Forums > General Industry > adding a myspace link to your port



Posts: 2514

Montclair, New Jersey, US

Habenero Photography wrote:
Only about 30% of my friends and less than 20% of the people I correspond with have a Myspace account.  I generally deal with people that have a life outside of the internet.    Don't confuse the current popularity of Myspace with the real world.

Thats your friends. And im sure you dont ask everyone you meet to know that less than 20% use myspace
EVERYONE has a life outside of the internet
I dont have a myspace page- But most people these days do.
I had to do a research paper on this for a class at school - and yes, even my teacher had myspace.
Im not saying people on mm should link a myspace page to their account- but if they do and they choose to keep it private- who cares?!
To say that you wouldnt work with someone just because they have a private myspace page posted on their port makes no sense at all.

Jan 02 07 05:58 pm Link



Posts: 306

Oakland, California, US

Josie Nutter wrote:
Personally, I think linking a myspace account is somewhat tacky...

Or, if not exactly tacky, probably unprofessional.

I agree!

But people will do what they want.....there is plenty of tackiness to go around in the online world!

*not saying MySpace is Tacky.....I have a profile myself....I just think it is a more private side for my friends and family to see*

Jan 02 07 06:05 pm Link


richard boswell

Posts: 1790

New York, New York, US

it points to a different body of work in my case,
and a different kind of relationship.
and exposure wise my-space is tough to beat.
with 300+ images now, it could easily replace most model sites.


and you can make it private and close off any images to selective contacts.

if i could design a few pages with complete control, and use one of them as a cover with my own url i would use my-space as my primary website.

and there i can control who can see what,
a feature lacking on model sites.

which they use to generate traffic in order to sell banners to ...
prostitution sites for example.

Jan 02 07 06:06 pm Link


Habenero Photography

Posts: 1444

Mesa, Arizona, US

rania wrote:

Thats your friends. And im sure you dont ask everyone you meet to know that less than 20% use myspace
EVERYONE has a life outside of the internet
I dont have a myspace page- But most people these days do.
I had to do a research paper on this for a class at school - and yes, even my teacher had myspace.
Im not saying people on mm should link a myspace page to their account- but if they do and they choose to keep it private- who cares?!
To say that you wouldnt work with someone just because they have a private myspace page posted on their port makes no sense at all.

With 100,000,000 accounts internationally, some of which are duplicates, and about 6,000,000,000 people, Myspace is not used by most people.  If you limit it to just the US, it is still less than half the population.  Regardless of the number of users, I refuse to join just to see the portfolio that someone has posted.  I get far too much junk mail as it is and I use my computer for business purposes and can't afford to open it up to too many possible attack venues.  If someone is not professional enough to post a link to a readily viewable site, I don't want to work with them.  There are enough models that do things the way I like, I see no need and have no desire to waste my time on those that don't know any better.

Jan 02 07 08:21 pm Link