Forums > Hair, Makeup & Styling > I am going to scream !!!!

Makeup Artist

MP Make-up Artistry

Posts: 5105

Prince George, British Columbia, Canada

I recently got "hired" to do make-up for a  fashion show , then they asked me if I was wanting to "key" the show. I thought cool this will work I have done this before. I am NOT getting paied to do this show , it's a really big trade show so the exposure will be worth it hopefully in the end. Initually they wanted just natural make-up and "girly hair" curls and some braiding . They approched me to do this show , they found me and sent me e-mails and called me up to see if I wanted to work on this show for them. Now they want 5 differnt looks on 25 girls (ish)and the make-up now is very intense , the hair will be differnt on each girl, the director of the show e-mailed me yesterday asking perhaps I could do some air brushing , tatoo's and supply gems to put on thier faces. So I e-mailed her back and let her know that I don't have an air brush system as of right now and what kinda tatoo's did she want?,I didnt have any and would either have to make some up or go out and buy them. and what kinda gems would she want, but i would need to be reembursed for the things that I don't already have in my kit. ( I was going to go to the dollar store so it wouldnt have cost that much)
I got an e-mail from her with attiude, telling me that she was doing me a favor by letting me do make-up on her models and that she thought my protfolio was limited .(I am kinda pissed mostly about this comment) She told me to "kill the tatoo's and air brush" ok not prob since I didnt have them to begin with. And she freeked about me mentioning that I couldnt afford to go out and purchase things that I would need to buy.
This show is already costing me well over a $100 out of my pocket and I know it will be worth it I hope in the end, but right now she's driving me crazy.
Is it ok that I am a little flustered by the sudden changes and her sudden attitude change. Almost makes me not want to do this show, but I will still do it because I said that I would and my word is my bond smile
I take pride in my work and can't belive some one is talking to me this way since I am doing this job for free.
Any thoughts?

Feb 07 06 03:02 pm Link



Posts: 12295

Seattle, Washington, US

Mandy, you are right to feel frustrated.  I would, however, tune out her negative comments and just go do what you need to do now.  You rock.  smile

Feb 07 06 03:06 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Nadine Make-up Artist

Posts: 62

Düsseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

I can see why you're so pissed. Did she tell you how many makeup artists you would have to work with? It's a lot of work if every model needs a different look

Feb 07 06 03:07 pm Link

Makeup Artist

MP Make-up Artistry

Posts: 5105

Prince George, British Columbia, Canada

thanks Ill smile I guess I just am a little flustered becaue no one has ever treated me with such disrespect . I am kinda broke right now and can't afford to fork over money for another "freebie" job. They arent even giving me a peice from thier collection. every fashion show I have ever worked on has either paied me in money or clothing or supplied all of the make-up products. All i need to bring was my brushes. smile ahh divas smile

Feb 07 06 03:10 pm Link



Posts: 180

Los Angeles, California, US

You sound conflicted with the idea of customers being a real pain in the ass.  I am going through the same thing, and we are not alone.  I guess you have to weigh the options in this one.  Someone is being a punk, so handle it or don't.  But now that you have a commitment and this person is changing things isolate what is wanted, build a relationship with this person, and that you will satisfy requirements but want it in writing.  makes them give you a list and in writing means you have a copy later when they change everything and try to dump on you.  A lot of folks know when they have someone in a bind, they will try to get what they can out of you.  As for the pissy conversation about your portfolio and that nonsense, let them bitch all they want, people will always have an opinion, never fails that the opinion changes after every conversation.

Feb 07 06 03:11 pm Link

Makeup Artist

MP Make-up Artistry

Posts: 5105

Prince George, British Columbia, Canada

Nadine Makeup Artist wrote:
I can see why you're so pissed. Did she tell you how many makeup artists you would have to work with? It's a lot of work if every model needs a different look

yah i have 3 assistants who are all still going to make-up school some have have only been in the school for a couple of weeks. I am kinda scared to see what they can do or not do . I hope they are the best in thier classes. but I am good at leading a team I just hope it will all work out smile and no one leaves crying namely me smile

Feb 07 06 03:12 pm Link

Makeup Artist

User Name Unavailable

Posts: 558

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

If it's "a big show", quote them your day rate and if they don't pay it, then don't do it!! Why should you shell out $$ to do something for them?

