is very different shooting males vs females. You tend to focus on different things with each person and just because of stereotypes, you approach the shoot differently.

It is no harder working with males vs females but there are not very many male models either which makes getting comfortable working with them harder".

But there are as many male people as there are female people.  If you live in NY, LA or Miami and have a real shot at doing editorial fashion, then you need to shoot models.  But if you're a photographer who wants to improve his craft, you can just shoot *people*. Diane Arbus?  Julia Margaret Cameron? Paul Frank?

Jan 18 07 12:22 am Link


Robert Perez

Posts: 1165

Catasauqua, Pennsylvania, US


Here some one who does nice work with male models and I did a 10 second search on MM.

Jan 18 07 12:26 am Link



Posts: 12588

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

alright here you go

Maya Guez.

Shoots men.  Shoots men WELL.  Shoots them creatively as she does women.

You said you're willing to pay, we look forward to seeing what you do with her.

Jan 18 07 12:32 am Link


Robert Perez

Posts: 1165

Catasauqua, Pennsylvania, US

Ransom J wrote:
alright here you go

Maya Guez.

Shoots men.  Shoots men WELL.  Shoots them creatively as she does women.

You said you're willing to pay, we look forward to seeing what you do with her.

I agree with Ransom J and I can not wait to see them too.

Jan 18 07 12:36 am Link