Forums > General Industry > Reality Check


David Blewett

Posts: 184

Lakeland, Florida, US

I've seen allot of discussion lately about inappropriate behavior. Some of is light hearted, some serious, and some just silly. My take is this. There is no excuse for anyone not respecting the dignity of others. Period.

But I'm even more dissturb by recent events near my home town. … 14019.html

For those who don't want to read the whole story, I'll summarize. Three young men took a 17 year old high school girl to an orange grove under the cloud of doing a drug deal. Once there the pulled her from her car, beat her, stabbed her repeatedly and stuffed her in the trunk of her care. The next day they came back and set the car on fire.

How can people have such a callus disregard for human life. How can a soul be so twisted and evil that they feel no shame or remorse, and with no thought of her life or dignity set on fire a 17 year old over a little cash and a little drugs. Who died and made them God. How can a soul be so dark and evil and devoid of any semblance of compassion or respect for human life.

Granted, this young lady's had turned in a way that was destined for trouble. But for her life to end in such a sensless and vicious way just makes me shutter.

It makes me wonder... how far is the road from innappropriate to out right vicious evil?

Jan 14 07 06:22 pm Link


Victor Kurzweil

Posts: 135

London, England, United Kingdom

David Blewett wrote:
How can people have such a callus disregard for human life. How can a soul be so twisted and evil that they feel no shame or remorse, and with no thought of her life or dignity set on fire a 17 year old over a little cash and a little drugs. Who died and made them God. How can a soul be so dark and evil and devoid of any semblance of compassion or respect for human life.

It doesnt matter how positive you can feel and there is plenty of beauty in the world, the fact that we are all here as togs and models is testament to that...its events like that, happening everyday worldwide that just makes me question how can it can life be so cheap and meaningless.

Jan 14 07 06:48 pm Link


David Blewett

Posts: 184

Lakeland, Florida, US

Victor_Z wrote:
its events like that, happening everyday worldwide that just makes me question how can it can life be so cheap and meaningless.

My point exactly. It's so tragic. It does happen everywhere, everyday. This event just happened to be so very close to home.

Jan 14 07 06:53 pm Link


LeDeux Art

Posts: 50123

San Ramon, California, US

reality is relative to time and placement of the truth

Jan 14 07 06:57 pm Link


David Blewett

Posts: 184

Lakeland, Florida, US

jonathan ledeux wrote:
reality is relative to time and placement of the truth

Reality is that we are a strange species, capable of such beauty and wonder, or such horrible evil. I find it difficult to understand the duality of human behavior.

Jan 14 07 07:33 pm Link


Royal Photography

Posts: 2011

Birmingham, Alabama, US

What makes someone abuse children?
What makes someone abuse senior citizens?
What makes someone kill?
What makes someone rape?

I dont want to know.  The that it happens is more than to much.....I dont wanna have any idea or knowledged of the darkness that goes on in some minds

Jan 14 07 07:35 pm Link



Posts: 1273

Kalamazoo, Michigan, US

People are callous (some, not all) and disregard whomever they so choose.

I see it constantly, whether at my job (from child abuse/neglect, to severe disrespect, to even on MM in the calling, put downs, etc).

Its the easy way be callous and cruel. 

Its much harder to be upstanding and thoughtful and respectful.

Jan 14 07 07:37 pm Link



Posts: 630

Gibsonia, Pennsylvania, US

When people argue over the fact that it's wrong to see a woman's nipple but ok to have blood, gore and violence in all the video games and major motion pictures, when you are constantly exposed to such "death and destruction", you get numb to it and think that's it's cool and acceptable.

It's a shame a nipple is taboo and an AK-47 is cool.


Jan 14 07 07:40 pm Link


Caspers Creations

Posts: 11409

Kansas City, Missouri, US

I'm the first to make light of inappropriate behavior. 
I make jokes regarding escorts and nudity on and off the boards.
I've also created work that shows violent, drug use, or sexual situations.

The purpose of talking light in the boards and off is an attempt at defusing the hysteria and hatred that can build so quickly around here.  The reason for creating images like those are usually to convey a message or tell a story.

I preface with all of that because I don't need the rebuttal of "but you said, but you did"

I have a wife, a daughter, a sister, a mother.  I have the highest respect for females and it makes me sick when I see someone take advantage of a girl/woman.  This isnt meant to be sexist, I just feel that guys vs. guys can generally take care of themselves.  The same as I feel that a woman vs. woman argument doesn't need my input.

The story that the OP originally posted is disgusting and disheartening.  I feel sorrow for her family and friends. 

The situation this week in Missouri left me with the same feeling of anger, disappointment, and sorrow.
The 2 boys that were found alive after being kidnapped.  I am happy that the 2 boys were found and returned to their families, but I'm sickened by the guy that did that to these boys, their families, and their communities.

I try to remain positive, upbeat, and lighthearted but stories like this make that difficult at times.  It honestly puts me in a vigilante mindset.......and I know that wont help the world or my family in the long run.

Jan 14 07 08:00 pm Link