Did they pay for the models, location, catering, advertising, etc etc? Probably! So why should you work for free? You are a professional! This isn't your hobby. Its your job. They got paid to organize this. You should get paid for your contributions.

What will you get out of it? If the benefits do not outweigh your costs, then do not do it! Ask to be downgraded to assistant.

Key artists get paid. Period. The end.

Feb 07 06 03:19 pm Link



Posts: 12295

Seattle, Washington, US

Deadly Design Make-up wrote:
...and no one leaves crying namely me smile

Nah, you will be fine.  If they complain too much, just politely explain that the resources were limited and you did all you could.

In the rare case that you need to cry, my cat said you could cry on her, she is a soft, fluffy one.  smile  Open invitation, she said.

Feb 07 06 03:21 pm Link

Makeup Artist

MP Make-up Artistry

Posts: 5105

Prince George, British Columbia, Canada

aww lll thanks smile my fiance said that it will be ok and if I want to back out he said he would call her up and tell her i broke my wrist and couldnt come do the makeup smile I have never cried at a job , well once but thats cuz a large light fell onto my make-up case but that a whole nother story smile

Feb 07 06 03:26 pm Link

Makeup Artist

MP Make-up Artistry

Posts: 5105

Prince George, British Columbia, Canada

Erin Heather wrote:
If it's "a big show", quote them your day rate and if they don't pay it, then don't do it!! Why should you shell out $$ to do something for them?

Did they pay for the models, location, catering, advertising, etc etc? Probably! So why should you work for free? You are a professional! This isn't your hobby. Its your job. They got paid to organize this. You should get paid for your contributions.

What will you get out of it? If the benefits do not outweigh your costs, then do not do it! Ask to be downgraded to assistant.

Key artists get paid. Period. The end.

well as far as i know the modles arent getting payed either , but they might be reciving some of the clothing they wear.  honestly I dont know.

Feb 07 06 03:27 pm Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Is this fashion show worth the trouble?

Is the event getting covered by at least one local newspaper? How about a local television or, radio station? Who is the clothing designer? Has s/he been showcased on a trade journal of some sort? What IS the exposure? Who will be in the audience? Who are the V.I.P.'s and Guests of honors invited to the show?  Anyone that's noteworthy in the fashion and, or retail industry? Hek...did they even invite anyone from the retail industry?

Basically, if there's none of the above and all that's going to be in the audience are some University students, wanna-be trade show and catalog photographers and the occasional bums still lives at home with mama, drives a GT 5.0 and facades around as Mr. Independent Suave Internet Playa who attends College during the day, damn...I'd pass.

Feb 07 06 03:29 pm Link



Posts: 516

Durham, California, US

She is probably just jealous, dont mind her.  That is probably the point in why she is trying to get you angry so that you give-up and dont do the show and she will be able to do it.  Just ignore her and do what you do best.

Feb 07 06 03:30 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Camera Ready Studios

Posts: 7191

Dallas, Texas, US

I am not sure why you think the show will be good for you.  You're name isn't being advertised anywhere and you won't get usable I am not sure what aspect of the show you think will be good for your career? These get your name out there opportunities NEVER pan out the way you plan...I have never recieved a paying job by getting my name out there in this way.... anyway.....Key artists at shows make good money.  I do them for full rate and my assistants make $300.00 a day.     These shows are very expensive to be a part of.....adding makeup and hair to the list of expenses for the designer is nothing in the grand scheme of things.......You will never work harder in your life then you will on one of these shows

I would never ask someone to work this hard for free, I would question the ethics of someone that would and I wouldnt have anything to do with these people....I am guessing she lost respect for you when you agreed to work free for her and thats why she started to feel superior and entitled. 

I really dont mean to sound harsh, I've been through all this myself and so I know where youre coming from....

