Forums > General Industry > Best Pics Of Lucky # 7~


Sara Danielle

Posts: 1437

Lets start this thread tonight and carry it on to 08' Post your best pic that you have shot starting NOW of course.

*People can vote on wich they think are the best.
*If people get into this we can start a new thread on "The Best of the Best of 07'"
*18+ is okay for this if it is a link. Sorry minors you cant vote on these pics.
* Does not matter what style ect. Just what YOU are proud of!
* MUA, Stylists, Photogs, Models are all welcome to post!

~~~* Lets make this year be about Props, Congrats, Compliments, and knowledge to growth ;*)

Here is my first pic for lucky # 7 ;*)

Jan 01 07 05:45 am Link