Forums > General Industry > Advice Needed on Mother/Daughter Nude shoot offer



Posts: 4082

Orange, California, US

CarolineVictoria wrote:
Honestly, if I had a 6 yr old child, I would NEVER want a stranger (the photog) to take naked pics of her. Six year olds are aware of whether or not they are wearing clothes. As innocent as it "might" be, we do not live in an innocent world.  The whole idea just feels WRONG to me.


Caroline, there is a difference between something feeling bad and something being bad.  You must engage your brain and decide for yourself the truth of the matter.

This is your responsibility-- all our responsibilities-- before engaging the keyboard!  In my opinion.

And another thing.  On your other posts, if you do not use the word 'honestly', should we assume you are lying?

Jan 05 07 10:45 pm Link


Shadowscape Studio

Posts: 2512

MARCELL, Minnesota, US

C David Stephens wrote:
Good grief, Alan. I post the paragraphs related to the definition and you scream that means nothing, where does it say it's illegal, where's the whole statute?

So I post the whole statute, then you PICK OUT PARTS OUT OF CONTEXT and say again where does that say it's illegal.

Well, it says it right here:

    (d)  A person commits an offense if, knowing the character
and content of the material, he produces, directs, or promotes a
performance that includes sexual conduct by a child younger than 18
years of age.
    (e)  An offense under Subsection (d) is a felony of the third

And, once again, several pages back, I stated quite clearly that we can argue forever on whether it's lewd or not, so once gain, you highlight lewd and say AHA! told you so, if it's not lewd, it's not illegal.

And one more, and for the last time, if I was going to engage in conduct that even might run afoul of this law I would seek a legal opinion, from a lawyer in Texas, not a photographer in California, and ask him for cases, which I would read myself, and then, and only then, decide my course of action.

But I posted the law I believe the guy in Austin was CONVICTED under, and the law that would cause me to carefully consider my actions. Maybe there's another one, maybe not. I really don't care. You will believe what you want to believe and will continue slightly adjusting your position to make it look like you are right and everyone else is an idiot. Good luck with that.

It does not say it is against the law to photograph a nude female child.
It says it is against the law to photograph the nude child in a lewd way.
"...or lewd exhibition of the genitals, the anus, or any portion of the female
breast below the top of the areola. "

Jan 05 07 10:46 pm Link



Posts: 7771

Lubbock, Texas, US

Alan from Aavian Prod wrote:

Please do and I give up.  He won't get it.

Alan, you're a real piece of work.

You asked for the law that said it's illegal in Texas. I gave it to you. So now you say that I won't get it?

I told you that if you come to Texas and photograph a minor nude you're likely to be arrested. I showed you the law they'll use. And I don't get it?

Come on, big time. What time's your flight?

If you want to continue to pop off that there is no law, and even if maybe there is, that isn't what the law says, and even if it is what the law says, it doesn't apply to you, then come on down. Put your money where your mouth is.

Jan 05 07 10:47 pm Link



Posts: 4082

Orange, California, US

BlackWatch wrote:
6 years old is a little too big for parents to be snapping bathtub do that with a 0-2 year old...3 to 4 is debateable...after 5& 6 that's starting to get kind of....

Why do you believe this to be?  From where do you grab your numbers?

Jan 05 07 10:48 pm Link



Posts: 7771

Lubbock, Texas, US

Shadowscape Studio wrote:

It does not say it is against the law to photograph a nude female child.
It says it is against the law to photograph the nude child in a lewd way.
"...or lewd exhibition of the genitals, the anus, or any portion of the female
breast below the top of the areola. "

This is the law they will use to arrest you in Texas. Feel free to make this argument after you have been arrested, indicted, and put on trial.

Jan 05 07 10:48 pm Link


Shadowscape Studio

Posts: 2512

MARCELL, Minnesota, US

C David Stephens wrote:

This is the law they will use to arrest you in Texas. Feel free to make this argument after you have been arrested, indicted, and put on trial.

20 years as a police officer.  I think I can read law a bit better than you.

