Forums > General Industry > Email vs. Phone Call


Chantelle Mathiasson

Posts: 3638

Carson City, Nevada, US

email for sure. I don't know why but I am not very good at talking on the phones...LOL... even though that is what i do for my job... tongue Definately prefer emails though.


Jan 11 07 01:32 am Link


Michael Fulton

Posts: 137

Email then phone.

Jan 11 07 02:30 am Link


Jakki Browne

Posts: 3457

Los Angeles, California, US

Leonard Gee Photography wrote:
1. e-mail to query and decide if you both agree and would like to work. It saves time and is more precise (trade/prices/type of work).

2. phone to decide dates, locations, outfits. I mean it can drive you crazy e-mailing back and  forth for dates and talk about it. One phone call is much faster, you have better "feel" for the person.

3. confirmation e-mail. Summary of what was discussed and agreed on phone. No one is confused or forgets.

4. phone for cacellations less than 48 hrs. in advance. Otherwise it's rude to e-mail someone few hours befoe the shoot and expect them to read it in time.

This is what I do, I think it works best!

Jan 11 07 02:39 am Link


Image K

Posts: 23400

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Leonard Gee Photography wrote:
1. e-mail to query and decide if you both agree and would like to work. It saves time and is more precise (trade/prices/type of work).

2. phone to decide dates, locations, outfits. I mean it can drive you crazy e-mailing back and  forth for dates and talk about it. One phone call is much faster, you have better "feel" for the person.

3. confirmation e-mail. Summary of what was discussed and agreed on phone. No one is confused or forgets.

4. phone for cacellations less than 48 hrs. in advance. Otherwise it's rude to e-mail someone few hours befoe the shoot and expect them to read it in time.

Works for me!

Jan 11 07 06:45 am Link


Carole Hayes

Posts: 876

Garland, Texas, US

Jakki Browne wrote:

This is what I do, I think it works best!

Sounds like a wonderful plan!

Jan 11 07 11:11 am Link


Doug Jantz

Posts: 4025

Tulsa, Oklahoma, US

Depends on a time frame.  I had a buddy once who had to back out of some plans last year on an evening.  I was downtown and was going to meet him later.  Didn't happen!  What did her do?  He emailed me to tell me he couldn't meet me.  I wasn't home to get that!!!!   A simple way would have have been to make a 1 minute call to tell me.  Sometimes we think everyone is always in front of a computer when they aren't. Email only works if the person is there to read it or has access.  At times I may be gone a couple days away from my email.  What do some do?  Send me emails to tell me things.  I can't see it!  A phone call would be very simple and quick.

Jan 11 07 11:20 am Link



Posts: 7392

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

Prefer a phone call very soon after contact, and a meeting shortly therafter if at all possible.
Models who are reluctant to call are very flake prone from my experiences. I'll no longer schedule a long shoot without a phone call, and conformation call morning of the shoot
   Those deals where we exchange a half dozen emails that result in nothing are a royal pain...rare...but a real waste of time.

   I've even taken to arranging a meeting, brief test establish preshoot rapport.. ... before a major day shoot.... with newer models who don't have much to show in the way of imagery.
And have found it created a measure of trust that makes a real shoot that much better.

Jan 11 07 11:30 am Link



Posts: 97

Madison, Wisconsin, US

i like morse code and smoke signals. if that doesn't work, i will attach two coffee cans to a wire...

Jan 11 07 11:35 am Link



Posts: 6142

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

E-mail, then phone to solidify things in person, so to speak. I can do more in five minutes on the phone, than writing 100 e-mails.

Jan 11 07 11:39 am Link


Manda Mercure

Posts: 506

Windsor, Ontario, Canada

i prefer email. i'm a bit uncomfortable talking on the phone, even with people i know. i mean i will, but i would really prefer to type, or meet in person.

Jan 11 07 11:41 am Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

Henri3 wrote:
Prefer a phone call very soon after contact, and a meeting shortly therafter if at all possible.
Models who are reluctant to call are very flake prone from my experiences. I'll no longer schedule a long shoot without a phone call, and conformation call morning of the shoot
   Those deals where we exchange a half dozen emails that result in nothing are a royal pain...rare...but a real waste of time.

   I've even taken to arranging a meeting, brief test establish preshoot rapport.. ... before a major day shoot.... with newer models who don't have much to show in the way of imagery.
And have found it created a measure of trust that makes a real shoot that much better.

Thank you.

Jan 11 07 11:44 am Link


Kelley Gayle

Posts: 12806

Windsor, Colorado, US

Arturo J wrote:
Emails first, phone later...

I agree!

