Forums > General Industry > Escorts travel espenses paid also by????? QUE??



Posts: 10183

Oslo, Oslo, Norway

ok I have a photographer friend who I was just talking to and he was looking to hire a model for a website project he is doing.

He states she was all happy and excited about doing it and blah blah blah and how professional she is and how she would rock his project.
So he states they spoke again today and she then mentions to him "oh I always bring with me an escort" He stated that was fine by him as he knew she was traveling. Then he states she said " So you will need to cover my escorts expenses also"

He was shocked to think she actually thought he was going to shell out another $300-$500 for another plane ticket for a friend who he has no use for.

I didn't know what to tell him on a subject like this because I have never went through that,but he really wants to use her.
I told him forget her lol but thats just how I am lol...

Would you shell out the cash or have any of you been in this situation before???????? What did you do???

Jan 09 07 11:42 am Link



Posts: 1739

Baltimore, Maryland, US


So really, this the what-th thread on this just today???
Does it really need to be discussed?

Seriously? Pay for a plane ticket for a friend to tag along? dang if that works then I think I'm gonna be vacationing a lot more here pretty soon.....

Jan 09 07 11:48 am Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

I don't understand why photographers fly models in from other cities.  I
always think what if she/he doesn't look like their current photos or isn't
even the model shown in the image.  I would want to meet any person I planned
to pay more then $25.00 an hour in person if at all possible first.  This way
if their current look has changed you know what's up.  I also would not pay for
a escorts travel.  If your friend is still looking for models and can't find them
on-line then tell them to try a want ad in a local newspaper.

Jan 09 07 11:50 am Link


Habenero Photography

Posts: 1444

Mesa, Arizona, US

The escorts travel comes out of the model's pay.  If the travel costs are higher than her pay, she would owe the photographer money!

Jan 09 07 11:53 am Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


dncphotos wrote:
ok I have a photographer friend who I was just talking to and he was looking to hire a model for a website project he is doing.

He states she was all happy and excited about doing it and blah blah blah and how professional she is and how she would rock his project.
So he states they spoke again today and she then mentions to him "oh I always bring with me an escort" He stated that was fine by him as he knew she was traveling. Then he states she said " So you will need to cover my escorts expenses also"

He was shocked to think she actually thought he was going to shell out another $300-$500 for another plane ticket for a friend who he has no use for.

I didn't know what to tell him on a subject like this because I have never went through that,but he really wants to use her.
I told him forget her lol but thats just how I am lol...

Would you shell out the cash or have any of you been in this situation before???????? What did you do???

Tell him to hire me instead. No escort required.

And even if he won't do that, tell him not to pay that model's escort.

Jan 09 07 11:57 am Link



Posts: 116

Miami, Florida, US


Jan 09 07 12:02 pm Link


4C 41 42

Posts: 11093

Nashville, Tennessee, US

dncphotos wrote:
He was shocked to think she actually thought he was going to shell out another $300-$500 for another plane ticket for a friend who he has no use for.

He shouldn't be surprised.  Tons of models on this site requesting that the photographer pay for the escorts expenses.  Some are now requiring the photographer pay for the escorts time.   So escorts actually have rates now.

Look at it from her standpoint.  If she can get the photographer to pay for her boyfriend to come with her, why not?  They get a free vacation, she makes a little money.  Sounds like a good deal.

Hell, I've all but given up shooting.  Maybe I'll hire myself out as an escort.  Seems like and easy gig.  Stand around, scratch myself, make intimidating faces at the photographer, go home.  And if I can get some free trips out of the deal too?  I'm there.  Next up... the photographer will have to pay for my wife to come too.  >:-)

Jan 09 07 12:05 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

Ok, you know how some of us rant & rave against escorts & say that photographers who encourage them & tell models they should always have them (not simply ALLOW them but encourage them & try to make them sound like a good idea) are shooting ALL of us in the foot?
THIS is one of the reasons why people!
Think about it!  You encourage these people to think an escort is a right, not a choice, and something that must ALWAYS be a part of a shoot, something that is useful & necessary & expected, and of COURSE things like this will happen.
We've seen models in the last few months asking for rates as Lary noted, some of them even asking for $40+ an hour for their ARMED security.

