Forums > General Industry > That's it, the trade shoots are over



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

That's it.

No more trade unless we're either shooting for one of my books or a submission to an art show or gallery. I don't need to shoot for a living, and, to be perfectly honest, I'm tired of being the nice guy and agreeing to trade shoots only to have models exhibit the myriad of behaviors that make me want to shout, "bacon!"

So I've made the call. If we're shooting for one of my upcoming books, I'm either paying the model (because I have a client/publisher financing the book) or it's a trade shoot for a book intended to break-even with the goal being to be published. I'm much more interested in being juried into an art show, shown in a gallery, or having a book on the shelves, to be perfectly honest. If I'm prepared to offer or agree to a trade shoot for these purposes, I'm going to be paying for a hair/makeup artist and not just taking my chances that the model can do her own look and meet my needs. And I'm going to expect a level of professional behavior - and not tolerate less.

Otherwise, if the shoot is a challenge, perhaps I'll do it, and charge a reasonable rate (while I don't have to shoot for a living, I'm also not throwing money away - breaking even is more than satisfactory to me). But likely not. From now on, all requests that sound like, "Hey, we should shoot TFP" and leave it at that, or are pitched in a genre that I either don't shoot, don't want to shoot, or don't feel stand a chance at publication will be responded-to with a polite, respectful but firm "no, thank you."

Now everyone tell me what an ass I'm being.

Jan 10 07 08:31 pm Link



Posts: 417

Seattle, Washington, US

okay, since you asked your being an ass wink

If you decide not to work TFP this is your call! No one should turn around and get on your case because you have made a business call.
If models get upset about this descision then simply dont work with them.

As for one I would work with you if I was in your area! I love your work.

Jan 10 07 08:37 pm Link


Meagan Colf

Posts: 422

Seligman, Missouri, US

Nah... I don't think you are an ass. You have to draw the line somewhere don't ya?

You'll find the reall people that want to work with you!

Jan 10 07 08:39 pm Link


Cat Shadows Photography

Posts: 12055

Gorham, Maine, US

No, you are not being an "ass." Your time is valuable. Some models do not see the value of a photographer's time.


Jan 10 07 08:48 pm Link


Fedora el Morro

Posts: 818

Seattle, Washington, US

You are in no way being an ass. I do hope one day you can get over my tattoos and make some great photos with me. I think you rock!

Jan 10 07 09:10 pm Link


Studio 76 Photo

Posts: 1331

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

You ASS... J/K lmao..

I have to agree with you because I rarely shoot TFP/CD. And sometime trying to set one up is harder then the shoot itself.

Jan 10 07 09:12 pm Link


San Francisco Nudes

Posts: 2910

Novato, California, US

There really isn't any obligation for anybody to work with anybody else, despite how entitled some folks on the forums feel.

Jan 10 07 09:28 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

San Francisco Nudes wrote:
There really isn't any obligation for anybody to work with anybody else, despite how entitled some folks on the forums feel.

While this is true, I've already received the first private message from a model. I politely told her that I wasn't available to to a trade shoot with her in her requested genre, and she just lit into me. The operative phrase was, "you just won't work with me because I won't shoot what you want to shoot." (emphasis hers).

Um... yes. That's right. Spot on. I'm working on a specific project right now, and don't want to shoot, for free, a genre that won't be of any use to me in that project.

But apparently that's making me the ass.

Jan 11 07 05:52 pm Link


A Traveler

Posts: 5506

San Francisco, California, US

ugh. you mean our tfp shoot is off?

i have to return this bikini now.

and i shaved my legs for nothing.


Jan 11 07 05:59 pm Link



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

Christopher Ambler wrote:

While this is true, I've already received the first private message from a model. I politely told her that I wasn't available to to a trade shoot with her in her requested genre, and she just lit into me. The operative phrase was, "you just won't work with me because I won't shoot what you want to shoot." (emphasis hers).

Um... yes. That's right. Spot on. I'm working on a specific project right now, and don't want to shoot, for free, a genre that won't be of any use to me in that project.

But apparently that's making me the ass.

Being an ass is not that bad smile

Jan 11 07 06:01 pm Link



Posts: 9339

Austin, Indiana, US

mmmm Bacon!!

Can we do a TFB?  Trade for Bacon?  Oh come on, please?!!

Just kidding tongue

Jan 11 07 06:01 pm Link


Larry Brown Camera

Posts: 1081

Atlantic Beach, Florida, US

Has this been brought to the floor for a vote?

