Forums > Hair, Makeup & Styling > I am going to scream !!!!

Makeup Artist

MP Make-up Artistry

Posts: 5105

Prince George, British Columbia, Canada

Totally this is a two day show so i get to do 2  fashion shows , so I will keep you all posted with the results and i will let you know if I made any contacts , that are paying smile hehehehe This may or may not be a great experiance but at least I am sure of this i will learn something smile ..Mandy

Feb 07 06 09:25 pm Link



Posts: 796

glad you stood your ground gracefully... and fyi, everyone has something to barter...

Feb 07 06 09:32 pm Link


Doug Harvey

Posts: 1055

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Good or bad for the conversation...Here goes.

When you are dealing with industry people like this, you will find that you are going to get eaten alive and spit out to the wolves. Sorry, that is just the way that it goes. The frustration level at the show will be some of the toughest that you have ever delt with and the rewards - if any - and going to be nill.

In the years that I've been doing this, I have seen PA's to 2nd AD's get eaten and spit out.

If you do plan on going through with this, quote them a day rate - as others have said - and stick very firm to what you will and will not do. This is the only way that you will be able to put the director of the show at bay.

Good luck in which ever direction you go.

Feb 07 06 10:09 pm Link


J Merrill Images

Posts: 1412

Harvey, Illinois, US

It sounds like you have decided to do this so I will wish you all the best. One thought that I have for the future, however, is that it is very easy to become viewed as being only as good as the last thing that you did. When you let people run you around and start making unreasonable demands, you increase the chances of damaging your good reputation by accepting conditions in which no one could succeed. All to often, the people that are making those demands have no clue as to just how unreasonable they are being and when things don't go well, they make damn sure they don't take the heat for it. Stand up for yourself, make sure you get what you need to do the job well and them blow then all away at how good you are!

Feb 07 06 10:25 pm Link

Makeup Artist

MP Make-up Artistry

Posts: 5105

Prince George, British Columbia, Canada

Ohh don't you worry about me , I let her know that the first one's free after that my day rate will kick in. She told me that she would recomend me to all of her "connections" i mentioned that when she does that , and how nice it was that she does that ( in my sweetest sappy voice) , to let them know that I do require payment for thier upcomming projects. smile
I have some big gunns and i'm sticking to them. (ohh god that came out wrong smile )

Feb 07 06 11:18 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 3510

Los Angeles, California, US

i dont know that lady seems like a shyster.

i have dealt with people like that before, and they have done absoltely NOTHING for my career, and if she has been in the "biz" as long as she has, she should have enough respect for paying the stylists.

like I said in my previous post, all my paying clients started off paying and if they didnt they were exceptionally greatful and bought me lunch and really made an effort to hook me up with other jobs.

this lady is NOT paying you and she is not greatful.

i wish you the best of luck, but i fear this will be one of those learning experiences.

Feb 08 06 11:24 am Link


Elite Imaging

Posts: 347

Oak Ridge, Florida, US

Go for girl and keep a level head, you will have fun and make sure your not too busy to network while you are there.

I have found that as the old saying goes, Try to make lemonaid if all you got is lemons.

Sometimes when I do an event and the profitability is marginal I hand out cards to all that I meet that are possibly in need of my services.

Sometimes the back end can be very nice,,,No pun intended.

Make sure you have a handfull of your cards with everything spelled correctly and professionally done. Dont hand out some cheesey printed yourself cards.

First impression is the last impression.

Good Luck Kiddo

Feb 08 06 02:41 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

Miss Anthropy

Posts: 223

Portland, Oregon, US

It sounds to me like the woman who engaged you DOESN'T in fact have a lot of experience as she claims. With all the fancyness and multiple hair changes it sounds to me like a case of someone who's fairly new getting too big for their britches and wanting to go big for their first big show. It's easy to underestimate how big a job that is if you don't actually have to do it. I would suggest, if you haven't  thought of this already to do as much advance work as possible in terms of planning and sketching things out, and delegating the easier stuff to the assistants to minimize the amount of time you have to spend fixing thier work.

Just my two cents.

