Forums > General Industry > Everybody else hates us, why do we hate each other



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

leegillies photography wrote:
Male + DSLR + Trafalgar Square + Ken Livingstone = Stop and Search + Ignorant, fuckwit, misinformed undercover cops!

like I said, not that I'm bitter or anything smile

Red Ken? You were trying to take a pic of Red Ken? Why the f..k would you even want to do that? I wouldn't waste a single pixel on that fool.


Jan 17 07 01:58 pm Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna


Jan 17 07 01:59 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

Webspinner wrote:
Went to a concert tonight, brought my camera, didn't use a flash, didn't get in anyones way, got to overhear a couple to my left while I was at the bar taking pictures of the whiskey bottles that there are 'too many stupid photographers here taking too many stupid pictures'. Then, dyanov and I were by the stage...watching Ron Sexsmith, small venue, folk singer, not exactly a 'rock sensation' fact we even left without our ears ringing. Since we had gotten there early, like 2 other photographers, we were unobtrusively shooting when this crazy whacked out bitch started questioning our creds and saying we were in the way of the fans. I responded, "uh, you are standing in FRONT of me?" at which point she screamed (much poorer etiquette than taking non flash photos? at a concert) incomprehsibly at both me and dyanov and left in a hurry, theoretically to tell on us, but apparently she got restrained by her friends.

Now here is my question....obviously the population at large hates why do we seem to spend so much time hating each other? Hell, I come here to band together with my fellow pariahs!

These fuckers accused you of being a photographer?!  Oh, snap.  I'd be pissed off, too...

...I'm kidding, I'm kidding!

Jan 17 07 04:29 pm Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Jay Bowman wrote:

These fuckers accused you of being a photographer?!  Oh, snap.  I'd be pissed off, too...

...I'm kidding, I'm kidding!

Jay.. You're a smart guy..

Now this is a completely hypothetical question, but.. Let's just say the world went crazy for a day.

What would YOU do if anyone ever accused you of being a photographer?

Jan 17 07 04:37 pm Link


Lee Gillies

Posts: 1560

London, England, United Kingdom

studio36uk wrote:

Red Ken? You were trying to take a pic of Red Ken? Why the f..k would you even want to do that? I wouldn't waste a single pixel on that fool.


take a pic of ken, haha, no chance!  he's the fucker who's got the police out to get photographers for just holding a camera in public. be warned!

Jan 17 07 04:43 pm Link


Christopher N.

Posts: 657

Troy, Michigan, US

Posted here before I think. An oldie but a goodie....

Chris :-)

Jan 17 07 04:56 pm Link



Posts: 30064

Ocala, Florida, US

I used to go through similar experiences back in the 70's when I worked for an entertainment magazine in New England.

The venues were concerts but many took place in nightclubs. At that time every nightclub had live music not the canned electronic stuff of today. For the most part I never had any problems since most knew who I worked for and did more to get into the magazine rather give me grief.

But there was always the few assholes that popped up now and then that actually went out of their way to cause me problems. One particular incident out on Cape Cod was kind of least to me.

I was shooting the act in this really nice club and a guy at the bar kept following me around and as I started to take the shot he would purposely step in front of the lens to screw it up. At first I thought it was just a mistake in a crowded club but after 5-6 more I knew this guy was a moron.

So I politely asked that he stop doing it because I was simply trying to do my job. He turned around gave me the finger and said "fuck you, what are you going to do about it?" Well normally I'd have brought him down quite easily. He was half my size, at the time I held a black belt in Tai Kwando, however, with two cameras hanging around my neck getting into a brawl was to be avoided.

So I went to the owner and told him what this guy was doing, his response to asking him to stop and that I simply could not get any photos of his club or the group to put into the magazine.

He got the head bouncer, four of his know the type....big beefy guys wearing black t-shirt with the word SECURITY across their backs....

They literally picked this guy up and carried him out back....but before they got him there they bounced him from every pole and solid object they could find....then they threw him out the back door.

Problem solved!

Jan 17 07 05:10 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

W.G. Rowland wrote:
Jay.. You're a smart guy..

Now this is a completely hypothetical question, but.. Let's just say the world went crazy for a day.

What would YOU do if anyone ever accused you of being a photographer?

I'll preface this by saying that nobody in their right mind would mistake me for a photographer.

That being said...

Should someone hypothetically accuse me of being a photographer, I'd scoff at the absurdity with every bit of smarminess that I could muster.  My word against theirs.  Not a shred of evidence that anyone could find to actually substanciate such a claim.  What... are they going to point to the photos I take?  P'leez. 

Just because one takes pictures doesn't make one a photographer. 

My mom snaps photos, too, does that make her a photographer as well?  I don't think so.  And that, my friend, is the very reason nobody would accuse me of actually being a photographer. 

GWC and proud, pal...

Jan 17 07 05:35 pm Link


aesthetix photo

Posts: 10558

Macon, Georgia, US

Craig Thomson wrote:
Make prior contact with the venue or the performer and see about a media pass. I find it helps me.

Exactly.  Have an extra lanyard in your camera bag in case the venue wants you to display a pass.  I've shot lots of bands, some with a house media pass, some without.  You'll get lots more audience support if you have a pass.  I've had people in the audience move so I can position to get the right angle on a shot, and that's always a much better encounter than having someone elbowing you just because they think it's funny to dick around with the photographer.

Jan 17 07 05:48 pm Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

Surreal Eye Studio wrote:
Exactly.  Have an extra lanyard in your camera bag in case the venue wants you to display a pass.  I've shot lots of bands, some with a house media pass, some without.  You'll get lots more audience support if you have a pass.  I've had people in the audience move so I can position to get the right angle on a shot, and that's always a much better encounter than having someone elbowing you just because they think it's funny to dick around with the photographer.

I carry two “photographer” laminates on lanyards in my bag for the burlesque troupes I shoot for and am required to wear them while shoot their show.
When I show up at any of the UFC/X Fighting Championship events I’m shooting, my name is on the “pass” list where all the vendors and fighters check in. I like the UFC events because I get an “all access” pass which allows me to shoot in the dressing rooms while the fighters are prepping mentally before a match.

The last event I covered Dec. 2, 2006 –

Jan 17 07 06:07 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

Jan 17 07 06:07 pm Link