Forums > General Industry > do you ever wonder



Posts: 982

Grand Rapids, Michigan, US

when you see 2 new pics in a port that are awefull.   and they did the shoot  digital  , what do the other 200 - 300 images look like.   this isnt meant to be negative , we all start somewhere.  i just wonder how many are better , and how many are really awefull .

Jan 12 07 10:12 pm Link



Posts: 2974

Tucson, Arizona, US

LMAO!!!!   haha, I never thought of it that way....makes me wanna go over my port again :^/

Jan 12 07 10:13 pm Link



Posts: 33697

Avon, Minnesota, US


Jan 12 07 10:15 pm Link



Posts: 6662

Indianapolis, Indiana, US

maybe they sat on their camera after the first two?

Jan 12 07 10:15 pm Link

Digital Artist


Posts: 6720

Ankara, Ankara, Turkey

never heard of it tongue

Jan 12 07 10:18 pm Link


GianCarlo Images

Posts: 2427

Brooklyn, New York, US

Some of us only have horrible pics; we have no talent, and just can't help it, because we don't know any better.

Jan 12 07 10:20 pm Link


OC Girl

Posts: 1033

Costa Mesa, California, US

You know, I actually do wonder that.  Good point though.  When I see an overly photoshopped image, I think, how ugly was the model, really?  When I watch tv or movies and see horrendous acting, I think to myself, "Was that really the best person that auditioned?  Were the other hundred worse?  Because if so, that's just sad."  Wow, I'm a critical person.

Jan 12 07 10:29 pm Link