Feb 08 06 03:04 pm Link


Stephanie Britt

Posts: 1

Decatur, Alabama, US

Deadly Design Make-up wrote:
I recently got "hired" to do make-up for a  fashion show , then they asked me if I was wanting to "key" the show. I thought cool this will work I have done this before. I am NOT getting paied to do this show , it's a really big trade show so the exposure will be worth it hopefully in the end. Initually they wanted just natural make-up and "girly hair" curls and some braiding . They approched me to do this show , they found me and sent me e-mails and called me up to see if I wanted to work on this show for them. Now they want 5 differnt looks on 25 girls (ish)and the make-up now is very intense , the hair will be differnt on each girl, the director of the show e-mailed me yesterday asking perhaps I could do some air brushing , tatoo's and supply gems to put on thier faces. So I e-mailed her back and let her know that I don't have an air brush system as of right now and what kinda tatoo's did she want?,I didnt have any and would either have to make some up or go out and buy them. and what kinda gems would she want, but i would need to be reembursed for the things that I don't already have in my kit. ( I was going to go to the dollar store so it wouldnt have cost that much)
I got an e-mail from her with attiude, telling me that she was doing me a favor by letting me do make-up on her models and that she thought my protfolio was limited .(I am kinda pissed mostly about this comment) She told me to "kill the tatoo's and air brush" ok not prob since I didnt have them to begin with. And she freeked about me mentioning that I couldnt afford to go out and purchase things that I would need to buy.
This show is already costing me well over a $100 out of my pocket and I know it will be worth it I hope in the end, but right now she's driving me crazy.
Is it ok that I am a little flustered by the sudden changes and her sudden attitude change. Almost makes me not want to do this show, but I will still do it because I said that I would and my word is my bond smile
I take pride in my work and can't belive some one is talking to me this way since I am doing this job for free.
Any thoughts?

sounds to me like what she wanted has all of a sudden changed I would tell her that you were doing the show for free on what you had discussed previously with her but that If she wanted more than that she would have to pay for it. It's hard to find great makeup artists especially ones that can do all that so she would more than likely have to pay someone else anyway I say she is taking advantage of the fact you weren't charging her

Feb 08 06 03:08 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 173

Los Angeles, California, US

be careful to avoid setting a "works for free" name for yourself........

I can NOT imagine why you are doing this........

Your portfolio is so much better than this nonsense........

My day rate for a fashion show is 1200 for one look for 12 models PERIOD......

We negotiate up from there.............

Even when I was a "beginner" i was getting paid 150 to cover my costs plus meals drinks etc.

ANY show that doesn't budget for it's crew is nothing but an ameteur production.........

Bless you for doing it .........May your hopes of this being good for your career pan out!


Feb 08 06 08:35 pm Link

Makeup Artist

MP Make-up Artistry

Posts: 5105

Prince George, British Columbia, Canada

benson wrote:
be careful to avoid setting a "works for free" name for yourself........

I can NOT imagine why you are doing this........

Your portfolio is so much better than this nonsense........

My day rate for a fashion show is 1200 for one look for 12 models PERIOD......

We negotiate up from there.............

Even when I was a "beginner" i was getting paid 150 to cover my costs plus meals drinks etc.

ANY show that doesn't budget for it's crew is nothing but an ameteur production.........

Bless you for doing it .........May your hopes of this being good for your career pan out!


Thanks The more and more I think about thisshow the more I kinda freek out . The main problem is I know I can do this , but I just want a touch more respect from the lady in charge. she sent me an e-mail today and couldn't even be bothered to write out my whole name in the e-mail, it was ... hello M, .......
My name is Mandy nothing crazy or hard to spell. What the hell am I doing .

Feb 08 06 10:44 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

Dave the design student

Posts: 45198

Detroit, Michigan, US

Tell the show director what you told the stylist group in your opening statement...

Communication is usually lowest on the priority list of relationships and clarifies two-thirds of most creative disputes, the othe third is left to people who just do not care, or are insensitive.

One perspective is that the show is work and labor is not generally fun, yes even labors of love; on the other side of the situation, you are working as a favor and if it's not fun something is amiss.

Of course everything I stated is a generalization and noted with broad strokes, but there is some basic form of truth contained within...

Feb 08 06 11:08 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Camera Ready Studios

Posts: 7191

Dallas, Texas, US

If you want respect Mandy you have to demand it, thats how it is in this business anyway.

You demand respect first of all  by the rate you charge...thats how they know what you're worth to begin demand it by the way that you act...head high, look her right in the eye and learn to mouth the words "NO" while you smile.  I would practice this, you will be doing it a lot at the show. 

Correct her when she calls you anything other then your name.  Correct her when she treats you like anything other then a professional.  You have to train people how to treat you, thats a fact.