Jan 11 07 11:46 am Link


aLyshia Lynnette

Posts: 56

Cranford, New Jersey, US

I like email at first, but a phone call has to be made evntually. Email can lead to a constant back and forth.

Jan 11 07 11:48 am Link


richard boswell

Posts: 1790

New York, New York, US

ever been stood up?

ever invested time, effort, money, your reputation, and been stood up?

i was i no way "too harsh",  if you think i was ...

you clearly do not understand what i was talking about ...

feel free to call me for clarification,

if you look

you can find my number.

no offense carole,


Carole Hayes wrote:

That seemed unnecessarily harsh....  I'm hoping none of it was directed at me, but since you addressed us all with a very general "ladies" there's no way to know from what you wrote....

Yes, I understand that people's time is valuable.  Yes, I like emails.  No, I'm not a "flakey model." 

I have never refused to take or receive a phone call about a job, and I don't like the implication that someone may decide not to work with me because I've said that I think email is a good way to communicate.... 

Actually, I don't think anybody here has said that they won't communicate by phone; the original question was, I believe, "which do you prefer?"  Please don't get snippy with us for answering honestly....

Jan 11 07 01:13 pm Link


Bondo Photo

Posts: 250

Glen Burnie, Maryland, US

I hate talking on the phone, but I really prefer it because it's easier to clarify and discuss everything. It's so easy to miscommunicate when emailing back and forth with simple ideas that could be discussed in a matter of seconds.

I had a model cancel a shoot via email one hour before our shooting time. She wasn't professional or respectful enough to call me and tell me directly. I just happened to check my email before I left for the studio and found that little nugget of joy.

Jan 11 07 03:49 pm Link



Posts: 8075

Edgewood, Maryland, US

Bondo Photo wrote:
I had a model cancel a shoot via email one hour before our shooting time.

Damn.  It's ridiculous for one to think that sending a cancellation notice via e-mail ONE HOUR PRIOR TO SHOOTING TIME would be sufficient...and to just assume that the person will be reading that e-mail within the hour.

Jan 11 07 09:43 pm Link


Larry Brown Camera

Posts: 1081

Atlantic Beach, Florida, US

I cant judga theire spellng by fone.... emale ie bestes !

Jan 11 07 09:49 pm Link


terminated user

Posts: 520

Henderson, Nevada, US

I start by email and then work my way up to phone

Jan 11 07 09:59 pm Link


San Francisco Nudes

Posts: 2910

Novato, California, US

Tikeya wrote:

Damn.  It's ridiculous for one to think that sending a cancellation notice via e-mail ONE HOUR PRIOR TO SHOOTING TIME would be sufficient...and to just assume that the person will be reading that e-mail within the hour.

I not only had that happen, but in the email she asked about dates to reschedule the shoot.  Um, yeah, right.

I do everything in email - I usually have several things going at once and it's just a lot easier to keep it all straight if it's in one place.  If for some reason we hash things out on the phone I then send an email to recap the conclusions.  If a model wants to chat as a comfort thing I'll do that, but only after all the basic stuff's hashed out in email.

One additional point - I've set things up with models who were clearly on a cell phone, not at home, who said "Oh, yeah that sounds good".  Do you really think they wrote it down or would remember it?  At least with the email it's effectively written down somewhere.

Jan 11 07 10:28 pm Link


Carole Hayes

Posts: 876

Garland, Texas, US

richard boswell wrote:
ever been stood up?

ever invested time, effort, money, your reputation, and been stood up?

i was i no way "too harsh",  if you think i was ...

The part where you were too harsh is the part where you addressed this:

this is peoples time we are talking about here, sooner or later you will learn that that is by far you most precious commodity.
until then you will continue not to be taken seriously, and called a "flakey model".

dale and i had to turn several models away
(who we really wanted to work with btw)
this last week because of this very issue.

you snooze you loose, grow up ladies.

to all models. 

If you want to address it to the models who have stood you up, that's fine -- but please don't assume that the rest of us are anything like them, without knowing anything about us aside from the fact that we're models, and address us with such undeserved rudeness.

Jan 11 07 10:54 pm Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

Jan 11 07 11:23 pm Link


Bob Helm Photography

Posts: 18922

Cherry Hill, New Jersey, US

Perfer email because they are less intrusive in your schedule but perefer a phone call the day of the shoot to confirm and for contact on the day of the shoot

Jan 12 07 01:07 am Link



Posts: 447

San Francisco, California, US

Email only if the model is experienced...if she is new...this will be followed by a phone call, more emails, a pre-shoot meeting if possible, then more emails then shoot.