Jan 05 07 10:49 pm Link



Posts: 7771

Lubbock, Texas, US

Shadowscape Studio wrote:

20 years as a police officer.  I think I can read law a bit better than you.

Spoken like a true cop.

Jan 05 07 10:51 pm Link


Meech Creative LLC

Posts: 97

Frederick, Maryland, US

Alan from Aavian Prod wrote:

Dost is a test based upon a federal statute.  While a state court might follow some of the logic in it if their statute was similar to the federal statute, the decision isn't binding upon the states with respect to state law.

That's great, but my reply to you was in reference to your comment:

but quoting from Wikipedia, where anyone can write something for that internet warehouse of misinformation is not a grand idea.   
We have become a society of quoting from the internet.  What we are doing is quoting someone else that may or may not have the slightest clue.

Jan 05 07 10:51 pm Link



Posts: 33697

Avon, Minnesota, US

Michael Wilkie Photos wrote:
I was recently contacted by a woman who wants to hire me to do a nude photoshoot including her and her daughter. The mother is 24 and the daughter is 6. She wants something innocent and beautiful to capture and remember her daughter in her youth (paraphrased). Something about this doesn't quite feel right. I'm looking for your feedback. Has anyone ever done a shoot like this with a mather and child (not an infant) nude?

Thanks for your time!


Haven't read the whole thread but, here's how I'd approach it. Meet with them. If the mother is drop dead sexy gorgeous....shoot them. if not, don't. lol smile My reason being that, if the mom is a hottie, the public's eye would probably focus primarily on her than the child. But if she has nothing going for her, then it will be so easy for everyone's attention to go straight to the child... and that to me, may not be a very good idea (just taking my personal ethics into consideration here)
Another thing to consider too is if she asking for some sort of privacy clause or something, that she is paying you but wants all rights to the image(s) if you are willing to give her that. just my 2 cents smile (disclaimer: I am not a lawyer!) lol

Jan 05 07 10:52 pm Link


Shadowscape Studio

Posts: 2512

MARCELL, Minnesota, US

C David Stephens wrote:

Spoken like a true cop.

Spoken like a true street lawyer.

Jan 05 07 10:52 pm Link


Meech Creative LLC

Posts: 97

Frederick, Maryland, US

CarolineVictoria wrote:

Male or female photog, the child is still posing nude for pics.  Just not a good message to be sending a 6 yr old...

Right, that nudity in ANY form is bad. GG. I pity your children and the issues they'll have growing up in such a closeminded home.

That's why most of this country is eff'd up, plain and simple is THAT mentality. lol

Jan 05 07 10:54 pm Link


Meech Creative LLC

Posts: 97

Frederick, Maryland, US

Aaron S wrote:

Yes, a terrible idea to send to a 6 year old, that nudity isn't something taboo to be hidden or ashamed of....then they might not have to have arguments like these when they're over the age of consent.


Jan 05 07 10:55 pm Link



Posts: 7771

Lubbock, Texas, US

Shadowscape Studio wrote:

Spoken like a true street lawyer.

What time is your flight? You and Alan can share a room.

Our cops like to pop off just like you.

Jan 05 07 10:56 pm Link


Aaron S

Posts: 2651

Syracuse, Indiana, US

J Douglas wrote:

Alan from Aavian Prod wrote:
Dost is a test based upon a federal statute.  While a state court might follow some of the logic in it if their statute was similar to the federal statute, the decision isn't binding upon the states with respect to state law.

That's great, but my reply to you was in reference to your comment:

Which is why, again, there are citations, and infact, there are two citations for that test, one from a NY Times article, and one from a BBC article.

Jan 05 07 10:56 pm Link



Posts: 4082

Orange, California, US

Alan from Aavian Prod wrote:
Please do and I give up.  He won't get it.

C David Stephens wrote:
...I told you that if you come to Texas and photograph a minor nude you're likely to be arrested. I showed you the law they'll use. And I don't get it?

Come on, big time. What time's your flight?

If you want to continue to pop off that there is no law, and even if maybe there is, that isn't what the law says, and even if it is what the law says, it doesn't apply to you, then come on down. Put your money where your mouth is.

