Forums > General Industry > What a low attitude ....



Posts: 1021

Dublin, California, US

I got a letter from a photographer (not on MM a.f.a.i.k.) and just couldn't believe my eyes:

I took a look at your profile, and can see that you could use a little bit more pro shots. No offence, but the shots you have up are just not so great.

You have a REALLY GOOD LOOK, but some of these shots just honestly dont do you justice at all. You are a good looking model.

I am a photographer who has been in this for 12 years, and have many friends in the industry. I work for Fashion T.V. worldwide, as well as freelance for several publications. I covered Fashion Week at Smashbox for the house, and am a staff photographer for The Friars Club in Beverly Hills.

I have very good rates ....

Well... I have something too...

I have an adequate view of what I am capable of as a model and I never complained about photographers I work with.
I DO know some of them are much better photographers than he is.
There is nothing in his profile that would justify his attitude towards others I worked with.

What a cheap and low trick to get money !
I just needed to vent ...

Jan 08 07 10:39 pm Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

Eep we now have a mad russian woman on the loose...


That was a nice letter....
They get a lot meaner and more insulting, trust me...

Just send them this lovely jpg..

*hugs TroisC.*

Jan 08 07 10:44 pm Link



Posts: 8075

Edgewood, Maryland, US

Don't you just love the ones who have to brag about all the work they've supposedly done in order to interest you in shooting with them?

Jan 08 07 10:45 pm Link



Posts: 9488

Arthur's Town, Cat Island, Bahamas

Best thing to do is just move on.

Jan 08 07 10:45 pm Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

Rena wrote:
Best thing to do is just move on.

This is what I’d do.

Jan 09 07 12:35 am Link


Royal Photography

Posts: 2011

Birmingham, Alabama, US

In some circles that is the oldest and rudest practice in the not so professional industry...photographers who try to make models think they have bad photos so they will pay the sender of the email for more photos.....

Jan 09 07 12:45 am Link


Michael Raveney

Posts: 628

Miami, Florida, US

sad! what a way to make money, puttings others down, not smart!!

Jan 09 07 12:52 am Link


richard boswell

Posts: 1790

New York, New York, US

avoid anyone who abbreviates the word professional to describe themselves or their work.


Jan 09 07 02:15 am Link


Jami Lea

Posts: 5747

Los Angeles, California, US

I think your port is amazng.  I only wish I had legs like that.  Every single picture you have up does wonderful justice for all your best assets aka EVERYTHING!!! rock on!  I would just tell him that you are elite and he would be lucky if you said yes to a tfp LOL!

Jan 09 07 02:57 am Link


Lotus Photography

Posts: 19253

Berkeley, California, US

that guy wrote:
a staff photographer for The Friars Club in Beverly Hills.

here's a friar

i didn't know they had clubs

too bad the guy thinks your beautiful and that he could do some creative justice to you that other guys can't..

Jan 09 07 03:04 am Link



Posts: 22389

Fort Collins, Colorado, US

It's the other side of the coin, I suppose, of the model who writes me to tell me how wonderful my work is, and she has great rates to offer me.

Sorry. FWIW, if you were in Colorado, I'd be contacting you, and nothing about offering you my rates, either.

Jan 09 07 03:06 am Link



Posts: 1021

Dublin, California, US

Jami Lea wrote:
I think your port is amazng.  I only wish I had legs like that.  Every single picture you have up does wonderful justice for all your best assets aka EVERYTHING!!! rock on!  I would just tell him that you are elite and he would be lucky if you said yes to a tfp LOL!

Thank you Jami.
I am sure he is allergic to the word TFP

Jan 09 07 03:38 am Link



Posts: 2728

North East, Maryland, US

Isn't that a lyric to some song?


Jan 09 07 03:40 am Link



Posts: 1021

Dublin, California, US

Justin wrote:
It's the other side of the coin, I suppose, of the model who writes me to tell me how wonderful my work is, and she has great rates to offer me.

Now imagine that she adds "btw all the other models in your port do not look as good as I do". Wouldn't it be totally disgusting ?

Jan 09 07 03:41 am Link



Posts: 950

Dallas, Texas, US

TroisCouleurs wrote:
I got a letter from a photographer (not on MM a.f.a.i.k.) and just couldn't believe my eyes:

Well... I have something too...

I have an adequate view of what I am capable of as a model and I never complained about photographers I work with.
I DO know some of them are much better photographers than he is.
There is nothing in his profile that would justify his attitude towards others I worked with.

What a cheap and low trick to get money !
I just needed to vent ...

It seems like a good sales pitch, to me... Not rude

Jan 09 07 03:43 am Link



Posts: 1021

Dublin, California, US

Kalene wrote:
It seems like a good sales pitch, to me... Not rude

It's not rude, no. It's just cheap sales trick, because he is lowering others.

