Forums > General Industry > Models who dont do TFP/TFCD


MrE Creations

Posts: 155

Help me understand this here. Models do TFP/TFCD till they get some good shots in their portfolio and then start charging? I dont get this. They shoot with 3 good photographers and all the sudden they think they are skilled and experienced enough to start charging what more experienced models with credits do? Doesnt make any sense to me and I (and most others) will take a model with a list of solid credits over some girl who got some nice shots with a good photographer and thinks she is now a star.

To the models who do this. Why dont you try getting some credits and a good year or two experience under your belt before you start charging what the big girls do.

Dec 25 06 04:38 pm Link


J Schumacher

Posts: 1220

Gustine, California, US

Well, if they do consistently get nice shots, that's the bottom line. It doesn't matter how experienced they are if the results are good.

After saying that, I should point out that I don't pay models. I'm cheap. But I don't charge them, either. I'd rather share copyrights with them, equally, because that seems fair to me.

Dec 25 06 04:44 pm Link


MrE Creations

Posts: 155

J Schumacher wrote:
Well, if they do consistently get nice shots, that's the bottom line. It doesn't matter how experienced they are if the results are good.

Most pay models on their skill and ability to help produce a great shot and inexperienced models havent developed those skills yet. Thy get a few good shots and start chasing $$$ rather than learning their craft. Modeling is ALOT more than just standing there and looking pretty.

Dec 25 06 04:48 pm Link


Tim Baker-fotoPerfecta

Posts: 9877

Portland, Oregon, US

I've seen some models I've worked with in the past who starting saying 'no TFP' - and then wondered why their offers for shots stopped. I suggested they say "Depends on Assignment" and continue TFPs rather than sitting on their butts - at least this way they're networking, getting new images, and who knows when someone will have a job for them. Most take my advice, and low-and-behold they starting seeing unpaid and paid jobs showing up because they're getting better known in the community.

Dec 25 06 04:55 pm Link


Lifestyle Photography

Posts: 15

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

I guess just like anything else. You can ask any price you want, there's no sale if there's no buyer.
Those modes who start charging after 3 shoots are not being realistic.

Dec 25 06 04:56 pm Link


none of the above

Posts: 3528

Marina del Rey, California, US

MrE Creations wrote:
Help me understand this here. Models do TFP/TFCD till they get some good shots in their portfolio and then start charging? I dont get this.

To the models who do this. Why dont you try getting some credits and a good year or two experience under your belt before you start charging what the big girls do.

what good does making more "good" tfp shots do?  if they have a few that showcase their look what does that get them outside of more tfp when client hiring factors are usually determined by look, not experience?

--face reality

Dec 25 06 05:05 pm Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

MrE Creations wrote:
To the models who do this. Why dont you try getting some credits and a good year or two experience under your belt before you start charging what the big girls do.

why should they do this, cause you want them to?...
thats a stupid reason to do anything...

your value as a model is your ability to contribute to an has nothing to do with your resume..
if a models look will further a campaign..with whatever experience she has inherant value...if you want her should have to pay for it...

should you get cameras for free unitl you develope skills and be able to afford one?

so not onboard with your thought...

Dec 25 06 05:06 pm Link


Ed the Healer

Posts: 2384

Addison, Alabama, US

Well, the US of A is still a free country and, if a model doesn't want to do TFP, then he/she shouldn't have to.

If a model doesn't have any use for images, and just wants to make money off of posing, there is no reason for him/her to do TFP.

Likewise, if a model wants images from a shoot, then TFP would be the cheapest - cash wise - way of getting images.

It's probably not a good idea for photographers to provide a model with both cash, and images.

Dec 25 06 05:12 pm Link


D2 Photography

Posts: 222

Denver, Colorado, US

Supply and demand.

Dec 25 06 05:14 pm Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

D Drake Photography wrote:
Supply and demand.

Photographers supply; models demand



Dec 25 06 05:20 pm Link


MrE Creations

Posts: 155

Doug Swinskey wrote:
why should they do this, cause you want them to?...
thats a stupid reason to do anything...

No, because models charging hundreds of dollars an hour that have very limited experience suck. They think they can get away with it just because they are hot and have had worked with a few good photographers? That justifies them charging what pro models with years of experience and credits charge? Pretty ridiculous. You wanna spend $200 an hour on a beginning model you have to teach simple things like keeping their chin down to?