I'll tell you what, C David-- I will come to Texas and create beautiful photography of a nude mother and her 6 year old.  If I get arrested for it, you may have all of my photography equipement and entire state of the art imaging pre-press studio.

But if I actually make it back to California without being labled a fugitive, you have to pay for my trip, plus 10 grand for putting your mouth where YOUR money can't go...

And I can eat Good!

Jan 05 07 10:57 pm Link


Aaron S

Posts: 2651

Syracuse, Indiana, US

J Douglas wrote:


It could be even worse too....what if they took a six year old child to Nederland....then they might go to......Amsterdam.......gasp!

Jan 05 07 10:58 pm Link


Meech Creative LLC

Posts: 97

Frederick, Maryland, US

Aaron S wrote:

Which is why, again, there are citations, and infact, there are two citations for that test, one from a NY Times article, and one from a BBC article.


Jan 05 07 11:02 pm Link


John Stein

Posts: 17

Frederick, Maryland, US

I skipped through most of the posts so if this has already been said I appologize, Talk with an attorney in the state that you live and find out about the laws.

I teach a class for professional photographers called "Getting Started Photographing Infants and Newborns" some of the images I show during the class are of 9 month and younger children that have a bare bottom. I was advised by the President of one of the groups I spoke to in NY to not show the images during the presentation, seems NY state deems even bare bottom photographs as child porn and in Maryland and VA there is no problem.

Jan 05 07 11:07 pm Link


Meech Creative LLC

Posts: 97

Frederick, Maryland, US

Special Moments Photog wrote:
I skipped through most of the posts so if this has already been said I appologize, Talk with an attorney in the state that you live and find out about the laws.

I teach a class for professional photographers called "Getting Started Photographing Infants and Newborns" some of the images I show during the class are of 9 month and younger children that have a bare bottom. I was advised by the President of one of the groups I spoke to in NY to not show the images during the presentation, seems NY state deems even bare bottom photographs as child porn and in Maryland and VA there is no problem.

Thank God I moved out of I can run around bare-bottomed without pause. wink

Jan 05 07 11:10 pm Link



Posts: 7771

Lubbock, Texas, US

Daguerre wrote:

Alan from Aavian Prod wrote:
Please do and I give up.  He won't get it.

I'll tell you what, C David-- I will come to Texas and create beautiful photography of a nude mother and her 6 year old.  If I get arrested for it, you may have all of my photography equipement and entire state of the art imaging pre-press studio.

But if I actually make it back to California without being labled a fugitive, you have to pay for my trip, plus 10 grand for putting your mouth where YOUR money can't go...

And I can eat Good!

Do I get to designate the lab that develops your film?

    § 43.27. DUTY TO REPORT.  (a)  For purposes of this
section, "visual material" has the meaning assigned by Section
    (b)  A business that develops or processes visual material
and determines that the material may be evidence of a criminal
offense under this subchapter shall report the existence of the
visual material to a local law enforcement agency.

Added by Acts 2003, 78th Leg., ch. 1005, § 6, eff. Sept. 1, 2003.

Jan 05 07 11:18 pm Link


Michael R Kihn Studios

Posts: 2559

Erie, Pennsylvania, US

Daguerre wrote:

Caroline, there is a difference between something feeling bad and something being bad.  You must engage your Brain and decide for yourself the Truth of the matter.

This is your responsibility-- all our responsibilities-- before engaging the keyboard!  In my opinion.

And another thing.  On your other posts, if you do not use the word 'honestly', should we assume you are lying?

Love this follow up Quote

Jan 05 07 11:21 pm Link


richard boswell

Posts: 1790

New York, New York, US

it's not about good bad creepy innocent erotic porn or playtime.

its about legal or illegal, in that context it is risky. 

ask yourself

"what is the worst that can happen"

i think the answer will be clear then.