Stop the madness, ok?
Don't pay for escorts, their travel, or their expenses.
If you feel you can't get decent models without an escort & want to allow them, great.  But stop encouraging the hysteria over them and hurting the phjotographer/model relationship by making models think they need them & we should pay for them.

Jan 09 07 12:11 pm Link


Stan The Man

Posts: 733

Brooklyn, Indiana, US


Jan 09 07 12:13 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

I copied dicussion about this over to the main escort thread on this page: … 1&page=455
no need for a whole new thread  smile

Jan 09 07 12:15 pm Link


David Poata

Posts: 421

Waitakere, Auckland, New Zealand


Jan 09 07 12:16 pm Link



Posts: 10183

Oslo, Oslo, Norway

Tony Lawrence wrote:
I don't understand why photographers fly models in from other cities.  I
always think what if she/he doesn't look like their current photos or isn't
even the model shown in the image.  I would want to meet any person I planned
to pay more then $25.00 an hour in person if at all possible first.  This way
if their current look has changed you know what's up.  I also would not pay for
a escorts travel.  If your friend is still looking for models and can't find them
on-line then tell them to try a want ad in a local newspaper.

yes, I like to see a model close up first as weel before I fly her out to me. Thats why I prefer local models. If they aren't what they looked like online you can just tell them to  go home and no money lost.

Jan 09 07 12:17 pm Link



Posts: 116

Miami, Florida, US

LarryB wrote:

He shouldn't be surprised.  Tons of models on this site requesting that the photographer pay for the escorts expenses.  Some are now requiring the photographer pay for the escorts time.   So escorts actually have rates now.

??? This is madness!

Jan 09 07 12:18 pm Link



Posts: 10183

Oslo, Oslo, Norway

LarryB wrote:

He shouldn't be surprised.  Tons of models on this site requesting that the photographer pay for the escorts expenses.  Some are now requiring the photographer pay for the escorts time.   So escorts actually have rates now.

Look at it from her standpoint.  If she can get the photographer to pay for her boyfriend to come with her, why not?  They get a free vacation, she makes a little money.  Sounds like a good deal.

Hell, I've all but given up shooting.  Maybe I'll hire myself out as an escort.  Seems like and easy gig.  Stand around, scratch myself, make intimidating faces at the photographer, go home.  And if I can get some free trips out of the deal too?  I'm there.  Next up... the photographer will have to pay for my wife to come too.  >:-)

I believe they were in contact from myspace(lol go figure)
and the escort is another girl in which he asked to see pictures of her, because if she was good looking he could have used her too. She was not up to par to his standards however. So he has no use for her.

Jan 09 07 12:19 pm Link


Robert Perez

Posts: 1165

Catasauqua, Pennsylvania, US

dncphotos wrote:
ok I have a photographer friend who I was just talking to and he was looking to hire a model for a website project he is doing.

He states she was all happy and excited about doing it and blah blah blah and how professional she is and how she would rock his project.
So he states they spoke again today and she then mentions to him "oh I always bring with me an escort" He stated that was fine by him as he knew she was traveling. Then he states she said " So you will need to cover my escorts expenses also"

He was shocked to think she actually thought he was going to shell out another $300-$500 for another plane ticket for a friend who he has no use for.

I didn't know what to tell him on a subject like this because I have never went through that,but he really wants to use her.
I told him forget her lol but thats just how I am lol...

Would you shell out the cash or have any of you been in this situation before???????? What did you do???

Easy to answer I would tell him she can bring the escort but he is hiring the model and not the escort and expenses will only be paid for her.
  Man he must really want to shoot with this model.

Jan 09 07 12:19 pm Link


Robert Perez

Posts: 1165

Catasauqua, Pennsylvania, US

Jan 09 07 12:20 pm Link


Ex Voto Studio

Posts: 4985

Columbia, Maryland, US


do not pay for the escort..that's obsurd!!!!!!

Jan 09 07 12:23 pm Link



Posts: 22389

Fort Collins, Colorado, US

Ah, reminds me of a model's portfolio I saw. The model said if she traveled, she needed travel paid for two other people to come with her, and she'd bolt if something was suggested that violated her "beliefs."

Her portfolio, naturally, was nothing but web or phone cam shots of herself.

Just one of the Eight Millions Stories in the Naked City.

Oh, sorry. Back on topic. No, don't pay for the escort. Don't encourage it. There are easier and cheaper ways to find the right model.