Jan 12 07 01:11 am Link


ChrisPaul- Chrispimages

Posts: 512

Los Angeles, California, US

I hate calling people
I dont like email that much either
I prefer a texting
then getting called so that I dont have to be the leader of the conversation

Jan 12 07 01:25 am Link


richard boswell

Posts: 1790

New York, New York, US

yea i typed out a long explanation which was some how not uploaded onto the boards ...

i thought since i quoted no one and, was pretty clear about the behavior i was referring to,

my "grow up ladies" was specific enough in who it was directed towards.

i'm sorry you didn't get it ...

i also offered to discuss this over the phone,

since i was not really interested in typing my original lost reply over again.

and extended to you a "no offense"


never mind


Carole Hayes wrote:

richard boswell wrote:
ever been stood up?

ever invested time, effort, money, your reputation, and been stood up?

i was i no way "too harsh",  if you think i was ...

The part where you were too harsh is the part where you addressed this:

to all models. 

If you want to address it to the models who have stood you up, that's fine -- but please don't assume that the rest of us are anything like them, without knowing anything about us aside from the fact that we're models, and address us with such undeserved rudeness.

Jan 12 07 01:26 am Link


SolraK Studios

Posts: 1213

Atlanta, Georgia, US

e-mail for certain information to be exchanged and kept on file. I expect a phone conversation before things can go any further. My number #1 pet peeve is e-mailing me or text messaging me something like a cancellation or a reschedule 24 hours from the time of a scheduled shoot.
I've met a few models who e-mails seems to go on and on without end, I usually just move on.

Jan 12 07 01:26 am Link



Posts: 9488

Arthur's Town, Cat Island, Bahamas

Email first for the basic information, then phone. It's easier to get a feel for the person and talk out details and such over the phone. Plus, some people stink at corresponding via email.

I know I'll sound like a photographer here, but a pet peeve of mine is when I ask for someone to call me to discuss things further and they continue emailing instead. Or they say they'll call on a specfic date and they don't.

Jan 12 07 01:28 am Link


nathan combs

Posts: 3687

Waynesboro, Virginia, US

email if cool for the first contact but i like to talk on the phone after more personal

Jan 12 07 01:32 am Link



Posts: 562

Chicago Heights, Illinois, US

I opened my first studio in 1969. We only had the telephone or walk ins. Before that we had to rely on carrier pigeons.

Today I get lots of direct and inpersonal emails. There seems to be a much higher incident of stand-ups if there is not a phone call and / or meeting prior to the shoot although there are those models that are just plain criminal in how casually they treat a business appointment with any number of prior assurrances.

Serious models tell me some of us make and break pre-set shoots as well. As an industry we should press for laws similar to trafic tickets with both criminal and civil penalties for setting and with no notice standing up a shoot. For the party that is thre ready to shoot which for either the model or photographer / MUA / Hair / Fashion professional costs not only the set up and preparation time but the opportunity cost since all any of us have to sell is our time.

Did I just change the thread?

Jan 12 07 01:42 am Link


San Francisco Nudes

Posts: 2910

Novato, California, US

Rena wrote:
a pet peeve of mine is when I ask for someone to call me to discuss things further and they continue emailing instead.

Likewise a pet peeve of mine is when I ask some inital questions in email and I get a "call me" and a phone number back.  Well, I don't know if it's worth calling until my questions are answered, and maybe not even then if I have followups.  I'm generally hard to reach by phone and phone tag sessions can take days before we connect.  What usually happens is a couple of days go by and I haven't had time to call and by then somebody else interesting has contacted me and we set it up in email and I never do get back to the person who wanted the call.  So the person who told me to call them misses out on a paid job.

Jan 12 07 02:20 am Link


Lucinda Wedge

Posts: 4315

Littlerock, California, US

Arturo J wrote:
Emails first, phone later...

ditto..  I have had problems with e-mails, I am sarcastic and laugh a lot and it doesn't always come across right through e-mails, then if they say something back I may misinterpret, so...   I prefer phone calls if there is any confusion as to how someone is taking my sense of humor.  Hearing their voice helps me to know if they get me or not and if this relationship is workable.  Then we move on to meeting then decide if there will be a shoot or not and what that shoot will be about.  There are many steps before I shoot - generally (nothing is written in stone though) smile

Jan 12 07 02:38 am Link


Bondo Photo

Posts: 250

Glen Burnie, Maryland, US

Lu wrote:
I have had problems with e-mails, I am sarcastic and laugh a lot and it doesn't always come across right through e-mails, then if they say something back I may misinterpret, so...   I prefer phone calls if there is any confusion as to how someone is taking my sense of humor.

That's exactly how I feel. I have a sense of humor or certain mannerisms that don't always translate correctly through written word.

Jan 12 07 10:07 am Link


A Perfect Reflection

Posts: 351

PLANTSVILLE, Connecticut, US

Arturo J wrote:
Emails first, phone later...

