shutterblade - Ramiza, Hair by Sam Wuest, makeup by me

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Caption: Ramiza, Hair by Sam Wuest, makeup by me
Likes: 0
Location: indiana
Copyright: shuttebrlade
Uploaded: Jan 09, 2012
Credits:Haus of Allilamodie (Clothing Designer)
Amethyst Amaranth (Model)


March 09, 2020 1:22pm
Hi, since as of right now, I don't have a VIP membership and am not on your friends list, I wasn't able to send you a direct message. Hopefully this method is alright. My name is Sarah, I've been a freelance avant-garde/goth model for about 14 years now. I would really like to have the opportunity of working with you sometime, if you're interested. You have a really amazing portfolio. Please feel free to contact me anytime. Thanks!