Forums > General Industry > How Much is Too Much?



Posts: 93

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

It's very common to see models stating that they won't do nudes, but they may do IMPLIED nudes. That's a fine line that's been talked to death.

What I also see is that models who will do nudes won't do "Porn or Spread shots."  So my question is, how much genitalia is TOO much. When does it cross the line, and where is that line?

Everything from brief shadowy views, low angle standing shot, to blatant spreads shot from across the room are on MM.

I know it all boils down to subjective boundaries, presentation, and style... 

But I want to know, HOW MUCH IS TOO MUCH?   Opinions matter.

Dec 30 06 03:35 pm Link


Josie Nutter

Posts: 5865

Seattle, Washington, US

For me, even implied is too much with the wrong photographer.

For ones I've worked with severel times before, and trust completely, they're respectful enough not to try to sneak pink shots.

Dec 31 06 04:03 am Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Model says no.. You're done..

That's the line.

Dec 31 06 04:05 am Link



Posts: 93

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

W.G. Rowland wrote:
Model says no.. You're done..

That's the line.

But to those who say 'Yes', what too much?  If you work for Hustler, there's really no limits.  If you work for say, Playboy, hinting and slight reveals are okay.

I agree with you completely though, No mean absolute NO.  Goodbye. End of story.

So lets pretend they say yes.

Dec 31 06 03:57 pm Link


Muse Anya

Posts: 344

Sunnyvale, California, US

Limits are very personal within each individual.  Some have strong limits that are set for everyone, some have limits depending on how much they trust the photographer.

I'm in the second category.  If the photographer is honest with me and I trust him, I'll let him take the shot and then might come over to check if I'm truelly comfortable with the outcome.

Dec 31 06 04:52 pm Link



Posts: 93

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

Miss Anya wrote:
Limits are very personal within each individual.  Some have strong limits that are set for everyone, some have limits depending on how much they trust the photographer.

I'm in the second category.  If the photographer is honest with me and I trust him, I'll let him take the shot and then might come over to check if I'm truelly comfortable with the outcome.

Do a lot of people encounter photographers who snap a shot of something innappropriate without telling them?  How does everyone react?


Jan 01 07 03:51 pm Link


wirehead arts

Posts: 273

Sunnyvale, California, US

Dono.  I don't like upskirts.  It's the worst-of-both-worlds between a glamorous clothed shot and a glamorous lingerie shot.  At least for me.

It seems to result in the most comfortable model to just not mention that a flashing just occured and reposition either the camera or the model.

Jan 01 07 04:16 pm Link