Forums > General Industry > Looking for a place to shoot...


215 Studios

Posts: 3453

Center Point, Texas, US

I'm looking for a few good places to shoot in the San Antonio/Austin area.  I'm mainly looking for abandon buildings, very old buildings, cemetaries with large, decrative head stones (off the beaten path and line of sight) or places like that.

Let me know if you have any suggestions or know of places that might work.  (I'm looking for somewhere I can shoot nudes, too.)


Jan 16 07 02:17 am Link


Vector 38

Posts: 8296

Austin, Texas, US

for the ATX: how long will you have in town? will you have adequate transportation? are you already familiar with the city? will you have power issues when working on-location?

the city's full of cool places to shoot; just gotta keep your creative eyes open ...

feel free to msg me or any of the other ATXers here on the Mayhem about further details ...


~ F

* (n.b., there's an entire Board dedicated to/for the folks in S.A.; might check it out for help in their city)

Jan 16 07 02:22 am Link


215 Studios

Posts: 3453

Center Point, Texas, US

I'll probably only be in Austin for 3-4 days, as that is the longest I can stand to infringe on my sister's good will.  She tends to get kinda crazy if I'm there much longer than that.  She's pretty OCD and I kind of screw her world. 

Anyway, I come complete with Vagabon and strobes but I'm hoping to focus on some natural light work, mainly.


Where is this SA dedicated board that you speak of?  (Sorry if this is a newb question, but in my deffence, I have been here less than a month!)

Jan 16 07 02:30 am Link