Forums > General Industry > Models who get fits of laughter for no reason


Ray Cornett

Posts: 9207

Sacramento, California, US

Just a silly thread...

I was going through the originals from my all time favorite and what I feel is my best art nude shoot to date earlier tonight. The shoot in which the model is in a shot in my port, draping herself over a boulder, a pose she chose herself.

I have a series of shots of her in that particular pose and others where she could not help but for some reason break out in laughter and giggling, without anyone having said anything. They are actually some of my favorites from the shoot.

I am one of those fun loving photographers who loves moments like that and has caught himself starting to laugh at moments like this to the point of having to stop shooting.So, this is definitely not a problem during my shoots.

Who else out there has found themselves in a giggling or laughing fit, especially for no reason, during what is supposed to be a more serious moment during a shoot?

Have a "fit of laughter for no reason during a shoot" story?

Jan 16 07 03:29 am Link


J Schumacher

Posts: 1220

Gustine, California, US

Well, when it happens, I hope they're not looking at me.....

Jan 16 07 03:34 am Link


Leah Michelle

Posts: 2056

Venice, Florida, US

I do this at every shoot. It happens 2-5 times usually during a 4 hour shoot although I bust out laughing for about 5 seconds then switch to serious mode again really quick. Ask any photographer that I have worked with! It doesn't get in the way of the shoot because I switch back so quickly, but most of the time the camera is just clicking away or the photographer says "I love it" or perfect and I just find it hilerious at the moment and bust out laughing lol. It does create a bit of a light moment which is nice, that helps you loosen up and have more fun!

Jan 16 07 03:34 am Link


Orpheus Faust

Posts: 68

Seattle, Washington, US

haha, I was like that today at the beginning. I'd pose all serious, let him take the shot, then laugh a bunch

Jan 16 07 03:57 am Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

It didn't start as a laughing matter but I had a model that had her hair in a ponytail. She then tried to remove the rubber band and let her hair loose but it was stubborn and just wouldn't come out. She fought that rubber band and the rubber band was fighting back... all the while I keep shooting while she got more and more frustrated with that stupid piece of rubber. 36 frames later I finally stopped and cut it loose with a pair of scissors for her.

Not funny for her at the time but we had a good laugh about the expressions on her face and the struggle and contortions she engaged in, with that damn rubber band, later when I proofed the images for her.


Jan 16 07 03:59 am Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

The boulder tickled?

Jan 16 07 10:07 am Link


Texas Jamie

Posts: 1729

San Marcos, Texas, US

I don't think (or remember) having a laughing fit at a shoot, but I get that way right before bed. It never fails. As soon as I start to get sleepy (not delirious, just sleepy), I laugh my butt off.

Jan 16 07 10:22 am Link



Posts: 180

Niles, Illinois, US

if i dont laugh im not having fun, if i dont have fun usually the images are no good,hence my answer is laughter at a shoot is good

we are here to create works of art  right?  art envokes emotion   i dont see the problem using a little  NATURAL  emotion to envoke others

Jan 16 07 10:27 am Link



Posts: 2974

Tucson, Arizona, US

i don't have one... and I'm glad I don't...I almost got a fit of laughter story riding the city bus one time...I was about to pull the string to make the bus driver stop so I could get off

Jan 16 07 10:31 am Link



Posts: 103

Luxemburg, Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Hm, I just can't help smiling *must-look-serious* -> *smile!*  Then again, even when I laugh my ass off, I hardly make any sound

Jan 16 07 10:33 am Link



Posts: 2173

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

I have to admit to doing this fairly often.
I get asked to pull the strangest expressions and poses and I just cant stay serious about it for too long before the snikkerfits erupt.

Jan 16 07 10:36 am Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

I never laugh. I'm all business.

The models however, are always laughing and having fun.

Jan 16 07 10:37 am Link



Posts: 2505

Englewood, Florida, US

Christopher Hartman wrote:
I never laugh. I'm all business.

The models however, are always laughing and having fun.

I think I can argue that~ I remember a few moments of laughter here and there.

