Forums > General Industry > asking photog's about their rates



Posts: 37

Stockton, California, US

Ok so I have asked a few Photog's about their rates. Now for me I was thinking that this mean't that I was just curious and asking. Of course if I ask I am interested in their work. I'm now thinking (from responses that I have gotten) that when you ask you are very serious about booking something? So should I not ask unless I am ready to book something? Give me your feedback on this please!


Jan 16 07 01:47 am Link


Pamela Hunter

Posts: 205

Detroit, Michigan, US

I let them know that I am shopping out a photographer pool and I like their work and would like to know their rates for future possibilities. If you don't make it clear that you are doing research people will eagerly and rightfully so assume they are looking forward to a paid gig.

I wish I was rolling in cash, there are some incredible photographers I'd like to hire.

Jan 16 07 01:56 am Link


215 Studios

Posts: 3453

Center Point, Texas, US

You're welcome to ask me my rates at anytime.  I'll let you know what they are...BUT!  My rates do change according to project and demand.  If I have 1000+ images to choose from of the same thing you are wanting to shoot, then you get standard rates.  If it something I don't have and I think it will further my portfolio, I'm willing to work on my price so I can utilize some of the images.


Jan 16 07 01:57 am Link


i c e c o l d

Posts: 8610

Fort Myers, Florida, US

Aimes wrote:
Ok so I have asked a few Photog's about their rates. Now for me I was thinking that this mean't that I was just curious and asking. Of course if I ask I am interested in their work. I'm now thinking (from responses that I have gotten) that when you ask you are very serious about booking something? So should I not ask unless I am ready to book something? Give me your feedback on this please!


No, there is never any harm in asking. Just ask and say that you are inquiring about their rates. I usually give the few package prices that I have and then say if you would like to discuss more in detail feel free to contact me. If they don't contact me back..oh well then. I might follow up a few weeks later and ask if they are still interested, again, if lost sleep.

Besides I appreciate it when someone asks my beats "hey will you shoot me, you can pay me $100 an hour"!!!

Jan 16 07 02:01 am Link


all art photos

Posts: 11

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Just ask their rates anyway, but try to make it clear that you're asking around and are only wanting a quote, that you aren't ready to commit to a date yet. If a photog acts like you had made a commitment when none was even implied then he or she is just being pushy.

Jan 16 07 02:01 am Link



Posts: 9594

San Francisco, California, US

Asking doesn't infer that you're going to book, so ask away.

Jan 16 07 02:03 am Link


Vector 38

Posts: 8296

Austin, Texas, US

Aimes wrote:
so I have asked a few Photog's about their rates. Now for me I was thinking that this mean't that I was just curious and asking. Of course if I ask I am interested in their work.

like calling around for a price comparison on any service for which you're going to pay, there should be nothing wrong with asking a photographer his/her rates.

yet, esp. here on the 'Net, we find a variety of factors moving some to be terribly guarded, others to be vague, and still others to outright take offense. these same ones might be outraged if, say, they called for an estimate on a brake job & got the type response they typically give an enquiring model ...

... so ask away miss aimes; just don't take anything personally if so & so responds rudely or short to you.

g'luck in your work!

~ F

Jan 16 07 02:05 am Link


A Traveler

Posts: 5506

San Francisco, California, US

a photographer is half artist, half salesman. most will try and secure a deal as quickly as possible. politely say you are not ready to commit to a shoot yet, but you will stay in touch.

Jan 16 07 03:56 am Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

When people ask my rates I usually quote $500 or $1000 for the photo session.

If they are polite and nice to me, and bring me a cold Becks beer, then I waive my rates.

Jan 16 07 05:54 am Link


john hill

Posts: 361

Louisville, Kentucky, US

Aimes wrote:
Ok so I have asked a few Photog's about their rates. Now for me I was thinking that this mean't that I was just curious and asking. Of course if I ask I am interested in their work. I'm now thinking (from responses that I have gotten) that when you ask you are very serious about booking something? So should I not ask unless I am ready to book something? Give me your feedback on this please!