Dec 25 06 05:28 pm Link


Ed the Healer

Posts: 2384

Addison, Alabama, US

MrE Creations wrote:

No, because models charging hundreds of dollars an hour that have very limited experience suck. They think they can get away with it just because they are hot and have had worked with a few good photographers? That justifies them charging what pro models with years of experience and credits charge? Pretty ridiculous. You wanna spend $200 an hour on a beginning model you have to teach simple things like keeping their chin down to?

That's why it's probaby a good idea to look at a model's book before paying her for a shoot.

Dec 25 06 05:32 pm Link



Posts: 2297

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

If it makes you feel better I'm not gonna charge you.  I don't charge anyone, cause I only shoot with people I want to work with...

Dec 25 06 05:32 pm Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

MrE Creations wrote:
No, because models charging hundreds of dollars a shoot that have very limited experience suck. They think they can get away with it just because they are hot and have had worked with a few good photographers? That justifies them charging what pro models with years of experience and credits charge? Pretty ridiculous.

i remeber shooting for the first time with one of my muses..15 years old..she intimidated the shit out of models that had been working for ten years...three photographers in the studio stopped what they were doing to watch this girl work..

while you are certainly entitled to you opinion..
to me..experience doesnt mean shit...

models either have it..or they dont...

Dec 25 06 05:33 pm Link


Looknsee Photography

Posts: 26342

Portland, Oregon, US

What the heck business is it of yours?

I think it's simple:  models can ask for whatever compensation they want.  Photographers can decide not to engage a model, based in part on the compensation the model wants.  If a model doesn't get work, perhaps she'll reconsider her rates, but who cares?

Why do you want an explanation for a model requesting to be paid?  Okay, I'll make some excuses up:

   >>> Models tend to be younger & less financially stable than photographers.
   >>> Models have expenses (makeup, wardrobe, transportation).
   >>> Because photographers aren't paying them, many models need to have
          other jobs.  Plus, they may have school & homework & an active social
          life.  Therefore, they have little time for modeling, and
          they have to be selective.

... or maybe they just don't like your work enough to pose for you for free.

So, keep it simple:  If they are worth it, pay them; if not, then at least don't judge them.

Dec 25 06 05:34 pm Link



Posts: 2297

New Orleans, Louisiana, US


Dec 25 06 05:35 pm Link


Looknsee Photography

Posts: 26342

Portland, Oregon, US


Dec 25 06 05:38 pm Link


MrE Creations

Posts: 155

Doug Swinskey wrote:
while you are certainly entitled to you opinion..
to me..experience doesnt mean shit...

Really? So you would choose a doctor with very little experience or training to perform a surgery on you? Every other profession values experience and pays better for it and beginners have to prove themselves. Modeling is the only profession this doesnt apply to?

Dec 25 06 05:39 pm Link



Posts: 2297

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

:edit... missed my smartass opportunity

Dec 25 06 05:39 pm Link



Posts: 2297

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

MrE Creations wrote:

Really? So you would choose a doctor with very little experience or training to perform a surgery on you? Every other profession values experience and pays better for it and beginners have to prove themselves. Modeling is the only profession this doesnt apply to?

nope, dosn't apply in acting/art or photography either.  isn't that nice?  talent/technique is more important...

Dec 25 06 05:41 pm Link



Posts: 23

Los Angeles, California, US

if the phtografer is good that is all that matters a i look at it like what is this shoot going to give me.  i have a few agencies and my agent tells me not to do them. but i would do tfc with someone who has a good port and was able to offer a good product , so i guess its probably the agents you can pointy the fingure at

Dec 25 06 05:42 pm Link



Posts: 23

Los Angeles, California, US

Looknsee Photography wrote:
What the heck business is it of yours?

I think it's simple:  models can ask for whatever compensation they want.  Photographers can decide not to engage a model, based in part on the compensation the model wants.  If a model doesn't get work, perhaps she'll reconsider her rates, but who cares?