Jan 09 07 12:23 pm Link



Posts: 33697

Avon, Minnesota, US

dncphotos wrote:
ok I have a photographer friend who I was just talking to and he was looking to hire a model for a website project he is doing.

If the return on investment (ROI) would justify the cost of spending on the escort..sure.. why not?  I wonder what the website project entails? smile

Jan 09 07 12:26 pm Link



Posts: 42711

Houston, Texas, US

Unreasonable requests like these are made because there are "enablers" out there that comply with them. This is a far-reaching concept that is true in many situations.

Spamming is a good example. Spam continues because of enablers (suckers) that buy the products. I resent the enablers more than the spammers.

Withing the photography world, GWC's are good examples of enablers.

Jan 09 07 12:27 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

LarryB wrote:
He shouldn't be surprised.  Tons of llamas on this site requesting that the photographer pay for the escorts expenses.  Some are now requiring the photographer pay for the escorts time.   So escorts actually have rates now.

Wrath Child wrote:
??? This is madness!

Wrath, your profile says:
*I require that I am allowed to take an escort to ALL photo shoots for practical reasons (drive me, carry my sh!t, be there in case I need anything) If that presents a problem please let me know in advance or do not message me so that neither of us waste time.

So do you feel that the escort should just spend the time doing it because you tell them to, or do you charge higher rates to cover the escort's time?  What happens if a photographer wants to fly you to another city?  Do you buy the escort a ticket?

(and I am 100% against escorts, paid or not, this just makes me wonder how the escorts get compensated since an escort-only llama is saying expenses for the escort are crazy)

Jan 09 07 12:27 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

rp_photo wrote:
Unreasonable requests like these are made because there are "enablers" out there that comply with them. This is a far-reaching concept that is true in many situations.

Spamming is a good example. Spam continues because of enablers (suckers) that buy the products. I resent the enablers more than the spammers.

Withing the photography world, GWC's are good examples of enablers.

*nod*  See my comments above.  This's why several of us rail against the escort concept and throw down with those who say they should always be there.  Just because they can't get quality models without allowing escorts (altho quality model and escort are probably mutually exclusive) is no reason for them to encoourage this sort of madness for the rest of us.

Jan 09 07 12:30 pm Link



Posts: 4300

Chattanooga, Tennessee, US

dncphotos wrote:
ok I have a photographer friend who I was just talking to and he was looking to hire a model for a website project he is doing.

He states she was all happy and excited about doing it and blah blah blah and how professional she is and how she would rock his project.
So he states they spoke again today and she then mentions to him "oh I always bring with me an escort" He stated that was fine by him as he knew she was traveling. Then he states she said " So you will need to cover my escorts expenses also"

He was shocked to think she actually thought he was going to shell out another $300-$500 for another plane ticket for a friend who he has no use for.

I didn't know what to tell him on a subject like this because I have never went through that,but he really wants to use her.
I told him forget her lol but thats just how I am lol...

Would you shell out the cash or have any of you been in this situation before???????? What did you do???

This is a joke thread right?

Jan 09 07 12:33 pm Link



Posts: 6118

Park City, Utah, US

if by escort you mean someone who is going to have sex with me, yes. that's why i insist on female escort only. wink and, no, i won't pay for the travel expenses.

Jan 09 07 12:34 pm Link



Posts: 116

Miami, Florida, US

SLE Photography wrote:

Wrath, your profile says:
*I require that I am allowed to take an escort to ALL photo shoots for practical reasons (drive me, carry my sh!t, be there in case I need anything) If that presents a problem please let me know in advance or do not message me so that neither of us waste time.

So do you feel that the escort should just spend the time doing it because you tell them to, or do you charge higher rates to cover the escort's time?  What happens if a photographer wants to fly you to another city?  Do you buy the escort a ticket?

(and I am 100% against escorts, paid or not, this just makes me wonder how the escorts get compensated since an escort-only llama is saying expenses for the escort are crazy)

1. I pay my escorts. ALWAYS. I would never expect any photographer to pay for an escort. To begin with, if the photog is nice enough to allow me an escort, the very least I can do is pay his way.

2. It is absolutely your right to be against escorts, just as it is my right to decline work that I feel requires an escort. Though usually I do require one for practical reasons, I stongly feel that it is my responsibility to compensate them, not the photographer.