Jan 05 07 11:26 pm Link


Michael R Kihn Studios

Posts: 2559

Erie, Pennsylvania, US

Couture Imagery wrote:
give up. don't seek advice on mm.

it's like asking a hamster for advice.

how....? i'm not sure...but i'm sure a hamster wouldn't offer much worse advice than is given here.

comparing  MMers to Hamsters I think thats a insult to the hamsters
  I think the hamsters smarter

Jan 05 07 11:29 pm Link



Posts: 4082

Orange, California, US

Daguerre wrote:
...I'll tell you what, C David-- I will come to Texas and create beautiful photography of a nude mother and her 6 year old.  If I get arrested for it, you may have all of my photography equipement and entire state of the art imaging pre-press studio.

But if I actually make it back to California without being labled a fugitive, you have to pay for my trip, plus 10 grand for putting your mouth where YOUR money can't go...

And I can eat Good!

C David Stephens wrote:
...Do I get to designate the lab that develops your film?

Holy Shit!  Is that your best?

Of course not.  The OP is not going to use your lab, and neither would I.  I have controlled every aspect of my photography since I started 22 years ago.  This would be no different.

I am not afraid of texas.  And my stuff is very safe.

Jan 05 07 11:31 pm Link


Wes Adam

Posts: 144

Somerset, New Jersey, US

I would not show the child's parts.  Hide in shadow, use Mom's arms, feet whatever to cover the childs private part.
Capture the love between Mother and Child. Dig deep into your artistic soul and give Mom the best portrait she ever will have.
It would be safest to do your own printing on the image selected or a Professional Color Lab that sees these type of images as art, will not give you any problems.
Your corner store may get things completely misconstrued and you wind up having major problems because of short minded people.  Believe me they are out there.
Good Luck.

Jan 05 07 11:32 pm Link


Ray Cornett

Posts: 9207

Sacramento, California, US

Not sure if this has been said yet but basically the "authorities" have to know these images exist for them to come after you or mom for these photos, or see them on a US based website. If they are for private display/family albums and you nor the mom or daughter blab it allover then everything should be ok. If you want to display them someday I suggest doing so with a big US or Europe gallery behind you.

If the intent is right and can be proven in court just in case, then go ahead.

I know of a model who has a couple of 4 year old twin daughters and one 6 and we have discussed shots like this and other ideas and I have no issue with doing so.

Jan 05 07 11:34 pm Link


Vincent Wise Jr

Posts: 108

Jamaica, New York, US

Being successful in life is all about balancing boldness, with knowing when to let things go. If you dont feel right in your heart, or even a little hesitant just thinking about the idea of shooting them. What do you think will happen on set?
My advice is to leave this one alone. Offer to help the mother find another photographer in your area thats comfortable doing it, mainly a female photographer........But 6 does sound a little too old for that kind of photography.

Jan 05 07 11:36 pm Link


Meech Creative LLC

Posts: 97

Frederick, Maryland, US

I haven't noticed but has the OP even been back in the thread since his post? lolz

Jan 05 07 11:39 pm Link



Posts: 7771

Lubbock, Texas, US

Daguerre wrote:

Daguerre wrote:
...I'll tell you what, C David-- I will come to Texas and create beautiful photography of a nude mother and her 6 year old.  If I get arrested for it, you may have all of my photography equipement and entire state of the art imaging pre-press studio.

But if I actually make it back to California without being labled a fugitive, you have to pay for my trip, plus 10 grand for putting your mouth where YOUR money can't go...

And I can eat Good!

Holy Shit!  Is that your best?

Of course not.  The OP is not going to use your lab, and neither would I.  I have controlled every aspect of my photography since I started 22 years ago.  This would be no different.

I am not afraid of texas.  And my stuff is very safe.

That's what I thought. You're really brave as long as you can hide in the dark, but when your work is exposed to the light of day and subjected to the opinions of others who might not agree with you, who might easily persuade the cops to arrest you, and a jury to convict you, then you run and hide.

Jan 05 07 11:43 pm Link


Meech Creative LLC

Posts: 97

Frederick, Maryland, US

C David Stephens wrote:

That's what I thought. You're really brave as long as you can hide in the dark, but when your work is exposed to the light of day and subjected to the opinions of others who might not agree with you, who might easily persuade the cops to arrest you, and a jury to convict you, then you run and hide.