Jan 16 07 10:41 am Link


Dave Gibson

Posts: 370

Altoona, Pennsylvania, US

I like it when it happens, when a model breaks out in laughter. It makes for some nice pctures. But then I like happy, smilng girls and I want everybody to have fun at my shoots.

Jan 16 07 10:43 am Link


Carole Hayes

Posts: 876

Garland, Texas, US

I'm one of the guilty....  They usually don't last all that long, but it's rare for me to get through a shoot without at least one giggle fit. 

I can't help it! 

Sometimes it's something that the photographer says or does, that sets me off, but occasionally it's just the ridiculousness of the whole situation:  I'm standing here, nude, he's pointing a camera at me, clicking away, and we're chatting as if we were sitting in a restaurant somewhere....  It IS rather odd, don't you think?  (Not that I would change a thing....)  : )

Jan 16 07 12:38 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

I think you were not wearing underwear that day and she saw your shortcomings and just had to laugh.

Jan 16 07 12:40 pm Link



Posts: 116

Miami, Florida, US

It happens. Sometimes I'll just be standing there in this awkward position waiting to hear the clickity noise, and I just find the silence...funny. It's hard to explain the feeling I get in that second where the reality of what I'm doing sinks in. It feels silly, it may certainly not LOOK silly in the end product, but it feels like it. I just can't help but laugh.

Jan 16 07 12:49 pm Link


Carole Hayes

Posts: 876

Garland, Texas, US

Wrath Child wrote:
It happens. Sometimes I'll just be standing there in this awkward position waiting to hear the clickity noise, and I just find the silence...funny. It's hard to explain the feeling I get in that second where the reality of what I'm doing sinks in. It feels silly, it may certainly not LOOK silly in the end product, but it feels like it. I just can't help but laugh.

Yes -- what SHE said!  : )

Jan 16 07 12:50 pm Link



Posts: 116

Miami, Florida, US

Carole Hayes wrote:
Yes -- what SHE said!  : )

Ha ha ha. Good, it's not just me.

Jan 16 07 12:53 pm Link



Posts: 1021

Dublin, California, US

Because sometimes you get this thought all of a sudden "What the heck I am doing HERE?! What the heck I am DOING?!". This is what usually makes me laugh with no apparent reason

Jan 16 07 12:54 pm Link



Posts: 563

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Wrath Child wrote:
It happens. Sometimes I'll just be standing there in this awkward position waiting to hear the clickity noise, and I just find the silence...funny. It's hard to explain the feeling I get in that second where the reality of what I'm doing sinks in. It feels silly, it may certainly not LOOK silly in the end product, but it feels like it. I just can't help but laugh.

couldn't have said it better myself!

Jan 16 07 12:58 pm Link


Mystic 7

Posts: 180

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Not my model, but I had a good laugh when shooting MM's Minori Slayton. I caught her in one shot right in the middle of a sneeze. When I looked at the result I couldn't stop laughing, her face was distorted in such a hilarious way. Just thinking about it gives me the giggles. I still have that pic but I'd never embarrass her by posting it.

Jan 16 07 01:05 pm Link


GHG Photography

Posts: 398

Birmingham, Alabama, US

First: I'm serious about my shoots, it's all still very technical to me right now. (as I'm still a relative n00b/gwc) and I'm still very much concentrating on the lighting/shadows and it's effect on skin tones and curves etc, posing... whatever.  You remember the feeling.  You're still a little nervous because you haven't tried everything yet and what you are trying currently may look aweful afterwards.  But I digress.

Anyway, even while I'm serious, I feel that laughter is essential.  It eases tension and helps everyone relax a little.

In my real worklife I'm a marketing/advertising guy.  If I'm trying to write copy for a project or come up with an idea for a campaign and I feel like I've been stonefaced all afternoon I'll click open a new illustrator file and write/create something really retarded and goofy just to make myself smile and get my creative juices flowing again.

Now, if the fits of giggles comes every 45 seconds, or lasts 20 minutes, then I'm most likely annoyed.  But occasional breaks from dead serious helps keep things fun.

Just my opinion from where I stand at the bottom of the food chain.


