Forums > General Industry > I thought, no really I did.



Posts: 136

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

When I first signed up on Model Mayhem, it was to do just like everyone else here. Gain exposure, make contacts have the opportunity to work with people i.e. models, MUA's, Stylists etc. etc. etc.  And this has taken place few times, but also I liked the idea of the forums and how everyone should be helping the next person.  Giving good or somewhat good advice, information on what to look for when working a new photographer or model or whom ever.  Instead I see why should I pay model XYZ or why should I not be allowed an escort/chaperone.  Pretty much a bunch of whining and complaining.  It is very disappointing to see, I would say more negative than positive posts/threads. 

So I am going to take the opportunity to say Thank you to the people who have worked with myself, or had a chaperone or what ever.  They took time out of their schedule to do something they enjoy, which also allowed me to do something I enjoy.

MODELS on Mayhem

Pamela Mars
Bella X
Melissa Spencer
Ola S
Leinea Cruz

Make Up Artist

Emerald Owen
Wanda McRae

This list is short, but all have provided a great environment, and its my pleasure to have had the chance to work along side with them, and I would do it again.

As a final note for this thread, a suggestion to the moderators, in the browse section maybe put areas to select whether a model wants a chaperone present, pay, or pay and TFP, and for photographers whether they allow chaperones or not.  Or if they (the photographer) want to pay the model or any other parties involved. The same would go for all other USERS of Model Mayhem.  Hopefully something like this will reduce the amount of negativity and have a more positive influence. 

Now, now my head hurts, it is enough for one evening.

Jan 08 07 11:42 pm Link


Caspers Creations

Posts: 11409

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Keep the high road or a good sense of sarcasim. 
Karma is a bi**h for the rest.

Jan 09 07 02:08 am Link



Posts: 136

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I am sure you have had your good ones, good moments, good people to work with. 

I've been stiffed on shoots.  Or someone claimed to be something they were not.  In the end its up to me, and in theory I make the final choice being the photographer on set. 

So why not be appreciative of the good people you have worked with.

Give them (as the cool kids say) props.

Jan 09 07 10:23 am Link



Posts: 1739

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Welcome to life... it has little to do with MM really. Go to any sort of group setting with people, particularly on the internet, and you'll find the same sorts of patterns over and over and over. Its just the way people are.
If you look for the bad, then by george, thats what you're going to see. It will be everywhere you look, because you're looking. If you look for the positive, then that is what you'll find. It doesn't mean viewing the world through rose colored glasses by any means, but each person has a choice to focus on the good or bad.

I find plenty of good on this site, there are lots of really awesome people, many of whom are too far away for me to work with, but lots of them I have had the pleasure of working with.

Good is what you make of it.

Jan 09 07 10:30 am Link



Posts: 136

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Lets take GWC for example, what exactly does that mean.  A person with no formal training, very little experience, pics up a camera and calls himself/herself a photographer?

Many people view them as a person who has a camera.  You have to start somewhere.  If you are willing to learn and practice then why should someone be tagged with the label GWC.  I worked with people that had no experience in photography, their friend introduced them to this wonderful world of ours and they are some of the best photographers, shooters I have seen. 

How many times has the argument been why should I pay this model she has no experience, it cost me money to do the shoot. 

Why should there be an escort, I don't like having escorts at my shoots, they intimidate me. 

I have hardly seen the opposite of any of this stuff. 

If you are a model and wanting to charge, good for you.  If you want a chaperone good on you.  IF you are a GWC and are wanting to learn more fantastic.

No beefs or quarrels. Do what you have to, to get to where you need to be.

Jan 09 07 10:41 am Link


Kollisions Studio

Posts: 1897

Los Angeles, California, US

you should stop whining and adjust- believe me, the rest of the world won't adjust to you.

Jan 09 07 11:19 am Link


Larry Brown Camera

Posts: 1081

Atlantic Beach, Florida, US

Personally ...... I find it all entertaining!
I get a lot of laughs out of the bs... (and I have dished some out myself)
It's especially interesting when the "mob-mentality" gets on a roll!
After all, a camel was a horse designed by a committee. 

MM has it all! smile

Jan 09 07 11:38 am Link


Scott Harrill

Posts: 305

Forest City, North Carolina, US

Larry Brown Camera wrote:
Personally ...... I find it all entertaining!
I get a lot of laughs out of the bs... (and I have dished some out myself)
It's especially interesting when the "mob-mentality" gets on a roll!
After all, a camel was a horse designed by a committee. 

MM has it all! smile


Jan 09 07 11:47 am Link



Posts: 136

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Larry, I couldn't agree with you more. 


Jan 09 07 06:53 pm Link