Forums > General Industry > Agency (truth or lies)?



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

I am getting ready to try to sign up with an agency.  I have a dillma thought.

When I submit my photos an basic information with them (prior to the interview) do you guys think it is better to lie to get the interview or tell the truth?

Here are my problems:
1) Address: If I submit with like let's say NY or CA or even Chicago agency and put my WI address, I am worried that they'll look at it and say - why the heck would we interview her if she doesn't even live here and hence can't get local jobs....

2) Age.  I do look younger then I am, but I know that there is an age limit to certain agencies.  So should I lie to them in the application, but tell the truth during the itnerview and just say that I had to do that to get the interview?

Any suggestions, including sarcastic ones smile appreciated.

Jan 10 07 02:42 pm Link



Posts: 20647

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

The answer to question #2 is simple.  Don't lie about your age.

At one point or another you'll have to show some type of gov't issued I.D. to obtain employment.  Obviously your birthday will be displayed.

Jan 10 07 02:56 pm Link


Memi Haute

Posts: 7241

Julia wrote:
Here are my problems:
1) Address: If I submit with like let's say NY or CA or even Chicago agency and put my WI address, I am worried that they'll look at it and say - why the heck would we interview her if she doesn't even live here and hence can't get local jobs....

I live in LA, yet I go to castings w/ agencies from Paris and NY. I also know a girl in my agency who lives in San Fran... I don't think its a question of the agency having a problem, its that if you want to work, you'll have to make some sacrifices and think about a move. I know if an agency in NY or Paris wanted me... I wouldn't hesitate a moment.

Jan 10 07 03:19 pm Link



Posts: 10183

Oslo, Oslo, Norway

Julia wrote:
Here are my problems:
1) Address: If I submit with like let's say NY or CA or even Chicago agency and put my WI address, I am worried that they'll look at it and say - why the heck would we interview her if she doesn't even live here and hence can't get local jobs....

If I were you I would put where you specifically reside at now.
because lying would only be bad for you in the end.
You can specify that  you are open and willing to make a move if given the opportunity however.

Ifyou lie and say you live say in NY and dont and they want to interview you or hire you for a gig and you cant get there then what?

Best to tell the truth smile

Jan 10 07 03:46 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

Since you make an issue in your profile of not lying, I'm surprised you even ask here.

Jan 10 07 03:53 pm Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

1.  On location:  tell the truth.  Only high fashion agencies will be interested in you if you are a long way from them, but that's OK - you don't want to relocate for anything but a high fashion agency anyway.  Make it clear that you are prepared to relocate at your own expense if they want you.

2.  On age, it depends on the agency.  More commercial agencies will be just fine with your real age.  They get fewer good applicants from older women, and there are lots of jobs for them.  For an "editorial fashion" agency (none of which exist in Madision, WI) you need to lie.  Don't go to extremes - they aren't going to believe you are 16 - but the upper end of their acceptable scale is where you need to be.  Once they see you, they will like you or they won't, but you have to get in the door first.

Jan 10 07 03:55 pm Link


studio kgm inc

Posts: 727

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Agencies dont really care where you live, only if you look like someone who they can get cast for shoots.  I work with several models here in Arkansas that are represented with local agencies and also with agencies in St. Louis, Chicago, Dallas, New York, etc.  If they think you have something to offer, they'll fly you in.

Jan 10 07 03:57 pm Link



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

TXPhotog wrote:
1.  On location:  tell the truth.  Only high fashion agencies will be interested in you if you are a long way from them, but that's OK - you don't want to relocate for anything but a high fashion agency anyway.  Make it clear that you are prepared to relocate at your own expense if they want you.

2.  On age, it depends on the agency.  More commercial agencies will be just fine with your real age.  They get fewer good applicants from older women, and there are lots of jobs for them.  For an "editorial fashion" agency (none of which exist in Madision, WI) you need to lie.  Don't go to extremes - they aren't going to believe you are 16 - but the upper end of their acceptable scale is where you need to be.  Once they see you, they will like you or they won't, but you have to get in the door first.

You always give a good advise.  My thoughts were close to this, but I weren't sure about the "right" thing.

Jan 10 07 04:27 pm Link



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

SLE Photography wrote:
Since you make an issue in your profile of not lying, I'm surprised you even ask here.

I don't make an issue of it. 
I don't think that putting a couple years young just to get an interview, but then while there tell the real age is a lie.  It's just a litlle trick to get in smile

Jan 10 07 04:29 pm Link



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

Thanks guys to help me make up my mind. 

I got helpfull information from ya'll!

Jan 10 07 04:31 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Pink Beauty

Posts: 127

Seattle, Washington, US

Truth on both.

If you lie to get the interview, you're still thought of as a liar dispite the fact that you fess up at the interview. These people need you to be responsible, it's their business reputations at risk and if you lie to them you are showing irresponsibility, untrustworthiness, and will be hurting what chances you actually had by telling the truth in the first place.

Good luck. Love your Avitar!

Jan 10 07 04:35 pm Link



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

Pink Beauty wrote:
Truth on both.

If you lie to get the interview, you're still thought of as a liar dispite the fact that you fess up at the interview. These people need you to be responsible, it's their business reputations at risk and if you lie to them you are showing irresponsibility, untrustworthiness, and will be hurting what chances you actually had by telling the truth in the first place.

Good luck. Love your Avitar!

Yes, I suppose, but from the other hand - it shows my dedication.  That I did everything to get in, and therefore shows that I value the chance, and the fact that I did confess will show that I had no intention to lie, but just wanted to make it work either way.

But you are right - that isn't a very good start to make the first impression with.

The agency I am with right now, actually crossed my DOB and made me put another one in their database smile that was nice big_smile

Jan 10 07 05:02 pm Link


OC Girl

Posts: 1033

Costa Mesa, California, US

As TX said, there are girls from all over that submit pictures to them and then move.  Besides, just because your listed address is one thing doesn't mean you actually have to live there.  I use my parents address for things because I lived in that house for 20 years and I'd rather have my mail go there than some dingy apartment office mail box.

Jan 10 07 08:17 pm Link


richard boswell

Posts: 1790

New York, New York, US

the agency cares about your marketability as a model, 
this primarily has to do with how you look. 

if 25 is too old for them to want to try and market you,
then go find an agent/agency who does want to market you. 

people get so confused about who is working for who in a model/agency relationship.

good luck,


Jan 10 07 08:24 pm Link



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

Thank you guys again, I was really concerned about these issues, so it was great to discuss them!

Jan 11 07 12:07 am Link



Posts: 2978

New York, New York, US

yeah its a long shot given your age and your location, and your portfolio isnt very strong.  You need to build up the lifesyle shots  check out:

I wouldnt lie about your age- in fact it may be better to be a bit older.

The NYC market is funny- the cleints are spoiled and they almost always have castings for the jobs and dont do many direct bookings(no prior visit) at all.  When I was with Elite in Chicago they said dont bother coming to do go sees we do directs especially with NYC models.

Good luck

Jan 11 07 01:30 am Link