You gave your word, and in this business it's important to keep your word but I would draw the line with her now.   "I am giving you my time free. I can only do so much....I need assistants and they need to be paid, if you do not pay my assistants and my kit fee I will have to decline this opportunity and allow another artist to take my place"

Thats what I would do now.  Good luck in what ever you do.

Feb 07 06 03:32 pm Link



Posts: 516

Durham, California, US

Deadly Design Make-up wrote:

well as far as i know the modles arent getting payed either , but they might be reciving some of the clothing they wear.  honestly I dont know.

You are not getting paid and neither are the models?, what kind of fashion show is this?

Feb 07 06 03:32 pm Link


DerekJason photography

Posts: 102

Los Angeles, California, US

Darling read between the lines its going to get bad it very much sounds like your being take advantage of and when you get there its going to get worse wait until you try to get the money back that you put out and it sound like she needs you more then you need her, Is it worth all the stress? these things are a dime a dozen someone else is going to email you and want your services again trust me I am starting to see that its very hard to get make-up artist these days you guys are in demand just don't let anyone push you around when you don't let them do this to you they will respect you but if your getting crapped on walk baby girl its not worth it good luck to you.

Feb 07 06 03:43 pm Link


Elite Imaging

Posts: 347

Oak Ridge, Florida, US

You could also tell her to kiss your ass and go get someone else!

Chances are, she cant get anybody else for that sucker bet and she should be thankful to have you at all.

If your port is so limited and she thinks she's doing you a favor that is bullshit.

These show people love to push people around because they think they are the big wheel and us folks that make them look good are just the hired scum that they think are thier puppets.

Dont ever compromise who you are or your value.

These people always try to lure you in with the "Oh it will be simple scam" and then when they got you hooked they change the game around because they know you are hungry.

Dont tell her to kiss your ass but you tell her that anything outside of your original discussion will have to be paid for and if she cant do that, Just Walk.

If you buckle under to her demands it will not stop there, because your a sucker in her eyes.

Chances are she doesnt give a rats ass about you, your book, or what this project will do for you,,,Just what she needs.

This is a very shark infested industry and for the most part they only give a shit about what they need.  Not all are like  that but most.

I do conventions and shows all the time and the people that call me from NY have never met or talked to me but the images they get from me are worth twice what I charge, and if they get something extra it's because I gave it to them and then they apreciate it.

They pay me my day rate for 2 maybe 3 hrs of easy work and they have about 200 photographers to choose from in my area....Why is that you may ask, It's because they know that you get what you pay for and I give more than they pay for, and I stood my ground from the get go.

Dont ever undersell yourself or allow yourself to be taken advantage of because if you stand your ground you will be around long after all the cheapie/freebee/wannabees.
They will blow away with the first strong wind and the sharks will be left with the bad taste of that rookie freebee job they engineered.

My motto with cheap bastards that dont know the true value of an artists talent is:

Pay me now, or pay me later.

Good luck, and dont be afraid to pass on that screw deal, there are tons of opportunities out there if you treat people how you want to be treated.
And if they dont treat you fair, then walk.

You will find that the older you get the less hungry you get and if you dont act hungry the sharks wont try to prey on you as bad.

With age does come wisdom!

OH, and BTW your work will carry its own easily, dont give it away unless you are getting something in return.

Feb 07 06 03:43 pm Link


Tomi Hawk

Posts: 1649

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Erin Heather wrote:
If it's "a big show", quote them your day rate and if they don't pay it, then don't do it!! Why should you shell out $$ to do something for them?

Did they pay for the models, location, catering, advertising, etc etc? Probably! So why should you work for free? You are a professional! This isn't your hobby. Its your job. They got paid to organize this. You should get paid for your contributions.

What will you get out of it? If the benefits do not outweigh your costs, then do not do it! Ask to be downgraded to assistant.

Key artists get paid. Period. The end.

Short and to the point ! Couldnt have said any better myself! Give um an inch, they take a mile!

And trust me .. they paid HUUUGE $$$$ on promoting this *show* .. newspaper ads, tv, radio .. and whatever else .. let um abuse you once .. and they'll try it again .. not to mention .. *your* name gets around in *their* industry as .. "she did it once .. she'll do it for us again!"


