Forums > General Industry > tell me why..please



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

when a model online, looks for work, posts her rates, her limitations or conditions for working, theres a flood of photographers posting in the" isnt she crazy" threads..

one agency quality model yesterday (who after speaking with her, understands more about the industry then 99% of the photographers who were ragging on her btw) was chastized for having $150 an hour rates..and wanting new images....and not wanting friend requests...

well they piled on and poked fun and had a good ole time....

well in my observation, the photographers were way worse. as i see it, if you dont have bunches of some really cool national tears, or you're the staff photog from some hip mag or publication, if you have nothing to offer anyone other then pretty 'bout shut the fuck up and move on to the next model if you dont like her rates or conditions....posting these threads only serves to make you look like some self important ass...

in all honesty, i love to see models get high rates and unreasonable demands met..its creates a broad distinction between the professionals (some really suck) and the amatuers (and some are great shooters btw)..i like it for the commercial aspect.

online modeling communites, well its kinda like panning for have to sift through a lot of mud to get to the gold...well heres a thought, try appreciating the gold when you find it...
and stop bitching at the mud, for being mud...
(in the instance of yesterday, they were bitching at the gold for acting like gold, when they "thought" it was mud)

imho as always..

Jan 11 07 09:26 am Link



Posts: 5517

Eškašem, Badakhshan, Afghanistan

big_smile  I like your class.

Jan 11 07 09:30 am Link


Beatbox Jeebus v2

Posts: 10046

Palatine, Illinois, US

Nobody gives a fuck.

Jan 11 07 09:32 am Link


M Pandolfo Photography

Posts: 12117

Tampa, Florida, US

Tfp is killing photography. Paying models is killing the industry. GWC's are killing the industry. Photoshop is killing the industry...

Negativity is all over the place and I'm an admitted contributor. Granted, I've never compensated a model in cash for a shoot. One because if $$ are involved, it's usually a client paying the rates. Two, because I want models accepting shoots with me because they admire my style or feel I have something that will contribute to their portfolio.

However, I don't ridicule models for stating rates (ok...most of the time) because it's simply supply and demand. If a model overvalues her services (or a photographer) they will soon price themselves out of the industry and either quit...or re-evaluate their  value in the market.

And though I've never personally paid a model to shoot, I'm not against it or the concept of fair compensation. I hope with any model I've worked, the compensation package is fair to both parties.

Jan 11 07 09:44 am Link


none of the above

Posts: 3528

Marina del Rey, California, US

Doug Swinskey wrote:
when a model online, looks for work, posts her rates, her limitations or conditions for working, theres a flood of photographers posting in the" isnt she crazy" threads..

it isn't at all surprising.  for the vast majority of models and photographers on web portals there is this thinking that one is the client for the other.  sans the opportunity to hire one (or get hired) for getting naked, there is very little understanding that each are mostly hired independently by clients.

it is kind of a crazy objective for models to market toward photographers and photographers to market toward models when neither have much money instead of marketing toward clients that have budget for each. 

--face reality

Jan 11 07 09:49 am Link


none of the above

Posts: 3528

Marina del Rey, California, US

Michael Pandolfo wrote:
Tfp is killing photography. Paying llamas is killing the industry. GWC's are killing the industry.

And though I've never personally paid a llama to shoot,...

which beg the questions, "were all the images on your portfolio gained through the llamas being hired by a client or were they through tfp?"  if tfp, are you contributing to killing photography?

--face reality

Jan 11 07 09:55 am Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

FaceReality wrote:
it is kind of a crazy objective for models to market toward photographers and photographers to market toward models when neither have much money instead of marketing toward clients that have budget for each.

It's not all that crazy.  When you don't have the look/stats (models) or ability (photographers) to attract client work, or when you live in an area where there isn't any client work, you go after the weakest link.

Jan 11 07 09:55 am Link


Jason McKendricks

Posts: 6025

Chico, California, US

Honestly, I never knew there was such antipathy between models and photographers before joining this site. Since I shoot out of enjoyment, I must be doing it wrong.

Jan 11 07 09:58 am Link



Posts: 563

Nashville, Tennessee, US

KathyJean wrote:
big_smile  I like your class.

me too!

Jan 11 07 10:00 am Link


Jason McKendricks

Posts: 6025

Chico, California, US

Oh, and I know of the model referenced by the OP. She has posted in forums and we were almost going to be at the same meet & greet (though neither of us made it.)

She seemed sensible enough from  her posts and a lot of people seem to like her. If she can pull in that rate, more power to her.

Jan 11 07 10:01 am Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

Jason McKendricks wrote:
Honestly, I never knew there was such antipathy between models and photographers before joining this site. Since I shoot out of enjoyment, I must be doing it wrong.

no you have it right...i think a lot of these posts stem from resentment..."she wont work with me, she must be crazy"...its pathetic..but dont be discouraged, theres lots of great networking and collaborations here.

Jan 11 07 10:03 am Link


M Pandolfo Photography

Posts: 12117

Tampa, Florida, US

FaceReality wrote:

which beg the questions, "were all the images on your portfolio gained through the models being hired by a client or were they through tfp?"  if tfp, are you contributing to killing photography?

--face reality

Both. I don't think tfp is killing photography with models just as I don't think iStockphoto is killing stock photography. I was being sarcastic with the first sentences of "this and that is killing photography." I don't think anything is killing photography. I hope you didn't take those statements literal. I love everybody lol.

Jan 11 07 10:09 am Link


none of the above

Posts: 3528

Marina del Rey, California, US

TXPhotog wrote:
It's not all that crazy.

so would that be classified as modeling or merely picture taking?  or has the term "modeling" become so diluted that each is one in the same?

granted there may be exceptions, those working toward artistic endeavors will be the first to argue that.  but that is also a thin veil to hide behind as seen by the works of the many in the area of little opportunity you mentioned.  and there might be the rub that doug mentions...

--face reality

Jan 11 07 10:09 am Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

KathyJean wrote:
big_smile  I like your class.

Cat Platz wrote:
me too!

thank you very much,
way more pleasant then the "hate mail" i've been getting...

Jan 11 07 10:21 am Link



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

TXPhotog wrote:

It's not all that crazy.  When you don't have the look/stats (models) or ability (photographers) to attract client work, or when you live in an area where there isn't any client work, you go after the weakest link.

I suprised that these things even have to be said to some people, it's just as simple as that, I agree.

Jan 11 07 10:22 am Link