I love you!!!!! I love it when I'm asked for rates!!!!!  It beats "I need shots for my portfolio but I don't pay photographers!!!" The only thing that bugs me is when someone is just price shopping.Photographers work hard and have serious money,time and overhead just to create an image that is worthy of putting in a portfolio.jh

Jan 16 07 06:12 am Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Aimes wrote:
Ok so I have asked a few Photog's about their rates. Now for me I was thinking that this mean't that I was just curious and asking. Of course if I ask I am interested in their work. I'm now thinking (from responses that I have gotten) that when you ask you are very serious about booking something? So should I not ask unless I am ready to book something? Give me your feedback on this please!


Just make it very clear that you are, in essence "shopping around", and are not quite ready to book anything. I know from a model's point of view (at least mine, for whatever it's worth), when a photographer writes me and flat out asks rates, and I give them, and never hear back, I just assume they weren't serious to begin with.

Jan 16 07 10:22 am Link



Posts: 6142

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

When someone asks, I answer. I don't presume they are either interested to book, or, necessarily planning to book with me specifically. It's kinda like shopping for a car, or call around and get some quotes, and when you're ready, you make your decision. smile

Jan 16 07 10:26 am Link


Ken Rieves Photography

Posts: 934

Avon Lake, Ohio, US

I have no problem with people asking for my rates. My pricing varies depending on the amount of time shooting, how the images are to be delivered, and how they are to be used.

Jan 16 07 11:43 am Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Aimes wrote:
Ok so I have asked a few Photog's about their rates. Now for me I was thinking that this mean't that I was just curious and asking. Of course if I ask I am interested in their work. I'm now thinking (from responses that I have gotten) that when you ask you are very serious about booking something? So should I not ask unless I am ready to book something? Give me your feedback on this please!


You're asking for a quote.  This does not obligate you in any way.

Jan 16 07 11:54 am Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

Agreed with what has already been said.

Just ask away, maybe put in a clause that you are shopping about but that is not nesisary.

Jan 16 07 02:45 pm Link



Posts: 970

Columbus, Ohio, US

ASK ASK ASK , if you ask me for my rates and I obligate you to chose me then maybe I'm not a very busy photog and I NEED your business lol. Think about that.
A quote is a quote. What's the sense in shopping around if you're not allowed to... shop around lol

Jan 16 07 02:49 pm Link


M Pandolfo Photography

Posts: 12117

Tampa, Florida, US

Icecold Images wrote:

No, there is never any harm in asking. Just ask and say that you are inquiring about their rates. I usually give the few package prices that I have and then say if you would like to discuss more in detail feel free to contact me. If they don't contact me back..oh well then. I might follow up a few weeks later and ask if they are still interested, again, if lost sleep.

Besides I appreciate it when someone asks my beats "hey will you shoot me, you can pay me $100 an hour"!!!

Well said and ditto. Usually one follow-up a week later and, if no response, will assume either my rates were out of line with their budget or they found a better suited photographer within that budget.

Jan 16 07 02:57 pm Link


Ashley Barrett Photo

Posts: 628

PLAYA DEL REY, California, US

just ask. if they get upset, it's a red flag.


Jan 16 07 03:00 pm Link


Michael Alan

Posts: 1499

Bayshore Gardens, Florida, US

I do it all for the love of the art...

Then again I do accept tips..

IMHO, photography is dead in the water and any person can now take pictures. I had a blog on myspace where I stated why.

Any person with any common sense can take a picture today and make it into something special. Photoshop and geeks have ruin the market for old timers like me. So to get back at them i am willing to shoot for free.

I am sure that 100s of photographers are going to cry foul.

I studied photography for two years at Santa Monica College. I have done product/table top/press/street/fashion/Pr/ shots all of my life. I have shown my art shots all over the USA/Japan/Germany...

IMHO, if I am not into the shoot to begin with then all the money in the world will not matter and I tell my clients that. I pass along many jobs to my friends.

If I do decide to do a paid job I usually make sure that all my help gets paid and the client gets what he needs and he usually comes in under budget.

I look out for the people who are involved in any shoot that I am doing. Pay them their money first and then deal with me later if you like what you get.

I usually hire other photographers to shoot my shots along with me and they do get paid at a lower rate than what I would have recieved if I were to have charged
for my services.

I make most of my money on TIPS and from selling my work.

It is funny, because by me not putting a price on my service I sometimes end up with more money than what I would have asked for to begin with.


When in school we decided that each roll of film shot was worth about $100 - $200 per roll. The clients would only recieve proof sheets and if it was for an ad then I also wanted a say in which pictures were to be used.

Michael Alan

Jan 16 07 03:23 pm Link