Why do you want an explanation for a model requesting to be paid?  Okay, I'll make some excuses up:

   >>> Models tend to be younger & less financially stable than photographers.
   >>> Models have expenses (makeup, wardrobe, transportation).
   >>> Because photographers aren't paying them, many models need to have
          other jobs.  Plus, they may have school & homework & an active social
          life.  Therefore, they have little time for modeling, and
          they have to be selective.

... or maybe they just don't like your work enough to pose for you for free.

So, keep it simple:  If they are worth it, pay them; if not, then at least don't judge them.

very well put

Dec 25 06 05:43 pm Link


MrE Creations

Posts: 155

...Stacy wrote:
nope, dosn't apply in acting/art or photography either.  isn't that nice?  talent/technique is more important...

Oh yea? I know some newer actors and actresses who do pretty good work. Why arent they being paid $20 million a movie like their EXPERIENCED counterparts? Maybe because they need some more work on a few things and dont have any big credits? They should be charging just as much per movie as all the EXPERINCED actors and actresses just because they had a few minor roles right? Hmmm...

Dec 25 06 05:45 pm Link



Posts: 2297

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

MrE Creations wrote:

Oh yea? I know some newer actors and actresses who do pretty good work. Why arent they being paid $20 million a movie like their EXPERIENCED counterparts? Maybe because they need some more work on a few things and dont have any big credits? Hmmm...

nope, just not fucking the right people.  welcome to hollywood.  big_smile

Dec 25 06 05:46 pm Link



Posts: 11110

Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada

Take comfort in the fast that for every inexperienced model demanding money there are 10 models of all ranges of experience screaming for TFP/CD

Dec 25 06 05:48 pm Link


MrE Creations

Posts: 155

...Stacy wrote:

nope, just not fucking the right people.  welcome to hollywood.  big_smile

So maybe these new models demanding what experienced pros charge need to be fucking better photographers? Wow, some peoples logic is astounding.

Dec 25 06 05:48 pm Link


Rebecca Tillett

Posts: 68

Tulsa, Oklahoma, US

You're obviously seeking out the wrong models.
I've found that a good majority of the models here on MM are really trying to make an actual living at it.

I try to find girls who are passionate enough about it that they do it as hobby or simply for fun. They also tend to have less of an ego than those who think they're "high-fashion-model-material" and can charge an arm and a leg. Therefore the majority of my models have been friends, relatives, and/or random people I meet who just do it for fun.

I read a big spiel from an amazing photographer whose name I now forget a while back about how he refuses to shoot models who charge not because he doesn't find it worth it but because he hated the idea of sharing something he's so passionate about with someone who's just there for a quick buck. He wanted the model to be in it for the same reason he was. (It goes without saying he didn't make money off his work - he did it out of pure enjoyment.)

(You're also more apt to find more models willing to do TFP if you have something different to offer than the trite portrait/swimsuit/blahblahblah shots.)

Of course, none of this applies if you're an aspiring commercial photographer who hopes to one day make a good living. If that's the case, I feel it's fair to work with models who charge as you both obviously have the same goals and aspirations: to make money off your craft.

Dec 25 06 05:49 pm Link



Posts: 2297

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

MrE Creations wrote:

So maybe these new models demanding what experienced pros charge need to be fucking better photographers? Wow, some peoples logic is astounding.

nice try.  not what I said.

Dec 25 06 05:49 pm Link



Posts: 20

Los Angeles, California, US

first off..models are not doctors. If a doctor messes up then someone dies! If a model sucks then she probably wont get work anyway, whats the big deal what she decides to charge? If you dont like her prices dont hire her. There are still amazing models on here who will still do select tfp work even though they definitely dont have to. It all depends on the girl:) Its not brain surgery.

Dec 25 06 05:50 pm Link



Posts: 10888

Nashville, Tennessee, US

...Stacy wrote:
If it makes you feel better I'm not gonna charge you.  I don't charge anyone, cause I only shoot with people I want to work with...

Willing to bet at least a good 70% of the models who list non-TFP/TFCD parameters are actually open to it in the terms as listed above. Saying "no TFP" means not getting approached for it, but it does leave being able to approach open...the only downside being potentially steering away someone with whom one would make the exception before talks ever begin.

