Forums > General Industry > Passport Modeling Agency?


Heather Fullerton

Posts: 2

San Francisco, California, US

Thanks for everyone's help smile

Jan 08 07 08:33 pm Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Passport is a reasonably new agency, and I don't know enough of their track record to judge whether or not they are good.

Passport notwithstanding, it's clear you do not understand how agencies work.  Please read - all of it - and your questions will be answered.

Jan 08 07 08:38 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45475

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Heather; You are lucky to live so close to the main office that licenses talant agencies!

In general, it is not normal for you to pay for services from a reputable agency!  They get their money from a percentage of your salary when they get you work.  There is something not right if they are licensed, they should be listed in the database. 

About agencies in California, the California State Labor Board licence's all agencies that operate in this State.  The direct link to their List of Talent Agencies You are certainly tall enough for the traditional fashion side of modeling.  At age 22 years, you are getting a late start in the traditional sense ... but I'm not working in that area, so maybe some other models or photographers have some more ideas besides checking to be sure an "agency" is licensed and legit before signing. 

Please read this post and then check out the California Labor Board site; 
(415) 703-5070

Office of the Director
455 Golden Gate Avenue
San Francisco CA 94102

Also check this thread

Best wishes!

Jan 08 07 08:54 pm Link


Heather Fullerton

Posts: 2

San Francisco, California, US

Thank you for all of your help, I really appreciate it.

Jan 10 07 04:18 pm Link



Posts: 9594

San Francisco, California, US
Dan's worked with a lot of the local agencies so ask him.
Christian's listed on their site so ask him too.
And Heather was/is with Passport, so ask her.

Jan 10 07 04:37 pm Link