Jan 09 07 03:44 am Link


Grace Face

Posts: 1266

Yeah sounds like someone who will do anything to make some money...

what does a.f.a.i.k. mean? sad

Jan 09 07 04:27 am Link


LeDeux Art

Posts: 50123

San Ramon, California, US

TroisCouleurs wrote:
I got a letter from a photographer (not on MM a.f.a.i.k.) and just couldn't believe my eyes:

Well... I have something too...

I have an adequate view of what I am capable of as a model and I never complained about photographers I work with.
I DO know some of them are much better photographers than he is.
There is nothing in his profile that would justify his attitude towards others I worked with.

What a cheap and low trick to get money !
I just needed to vent ...

sounds like another cheesey crumb trying to make a buck......I like your port and see it maturing in a wonderful direction

Jan 09 07 04:28 am Link


LeDeux Art

Posts: 50123

San Ramon, California, US

most people that have adds like this have nothing to offer now if I was to tell you that I could do somthing with your port that would be differant...why? becouse I am differant!

Jan 09 07 04:30 am Link


Jami Lea

Posts: 5747

Los Angeles, California, US

TroisCouleurs wrote:

Thank you Jami.
I am sure he is allergic to the word TFP

My roommate and I were gawking at you.  39?~?~  please, you can't be over 27 big_smile

Jan 09 07 04:48 am Link


Studio 3-1-oh

Posts: 493

lotusphoto wrote:
i didn't know they had clubs

I just flew in from Denver (and boy my arms are tired....) and I heard they have many clubs there.

As they are the mile high city... does that mean that all the clubs are...?

Jan 09 07 04:52 am Link


Studio 3-1-oh

Posts: 493

Grace You wrote:
what does a.f.a.i.k. mean? sad

As Far As I Know

Jan 09 07 04:53 am Link



Posts: 69

Baku, Bakı, Azerbaijan

well... i agree with him at one point...about your pics but unlike him i'd not charge you

Jan 09 07 04:55 am Link



Posts: 104

Escondido, California, US

The "...more pro shots..." and "...don't do you justice..." are exactly what some "photographer" wrote, awhile ago, to one of the models who forwarded it to me so we can have a good laught together, LOL.

Jan 09 07 04:59 am Link


Danella Lucioni

Posts: 535

Florence, Toscana, Italy

very interesting... last november i signed up in omp and i just put 4 photos. then i got this email from him as well:

Hi Danella,

OMP emailed me your photo, and they said that you were fairly new to this site.
I took a look at your profile, and can see that you could use pro shots.
Please dont take offence to this, but the shots you have posted are just not so

great. You have a REALLY BEAUTIFUL look, but your photos can be improved.

I have very good rates for omp members and new models just starting out.

You need edgy, sexy shots that pop, and sell you.

Please check out my website at
I have photographed many members here on omp, and have had their responses for

work greatly increase.

I also am working for 2 modeling agencies in Beverly Hills, and am a

photographer for The Friars Club. I network with agents, and casting directors

weekly, and know what they are looking for.

If youd like to work with me we can schedule you for a shoot, and Ill give you

a fantastic deal.

Thanks so much, and I look forward to hearing back from you.


I replied

Hello ...........,

My photos are "not so great"...? Interesting. No
worries, I'm not offended. smile
Being new to omp does not mean one is new to

Thank you for your offer, but I'd have to decline.
Thank you though smile

Happy Thanksgiving,

Danella Lucioni

I did feel a little insulted but tried to calm down when i replied to him. He does not have many photos on his website (maybe 8?), and none of them are in the Friars Club in BH. I did a fashion show there so I would know what it looks like. And I hate to be mean but the photographers I have worked with are AT LEAST as good as him, many even better, so I took it a bit personal when he said my photos were "not so great".

I realized what he wrote was just fine, I guess he is trying to market his services, wink which is not a bad thing to do.

Oh well move on wink


Jan 09 07 05:40 am Link



Posts: 104

Escondido, California, US

BTW, I work with the BS Club and know lots of pro models and agencies; unfortunately, they don't know me, ahahaha.

Jan 09 07 05:49 am Link


Rich Davis

Posts: 3136

Gulf Breeze, Florida, US

Jami Lea wrote:

My roommate and I were gawking at you.  39?~?~  please, you can't be over 27 big_smile

I had the same reaction.  I said 25.  You are a very beautiful lady.  Please don't be too upset by the low-life that can't sell better than that.  You have a nice port.

Jan 09 07 06:02 am Link



Posts: 2959

Chicago, Illinois, US

Kalene wrote:
It seems like a good sales pitch, to me... Not rude

It *is* rude, because it implies that she doesn't know good photographs from bad because she has bad photographs in her portfolio. It's also stupid, because you do not make work for yourself tearing others down (unless you're a politician.) Were I a model who had recieved the aforementioned letter, I would respond with a polite, "Not interested at this time, thank you."

When I got back the inevitable, "you no-talent ugly bitch, here I was trying to do you a favor, you'll never amount to anything..." then I would have let him have it with both barrels. Metaphorically speaking.