Feb 08 06 11:18 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

Ivy Lam StylingMUA

Posts: 17

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

i recently did a fashion show, there were 18 girls me and another mua, then the other mua decides to leave early, I didnt eat all day, worked for free, and did another photoshoot before, and then rushed to their stupid show,

in the end I didint get a thank you nor my name in the credits....god their models would have been so ugly if i wasnt there to do makeup...they werent exactly hiring "real" models...they were so and so's friend or sister..

whats with these fashion show organizers? can't they show some apreciation...i was so upset i cried all night...cant believe I worked so hard for them.....

we learned our lesson;(

Feb 09 06 01:43 am Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

Ivy Lam StylingMUA wrote:
i recently did a fashion show, there were 18 girls me and another mua, then the other mua decides to leave early, I didnt eat all day, worked for free, and did another photoshoot before, and then rushed to their stupid show,

Did they hold it at a church or banquet hall? lol

Feb 09 06 09:15 am Link


Kevin Canada

Posts: 8

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Every time I do someone a favor it comes back and bites me in the ass!
No matter how good you are or long long you have been doing good work if they get it for free they treat you like shit. I do not know why but most every time it is the same. I would tell them to take a hike.

On the plus side if not for your post I would not have gone to your page and seen your work.
Next time I am in Vancouver I will give you a call to do work for me.
And I do pay for good work.
Good luck with the show if you do it.
And send me your rates. I work in Vancouver 3 or 4 times a year.

Feb 10 06 06:33 am Link

Makeup Artist

MP Make-up Artistry

Posts: 5105

Prince George, British Columbia, Canada

kevin-canada wrote:
Every time I do someone a favor it comes back and bites me in the ass!
No matter how good you are or long long you have been doing good work if they get it for free they treat you like shit. I do not know why but most every time it is the same. I would tell them to take a hike.

On the plus side if not for your post I would not have gone to your page and seen your work.
Next time I am in Vancouver I will give you a call to do work for me.
And I do pay for good work.
Good luck with the show if you do it.
And send me your rates. I work in Vancouver 3 or 4 times a year.

Well thanks Kevin from Canda smile I appreciate you words and look forward to hearing from you when you come to Vancouver. smile
See something good has come out of this "show" smile AHHH Karma, gotta love it smile

Feb 10 06 10:53 am Link

Makeup Artist

Olga S.

Posts: 23

New York, New York, US

WOAH! This chick is buggin!!!

She contacted you and you are working for free... so you are doing her the favor. She is taking advantage of you and thats not right. I would insist a kit fee now that she made all these changes... You agreed to work for free for something different! If she can change the game so can you. She is showing you no respect. If she didn't like your "limited" work, she wouldn't have approached you. So, stand by your talent and know your worth. There will be other shows!!!

Feb 11 06 01:51 pm Link

Makeup Artist

J C Makeup

Posts: 465

New York, New York, US

Make sure to tell her you want some decent pics!!  I  did a fashion show once (for free) and it was so unprofessional.  The clothes were mediocre, it was at someone's house, and the cd of pics I got back was so useless I didnt even bother asking her for prints.  Ugh. I learned my lesson on that one.  Good luck with yours though and I can't wait to know how it turns out!

Feb 11 06 04:18 pm Link

Makeup Artist

MP Make-up Artistry

Posts: 5105

Prince George, British Columbia, Canada

ok so i just got back from the "show" and this being day one of a two day "show" I am glad that it is over for today. it actually turned out not half bad. I talked with the "lady in charge" and I basically told her that "this is what I am going to do" and i did it. She was so stressed out and freeking at everyone I was almost hopeing she would bug out on me so i could walk. But she actually thanked me like 100 times, kind unsencier but thanked me non the less.
There want any outlets to "plug into" for my hot tools so i told her I would have to Vito the curls she wanted , I do have coardless ones but didnt want to waste the butane. smile So basically me and my & 2 assistants back brushed the hell out of the modles hair , created some wicket "big hair doo's" and some funky 80's inspired make-up ,and we managed to pull it off. I arrived fairly early and so did some of the models so i was able to start a little sooner than normal and we didnt have a problem getting them all done.
Unfourtunatly  the "models" didnt have a long run way and they basically ran down and back and came of stage. smile
then at the end "the lady in charge" wanted me and my make-up team to come on stage too but one problem no room for us and we just stood like a couple of "dorks" at the back i am sure people were like "who are they" "all dressed in balck and myisterious"
But I am glad that today is over and tomorrow will be better.
We only had 2 premadonna's one took off and we couldnt find her untill the music for the show started, and an other wanted her hair changed twice, but we didnt have the time , i lold her we'd fix it if we had time, but sorry honey NO time. And it looked great so what ever...
Stay tooned for tomorrows report. smile
"will Mandy get some clothing out of this deal???"
"will get some paid gigs from this show??? "  " what did she learn"smile
Ohh and hers another "kicker" about the woman running the fashion show in the promo letter given out to every person that came into the convention show my name said "Mandy Moore" , ok For starters thats not my last name and I only go by Mandy of Deadly Design Make-up Artistry. you'd think some one would have questioned the name , but hay maybe people will think " yah i have heard of her" you know the way people do even when they are wrong smile

Feb 11 06 10:07 pm Link