Jan 11 07 06:08 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

Milli wrote:
Can we do a TFB?  Trade for Bacon?  Oh come on, please?!!

Oh, come now, this thread isn't nearly bacon-like! This is me, changing how I work. I'm not griping about what models do, I'm griping about how I'm being treated as a result! Decidedly non-baconlike!

That said... trade for bacon? You intrigue me, dear. Do go on...

Jan 11 07 06:10 pm Link



Posts: 22389

Fort Collins, Colorado, US

Ass? No. Just setting your terms, and they're yours to set.

Jan 11 07 07:43 pm Link



Posts: 9339

Austin, Indiana, US

Christopher Ambler wrote:

Oh, come now, this thread isn't nearly bacon-like! This is me, changing how I work. I'm not griping about what models do, I'm griping about how I'm being treated as a result! Decidedly non-baconlike!

That said... trade for bacon? You intrigue me, dear. Do go on...

I wasn't saying it was baconlike lol.  I just wanted to do a TFB!  I'll cook you some bacon, really I will! haha.

Jan 11 07 07:45 pm Link



Posts: 130

Livermore, California, US

Call you an ass? Only if you're into that kinda thing. I think you're just being fair to yourself. Dont go out of your way if you're not going to get results that make you happy. We could all learn from you. EVERYBODY LET'S GET RID OF TFP'S FOREVER!!!!just kidding smile

Jan 11 07 07:55 pm Link


San Francisco Nudes

Posts: 2910

Novato, California, US

Christopher Ambler wrote:

While this is true, I've already received the first private message from a model. I politely told her that I wasn't available to to a trade shoot with her in her requested genre, and she just lit into me. The operative phrase was, "you just won't work with me because I won't shoot what you want to shoot." (emphasis hers).

Um... yes. That's right. Spot on. I'm working on a specific project right now, and don't want to shoot, for free, a genre that won't be of any use to me in that project.

But apparently that's making me the ass.

Hopefully you're well enough adjusted to just laugh and ignore it.

Jan 11 07 10:35 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

San Francisco Nudes wrote:
Hopefully you're well enough adjusted to just laugh and ignore it.

Pretty-much. One of the benefits of not having to do this for a living.

Jan 11 07 10:50 pm Link



Posts: 1739

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Christopher Ambler wrote:
While this is true, I've already received the first private message from a model. I politely told her that I wasn't available to to a trade shoot with her in her requested genre, and she just lit into me. The operative phrase was, "you just won't work with me because I won't shoot what you want to shoot." (emphasis hers).

Um... yes. That's right. Spot on. I'm working on a specific project right now, and don't want to shoot, for free, a genre that won't be of any use to me in that project.

But apparently that's making me the ass.

Did you write her back and say, "Yes, thats exactly why. Thanks for understanding!" smile Probably would have been fun to watch the smoke pour out of her ears... THAT might have been a good shot!!

I can say the SAME thing for photographers... Plenty of them come around wanting to do all sorts of crap TFP shoots, when the quality of their work couldn't benefit my book if it were blank!

Recent photographer contacted me, we began to discuss shooting. He says "I've gotten to the point that I no longer need to pay models to shoot nudes." I went and looked hoping to find something interesting, and found the same boring shots of a pretty nekkid girl sitting with some nice green plants. Nothing interesting what so ever, it looked exactly like the dozens of CD's I have shoved in my bottom drawer of nude work that I can't even sit on my book for fear of them rubbing off. I politely told him I was at the point in my modeling that I no longer shot nudes for free. We parted ways, business is business after all.

I totally don't blame you. Good things aren't free.

Jan 11 07 11:05 pm Link


Jay Farrell

Posts: 13408

Nashville, Tennessee, US

I'd say it's about time some take their career seriously enough not to give their talents away.....I commend you for setting that standard. I like my pay and be paid policy.......the water's definitely nice there smile

Jan 11 07 11:47 pm Link



Posts: 2281

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Christopher Ambler wrote:
Now everyone tell me what an ass I'm being.

The assumption is that we didn't think you were an ass all along...wink
  Good for you. Find a system that works for you and your needs and stick with it.
  Too many people here think that there is a cookie cutter formula that is how all should operate, or worse, believe that what works for them is right, and all other approaches are, therefore, wrong.
   Each person has their own needs and their own artistic process, and should recognise the same in others.
   It would shorten most of these threads...wink

Jan 12 07 12:24 pm Link