Feb 07 06 03:58 pm Link



Posts: 12295

Seattle, Washington, US

Deadly Design Make-up wrote:
aww lll thanks smile my fiance said that it will be ok and if I want to back out he said he would call her up and tell her i broke my wrist and couldnt come do the makeup smile I have never cried at a job , well once but thats cuz a large light fell onto my make-up case but that a whole nother story smile

Good, he is a keeper!  BUT, there is no need to lie, and don't.

Mary is right (Mary, could you just give me ONE chance to disagree with you?).  And you are getting great advice from others, too.  You rock.  Don't undersell yourself.  smile

Now go back and negotiate.  Or walk...

Feb 07 06 04:01 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Camera Ready Studios

Posts: 7191

Dallas, Texas, US

one more thing I would like to add.....

If anyone utters the words to you  "I know people"  "I can hook you up"  "this could lead to great opportunities"  "this job will be great exposure for you"  "this job will lead to future paid jobs....

RUN RUN RUN LIKE HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   

People that dont have money to pay or won't let go of the money to pay their help properly.... thery dont know people that have money to pay you in the future, have zero power to do anything for you  and hold no clout whatsoever in the industry.    If they cant scrounge up money to pay the people that work for them, it would be silly to think they have any pull in this industry...They are bottom feeders and everyone around them knows it.....people want nothing to do with them and in turn will want nothing to do with you. DONT ASSOCIATE WITH BOTTOM FEEDERS!!!!!

Feb 07 06 05:25 pm Link



Posts: 619

Lawrence, Kansas, US

Mary wrote:
one more thing I would like to add.....

If anyone utters the words to you  "I know people"  "I can hook you up"  "this could lead to great opportunities"  "this job will be great exposure for you"  "this job will lead to future paid jobs....

RUN RUN RUN LIKE HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   

People that dont have money to pay or won't let go of the money to pay their help properly.... thery dont know people that have money to pay you in the future, have zero power to do anything for you  and hold no clout whatsoever in the industry.    If they cant scrounge up money to pay the people that work for them, it would be silly to think they have any pull in this industry...They are bottom feeders and everyone around them knows it.....people want nothing to do with them and in turn will want nothing to do with you. DONT ASSOCIATE WITH BOTTOM FEEDERS!!!!!

I think this should be posted where everyone in the industry can read it!  Some of the best advice I've ever read.  And to the OP:  Don't let some mean ol' bag get you down, your work rocks and you should be getting paid for such a huge project.

Feb 07 06 05:43 pm Link



Posts: 2

Yuba City, California, US

I don't know you...

but just do what you do girl...Keep your chin up...Don't listen to what anyone says...

And You'll do a kiss ass job....

Good luck...

Much Love...

Feb 07 06 05:48 pm Link


Elite Imaging

Posts: 347

Oak Ridge, Florida, US

Nikki_Mae wrote:
I don't know you...

but just do what you do girl...Keep your chin up...Don't listen to what anyone says...

And You'll do a kiss ass job....

Good luck...

Much Love...

Sounds like Great advice,
She'll do a kiss ass job??????
Thats Retarded
I think you been in the hairspray again.


Feb 07 06 05:56 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 3791

Los Angeles, California, US

I totally understand your frustration-
Some clients really do not understand the amount of work goes into something like that. And 4 people doing 25 hair/MU is quite a bit of labour for free. How many hours of work total would that be?
Lets say you guys are speed demons and can do Hair/MU 1 hr each- thats 6.5 hrs of nonstop work!!!!

Like you have a majic wand or something!

Is she even offering to feed you?

And then to give you are doing her the favor- you are doing this for free.
Like Mary said. Nothing really is gonna come out of it other than callouses (sp?)

If it was a real show you would be getting payed.

Feb 07 06 06:06 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 3791

Los Angeles, California, US

OMG!!!! I just read carfully!

5 looks on 25 girls!!!!!!!!??
Thats 60 makeup applications!

Better get started now if you want the models ready in time for the show!
Its next month?

Girl--- these people dont know what they are doing- obviously they have never done shows before or they would know what they are asking isnt humanly possible.