Dec 25 06 05:51 pm Link


MrE Creations

Posts: 155

Becky wrote:
(You're also more apt to find more models willing to do TFP if you have something different to offer than the trite portrait/swimsuit/blahblahblah shots.)

Of course, none of this applies if you're an aspiring commercial photographer who hopes to one day make a good living. If that's the case, I feel it's fair to work with models who charge as you both obviously have the same goals and aspirations: to make money off your craft.

Thanks. My "trite" photos make me very good money actually and I do make a living off it. I have no problems paying models for projects, I just get tired of these unknown models with no credits charing rates experience models who have done some real work charge.

Dec 25 06 05:53 pm Link


MrE Creations

Posts: 155

Nihilus wrote:

Willing to bet at least a good 70% of the models who list non-TFP/TFCD parameters are actually open to it in the terms as listed above. Saying "no TFP" means not getting approached for it, but it does leave being able to approach open...the only downside being potentially steering away someone with whom one would make the exception before talks ever begin.

Yep. I as well as many other photographers I know dont even bother contacting models who say NO TFP in their ports.

Dec 25 06 05:55 pm Link



Posts: 2297

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

Nihilus wrote:

Willing to bet at least a good 70% of the models who list non-TFP/TFCD parameters are actually open to it in the terms as listed above. Saying "no TFP" means not getting approached for it, but it does leave being able to approach open...the only downside being potentially steering away someone with whom one would make the exception before talks ever begin.

Fate will bring you together.  lol

Dec 25 06 05:56 pm Link


Rebecca Tillett

Posts: 68

Tulsa, Oklahoma, US

MrE Creations wrote:

Thanks. My "trite" photos make me very good money actually and I do make a living off it. I have no problems paying models for projects, I just get tired of these unknown models with no credits charing rates experience models who have done some real work charge.

Whoa, calm down. I haven't even seen your port.
I wasn't attacking you - just sharing my own views and opinions (silly me, I assumed that's what you were soliciting.)

That'll teach me to join in on one of these stupid forum posts.

Merry Xmas.

Dec 25 06 05:59 pm Link



Posts: 2297

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

Becky wrote:

Whoa, calm down. I haven't even seen your port.
I wasn't attacking you - just sharing my own views and opinions (silly me, I assumed that's what you were soliciting.)

That'll teach me to join in on one of these stupid forum posts.

Merry Xmas.

don't leave... I love you!!!



Dec 25 06 06:01 pm Link


Leo Howard

Posts: 6850

Phoenix, Arizona, US

...Stacy wrote:

Fate will bring you together.  lol

Ahhhh "Fate will bring us you together"

But " Love, Love will keep us together "

Dec 25 06 06:03 pm Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

Doug Swinskey wrote:
while you are certainly entitled to you opinion..
to me..experience doesnt mean shit...

MrE Creations wrote:
Really? So you would choose a doctor with very little experience or training to perform a surgery on you? Every other profession values experience and pays better for it and beginners have to prove themselves. Modeling is the only profession this doesnt apply to?

modeling is unlike any other industry...its based solely on your looks.
on, it works both ways...i have seen some 17 year old photogs on this site...creating images way better, more interesting and inspired then folks that have been shooting for 30 plus and consider themselves expert...

talk all you want about the end of the day, its about the final image..not who or how it was created..

Dec 25 06 06:03 pm Link


Jay Farrell

Posts: 13408

Nashville, Tennessee, US

As long as they are seasoned enough to do the job they are hired for, I say fudge the TFP shit. I am perfectly happy paying them as long as they pay me when my services are needed.....the whole idea is to make money from the images that the photographer or commercial client pays the model for, keeps the economy going smile

Dec 25 06 06:04 pm Link


Rebecca Tillett

Posts: 68

Tulsa, Oklahoma, US

...Stacy wrote:

don't leave... I love you!!!



Aw. Love at first sight! and it's mutual! Now that NEVER happens.

Dec 25 06 06:05 pm Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

MrE Creations wrote:
Thanks. My "trite" photos make me very good money actually and I do make a living off it. I have no problems paying models for projects, I just get tired of these unknown models with no credits charing rates experience models who have done some real work charge.

woah woah woah..i just read your profile..2 whole years..and no credits and you expect to be paid..."hello pot"

Dec 25 06 06:06 pm Link