Forums > General Industry > After learning more about Mac's.....



Posts: 1984

London, England, United Kingdom

Chan Studio wrote:
For the record, Mac copies from other OS. Xerox was the first to introduce a pointing device (a mouse), it also introduce the concept of "Folder".  Amigo was the first OS that introduce Graphical User interface. 

  Mac copied Amigo Interface (concept).

  If PC doesn't exist, Mac would be controlling personal computer.  Steve Job could love to control everything.  He won't let other manufactures to produce their products that would run with Mac.

PC(Pre-Computer) MAC(Massive Asskicking Computer)..there is no other  if you are in the visual field for a living, then I have been a mac user since 1980. If you want freedom from always being attacked but this or that bug...get a mac...if not anything else you get to learn the secret mac handshake code.....@67%%4!3333`~~`uYtd

Jan 08 07 03:43 pm Link



Posts: 9219

Alpharetta, Georgia, US

Daguerre wrote:

I got a chuckle out of this one.  Remember, the OP is looking for a Photoshop machine.

When I started my imaging business in 1992 on my Mac Quadra 900, all fortune 500 advertising was done either on Scitex or quarter million dollar unix boxes like Crosfield's Colorspace or Hell's DaVinci systems.

I took a ton of imaging work away from the big press shops Like Anderson Litho and Contenental Colorcraft who were all running the big dollar retouch stations, because on the Mac I could do the job as fast. 1992.

1996 In an effort to stay efficient and competitive, Anderson Litho bought four $100,000 SGI workstations to take over the imaging workload from their Crosfield boxes.  This strategy failed.  SGI's just weren't designed for retouching.  Neither Photoshop nor Bolero ran efficiently on these big dollar machines.

1997 I was hired by Anderson Lithograph as a consultant to convert their imaging network from that of SGI and Crosfield workstations to Macs running Photoshop. 

We ran a test in the shop:  same image, do the same stuff to the image, save the image-- How long did that take?

Apple 9600/350:          15 minutes.
SGI/Mips10000/250:     31 minutes
Crosfield/8 processors:   75minutes

All SGIs were retired from imaging service and relegated to internet snooping since the shop doesn't do video, 3D or medical...  Its been a long time since efficient imaging has been viable on any SGI or Sun box.  I don't believe much Photoshop imaging gets accomplished on any Linux system either.

In other tests, The G5 Quad running CS2 is still faster than The Intel Xeon 3.0 Quad running CS3.

SGI suffers from software developments.  It has hardware but few softwares would take full advantage of its power.  MS windows were and still is never take full advantage of Intel processor cause of the backward design (X86 architecture).  Mac user when they moved to new Interface Mac OS (the Unix version), a lot of their older application won't even run on their new OS. 

  A lot of people on here refer to PC as (Window based).  A PC, to me is a hardware.  MS windows is an OS and it has nothing to do with PC architecture (hardware).  If you use a PC based mother board with good OS (VxWorks, a real time OS, for instance), it is damn fast cause it take full advantage of the hardware.

  Again, MS Windows suffer from too many hardwares, too many applications and the old technology that it has to support.  This is heavy load for an OS.

Jan 08 07 03:50 pm Link



Posts: 9219

Alpharetta, Georgia, US

AlexAlexander/Nigerian scammer wrote:
PC(Pre-Computer) MAC(Massive Asskicking Computer)..there is no other  if you are in the visual field for a living, then I have been a mac user since 1980. If you want freedom from always being attacked but this or that bug...get a mac...if not anything else you get to learn the secret mac handshake code.....@67%%4!3333`~~`uYtd

Sorry, Mac (Apple/Macintosh) is just a platform.  It isn't anything special except it is a very oriented graphic device.  The reason why it is so is because it can't compete with other computers for certain functionality/task.   Every computer manufacture will try to find a way to generate money and Mac finds its way by producing great graphics device.

   For anyone who thinks that Mac is the one for everything needs to learn about computer and what they are used for.  Mac's OS is no secret, it uses Unix.  If you are using a PC (good mother board) with Unix OS, you probably get better stability than Mac.

  Strange that a lot of Mac users back then dislike "Intel" processors and they alway think that PowerPC processor were much much better.

Jan 08 07 04:36 pm Link



Posts: 4082

Orange, California, US

Chan Studio wrote:
1. Sorry, Mac (Apple/Macintosh) is just a platform.  It isn't anything special except it is a very oriented graphic device.  The reason why it is so is because it can't compete with other computers for certain functionality/task.   Every computer manufacture will try to find a way to generate money and Mac finds its way by producing great graphics device.

For anyone who thinks that Mac is the one for everything needs to learn about computer and what they are used for.  Mac's OS is no secret, it uses Unix.  If you are using a PC (good mother board) with Unix OS, you probably get better stability than Mac.

2. Strange that a lot of Mac users back then dislike "Intel" processors and they alway think that PowerPC processor were much much better.

1. Chan, this is a Photoshop thread.  OP needs a Photoshop machine.  Your Unix box is stable.  My Mac Unix box is stable.  Which Unix/Asus combonation will you build for the OP that will outperform the Mac with respect to Photoshop, and with the same ease of use and minimunm learning curve that will allow the OP to get his work done and make his money?

2.  Its not a matter of liking or disliking the Intel chip, but a matter of which computer allows the pros to get their work load out the door and get paid.  I don't care if Photoshop runs best on the Monkey Chip if I can bill more jobs.

Anderson litho flushed a half million dollars worth of SGI boxes (that would be 4 of them) after 2 years and repaced them with 2 Macs, then added another 6 Macs because they had so much money left over. The SGIs were more stable than ther OS9 Macs (SGIs about the same as OSX now), but what does that matter when the work is not getting done?

Why didn't Anderson go PC?  Because where Photoshop and large files were concerned a single G3 outperformed a dual Pentium II system, and so it has been to the present, where Photoshop is concerned.

Jan 08 07 06:01 pm Link



Posts: 4082

Orange, California, US

Chan Studio wrote:
SGI suffers from software developments.... MS windows were and still is never take full advantage of Intel processor cause of the backward design (X86 architecture)... 

...If you use a PC based mother board with good OS (VxWorks, a real time OS, for instance), it is damn fast cause it take full advantage of the hardware.

Again, MS Windows suffer from too many hardwares, too many applications and the old technology that it has to support.  This is heavy load for an OS.

Chan, I hear you saying:

1. SGI/Sun machines are fantastic for what they were designed for.  But that is not imaging (suffers fron software developements).

2. Windows is not efficient, nor as stable as the Unix boxes (backward design you said).

So, Chan, what do we have here?

1. Unix is the most reliable and performance oriented environment from which to run your imaging workstation, much more reliable than the Windows OS.

2. The Mac platform is the only Unix environment from which you can effectively run Photoshop.

3. We had to go through all this just for you to suggest to the OP that the Mac workstation is the best way for him to go?

Jan 08 07 06:12 pm Link


Kevin Connery

Posts: 17825

El Segundo, California, US

Daguerre wrote:
3. We had to go through all this just for you to suggest to the OP that the Mac workstation is the best way for him to go?

Of course. smile

That's because most platform b/i/g/o/t/s/  f/a/n/a/t/i/c/s/  s/n/o/b/s/  z/e/a/l/o/t/s/ boosters "either 1: don't know enough about computers out there (PC, Sun, Mac, Atari (old machine) etc.. or 2: Very narrow minded."

Tools are for using.

Jan 09 07 09:50 am Link