Feb 07 06 06:16 pm Link

Makeup Artist

MP Make-up Artistry

Posts: 5105

Prince George, British Columbia, Canada

Thank you everyone your words mean so much to me . I was just re reading the e-mail from this "lady " who "hired" me and intitually it seamed like this was a charity event  and that probably why I said yes in the begining. We have been in talks about this show for over a month and within the last 24 hrs things got "real" I guess her insulting my work has really gotten to me the most.
Mary I love what you say and I totally appreciate the time you took to tell me. I needed those words.
I know people take advantage of every little thing you give them and I am not being taken advantage any more.
I am going to send her an e-mail , becuae she wont give me her phone # , hey is that weird too? I have her assistants phone # but not hers ?

She said that she was a make-up artist and has worked in the industry since 1988 and I should be aware that doing free stuff comes with the my question is why isnt she doing the make -up ? ohh my gosh its all so clear now I am her pawn. sad
Not any more....

Feb 07 06 06:19 pm Link

Makeup Artist

MP Make-up Artistry

Posts: 5105

Prince George, British Columbia, Canada

Roshar wrote:
OMG!!!! I just read carfully!

5 looks on 25 girls!!!!!!!!??
Thats 60 makeup applications!

Better get started now if you want the models ready in time for the show!
Its next month?

Girl--- these people dont know what they are doing- obviously they have never done shows before or they would know what they are asking isnt humanly possible.

Sorry its actually 5 groups of 5 girls ( 25 girls in total) but 5 differnt looks
but its still going to be tight with only 4 make-up people , i asked for a 5th but they said 4 should be enough then I found out that the other 3 make-up poeple have never done a fashion show, are still in school and go to one of the worst schools in the city. ahhh this is going to be bad isnt it smile

Feb 07 06 06:22 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Camera Ready Studios

Posts: 7191

Dallas, Texas, US

Nikki_Mae wrote:
I don't know you...

but just do what you do girl...Keep your chin up...Don't listen to what anyone says...

And You'll do a kiss ass job....

Good luck...

Much Love...

Dont listen to what anyone says????  why would she do that when she came here looking for advice.....

I have to agree with Elite.....put the hairspray down!  LOL!

Feb 07 06 06:22 pm Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

KatieK wrote:

I think this should be posted where everyone in the industry can read it!  Some of the best advice I've ever read.  And to the OP:  Don't let some mean ol' bag get you down, your work rocks and you should be getting paid for such a huge project.

I agree
I agree
I agree..

In the whole "expose/tfp" bullshit we go through, I feel there's just no way in HELL a make up artist or stylist of any kind should be doing work for free with strangers.

Feb 07 06 06:25 pm Link


Ron B Blake

Posts: 497

Macomb, Illinois, US

Scream ..............

Thats Hot screams are in smile

Ron Blake

Feb 07 06 06:25 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 3791

Los Angeles, California, US

Deadly Design Make-up wrote:
i asked for a 5th but they said 4 should be enough

Ummm...if you are the key shouldnt it be YOU who determins if 4 is enough?
They should have no say if they want this to be successful......

She has NOT done makeup for anything like this or she would know that you need more help!

You need 10 artists to correctly pull this off!

Feb 07 06 06:26 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Nadine Make-up Artist

Posts: 62

Düsseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Deadly Design Make-up wrote:

Sorry its actually 5 groups of 5 girls ( 25 girls in total) but 5 differnt looks
but its still going to be tight with only 4 make-up people , i asked for a 5th but they said 4 should be enough then I found out that the other 3 make-up poeple have never done a fashion show, are still in school and go to one of the worst schools in the city. ahhh this is going to be bad isnt it smile

I would really not do it. It doesn't help you and just freaks you out. Maybe when they can't find anyone else for it, they will be coming back to you and are willing to pay for it! and if not, go to the show and check out how everyone looks ;-)

Feb 07 06 06:27 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 3791

Los Angeles, California, US

Sorry Deadly but you are getting ROYALLY SCREWED by this woman!

