Forums > General Industry > Ever since I started photography..


duds here

Posts: 397

Chicago, Illinois, US

If they know you shoot too, they may think you might be too criticle of their work or tell them how to shoot.

I have a model from an agency insist on lighting the background which made a high key image, which I wasn't going for but didn't want to argue with the model.

Then the agency said the image was boring, so that might be why someone wouldn't want to shoot with you, silly but they may feel that way.

Jan 06 07 04:10 am Link



Posts: 10

Maynard, Massachusetts, US

Photography/Art is a weird thing,

My guess, like many others is that it is there insecurities about there ideas.
Everyone hates to hear that they are wrong. What is really weird is that the medium is subjective....almost.

sure, exposure, light, cameras blah, blah, blah...

Personally I don't mind listening to others input. I encourage it.
I find the best pictures are more of a collaboration anyway.

What is strange is the ownership issue "this is mine all mine, I'm putting my name on it"...what ever.  If they need the ego boost let them have it. 

It is kind of like have grown out of that relationship.
don't hold yourself back, Model, photograph, enjoy life the way you want to live it.

You will find others to shoot with and others to shoot.  I am sure that your modeling work will change as well as your photographic work and you will be better for it.

What better time than now so early in this new year.

now GROW.

Jan 06 07 11:42 am Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

I really didn't see anything on your profile which stated that you do photography.  If you hadn't said it, I never would've known. 

How is it that you know these photographers are turning you down because you do photography?  Are you certain they even know?  Is there any possibility that it's something else?

Personally, I can shoot anyone regardless of occupation.  The people I won't stand for are those who don't trust me to shoot how I shoot or are constantly telling me to do something different or questioning how I do things or telling me I'm doing something wrong.  To those people I merely step away from my camera and invite them to either do the shooting or shut the fuck up (though I wouldn't allow them to use my camera if they chose the former).

If these photographers are in fact turning you down because you do photography, perhaps they merely think that you'll be doing that as well: telling them how to shoot. 

Just a thought...

Jan 06 07 11:55 am Link