Forums > General Industry > Outdoor shoots - Permit Questions


terminated user

Posts: 520

Henderson, Nevada, US

A large majority of my photo shoots are the great outdoors, some just happen if I'm driving and see something that works in both halves of my brain and I decide to stop and shoot a model there or there are the familiar places I back to time and time again. 
For the last 3 years out here in the great wide open desert of Nevada, I've dozens of shoots and never encountered anyone while shooting - in fact I've had policeman and the Park Ranger service drive by while walking with a camera bag and model to a spot to shoot.

Last week I did a shoot with Makana (MM#274590 - an awesome model BTW) and as we walked up from the shoot, there were 4 Park Ranger vehicles and 6 Park Rangers to go with the 4 Park Ranger vehicles. And after much ado they told me they were going to let us go, but I would have to delete the pictures or face a $1500 fine.

Needless to say I palmed the flash card with the day's shoot and stuck in another and erased everything thas was on it in front of the officers and we were free to go.

So, in essence I found out I have to have a permit to shoot in almost 85% of Nevada if I'm doing anything commercial, according to the Park Ranger - and I do realize I should, but the rebel in me doesn't really want to.....My question is how many photographers on MM follow the rules and actually pay for permits to shoot outdoors?

Jan 13 07 12:10 pm Link