Feb 07 06 06:29 pm Link

Makeup Artist

MP Make-up Artistry

Posts: 5105

Prince George, British Columbia, Canada

Roshar wrote:
Sorry Deadly but you are getting ROYALLY SCREWED by this woman!

yah i think I am but I dont have to if I politly decline the offer to "work for her"

Feb 07 06 06:33 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 3791

Los Angeles, California, US

Decline! Decline!! Now as we type!! Decline like youve never declined before!

Feb 07 06 06:35 pm Link

Makeup Artist

MP Make-up Artistry

Posts: 5105

Prince George, British Columbia, Canada

I will let you know how it goes smile

Feb 07 06 06:41 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Mark Schmudde

Posts: 117

New Lenox, Illinois, US

You mentioned that you have four "assistants" that are all still in school.  You also mentioned that they don't have a whole lot of experience.  I have had it before where someone "gave" me an assistant for a big project for a movie.  He also didn't have a lot of experience.  We were doing HUGE injury simulation from head to toe.  I ended up having to go back and fix everything that he did AND still do everything I needed.  So basically it almost doubled my work.  I am guessing the same will happen for you.  Except in you case you have a lot more to deal with.  I understand wanting to do a big project like this.  I would think with everything you need to do, you would need to get SOMETHING out of it.  So far, from what I have read, SCREWED is what you seem to be getting.  I'll be interested to hear what ends up happening.  Good luck.

Feb 07 06 07:13 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 3791

Los Angeles, California, US

Is the benifit for Arthritis?
Maybe shes trying to give you some so you can give money to the charity.

Feb 07 06 07:27 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Tracey Masterson

Posts: 553

Shelton, Connecticut, US

Deadly, let us know how this all worked out for you.
I feel for you, girl.

Feb 07 06 08:06 pm Link

Makeup Artist

MP Make-up Artistry

Posts: 5105

Prince George, British Columbia, Canada

well she just called me . wow no assistan phone calls .
She wanted to "clear the air" as she put it. I mentioned that I choose projects carefuly and am feeling a little "underapreciated" I also mentioned that their company asked me to be a part of this project. She then whent off about how doing things for free is what is done in the first couple of years in the buisness. I then mentioned that even in the 1st couple of months while I was still in school I go paied some way while doing fashion shows weather it was in clothing or cash.  She told me that she never had this experiance untill she worked in the biz for over 5 years. I had to bight my toung not to insult her. I have never seen her portfolio nor was I refenced to anthing she has ever done.
I did however let her know that I didnt appeciate the insults about my portfolio , which I am very proud of. 
She said that she was under alot of stress, I mentioned that insulting people who were "helping" her out isnt such a good thing. apparently she has brought on 3 more assistants from the same make-up school so I will have 6 in total. I am sure that I will be running around fixing stuff all day while we get them ready for the show. I talked to her about what exactly she wanted the "looks" to be like. I think I have convinced her that even though the clothing looks differnts something should "tie" these out fits together. so it looks like one designers collection and not one collection with 5 designers. she agreed and we settled on simply curling the hair and having some sort of "braid" incorpurated into the look. The make up will also be more natural and so less work smile no crazy tatoo's , face painting or sparkely bits. I mentioned that maybe a little glitter would be fun as this is a theam throughout her collection. So I think there will be some elemnt of "sparkel" on thier faces. I think that it's going to be ok, she is giving me a purse from the collection, suddenly it dawned on her that it's nice to get something instead of nothing. the bags in her collection are super and I think thats ok, but I am definatly not using any "special" or expensive make-up on any of the models. I have also requested that either she or the models bring their own eyelashes, I have also e-mailed all of the models and asked them to bring thier own foundations, so far half have e-mailed me back with an "ok no prob" so at least I can save my foundations for another job, one that pays. smile
And this is a lesson learned never do anything like this again.
I think I am mostly doing this so the new make-up artist lear from this and have a good time and not go crazy because i am not there to lead them . I dont like it when someone says one thing and does another. So i can't just walk away , this time. smile

Feb 07 06 08:53 pm Link



Posts: 12295

Seattle, Washington, US

Mandy, gracefully managed.  I think this result is good (but let's wait until your "after show" report!).

You rock!  smile

Feb 07 06 09:06 pm Link