Jan 09 07 09:21 am Link



Posts: 900

New York, New York, US

does not seem to rude to me, from what i know of the NYC fashion photographers they all dog each others work lol.

Jan 09 07 09:23 am Link



Posts: 2959

Chicago, Illinois, US

Ryan6663 wrote:
does not seem to rude to me, from what i know of the NYC fashion photographers they all dog each others work lol.

While it's true that rudeness is in the eye of the beholder, just because there are a lot of rude people around doesn't make what they do any less rude.


Jan 09 07 09:45 am Link



Posts: 30064

Ocala, Florida, US

I like your port....especially the shot with the train engine in the background.

You're port says you are 39.....WoW....that should end the discussion about mature models being sexy!

Jan 09 07 09:47 am Link



Posts: 1021

Dublin, California, US

jonathan ledeux wrote:
I like your port and see it maturing in a wonderful direction

Thank you! Your opinion is valuable for me.

Jan 09 07 11:53 am Link



Posts: 1021

Dublin, California, US

Danella L. wrote:
but the photographers I have worked with are AT LEAST as good as him, many even better, so I took it a bit personal when he said my photos were "not so great".

This is exactly how I felt. Thanks for sharing, it was helpful.

Jan 09 07 11:57 am Link



Posts: 243

TroisCouleurs wrote:
I got a letter from a photographer (not on MM a.f.a.i.k.) and just couldn't believe my eyes:

Well... I have something too...

I have an adequate view of what I am capable of as a model and I never complained about photographers I work with.
I DO know some of them are much better photographers than he is.
There is nothing in his profile that would justify his attitude towards others I worked with.

What a cheap and low trick to get money !
I just needed to vent ...


Jan 09 07 12:01 pm Link



Posts: 1021

Dublin, California, US

I am not upset anymore. Why did I even spent time readin his letter wink ?

Thank you all for support !

Jan 09 07 12:01 pm Link



Posts: 22389

Fort Collins, Colorado, US

TroisCouleurs wrote:

Now imagine that she adds "btw all the other models in your port do not look as good as I do". Wouldn't it be totally disgusting ?

Oh, at my age, I try to be entertained over disgusted. I keep the control of my moods to myself and out of the control of the jerks that way.

So ... disgusting? No.  Laughable? Sure.

Anyway, sometimes a vent works. Glad you're moving on.  smile

Jan 09 07 12:28 pm Link



Posts: 1739

Baltimore, Maryland, US

I had this happen with someone similar (though not out of CA) when I joined omp. The BEST part was that the idiot contacted me not once, but TWICE with the SAME requests. He had NOTHING in his port (only two photos posted, and a free account) and was claiming to be some high faluten photographer. His website required a download to view (which is just plain poor business practice - you don't want potential customers to be required to do something to see your wares!), and then he got offended that I was going to have someone with me at the shoot, claiming that I had emotional baggage if I wanted someone to be there. It was pretty funny. The second time was even better. After he got all pissed at me AGAIN after we went through the exact same scenario, I sent him a final email and asked him if he was going to remember that he'd contacted me already next time or were we going to have to go through this a third time? I just laughed.

Justin wrote:
It's the other side of the coin, I suppose, of the model who writes me to tell me how wonderful my work is, and she has great rates to offer me.

See this is a sticky situation... How does one make oneself known to individuals and let them know that you desire to be paid if possible without sounding like a crappy sales pitch. My usual line is "If you have any paying work available please do let me know." Its the best I can come up with. People always seem to get insulted when others decline to give them money when they ask for it. Its a very sticky situation for sure...

TroisCouleurs wrote:
Thank you Jami.
I am sure he is allergic to the word TFP

Why do I get this image out of Monty Python and the Search for the Holy Grail... Then we shall say TFP (said in the tone of NI!) until you succomb!!! TFP!TFP!TFP!TFP!!

Jan 09 07 06:01 pm Link


Cuckoo Bird

Posts: 43

San Diego, California, US

Wait... isn't the Friar's Club the one that does all the roasts?  Maybe he was roasting you, in which case, you've arrived!

Jan 09 07 06:05 pm Link


Mac Wolff

Posts: 3665

Litchfield Park, Arizona, US

Sounds kinda like he worked at Walmart Photos for less 5 8X10s, 50 5X7s, 400 wallets, all for $1.99  I have great rates and have shot for sams club and Kmart LOLOLOL

Jan 09 07 06:08 pm Link



Posts: 42711

Houston, Texas, US

A photographer should not praise a model by berating another photographer's work. Let the portfolio speak for itself, and if the improvement is obvious, the model should notice.

That being said, there are a lot of models that don't know the difference, and it smarts when they keep inferior images in their ports, sometimes even after you have shot with them and provided superior replacements.

Still, a photographer should avoid berating another...

Jan 09 07 06:19 pm Link