Brittany Jamie Johnson

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Copyright: Photography by Edge
Uploaded: May 27, 2012
Credits:Joe Diamond (Digital Artist)
Performing Light (Photographer)
Lists:William Browning's Redhead Wish List


October 14, 2012 10:59pm
'DigitalDreams', I've seen numerous renditions of 'Jessica Rabbit'. This, I must say; has to be one of the most 'Realistic, Ambitious & Authentic' portrayals I've seen yet. The digital manipulation is quite brilliant. Indeed, this is the perfect melding of 'Animation & Reality'. In fact: Most of your viewers will be hard pressed to determine where reality ends and animation begins? I'm so utterly absorbed in the beauty of it all; it doesn't matter. All I wanna know is when is 'Jessica' performing again or should I inquire? When will 'Brittany Jamie Johnson' be touring the great 'Pacific Northwest'? Surely she's heard of Seattle, WA? After all; I know 'Who Framed Roger Rabbit'. Given the proper circumstances; I might even tell her...?

Jessica Lorraine Z

June 14, 2012 8:30am
Awesome-sauce :D

dave dennison

May 29, 2012 12:24am
wow epic!

k allison

May 27, 2012 5:25pm
This is absolutely amazing. I love it!

Performing Light

May 27, 2012 5:12pm
1/2 Brittany 1/2 Jessica Rabbit BEAUTIFUL!