No offense, but I love playing Devils play along.

Looking through your port, some beautiful nude portraits of YOUNG looking ladies and you living in you shoot digital, film you process yourself or film you send out to a lab?

My guess is either of the first two unless it would be a trusted lab you sent out to.

So, technically aren't you doing the same thing in "hiding in the dark" that you're accusing him of doing if he did the shoot IN Texas?

Jan 05 07 11:51 pm Link



Posts: 4082

Orange, California, US

C David Stephens wrote:
That's what I thought. You're really brave as long as you can hide in the dark, but when your work is exposed to the light of day and subjected to the opinions of others who might not agree with you, who might easily persuade the cops to arrest you, and a jury to convict you, then you run and hide.

I would do the job in Texas as I would do the job in LA.  I would not change a thing.  And that is the nature of this forum.  Should the OP be afraid to do the job?  I say no.  And I put my money where my mouth is.  If you are afraid to use a lab, then don't use the lab.  But why would you run and hide from the opportunity to create images of a mother and daughter-- images that will be cherished for the rest of their lives?  The mother asks you to create Beauty that no one else can, and when you pass up that opportunity, you do so out of fear.  And that, in my opinion, is sad.

To photograph this woman and create beautiful images that she will cherish for the rest of her life is the right thing to do.  Are we or are we not photographers?

To lack the courage to do the right thing because you are afraid of someone else saying its wrong is sad.  And you, in doing so, let the rest of us down.

Jan 05 07 11:55 pm Link



Posts: 880

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Doug Swinskey wrote:
sounds beautiful..

Agreed--what's the big deal?

Jan 06 07 12:00 am Link


Shadowscape Studio

Posts: 2512

MARCELL, Minnesota, US

FemmeArt wrote:

Agreed--what's the big deal?

The big deal is, there are a lot of people afraid of their shadows.

Jan 06 07 12:01 am Link



Posts: 7771

Lubbock, Texas, US

J Douglas wrote:

No offense, but I love playing Devils play along.

Looking through your port, some beautiful nude portraits of YOUNG looking ladies and you living in you shoot digital, film you process yourself or film you send out to a lab?

My guess is either of the first two unless it would be a trusted lab you sent out to.

So, technically aren't you doing the same thing in "hiding in the dark" that you're accusing him of doing if he did the shoot IN Texas?

All the nudes in my port were shot on film and the film was processed by a lab. All the models were over 18. For nudes, I shoot a close up of the model's face holding her drivers license on the first frame of the first roll of the session. There were probably four different labs used, only one of them in Texas, about 12 years ago, before the latest round of child porn paranoia. The others were in California.

There's no real challenge in slipping into a state, photographing a 6-year-old nude with a digital camera, and slipping out again without getting caught. Doing it on film and taking it the local lab in a state where the lab is required to rat you out is a different story.

We have no idea if the OP shoots film or digital, what lab he uses, or what the law says in his state.

Jan 06 07 12:05 am Link



Posts: 33697

Avon, Minnesota, US

Daguerre wrote:

I would do the job in Texas as I would do the job in LA.  I would not change a thing.  And that is the nature of this forum.  Should the OP be afraid to do the job?  I say no.  And I put my money where my mouth is.  If you are afraid to use a lab, then don't use the lab.  But why would you run and hide from the opportunity to create images of a mother and daughter-- images that will be cherished for the rest of their lives?  The mother asks you to create Beauty that no one else can, and when you pass up that opportunity, you do so out of fear.  And that, in my opinion, is sad.

To photograph this woman and create beautiful images that she will cherish for the rest of her life is the right thing to do.  Are we or are we not photographers?

To lack the courage to do the right thing because you are afraid of someone else saying its wrong is sad.  And you, in doing so, let the rest of us down.