Jan 16 07 01:59 pm Link


Carmen the MILF

Posts: 964

Sanford, North Carolina, US

Almost on every shoot at least once!

BUT, all that means is that I'm having fun, and thats a good thing!


Jan 16 07 02:18 pm Link



Posts: 10183

Oslo, Oslo, Norway

I don'rt like working with models who laugh every 5 seconds and can't hold the pose.
Like I will direct them to pose and they laugh and be like "wait wait wait" then burst out laughing again...

I'm like act professional sheesh....

Nothing wrong with laughter and joking inbetween shots but if a model's insecurities or overly bubbly personality is getting in the way I do get frustrated and have called off a shoot because of it.

Jan 16 07 02:22 pm Link


Brittney Harrington

Posts: 368

Los Angeles, California, US

Primal Lens wrote:
Just a silly thread...

I was going through the originals from my all time favorite and what I feel is my best art nude shoot to date earlier tonight. The shoot in which the model is in a shot in my port, draping herself over a boulder, a pose she chose herself.

I have a series of shots of her in that particular pose and others where she could not help but for some reason break out in laughter and giggling, without anyone having said anything. They are actually some of my favorites from the shoot.

I am one of those fun loving photographers who loves moments like that and has caught himself starting to laugh at moments like this to the point of having to stop shooting.So, this is definitely not a problem during my shoots.

Who else out there has found themselves in a giggling or laughing fit, especially for no reason, during what is supposed to be a more serious moment during a shoot?

Have a "fit of laughter for no reason during a shoot" story?

Dude I get them like eight times a day....haha! I didn't think this happened to others as well! Its a good ab workout too! smile

All the best,

Jan 16 07 02:24 pm Link


Bianca Smith

Posts: 8

Los Angeles, California, US


...wait what were we talking about?

Jan 16 07 02:45 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Stevi M

Posts: 5

Beltsville, Maryland, US

after about 3 redbulls and a 5hr or longer shoot!! big_smile

Jan 16 07 02:50 pm Link


Kayleigh H

Posts: 306

I have my fits of laughter ...usually if I feel akward ...and I crack up ...or if I do something wrong and the photographer makes a wise crack. But once I start it is so hard to stop. And when I laugh hard I like clap and jump ...and its even more akward.

pretty embarrassing stuff.

Jan 16 07 02:50 pm Link


AU fotografia

Posts: 1723

Houston, Texas, US

I was doing a shoot for a 15 year old (Quinceneras in Mexico, one of the biggest parties a girl gets in her life (right after their wedding) ) and she had this burst of laughter which gave me the best shot of the shoot!

Jan 16 07 02:55 pm Link


Photog Pablo

Posts: 591

Alamogordo, New Mexico, US

I seem to experience this quite a bit. More often than not I find it humorous, but, I've haven't been on a time restraint for some time. I could easily see where it could get a little neavey, like when there are 6 outfits to go & the MUA is ootta there in 10 minutes...

Typically, I often wonder who is driving the boat in these case, but I do seem to enjoy it none the less...

Jan 16 07 03:06 pm Link



Posts: 273

Freeport, Grand Bahama, Bahamas

Abdiel Urcullu Photo wrote:
I was doing a shoot for a 15 year old (Quinceneras in Mexico, one of the biggest parties a girl gets in her life (right after their wedding) ) and she had this burst of laughter which gave me the best shot of the shoot!

awww so pretty, this made me smile smile

and to add my part..laughter is a good thing but to much of it can be annoying, so just have fun and know when to STOP...geesh!

Jan 16 07 03:15 pm Link


Ray Cornett

Posts: 9207

Sacramento, California, US

Ched wrote:
The boulder tickled?


Jan 16 07 03:17 pm Link


Ray Cornett

Posts: 9207

Sacramento, California, US

Wish I could post them but they`re all 18+. maybe ill put them on the server later.

Jan 16 07 03:34 pm Link



Posts: 54

Huntington Beach, California, US

not only do i laugh and giggle sometimes but ill make funny faces or stick out my tongue at the photographers. as much as it is about professionalism, it is also about having fun. i try not to take myself too seriously...ever.

Jan 16 07 03:42 pm Link