Jan 09 07 12:38 pm Link


Habenero Photography

Posts: 1444

Mesa, Arizona, US

Can we please have the next originator of a thread asking anything involving escorts thrown in the Brig!

Jan 09 07 12:39 pm Link



Posts: 4300

Chattanooga, Tennessee, US

Habenero Photography wrote:
Can we please have the next originator of a thread asking anything involving escorts thrown in the Brig!

Do you need an escort for your next shoot to protect you from the model? I charge very reasonable rates, am an expert marksman and am fully licensed to carry a concealed weapon.

Jan 09 07 12:41 pm Link


4C 41 42

Posts: 11093

Nashville, Tennessee, US

dncphotos wrote:

I believe they were in contact from myspace(lol go figure)
and the escort is another girl in which he asked to see pictures of her, because if she was good looking he could have used her too. She was not up to par to his standards however. So he has no use for her.

Ah yes...  How many times have we all heard "I got a friend who wants to do pictures too.  I promise she's real cute!"  Oh if I only had a dollar...

Jan 09 07 12:42 pm Link



Posts: 116

Miami, Florida, US

SLE Photography wrote:
So do you feel that the escort should just spend the time doing it because you tell them to, or do you charge higher rates to cover the escort's time?

Oh and no, I do not charge higher rates so that I can pay for my escort. I dont charge at all smile I have two jobs that allow me to do as much TFCD as my heart desires.

Jan 09 07 12:43 pm Link



Posts: 10183

Oslo, Oslo, Norway

Habenero Photography wrote:
Can we please have the next originator of a thread asking anything involving escorts thrown in the Brig!


Jan 09 07 12:50 pm Link



Posts: 10183

Oslo, Oslo, Norway

Thank you all for your replies.

Pretty much what I told him but wanted to show him I'm not the only one who WOULD NOT pay for an escorts expenses and that if he does he's crazy !!!

Jan 09 07 12:51 pm Link



Posts: 6209

San Diego, California, US

rp_photo wrote:
Unreasonable requests like these are made because there are "enablers" out there that comply with them. This is a far-reaching concept that is true in many situations.

Spamming is a good example. Spam continues because of enablers (suckers) that buy the products. I resent the enablers more than the spammers.

Withing the photography world, GWC's are good examples of enablers.

No kidding.

Jan 09 07 12:59 pm Link


Nathan Sol

Posts: 784

Oshkosh, Wisconsin, US

Of course, if the photographer DOESN'T pay for the escort(s), it means the photographer has something to hide, and the model will tell everyone not to work with them.

Jan 09 07 01:00 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

Wrath Child wrote:
1. I pay my escorts. ALWAYS. I would never expect any photographer to pay for an escort. To begin with, if the photog is nice enough to allow me an escort, the very least I can do is pay his way.

2. It is absolutely your right to be against escorts, just as it is my right to decline work that I feel requires an escort. Though usually I do require one for practical reasons, I stongly feel that it is my responsibility to compensate them, not the photographer.

Cool.  That's an entirely acceptable attitude.
Like I said, my only problem is when people start trumpeting that all models should have escorts or that photographers who dont' like them should be boycotted.  You don't sound like one of those, so we can both happily do our own thing  smile

Jan 09 07 01:07 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

Narhan wrote:
Of course, if the photographer DOESN'T pay for the escort(s), it means the photographer has something to hide, and the model will tell everyone not to work with them.

The model might think so, anyway.  Ugh.  It's like blackmail.

Jan 09 07 01:08 pm Link



Posts: 116

Miami, Florida, US


Jan 09 07 01:11 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

Sorry, I'm a little late on this one - had an early-morning meeting. My apologies.



Jan 09 07 01:13 pm Link



Posts: 5517

Eškašem, Badakhshan, Afghanistan

six strips - almost to a crisp, please.  Three eggs, sunny side up.  Thanks!

Jan 09 07 01:21 pm Link


Mikel Featherston

Posts: 11103

San Diego, California, US

KathyJean wrote:
six strips - almost to a crisp, please.  Three eggs, sunny side up.  Thanks!

mmmmmmm.... crispy bacon.

Jan 09 07 02:24 pm Link



Posts: 5517

Eškašem, Badakhshan, Afghanistan

Hey, I make a mean BLT.  I love to cook after a shoot.

Jan 09 07 02:28 pm Link