You know, now that I read this post of yours, hell yeah, I won't back out of an opportunity like this myself. I won't compromise my art, my work because of what people will think. Although in the back of my mind, I would like to know the relationship that exists between mother and child first. This is a very sensitive subject for sure because I would not want to be a part of any child exploitation in any way, shape or form.  smile

Jan 06 07 12:06 am Link



Posts: 259

Emeryville, California, US

I didn't read through all 6 pages and totally skipped all the legal mumbo jumbo but I can say that I have taken a pic like this with my Mother.  I may have been a little younger 4-5 but I love that pic.  Wish I had a scanner, I'd post it.  My Mother is holding me (topless) and I'm holding her necklace in my hand admiring it and she's looking down at me smiling.  Yeah it's b&w, yeah my Dad (a prof. photog) took it, and yeah it was taken in Texas, heh.

Jan 06 07 12:10 am Link



Posts: 7771

Lubbock, Texas, US

Daguerre wrote:

I would do the job in Texas as I would do the job in LA.  I would not change a thing.  And that is the nature of this forum.  Should the OP be afraid to do the job?  I say no.  And I put my money where my mouth is.  If you are afraid to use a lab, then don't use the lab.  But why would you run and hide from the opportunity to create images of a mother and daughter-- images that will be cherished for the rest of their lives?  The mother asks you to create Beauty that no one else can, and when you pass up that opportunity, you do so out of fear.  And that, in my opinion, is sad.

To photograph this woman and create beautiful images that she will cherish for the rest of her life is the right thing to do.  Are we or are we not photographers?

To lack the courage to do the right thing because you are afraid of someone else saying its wrong is sad.  And you, in doing so, let the rest of us down.

Did you read the thread? I never said I would run and hide. I said I probably would do the shoot. If done properly, I have no moral objection to the subject matter. When I lived in California, I wouldn't have worried about it much at all. But now that I'm in one of the most conservative counties in a conservative state, a state where people have already been convicted under what I believe to be the same law I quoted, then I would seek legal advice in advance and weigh the artistic and commercial merit of doing the shoot against the possibility of being arrested and, whether convicted or not, financially ruined. I believe that's the advice I gave the OP.

I could care less if someone else says it's wrong. I care about paying a lawyer $30,000 to maybe keep me out of jail when someone else says it's wrong and convinces a prosecutor to take it to trial.

If I decide to make such photographs, or motion pictures, and I may, it would likely be for something far more important to me than a paid session for a client.

Jan 06 07 12:13 am Link


Campbells Photography

Posts: 196

Troutman, North Carolina, US

Just to give all a break from this topic, I have a pic of a 6 day old boy in my port that was so tired and cranky his mom laid him on my backdrop for a quick nap before his next clothes change and while he was asleep I snapped and snapped and snapped,,,,,,,,the bad thing is he wasnt naked we didnt want him peeing on everything while sleeping so the diaper kinda takes from the picture,,,,but if you look at the picture and know the story then the diaper fades away.......OK sorry you may go back to the 6 yr old,,,,,,,,Thanks Darren

Jan 06 07 12:15 am Link



Posts: 4082

Orange, California, US

Damn Darren--  but back to our previously scheduled program...

Nothing I do is for the money.  Every photoshoot I execute, without exception, whether its for free or a $10,000 a day national consumer ad, is because it is something that I want to do.  And if a mother asks me to do timeless images of her and her daughter, then no matter the state or conservative county, I will do it.  And I will see anyone in court over it if necessary.

Jan 06 07 12:30 am Link



Posts: 7771

Lubbock, Texas, US

Daguerre wrote:
Damn Darren--  but back to our previously scheduled program...

Nothing I do is for the money.  Every photoshoot I execute, without exception, whether its for free or a $10,000 a day national consumer ad, is because it is something that I want to do.  And if a mother asks me to do timeless images of her and her daughter, then no matter the state or conservative county, I will do it.  And I will see anyone in court over it if necessary.

I absolutely agree, in principle. If I thought I was right, I'd fight a chain saw. But at the moment, the reason I'm back in Texas, is that I'm caring for my elderly mother, who is rather ill. She's also very conservative, and if I were to even be arrested for photographing a nude child, no matter how artistic, legal, and righteous, she would be devastated. If I were convicted, it would likely kill her. So pardon me if I like to pick my battles out of respect for my mother. When she's gone, I'll be right there in court with you.

Jan 06 07 12:58 am Link