I agree completely

Jan 12 07 10:10 am Link



Posts: 9488

Arthur's Town, Cat Island, Bahamas

San Francisco Nudes wrote:
Likewise a pet peeve of mine is when I ask some inital questions in email and I get a "call me" and a phone number back.  Well, I don't know if it's worth calling until my questions are answered, and maybe not even then if I have followups.  I'm generally hard to reach by phone and phone tag sessions can take days before we connect.  What usually happens is a couple of days go by and I haven't had time to call and by then somebody else interesting has contacted me and we set it up in email and I never do get back to the person who wanted the call.  So the person who told me to call them misses out on a paid job.

I'll answer questions that are asked in an email. But details to me are easier to discuss by phone. I never ask someone to call me without answering their email questions first.

Jan 12 07 10:40 am Link


San Francisco Nudes

Posts: 2910

Novato, California, US

Rena wrote:

I'll answer questions that are asked in an email. But details to me are easier to discuss by phone. I never ask someone to call me without answering their email questions first.

I'm glad to hear it. :-)

Jan 12 07 12:01 pm Link


Pasha M

Posts: 948

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Email me.  Its the best way for me to remember our conversation, because I can read it over again.  ADHD runs strong in my family.  lol.

Call me at least once before the shoot, so I can at least hear your voice.  It helps in starting a good relationship.

If we can meet before the shoot, that would be great.  But, sometimes thats not possible, so the phone call is appreciated.

Jan 12 07 12:07 pm Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Jeffrey Winner wrote:
I haven't seen a thread about this topic, so here I go again creating one.

I personally prefer to communicate through email.  I’m not saying I won’t call someone, I just prefer email.  Why?  Because sometimes I need to think about details before I respond to certain questions.  I find I can be much more expressive about certain things regarding creativity and concepts when I have time to think and type it out.   I think my ideas are better conveyed after mulling over it for a little while.  When I can re-read the creative ideas I have for a shoot, they always look better then what I could have stated over the phone. 

What do you all prefer?

Email in the beginning.

I will not shoot with a photographer if I can't speak to him or her on the phone first.

Jan 12 07 12:14 pm Link


i c e c o l d

Posts: 8610

Fort Myers, Florida, US

Jeffrey Winner wrote:
I haven't seen a thread about this topic, so here I go again creating one.

I personally prefer to communicate through email.  I’m not saying I won’t call someone, I just prefer email.  Why?  Because sometimes I need to think about details before I respond to certain questions.  I find I can be much more expressive about certain things regarding creativity and concepts when I have time to think and type it out.   I think my ideas are better conveyed after mulling over it for a little while.  When I can re-read the creative ideas I have for a shoot, they always look better then what I could have stated over the phone. 

What do you all prefer?

Did you use the "search" function?

You will find my opinion on this matter in that thread.

Jan 12 07 12:16 pm Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

Rena wrote:
Email first for the basic information, then phone. It's easier to get a feel for the person and talk out details and such over the phone. Plus, some people stink at corresponding via email.

I know I'll sound like a photographer here, but a pet peeve of mine is when I ask for someone to call me to discuss things further and they continue emailing instead. Or they say they'll call on a specfic date and they don't.

thank you.

Jan 12 07 02:41 pm Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

Fotogene wrote:
I opened my first studio in 1969. We only had the telephone or walk ins. Before that we had to rely on carrier pigeons.

Today I get lots of direct and inpersonal emails. There seems to be a much higher incident of stand-ups if there is not a phone call and / or meeting prior to the shoot although there are those llamas that are just plain criminal in how casually they treat a business appointment with any number of prior assurrances.

Serious llamas tell me some of us make and break pre-set shoots as well. As an industry we should press for laws similar to trafic tickets with both criminal and civil penalties for setting and with no notice standing up a shoot. For the party that is thre ready to shoot which for either the llama or photographer / MUA / Hair / Fashion professional costs not only the set up and preparation time but the opportunity cost since all any of us have to sell is our time.

Did I just change the thread?

No you didn't change the thread. You just told the damn truth. I addressed in the past and on another forum on this site. My recent point to another photographer. 'You'll learn that there are many flakes on here and it's best to have a back up.' This will save you a headache and financial lost.

I had it happened to me recently, my gut feeling kicked in and said that the llama is going to flake or have an excuse. Well I have a back up and this one is a go ahead.

People always get a back up. And do realize that MM isn't the only place were llamas flake on you. I know students in school who have had llamas, both male and female flake out on them. And that sucks when a grade is apart of this. I never had flakes until I got on here. Only 4. The others that I've worked with on here are eager to shoot and will never flake on out on you.

Jan 12 07 02:50 pm Link